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Çam kozalak emici böceği (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann)’nin karaçam ve sarıçam tohumlarının doluluk ve çimlenmesine etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 29 - 34, 30.06.2021


Karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold) ve Sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.) Türkiye’de geniş yayılış gösteren çam türlerindendir. Her iki türde de bol miktarda dolu tohum bulunması özellikle doğal gençleştirme çalışmaları için temel gerekliliktir. Son yıllarda çam kozalak emici böceği (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann)’nin ibreli ağaç türlerinin kozalaklarını delerek tohumlarına zarar verdiği kaydedilmektedir. İğne şeklindeki ağız yapısıyla kozalak dokusuna iğnesini batırmakta, tohum içerisine sindirim enzimi salgılayarak sıvı hale getirdiği embriyoları sindirim sistemine çekerek beslenmektedir. Bu çalışmada 9 farklı karaçam orijini (Ayvacık, Keles, Akpınar-İzmir, Kayalı-Kırklareli, Kırklareli, Bayındır, Akhisar, Çukurören-Gediz, Gölcük) ve 3 farklı sarıçam orijininden (Dodurga, Erzincan, Akdağmadeni) elde edilen tohumlar üzerinde söz konusu böceğin etkisi ve doluluk oranı incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında her orijinden rastgele seçilen 300 (3*100) tohum kırılarak dolu-boş-böcekli oranları tespit edilmiştir. Karaçam dolu tohum oranı 9 farklı orijinin ortalaması olarak %72.3, böcekli tohum oranı %24.6 ve boş tohum oranı %3.1 olarak tespit edilmiştir. 3 farklı orijinin ortalaması olarak sarıçam dolu tohum oranı %91.3, böcekli tohum oranı %6, boş tohum oranı ise %2.7 olarak belirlenmiştir. Her iki türde de böcek zararı bakımından orijinler arasında belirgin farklılık görülmektedir. Çimlenme testleri sonucuna göre karaçamda 9 farklı orijinin ortalama çimlenme yüzdesi %13.9, sarıçamda 3 farklı orijinin ortalama çimlenme yüzdesi %33.3 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Zararlının ülkemizde bulunan diğer ibreli türlerin tohumları üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmalıdır.


