Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

All authors who will submit a publication to Ağaç ve Orman Magazine should read the ethical principles and publication policy given below before submitting the article and declare that they accept all responsibility.


The program named iThenticate is used to create similarity reports of the articles sent to our journal. The limit of similarity is accepted as 20%. When the references part of the article are excluded, the similarity rate should not exceed 20%. If the similarity rate exceeds 20%, the article is returned to the author.

Publication Frequency

Tree and Forest journal publish two issues per year.

Types of Articles Accepted for Publication

  • Original articles; It should be a scientific publication designed with scientific methods and methods and prepared based on the findings obtained as a result of measurement and observation.
  • Review articles; It should be in the form of a synthesis, interpretation and situation assessment of studies on a particular subject and articles published in scientific journals.
  • Research note; Preliminary studies and information regarding a research will be evaluated as a research note.
  • Letter to the editor; It should be in the form of a scientific text on a specific subject and for information purposes, not exceeding one page in total.


No fee is charged for the article submission stage to our journal and for the publication of the articles whose evaluation process has been completed.

Ethical Rules for Authors

The author (s) declare the following points about their articles;

  • To comply with all ethical rules in the preparation of the article,
  • Presenting the article with the consent and knowledge of the authors,
  • To declare that the article is not in evaluation, acceptance or publication in any other journal,
  • Not violating the rights of other people,
  • To declare that there are no acts such as plagiarism, forgery, distortion, slicing, reproduction, unfair authorship in the article and that the study is in accordance with ethical principles,
  • Preparing the article based on an original research,
  • To clearly state the situations where there is a conflict of interest, if any,
  • Obtaining approval for studies requiring ethics committee approval and sending as an additional file during article submission,
  • Not making any change in the name of the author in the articles that are in the evaluation, acceptance or publication stage.

Ethical Rules for Editors

Editors declare the following matters;

  • Evaluating the authors who submit the article in an impartial and ethical way without making any discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, etc.
  • Communicating with the author during the article evaluation, acceptance / rejection processes, if it resulted with rejection, informing the responsible author of the reasons,
  • To check the compliance of articles that have passed the pre-evaluation stage to ethical rules,
  • Examining the evaluations made by the referees during the evaluation phase and dismissing the evaluations that are not impartial, that do not comply with ethical principles, and which are inconsistent,
  • To comply with ethical principles and publishing policies.

Ethical Rules for Referees

The referees declare the following;

  • As a referee, the article sent to him, race, religion, gender, age etc. to evaluate it objectively and in accordance with ethical rules without any discrimination,
  • To check the compliance of the article evaluated with the ethical rules, to inform the editor in case a violation of the ethical rules is detected,
  • Paying attention to the confidentiality of the information contained in the articles submitted for evaluation and not sharing them with third parties,
  • To evaluate the article sent to him for refereeing within the given time,
  • To inform the editor in the detection of any conflict of interest in the article he evaluates,
  • To evaluate only in his / her field of expertise, to return the article by informing the editor if the article in question is outside his / her field of expertise,
  • Filling in the "Referee Evaluation Form" during the evaluation phase. To comply with the double-blind refereeing rules while filling out the form,
  • Not using racist rhetoric, hostile discourse, insulting, contemptuous expressions while making the evaluation and filling out the "Referee Evaluation Form". To make all evaluations within the framework of respect,