Writing Rules



• Authors can prepare and submit their manuscripts for the review process in Turkish or English.

• The manuscript should be written with clear and simple sentences.


• The page size should be A4 (210*297mm) standard.

• Manuscripts should be single-spaced and the text should be written in one column.

• Manuscripts should be prepared with the margins of 2 cm on the left and right sides and 2.5 cm on the bottom and top sides of each page.

• Manuscript should not exceed 20 pages, including the references section.

• Paragraphs should be justified.


Manuscript Title

• Manuscript title should be concise and informative and it should convey information about the topic and content of the article.

• The first letters of each word in the title should be written in capital and it should be typed as 14 points Times New Roman-bold and in the middle.

• The title in English should be written in lowercase (except the first letters of each word in the title) and placed after the abstract (in Turkish). It should also be in the middle and typed as 14 points Times New Roman-bold.

Names and Addresses of Authors

• All author names and their addresses are to be listed below the title of the manuscript. Address (affiliation) information should be given without using any abbreviation e.g.; department name, university or organization name, postal (zip) code, city, state/province (if applicable), country.


• Abstract should present the reasons for writing the manuscript, methods, findings and outstanding conclusions concisely and informatively.

• Abstract should be written both in Turkish and English.

• The length of the abstract must be between 100 and 250 words.

• Except standard and conventional abbreviations, use of abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract. In case of abbreviation(s) is needed to be included, please define it in parenthesis where it appears in the text for the first time.

• Both title and the abstract of the manuscript written in Turkish should be translated into English and incase of manuscripts submitted in English, title and the abstract of the manuscript written in English should also be translated into Turkish.


• Keywords should follow the abstract and not be less than 3 and more than 6. 


• The text of the manuscript should be designed in sections as follows; Introduction, Material and Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusions (Conclusions and Suggestions), Acknowledgements (if any), References, Appendices (if any).

• Introduction part should give the nature of the problem under investigation, main objectives of the study and method of approach accompanying relevant references of literature.

• Following sections may review on the theoretical bases of the study, the used and/or suggested methods and/or algorithms, the numerical applications, and the analyses on the provided results.

• Obtained results from the study can be summarized and suggestions can be presented in the Conclusions section.

• The institutions and associations from which the financial supports are provided, personal contacts of the authors who contribute to the manuscript can be acknowledged in the acknowledgements section. Acknowledgements should not be placed in any part of the manuscript as footnotes. Acknowledgements section should be as concise as possible.

• The text of sections should be written with Times New Roman characters in 11 points.

Numbering Sections 

• Titles and subtitles of the sections and subsections should be numerated sequentially in decimal numbers. Section numbering should not exceed three levels. The abstract should not be numbered.

(Example:  1. Introduction,  2. Main Section,  2.1. Subsection,  2.1.1. Subsection )  


• Abbreviations should be defined at the first use in parenthesis following their denotations. 

Mathematical Formulae 

• Variables, vectors and matrices are to be presented in italics. Matrices should be written in capital letter and vectors should be written in lowercase. Both, vectors and matrices should be typed as boldface.

• The equations are to be justified to the left side of the manuscript and numbered sequentially. Equation numbers should be placed next to the corresponding equation and justified to the right margin.

• In case, simple formulae in the line of text are to be inserted, formulae should be provided in text format. (e.g. for division sign; use solidus “/” instead of “–”).

• Equations must be prepared using a commonly available equation editor (e.g. Ms. Word Equation editor, MathType) to allow editing. Equations should not be included in the manuscript in graphical formats. 


• All tables should have table captions. Table caption should be placed above the table, e.g. “Table 1. Table caption”.

• Tables should be referred to in the text as follows:

• The footnotes in the tables should be cited with superscript lowercase letters and the corresponding footnotes should be placed below the table.

• Tables in the manuscript must not be in graphical format. 


• All figures should have figure captions. Figure caption should be placed below the figure, e.g. “Figure 1. Figure caption”.

• Figures at low resolution should be included in the manuscript. Additionally, all figures at least 300dpi resolution should be uploaded as supplementary files to the electronic system of the Journal through the online submission.

• Image title and number should not be placed on images uploaded to the online system. This information should be provided at metadata section during the uploading process. 

Table and Figure Numbering 

• Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially through the text without using any section number.

• Tables and figures in the Appendices sections must be numbered independently from the main text of the manuscript. 


• Colored illustrations, such as figures and tables can be prepared. The colored illustrations are free of charge. Approved final manuscripts in all formats will be published as colored in the Journal. 

Terminology and Units 

• Internationally accepted units and terminology standards are strongly encouraged to be followed. International system of units (SI) is requested to be used.

• If other units are mentioned, their equivalent in SI should be enclosed in parenthesis. 


• To indicate additional information, footnotes can be included. Footnotes on the text should be cited in decimal numbers and formatted as superscript.

• Footnotes as usual should be written at the bottom of the page where the referenced text is placed on. 

Citations and Quotations 

APA 6th - Referencing and Citation Styles is used.