  • Akkemik, Ü. 2018. Pinus L. (Çamlar), (Ed. Ü. Akkemik) Türkiye’nin Doğal-Egzotik Ağaç ve Çalıları. OGM Yayınları, Ankara. s:120.
  • Anderton, L.K., Jenkins, M.J., 2001. Cone entomofauna of whitebark pine and alpine larch (Pinaceae): potential impact of Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Coreidae) and a new record of Strobilomyia macalpinei (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Can. Entomol. 133, 399–406.
  • Arslangündoğdu Z., Hızal, E. 2010. The western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heidemann, 1910), recorded in Turkey (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 50(1): 138–139.
  • Bates S.L., Borden J.H., Kermode A.R., Bennett R.G. 2000. Impact of Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on Douglas-fir seed production. J Econ Entomol 93(5):1444–1451. doi:10.1603/0022-0493-93.5.1444
  • Bates S.L., Lait C.G., Borden J.H., Kermode A.R. 2001 Effect of feeding by the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis, on the major storage reserves of developing seeds and on seedling vigor of Douglas-fir. Tree Physiol 21(7):481–487
  • Bates S.L., Strong W.B., Borden J.H. 2002. Abortion and seed set in lodgepole and western white pine conelets following feeding by Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Environ Entomol 31(6):1023–1029. doi:10.1603/0046-225x-31.6.1023
  • Blatt S.E., Borden J.H., Pierce H.D., Gries R., Gries G., 1998. Alarm pheromone system of the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 24(6): 1013– 1031.
  • Boivin T., Doublet V., Candau, J.N., 2019. The ecology of predispersal insect herbivory on tree reproductive structures in natural forest ecosystems. Insect Science, 26(2): 182-198.
  • Bonal R., Munoz A. 2008. Seed growth suppression constrains the growth of seed parasites: premature acorn abscission reduces Curculio elephas larval size. Ecological entomology, 33(1): 31-36.
  • Boydak, M., Çalışkan, S. 2014. Ağaçlandırma. Cta. Ankara.
  • Campbell, B.C., et P.J. Shea. 1990. A Simple Staining Technique For Assessing Feeding Damage By Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on Cones. Can. Ent. 122: 963-968.
  • Coode, M.J.E., Cullen J. 1965. Pinus L. in Davis, P.H.. (ed.). Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands (Ed. P.H. Davis), vol. 1, pp. 72-75. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Elicin, G. 1971. Turkiye Sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.)’larında Morfogenetik Araştırmalar. İ.U. Orman Fakultesi Yayınları. No: 1662/180
  • EPPO. 2021. Leptoglossus occidentalis. EPPO Global Database. . Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2021
  • Farjon, A. 2010. A Handbook of the World’s Conifers, V.1-2. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden-Boston.
  • Fent M., Kment P., 2011. First record of the invasive western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae) in Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 7(1): 72–80.
  • ISTA, 2020. International Rules for Seed Testing, Volume 2020, Number 1, January 2020
  • Kayacık, H. 1980. Orman ve Park Ağaçlarının Özel Sistematiği, Gymnospermae (Açık Tohumlular). I. Cilt, İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları: 2642, Fakülte No: 281, İstanbul, 388 s.
  • Koerber T.W. 1963. Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera, Coreidae), a newly discovered pest of coniferous seed. Ann Entomol Soc Am 56:229–234
  • Krugman, S.L. & Jenkinson, J.L. 2008. Pinus L. In: Bonner, Franklin T., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. p. 809-847.
  • Lesieur V., Yart A., Guilbon S., Lorme P., Auger-Rozenberg M.A., Roques A., 2014. The invasive Leptoglossus seed bug, a threat for commercial seed crops, but for conifer diversity? Biological Invasions, 16: 1833–1849.
  • Lesieur, V., Auger-Rozenberg, M. A., Roux-Morabito, G., & Roques, A., 2012, February. Impact of the Western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis on major European conifers: Example of Pinus nigra. In UFRO 7.03. 01" Cone and seed insects" and 7.03. 04" Diseases and Insects in Forest Nurseries" Working Party Meeting, pp. 1-p).
  • Lesieur, V., Lombaert, E., Guillemaud, T., Courtial, B., Strong, W., Roques, A., & Auger-Rozenberg, M. A., 2019. The rapid spread of Leptoglossus occidentalis in Europe: A bridgehead invasion. Journal of Pest Science, 92(1; 189-200.
  • Luchi N., Mancini V., Feducci M., Santini A., Capretti P., 2012. Leptoglossus occidentalis and Diplodia pinea: a new insect-fungus association in Mediterrenean forests. Forest Pathology, 42: 246–251.
  • Mjøs A.T., Nielsen T.R., Ødegaard F., 2010. The western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910) (Hemiptera, Coreidae) found in SW Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 57 (1): 20–22.
  • Parlak, S. 2017. An invasive species: Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heidemann) how does it affect forestry activities. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 531-542.
  • Roques A., Auger-Rozenberg M.A., Blackburn T.M., Garnas J., Pyšek P., Rabitsch W., Richardson D.M., Wingfield M.J., Liebhold A.M., Duncan R.P., 2016. Temporal and interspecific variation in rates of spread for insect species invading Europe during the last 200 years. Biol Inv 18:907–920
  • Strong W.B., Bates S.L., Stoehr M.U. 2001. Feeding by Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Coreidae) reduces seed set in lodgepole pine (Pinaceae). Can Entomol 133(6):857–865
  • Tamburini M., Maresi G., Salvadori C., Battisti A., Zottele F., Pedrazzoli F., 2012. Adaptation of the invasive western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis to Trentino, an alpine region (Italy). Bulletin of Insectology, 65: 161–170.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1988. Dendroloji Ders Kitabı I, Gymnospermae, İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi. Yayınları, Yayın No: 3443, OF Yayın No:386, İstanbul.
  • Yılmaz, M., Kalkan, M. 2019. Tohum Ağacı Doğal Gençleştirme Yönteminin Karaçam (Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana)’da Uygulanması, Eskişehir-Tandır Örneği. Turkish Journal of Forest Science , 3 (1) , 24-36 . doi: 10.32328/turkjforsci.544130

