The aim of this study was to investigate these residents’ levels of earthquake risk perception and preparedness following the disastrous earthquake event on 6 February 2023 near Kahramanmaraş in Türkiye. The study involved a cross-sectional descriptive design. A sample of convenience comprising 411 residents of areas not impacted directly by the 6 February 2023 earthquakes completed an online survey over a three-month period March to May 2023. There was no indication of notably elevated levels of earthquake risk perception among those residents surveyed overall. Levels of physical, or material, preparedness for earthquakes were lower than desirable. Earthquake risk perception was negatively, though weakly, related to both physical and psychological preparedness. Physical preparedness was strongly and positively correlated with psychological preparedness. Having (a)past earthquake experience (b)read or viewed earthquake safety material, (c)attended earthquake safety meetings and (d)work experience related to emergencies were all associated with significantly higher levels of residents’ preparedness. Although the information was collected a short time after a disastrous earthquake event when overall levels of community awareness of the danger posed by earthquakes were likely to be high, the findings about the levels of a possible earthquake preparedness were not satisfactory. Possible implications for improving community earthquake preparedness are discussed.
AFAD (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) (2018). Disaster Management and Natural Disaster Statistics in Turkey. Retrieved August 13, 2023 fromürkiye_de_afetler.pdf
Boylan, J.L., & Lawrence, C. (2020). What does it mean to psychologically prepare for a disaster? A systematic review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 45.
Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological bulletin, 112(1), 155–159.
Dascı Sonmez, E., & Gokmenoglu, T. (2023). Understanding the teachers' disaster preparedness beliefs. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 85:103511.
Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (n.d.), (Date of access: 02.08.2023).
Every, D., McLennan, J., Reynolds, A., & Trigg, J. (2019). Australian householders' psychological preparedness for potential natural hazard threats: An exploration of contributing factors. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 38:101203
Evran, M., Eryaman, E., Gogebakan, M.Y., Ayar, H., Mutlu, M., Gogus, E., & Çatak, B. (2019). The earthquake preparedness status of Kafkas University faculty members. Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine 2(2), 53-57.
Glanz, K., Rimer, B.K., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Gün Çınğı, T., & Yazgan, Ç.Ü. (2022). Examination of risk perception, fear and preparedness of individuals experiencing earthquakes. Journal of Disaster and Risk 5(2), 656-668.
Güngörmüş, Z., Karabulutlu, E.Y., & Yıldız, E. (2010). Determining the knowledge and behavior of the individuals about earthquake preparedness at home in Turkey. HealthMED, 6(1), 232-237.
Hall, A., McLennan, J., Marques, M., & Bearman, C. (2022). Conceptualising and measuring householder bushfire (wildfire) risk perception: the Householder Bushfire Risk Perception Scale (HBRPS-4). International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102667.’j.ijdrr.2021.102667
Inal, E., Altintas, K.H., & Dogan, N. (2018). The development of a general disaster preparedness belief scale using the Health Belief Model as a theoretical framework. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5(1), 146-158. DOI: 10.21449/ijate.366825
Inal, E., Altıntaş, K.H., & Doğan, N. (2019). General disaster preparedness beliefs and related sociodemographic characteristics: the example of Yalova University, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Public Health, 17(1), 1-15.
Joffe, H., Rossetto, T., Solberg, C., & O'Connor, C. (2013). Social representations of earthquakes: a study of people living in three highly seismic areas. Earthquake Spectra, 29(2), 367-397. doi:10.1193/1.4000138
Karanci, N.A., Aksit, B., & Dirik, G. (2005). Impact of a community disaster awareness training program in Turkey: does it influence hazard related cognitions and preparedness behaviors? Social Behavior and Personality, 33(3), 243–258.
Kasapoglu, A., & Ecevit, M. (2004). Comparative behavioral response to future earthquakes: the cases of Turkey and USA. Social Behavior and Personality, 32(4), 373-382.
Koksal, K., McLennan, J., Every, D., & Bearman, C. (2019). Australian wildland-urban interface householders’ wildfire safety preparations: ‘Everyday life’ project priorities and perceptions of wildfire risk. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 33, 142-154.
