Mikrodalga ışınlama ve santrifüj teknolojisi kullanılarak kağıt geri dönüşümü atıksu arıtımı üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma
Year 2023,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 66 - 72, 28.12.2023
Uğur Özkan
Halil Turgut Şahin
Bu çalışmada, MW ışınlamasının ofis kağıtlarının geri dönüşümünden elde edilen atık su üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Atıksu numuneleri MW fırınında MW ışınlamasından sonra 1.0 dakika ila 15.0 dakika arasındaki sürelerde santrifüj işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Santrifüjün atıksu numunelerinin rengi üzerindeki etkisi belirlenmiştir. Arıtma koşullarından bağımsız olarak önemli bir pH değişikliği bulunmamıştır. MW ışınlamasının elektriksel iletkenlik (EC) ve Toplam Çözünmüş Katı (TDS) üzerinde etkisi olduğu görülmektedir. 1.0 dakika sadece santrifüjlenmiş örnek (A1) için 177 ppm, ışınlanmış MW ve 15.0 dakika için 241 ppm aralığında bulunmuştur. Tüm atık su numunelerinin ya sadece santrifüjlendiğini (A grubu) ya da MW ışınlandığını ve sonra santrifüjlendiğini (B grubu), kontrolden daha düşük ORP değerleri gösterdiğine dikkat etmek önemlidir. En yüksek ORP değeri 309 mV kontrolde bulunmuştur ancak en düşük değer 251 mV ile 1.0 dakika santrifüjlenmiş MW ışınlanmış numune (B1) numunesi için bulunmuştur. En düşük bulanıklık değerleri, en uzun santrifüjleme (15.0 dakika) ile hem kontrol hem de MW ışınlanmış numunelerde görülmüştür. 15.0 dakika koşullarında sadece santrifüjlenmiş (A15) için 28 NTU ve MW ışınlanmış ve daha sonra santrifüjlenmiş numuneler için 10 NTU (B15) olarak ölçülmüştür. 143 NTU' nun en yüksek bulanıklık azalması, 1.0 dakikalık santrifüj koşullarında bir numunede bulunmuştur. Bulanıklık azalmaları ile santrifüj süresi arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır ancak kağıt geri dönüşüm atıksuyu MW arıtmaları, daha az santrifüj süresi ile bulanıklık değerlerinin etkilerini daha da azaltır.
- Anlauf, H., 2007. Recent developments in centrifuge technology. Separation and Purification Technology, 58(2), 242-246.
- Biermann, C. J., 1996. Handbook of pulping and papermaking. Elsevier.
- Boczkaj, G., Fernandes, A., 2017. Wastewater treatment by means of advanced oxidation processes at basic pH conditions: A review. Chemical engineering journal, 320, 608-633.
- Čabalová, I., Kačík, F., Geffert, A., Kačíková, D., 2011. The effects of paper recycling and its environmental impact. Environmental management in practice, 17, 329-350.
- Cheng, G., Lin, J., Lu, J., Zhao, X., Cai, Z., Fu, J., 2015. Advanced Treatment of Pesticide-Containing Wastewater Using Fenton Reagent Enhanced by Microwave Electrodeless Ultraviolet. BioMed Res. Int. 1–8.
- Choy, S.Y., Prasad, K.N., Wu, T.Y., Raghunandan, M. E., Ramanan, R.N., 2016. Performance of conventional starches as natural coagulants for turbidity removal. Ecological engineering, 94: 352-364.
- Coskun, S., 2022. Zero waste management behavior: Conceptualization, scale development and validation—A case study in Turkey. Sustainability, 14(19), 12654.
- Han, N., Zhang, J., Hoang, M., Gray, S., Xie, Z., 2021. A review of process and wastewater reuse in the recycled paper industry. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 24, 101860.
- Hubbe, M. A., Metts, J. R., Hermosilla, D., Blanco, M. A., Yerushalmi, L., Haghighat, F., Lindholm-Lehto, P., Khodaparast, Z., Kamali, M., Elliot, A., (2016). Wastewater treatment and reclamation: a review of pulp and paper industry practices and opportunities. BioResources, 11(3), 7953-8091.