The effect of western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann) on soundness and germination on black pine and scotch pine seeds

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 29 - 34, 30.06.2021


Black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) and Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) are among the pine species that show a wide distribution in Turkey. The abundance of sound seeds in both species is a basic requirement, especially for natural rejuvenation studies. In recent years, it has been recorded that the western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann) damages the seeds of cones by piercing the cones of coniferous tree species. The insects insert their mouth stylets into the conifer tissue, it secretes digestive enzyme into the seed and sucks the embryos that it liquefies. In this study, the impact of the bug and sound seed rate were investigated on 9 different black pine origins (Ayvacık, Keles, Akpınar-İzmir, Kayalı-Kırklareli, Kırklareli, Bayındır, Akhisar, Çukurören-Gediz, Gölcük) and 3 different scotch pine origins (Dodurga, Erzincan, Akdağmadeni). Within the scope of the study, 300 (3*100) seeds randomly selected from each origin were cut and the ratios of sound-empty-damaged were determined. Black pine sound seed rate was 72.3% as the average of 9 different origins, damaged seed rate was 24.6% and empty seed rate was 3.1%. As the average of 3 different origins, the rate of scotch pine sound seeds was 91.3%, damaged seed rate 6%, and empty seed rate 2.7%. There is a significant difference between the origins in terms of insect damage in both species. According to the results of the germination tests, the average germination percentage of 9 different origins in black pine was 13.9%, and the average germination percentage of 3 different origins in scotch pine was 33.3%. The effect of the bug on the seeds of other coniferous species in our country should be investigated.