Kundak, S., Türkoğlu, H., & İlki, A. (2014). Risk perception in Istanbul: an earthquake-prone city. A| Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture Istanbul Technical University, 11(1), 117-137. Retrieved August 1, 2023 from
Kuterdem, K., Nurlu, M., Tekin, B.M., & Erbay, S. (2013). National framework in order to reduce earthquakes by multi-stakeholder participation in Turkey: national earthquake strategy and action plan of Turkey (UDSEP-2023). Retrieved August 10, 2023 from
Lechowska, E. (2018). What determines flood risk perception? A review of factors of flood risk perception and relations between its basic elements. Natural Hazards, 94(3), 1341-1366.
Malkina-Pykh, I.G., & Pykh, Y.A. (2015). Evaluating psychological preparedness for the threat and impacts of climate change disasters and its change after intervention: an integrated modelling approach. Disaster Management and Human Health Risk IV: WIT transactions on the built environment, 150, 259-270. Retrieved August 20, 2023 from
McLennan, J., Marques, M., & Every, D. (2020). Conceptualising and measuring psychological preparedness for disasters. Natural Hazards, 101, 297-307. doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-03866-4
Morrissey, S., & Reser, J. (2003). Evaluating the effectiveness of psychological preparedness advice in community cyclone preparedness materials. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 18(2), 46-61.
Mızrak, S., Özdemir, A., & Aslan, R. (2021). Adaptation of hurricane risk perception scale to earthquake risk perception and determining the factors affecting women's earthquake risk perception. Natural Hazards, 109(3), 2241-2259.
Mulilis, J.P., Duval, T.S., & Lippa, R. (1990). The effects of a large destructive local earthquake on earthquake preparedness as assessed by an earthquake preparedness scale. Natural Hazards, 3, 357-371.
Newman, E., Risch, E., & Kassam-Adams, N. (2006). Ethical issues in trauma-related research: A review. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 1(3), 29-46.
Okazaki, K., Ilki, A., Ahmad, N., Kandel, R.C., & Rahayu, H. (2008). Seismic risk perception of people for safer housing. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China.
Oral, M., Yenel, A., Oral, E., Aydin, N., & Tuncay, T. (2015). Earthquake experience and preparedness in Turkey. Disaster Prevention and Management, 4(1), 21-37. DOI 10.1108/DPM-01-2013-0008
Ozdemir, R., Demir, C., & Catak, B. (2021). Faculty members' earthquake preparedness levels and their related factors: a cross-sectional study from a university in a high-risk earthquake zone in Turkey. Journal of Injury and Violence Research, 13(2), 151-160. doi:10.5249/jivr.vo113i2.1513
Ozdemir, O., & Yilmaz, C. (2011). Factors affecting risk mitigation revisited: the case of earthquake in Turkey. Journal of Risk Research, 14(1), 17-46.
Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Legislation Information System (2013). Family Medicine Practice Regulation, Item 3 (p), 25.01. Retrieved August 25, 2023 from
Roudini, J., Khankeh, H.R., & Witruk, E. (2017). Disaster mental health preparedness in the community: a systematic review study. Health Psychology Open, 4(1), 1–12.
Sentuna, B., & Caki, F. (2021). A scale development study in Balıkesir sampling: Disaster Preparedness Scale. Idealkent, 11(31), 1959-1983. DOI: 10.31198/idealkent.728896
Slovic, P. (1987). Perception of risk. Science 236: 4799, 280-285.
Spittal, M.J., Walkey, F.H., McClure, J., Siegert, R.J., & Ballantyne, K.E. (2006). The earthquake readiness scale: the development of a valid and reliable unifactorial measure. Natural Hazards, 39, 15-29.
Statista (2023). Earthquakes with the highest death toll in Turkiye 1914-2023.
Tekeli‐Yeşil, S., Dedeoğlu, N., Braun‐Fahrlaender, C., & Tanner, M. (2010). Factors motivating individuals to take precautionary action for an expected earthquake in Istanbul. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 30(8), 1181-1195.
Tekeli-Yeşil, S., Dedeoğlu, N., Braun-Fahrlaender, C., & Tanner, M. (2001). Earthquake awareness and perception of risk among the residents of Istanbul. Natural Hazards, 59, 427-446.