- Jung, S.C., 2011. The microwave-assisted photo-catalytic degradation of organic dyes. Water Sci. Technol. 63, 1491–1498.
- Kamali, M., Khodaparast, Z., 2015. Review on recent developments on pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 114:326-342.
- Lin, L., Chen, J., Xu, Z., Yuan, S., Cao, M., Liu, H., Lu, X., 2009. Removal of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater by microwave radiation: A pilot-scale study. J. Hazard. Mater. 168, 862–867.
- Ozkan, U., Bayram, O., Göde, F., Coskun, S., Sahin, H. T., 2023. Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for Optimizing Turbidity of Paper Recycling Wastewater Using Microwave Technology. Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research, 13(1), 13-22.
- Özkan, U., Şahin, H.T., 2023. Treatment of paper recycling wastewater using microwave technology. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 24(2): 134-138.
- Pokhrel, D., Viraraghavan, T., 2004. Treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater—a review. Science of the total environment, 333(1-3), 37-58.
- Račys, V., Kliučininkas, L., Jankūnaitė, D., Albrektienė, R., 2010. Application of orp for the evaluation of water contamination. Linnaeus Eco-Tech, 1082-1089.
- Remya, N., Lin, J.-G., 2011. Current status of microwave application in wastewater treatment—A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 166(3), 797-813.
- Sahin, H., 2013. A study on paper recycling effects on cellulose properties. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 14(1), 74-80.
- Stephenson, R. J., Duff, S. J., 1996. Coagulation and precipitation of a mechanical pulping effluent—I. Removal of carbon, colour and turbidity. Water research, 30(4), 781-792.
- Toczyłowska-Mamińska, R., 2017. Limits and perspectives of pulp and paper industry wastewater treatment–A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 764-772.
- Vialkova, E., Obukhova, M., Belova, L., 2021. Microwave irradiation in technologies of wastewater and wastewater sludge treatment: A review. Water, 13(13), 1784.
- Wang, N., Sun, X., Zhao, Q., Wang, P., 2021. Treatment of polymer-flooding wastewater by a modified coal fly ash-catalysed Fenton-like process with microwave pre-enhancement: System parameters, kinetics, and proposed mechanism. Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 406, 126734.
- Wang, N., Wang, P., 2016. Study and application status of microwave in organic wastewater treatment–a review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 283, 193-214.
- Wei, R., Wang, P., Zhang, G., Wang, N., Zheng, T., 2020. Microwave-responsive catalysts for wastewater treatment: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 382, 122781.
A comparative study on paper recycling wastewater treatment using microwave irradiation and centrifuge technology
Year 2023,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 66 - 72, 28.12.2023
Uğur Özkan
Halil Turgut Şahin
In this study, the effect of MW irradiation on wastewater obtained from recycling office papers was evaluated. Wastewater samples were centrifuged in the MW oven for periods between 1.0 minutes and 15.0 minutes after MW irradiation. The effect of a centrifuge on the general appearance of wastewater samples was determined. There was no significant pH change depending on treatment conditions. MW irradiation affects electrical conductivity (EC) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). It was found to be in the range of 177 ppm for the sample (A1) centrifuged only for 1.0 min and 241 ppm for the MW irradiated and 15.0 min. It is significant to note that all wastewater samples were either centrifuged only (group A) or MW irradiated and then centrifuged (group B) and showed lower ORP values than the control. The highest ORP value of 309 mV was found in the control, but the lowest value of 251 mV was found for the MW irradiated sample (B1) centrifuged for 1.0 minutes. The lowest turbidity values were seen in control and MW irradiated samples with the longest centrifugation (15.0 min). 28 NTU was measured for samples centrifuged only (A15) at 15.0 min conditions and 10 NTU (B15) for MW irradiated and subsequently centrifuged samples. The highest turbidity reduction of 143 NTU was found in a sample under 1.0 min centrifugation. There is a positive relationship between turbidity reduction and centrifuge time, but paper recycling wastewater MW treatments further reduce the effects of turbidity values with less centrifuge time.
- Anlauf, H., 2007. Recent developments in centrifuge technology. Separation and Purification Technology, 58(2), 242-246.