  • Akkemik, Ü. 2018. Pinus L. (Çamlar), (Ed. Ü. Akkemik) Türkiye’nin Doğal-Egzotik Ağaç ve Çalıları. OGM Yayınları, Ankara. s:120.
  • Anderton, L.K., Jenkins, M.J., 2001. Cone entomofauna of whitebark pine and alpine larch (Pinaceae): potential impact of Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Coreidae) and a new record of Strobilomyia macalpinei (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Can. Entomol. 133, 399–406.
  • Arslangündoğdu Z., Hızal, E. 2010. The western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heidemann, 1910), recorded in Turkey (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 50(1): 138–139.
  • Bates S.L., Borden J.H., Kermode A.R., Bennett R.G. 2000. Impact of Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on Douglas-fir seed production. J Econ Entomol 93(5):1444–1451. doi:10.1603/0022-0493-93.5.1444
  • Bates S.L., Lait C.G., Borden J.H., Kermode A.R. 2001 Effect of feeding by the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis, on the major storage reserves of developing seeds and on seedling vigor of Douglas-fir. Tree Physiol 21(7):481–487
  • Bates S.L., Strong W.B., Borden J.H. 2002. Abortion and seed set in lodgepole and western white pine conelets following feeding by Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Environ Entomol 31(6):1023–1029. doi:10.1603/0046-225x-31.6.1023
  • Blatt S.E., Borden J.H., Pierce H.D., Gries R., Gries G., 1998. Alarm pheromone system of the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 24(6): 1013– 1031.
  • Boivin T., Doublet V., Candau, J.N., 2019. The ecology of predispersal insect herbivory on tree reproductive structures in natural forest ecosystems. Insect Science, 26(2): 182-198.
  • Bonal R., Munoz A. 2008. Seed growth suppression constrains the growth of seed parasites: premature acorn abscission reduces Curculio elephas larval size. Ecological entomology, 33(1): 31-36.
  • Boydak, M., Çalışkan, S. 2014. Ağaçlandırma. Cta. Ankara.
  • Campbell, B.C., et P.J. Shea. 1990. A Simple Staining Technique For Assessing Feeding Damage By Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on Cones. Can. Ent. 122: 963-968.
  • Coode, M.J.E., Cullen J. 1965. Pinus L. in Davis, P.H.. (ed.). Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands (Ed. P.H. Davis), vol. 1, pp. 72-75. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Elicin, G. 1971. Turkiye Sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.)’larında Morfogenetik Araştırmalar. İ.U. Orman Fakultesi Yayınları. No: 1662/180
  • EPPO. 2021. Leptoglossus occidentalis. EPPO Global Database. . Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2021
  • Farjon, A. 2010. A Handbook of the World’s Conifers, V.1-2. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden-Boston.
  • Fent M., Kment P., 2011. First record of the invasive western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae) in Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 7(1): 72–80.
  • ISTA, 2020. International Rules for Seed Testing, Volume 2020, Number 1, January 2020
  • Kayacık, H. 1980. Orman ve Park Ağaçlarının Özel Sistematiği, Gymnospermae (Açık Tohumlular). I. Cilt, İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları: 2642, Fakülte No: 281, İstanbul, 388 s.
  • Koerber T.W. 1963. Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera, Coreidae), a newly discovered pest of coniferous seed. Ann Entomol Soc Am 56:229–234
  • Krugman, S.L. & Jenkinson, J.L. 2008. Pinus L. In: Bonner, Franklin T., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. p. 809-847.
  • Lesieur V., Yart A., Guilbon S., Lorme P., Auger-Rozenberg M.A., Roques A., 2014. The invasive Leptoglossus seed bug, a threat for commercial seed crops, but for conifer diversity? Biological Invasions, 16: 1833–1849.
  • Lesieur, V., Auger-Rozenberg, M. A., Roux-Morabito, G., & Roques, A., 2012, February. Impact of the Western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis on major European conifers: Example of Pinus nigra. In UFRO 7.03. 01" Cone and seed insects" and 7.03. 04" Diseases and Insects in Forest Nurseries" Working Party Meeting, pp. 1-p).
  • Lesieur, V., Lombaert, E., Guillemaud, T., Courtial, B., Strong, W., Roques, A., & Auger-Rozenberg, M. A., 2019. The rapid spread of Leptoglossus occidentalis in Europe: A bridgehead invasion. Journal of Pest Science, 92(1; 189-200.
  • Luchi N., Mancini V., Feducci M., Santini A., Capretti P., 2012. Leptoglossus occidentalis and Diplodia pinea: a new insect-fungus association in Mediterrenean forests. Forest Pathology, 42: 246–251.
  • Mjøs A.T., Nielsen T.R., Ødegaard F., 2010. The western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910) (Hemiptera, Coreidae) found in SW Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 57 (1): 20–22.
  • Parlak, S. 2017. An invasive species: Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heidemann) how does it affect forestry activities. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 531-542.
  • Roques A., Auger-Rozenberg M.A., Blackburn T.M., Garnas J., Pyšek P., Rabitsch W., Richardson D.M., Wingfield M.J., Liebhold A.M., Duncan R.P., 2016. Temporal and interspecific variation in rates of spread for insect species invading Europe during the last 200 years. Biol Inv 18:907–920
  • Strong W.B., Bates S.L., Stoehr M.U. 2001. Feeding by Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Coreidae) reduces seed set in lodgepole pine (Pinaceae). Can Entomol 133(6):857–865
  • Tamburini M., Maresi G., Salvadori C., Battisti A., Zottele F., Pedrazzoli F., 2012. Adaptation of the invasive western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis to Trentino, an alpine region (Italy). Bulletin of Insectology, 65: 161–170.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1988. Dendroloji Ders Kitabı I, Gymnospermae, İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi. Yayınları, Yayın No: 3443, OF Yayın No:386, İstanbul.
  • Yılmaz, M., Kalkan, M. 2019. Tohum Ağacı Doğal Gençleştirme Yönteminin Karaçam (Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana)’da Uygulanması, Eskişehir-Tandır Örneği. Turkish Journal of Forest Science , 3 (1) , 24-36 . doi: 10.32328/turkjforsci.544130
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Forest Industry Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Kalkan 0000-0002-0801-4955

Gülşen Arık This is me 0000-0001-7375-6472

Gaye Çiçekçi This is me 0000-0002-2272-7783

Mustafa Yılmaz 0000-0002-8250-1882

Salih Parlak 0000-0003-3808-3297

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Acceptance Date June 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Kalkan, M., Arık, G., Çiçekçi, G., Yılmaz, M., et al. (2021). Çam kozalak emici böceği (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann)’nin karaçam ve sarıçam tohumlarının doluluk ve çimlenmesine etkisi. Ağaç Ve Orman, 2(1), 29-34.