Trumbo, C.W., Peek, L., Meyer, M.A., Marlatt, H.I., Gruntfest, E., McNoldy, B.D., & Schubert, W.H. (2016). A cognitive‐affective scale for hurricane risk perception. Risk Analysis, 36(12), 2233-2246.
Türkdoğan Görgün, C., Koçak Şen, İ., & McLennan, J. (2023). The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the psychological preparedness for disaster threat scale. Natural Hazards, 118, 331-346.
UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (2012). Earthquake reality in Turkey and recommendations of the chamber of mechanical Engineers of UCTEA: Chamber report 2012. Retrieved May 10, 2023 from
Wachinger, G., Renn, O., Begg, C., & Kuhlicke, C. (2013). The risk perception paradox—implications for governance and communication of natural hazards. Risk Analysis, 33(6), 1049-1065.
Yayla, U., & Sahinoz, T. (2020). Preparedness for earthquake: knowledge and behavior. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, 6(11), 46-59.
Yildiz, C.C., & Yildirim, D. (2020). The effects of disaster nursing education program on beliefs in general disaster preparedness, disaster response self-efficacy, and psychological resilience in nursing students: a single-blind, randomized controlled study. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(5), 287-291. DOI: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000001011
Zakour, M.J. (2019). Disasters and mental health. McGee, T. and E. Penning-Rowsell, E., (Ed.s), Handbook of Environmental Hazards and Society, Routledge, 394-407.
Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023
The aim of this study was to investigate these residents’ levels of earthquake risk perception and preparedness following the disastrous earthquake event on 6 February 2023 near Kahramanmaraş in Türkiye. The study involved a cross-sectional descriptive design. A sample of convenience comprising 411 residents of areas not impacted directly by the 6 February 2023 earthquakes completed an online survey over a three-month period March to May 2023. There was no indication of notably elevated levels of earthquake risk perception among those residents surveyed overall. Levels of physical, or material, preparedness for earthquakes were lower than desirable. Earthquake risk perception was negatively, though weakly, related to both physical and psychological preparedness. Physical preparedness was strongly and positively correlated with psychological preparedness. Having (a)past earthquake experience (b)read or viewed earthquake safety material, (c)attended earthquake safety meetings and (d)work experience related to emergencies were all associated with significantly higher levels of residents’ preparedness. Although the information was collected a short time after a disastrous earthquake event when overall levels of community awareness of the danger posed by earthquakes were likely to be high, the findings about the levels of a possible earthquake preparedness were not satisfactory. Possible implications for improving community earthquake preparedness are discussed.
Bu çalışma Giresun Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Sosyal Bilimler Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Arastırmaları Etik Kurulu E-50288587-050.01.04-145465 sayılı kararı ile onaylanmıştır.
AFAD (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) (2018). Disaster Management and Natural Disaster Statistics in Turkey. Retrieved August 13, 2023 fromürkiye_de_afetler.pdf
Boylan, J.L., & Lawrence, C. (2020). What does it mean to psychologically prepare for a disaster? A systematic review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 45.
Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological bulletin, 112(1), 155–159.
Dascı Sonmez, E., & Gokmenoglu, T. (2023). Understanding the teachers' disaster preparedness beliefs. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 85:103511.
Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (n.d.), (Date of access: 02.08.2023).
Every, D., McLennan, J., Reynolds, A., & Trigg, J. (2019). Australian householders' psychological preparedness for potential natural hazard threats: An exploration of contributing factors. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 38:101203
Evran, M., Eryaman, E., Gogebakan, M.Y., Ayar, H., Mutlu, M., Gogus, E., & Çatak, B. (2019). The earthquake preparedness status of Kafkas University faculty members. Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine 2(2), 53-57.
Glanz, K., Rimer, B.K., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Gün Çınğı, T., & Yazgan, Ç.Ü. (2022). Examination of risk perception, fear and preparedness of individuals experiencing earthquakes. Journal of Disaster and Risk 5(2), 656-668.
Güngörmüş, Z., Karabulutlu, E.Y., & Yıldız, E. (2010). Determining the knowledge and behavior of the individuals about earthquake preparedness at home in Turkey. HealthMED, 6(1), 232-237.