- Biermann, C. J., 1996. Handbook of pulping and papermaking. Elsevier.
- Boczkaj, G., Fernandes, A., 2017. Wastewater treatment by means of advanced oxidation processes at basic pH conditions: A review. Chemical engineering journal, 320, 608-633.
- Čabalová, I., Kačík, F., Geffert, A., Kačíková, D., 2011. The effects of paper recycling and its environmental impact. Environmental management in practice, 17, 329-350.
- Cheng, G., Lin, J., Lu, J., Zhao, X., Cai, Z., Fu, J., 2015. Advanced Treatment of Pesticide-Containing Wastewater Using Fenton Reagent Enhanced by Microwave Electrodeless Ultraviolet. BioMed Res. Int. 1–8.
- Choy, S.Y., Prasad, K.N., Wu, T.Y., Raghunandan, M. E., Ramanan, R.N., 2016. Performance of conventional starches as natural coagulants for turbidity removal. Ecological engineering, 94: 352-364.
- Coskun, S., 2022. Zero waste management behavior: Conceptualization, scale development and validation—A case study in Turkey. Sustainability, 14(19), 12654.
- Han, N., Zhang, J., Hoang, M., Gray, S., Xie, Z., 2021. A review of process and wastewater reuse in the recycled paper industry. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 24, 101860.
- Hubbe, M. A., Metts, J. R., Hermosilla, D., Blanco, M. A., Yerushalmi, L., Haghighat, F., Lindholm-Lehto, P., Khodaparast, Z., Kamali, M., Elliot, A., (2016). Wastewater treatment and reclamation: a review of pulp and paper industry practices and opportunities. BioResources, 11(3), 7953-8091.
- Jung, S.C., 2011. The microwave-assisted photo-catalytic degradation of organic dyes. Water Sci. Technol. 63, 1491–1498.
- Kamali, M., Khodaparast, Z., 2015. Review on recent developments on pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 114:326-342.
- Lin, L., Chen, J., Xu, Z., Yuan, S., Cao, M., Liu, H., Lu, X., 2009. Removal of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater by microwave radiation: A pilot-scale study. J. Hazard. Mater. 168, 862–867.
- Ozkan, U., Bayram, O., Göde, F., Coskun, S., Sahin, H. T., 2023. Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for Optimizing Turbidity of Paper Recycling Wastewater Using Microwave Technology. Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research, 13(1), 13-22.
- Özkan, U., Şahin, H.T., 2023. Treatment of paper recycling wastewater using microwave technology. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 24(2): 134-138.
- Pokhrel, D., Viraraghavan, T., 2004. Treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater—a review. Science of the total environment, 333(1-3), 37-58.
- Račys, V., Kliučininkas, L., Jankūnaitė, D., Albrektienė, R., 2010. Application of orp for the evaluation of water contamination. Linnaeus Eco-Tech, 1082-1089.
- Remya, N., Lin, J.-G., 2011. Current status of microwave application in wastewater treatment—A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 166(3), 797-813.
- Sahin, H., 2013. A study on paper recycling effects on cellulose properties. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 14(1), 74-80.
- Stephenson, R. J., Duff, S. J., 1996. Coagulation and precipitation of a mechanical pulping effluent—I. Removal of carbon, colour and turbidity. Water research, 30(4), 781-792.
- Toczyłowska-Mamińska, R., 2017. Limits and perspectives of pulp and paper industry wastewater treatment–A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 764-772.
- Vialkova, E., Obukhova, M., Belova, L., 2021. Microwave irradiation in technologies of wastewater and wastewater sludge treatment: A review. Water, 13(13), 1784.
- Wang, N., Sun, X., Zhao, Q., Wang, P., 2021. Treatment of polymer-flooding wastewater by a modified coal fly ash-catalysed Fenton-like process with microwave pre-enhancement: System parameters, kinetics, and proposed mechanism. Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 406, 126734.
- Wang, N., Wang, P., 2016. Study and application status of microwave in organic wastewater treatment–a review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 283, 193-214.
- Wei, R., Wang, P., Zhang, G., Wang, N., Zheng, T., 2020. Microwave-responsive catalysts for wastewater treatment: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 382, 122781.