Hall, A., McLennan, J., Marques, M., & Bearman, C. (2022). Conceptualising and measuring householder bushfire (wildfire) risk perception: the Householder Bushfire Risk Perception Scale (HBRPS-4). International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102667.’j.ijdrr.2021.102667
Inal, E., Altintas, K.H., & Dogan, N. (2018). The development of a general disaster preparedness belief scale using the Health Belief Model as a theoretical framework. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5(1), 146-158. DOI: 10.21449/ijate.366825
Inal, E., Altıntaş, K.H., & Doğan, N. (2019). General disaster preparedness beliefs and related sociodemographic characteristics: the example of Yalova University, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Public Health, 17(1), 1-15.
Joffe, H., Rossetto, T., Solberg, C., & O'Connor, C. (2013). Social representations of earthquakes: a study of people living in three highly seismic areas. Earthquake Spectra, 29(2), 367-397. doi:10.1193/1.4000138
Karanci, N.A., Aksit, B., & Dirik, G. (2005). Impact of a community disaster awareness training program in Turkey: does it influence hazard related cognitions and preparedness behaviors? Social Behavior and Personality, 33(3), 243–258.
Kasapoglu, A., & Ecevit, M. (2004). Comparative behavioral response to future earthquakes: the cases of Turkey and USA. Social Behavior and Personality, 32(4), 373-382.
Koksal, K., McLennan, J., Every, D., & Bearman, C. (2019). Australian wildland-urban interface householders’ wildfire safety preparations: ‘Everyday life’ project priorities and perceptions of wildfire risk. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 33, 142-154.
Kundak, S., Türkoğlu, H., & İlki, A. (2014). Risk perception in Istanbul: an earthquake-prone city. A| Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture Istanbul Technical University, 11(1), 117-137. Retrieved August 1, 2023 from
Kuterdem, K., Nurlu, M., Tekin, B.M., & Erbay, S. (2013). National framework in order to reduce earthquakes by multi-stakeholder participation in Turkey: national earthquake strategy and action plan of Turkey (UDSEP-2023). Retrieved August 10, 2023 from
Lechowska, E. (2018). What determines flood risk perception? A review of factors of flood risk perception and relations between its basic elements. Natural Hazards, 94(3), 1341-1366.
Malkina-Pykh, I.G., & Pykh, Y.A. (2015). Evaluating psychological preparedness for the threat and impacts of climate change disasters and its change after intervention: an integrated modelling approach. Disaster Management and Human Health Risk IV: WIT transactions on the built environment, 150, 259-270. Retrieved August 20, 2023 from
McLennan, J., Marques, M., & Every, D. (2020). Conceptualising and measuring psychological preparedness for disasters. Natural Hazards, 101, 297-307. doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-03866-4
Morrissey, S., & Reser, J. (2003). Evaluating the effectiveness of psychological preparedness advice in community cyclone preparedness materials. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 18(2), 46-61.
Mızrak, S., Özdemir, A., & Aslan, R. (2021). Adaptation of hurricane risk perception scale to earthquake risk perception and determining the factors affecting women's earthquake risk perception. Natural Hazards, 109(3), 2241-2259.
Mulilis, J.P., Duval, T.S., & Lippa, R. (1990). The effects of a large destructive local earthquake on earthquake preparedness as assessed by an earthquake preparedness scale. Natural Hazards, 3, 357-371.
Newman, E., Risch, E., & Kassam-Adams, N. (2006). Ethical issues in trauma-related research: A review. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 1(3), 29-46.
Okazaki, K., Ilki, A., Ahmad, N., Kandel, R.C., & Rahayu, H. (2008). Seismic risk perception of people for safer housing. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China.
Oral, M., Yenel, A., Oral, E., Aydin, N., & Tuncay, T. (2015). Earthquake experience and preparedness in Turkey. Disaster Prevention and Management, 4(1), 21-37. DOI 10.1108/DPM-01-2013-0008
Ozdemir, R., Demir, C., & Catak, B. (2021). Faculty members' earthquake preparedness levels and their related factors: a cross-sectional study from a university in a high-risk earthquake zone in Turkey. Journal of Injury and Violence Research, 13(2), 151-160. doi:10.5249/jivr.vo113i2.1513
Ozdemir, O., & Yilmaz, C. (2011). Factors affecting risk mitigation revisited: the case of earthquake in Turkey. Journal of Risk Research, 14(1), 17-46.
Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Legislation Information System (2013). Family Medicine Practice Regulation, Item 3 (p), 25.01. Retrieved August 25, 2023 from
Roudini, J., Khankeh, H.R., & Witruk, E. (2017). Disaster mental health preparedness in the community: a systematic review study. Health Psychology Open, 4(1), 1–12.
Sentuna, B., & Caki, F. (2021). A scale development study in Balıkesir sampling: Disaster Preparedness Scale. Idealkent, 11(31), 1959-1983. DOI: 10.31198/idealkent.728896
Slovic, P. (1987). Perception of risk. Science 236: 4799, 280-285.
Spittal, M.J., Walkey, F.H., McClure, J., Siegert, R.J., & Ballantyne, K.E. (2006). The earthquake readiness scale: the development of a valid and reliable unifactorial measure. Natural Hazards, 39, 15-29.
Statista (2023). Earthquakes with the highest death toll in Turkiye 1914-2023.
Tekeli‐Yeşil, S., Dedeoğlu, N., Braun‐Fahrlaender, C., & Tanner, M. (2010). Factors motivating individuals to take precautionary action for an expected earthquake in Istanbul. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 30(8), 1181-1195.
Tekeli-Yeşil, S., Dedeoğlu, N., Braun-Fahrlaender, C., & Tanner, M. (2001). Earthquake awareness and perception of risk among the residents of Istanbul. Natural Hazards, 59, 427-446.
Trumbo, C.W., Peek, L., Meyer, M.A., Marlatt, H.I., Gruntfest, E., McNoldy, B.D., & Schubert, W.H. (2016). A cognitive‐affective scale for hurricane risk perception. Risk Analysis, 36(12), 2233-2246.
Türkdoğan Görgün, C., Koçak Şen, İ., & McLennan, J. (2023). The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the psychological preparedness for disaster threat scale. Natural Hazards, 118, 331-346.
UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (2012). Earthquake reality in Turkey and recommendations of the chamber of mechanical Engineers of UCTEA: Chamber report 2012. Retrieved May 10, 2023 from
Wachinger, G., Renn, O., Begg, C., & Kuhlicke, C. (2013). The risk perception paradox—implications for governance and communication of natural hazards. Risk Analysis, 33(6), 1049-1065.
Yayla, U., & Sahinoz, T. (2020). Preparedness for earthquake: knowledge and behavior. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, 6(11), 46-59.
Yildiz, C.C., & Yildirim, D. (2020). The effects of disaster nursing education program on beliefs in general disaster preparedness, disaster response self-efficacy, and psychological resilience in nursing students: a single-blind, randomized controlled study. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(5), 287-291. DOI: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000001011
Zakour, M.J. (2019). Disasters and mental health. McGee, T. and E. Penning-Rowsell, E., (Ed.s), Handbook of Environmental Hazards and Society, Routledge, 394-407.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.
Birincil Dil
Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Sistemleri (Diğer)
Türkdoğan Görgün, C., & Mclennan, J. (2024). Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023. Afet Ve Risk Dergisi, 7(3), 779-794.
Türkdoğan Görgün C, Mclennan J. Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. Kasım 2024;7(3):779-794. doi:10.35341/afet.1389231
Türkdoğan Görgün, Ceren, ve Jim Mclennan. “Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023”. Afet Ve Risk Dergisi 7, sy. 3 (Kasım 2024): 779-94.
Türkdoğan Görgün C, Mclennan J (01 Kasım 2024) Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023. Afet ve Risk Dergisi 7 3 779–794.
C. Türkdoğan Görgün ve J. Mclennan, “Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023”, Afet ve Risk Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, ss. 779–794, 2024, doi: 10.35341/afet.1389231.
Türkdoğan Görgün, Ceren - Mclennan, Jim. “Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023”. Afet ve Risk Dergisi 7/3 (Kasım 2024), 779-794.
Türkdoğan Görgün C, Mclennan J. Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. 2024;7:779–794.
Türkdoğan Görgün, Ceren ve Jim Mclennan. “Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023”. Afet Ve Risk Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 779-94, doi:10.35341/afet.1389231.
Türkdoğan Görgün C, Mclennan J. Earthquake Risk Perception and Preparedness of a Sample of Residents Following a Major Earthquake in Türkiye in 2023. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. 2024;7(3):779-94.