A Rare Colonoscopic Finding Inverted Appendix
Yıl 2024,
, 139 - 141, 25.12.2024
Bünyamin Sarıtaş
Mustafa Muslu
Mustafa Harı
Şehmus Ölmez
Inverted appendix is a rare finding during colonoscopy. Correct diagnosis of inverted appendix is important to avoid unnecessary endoscopic interventions such as polypectomy. Thus, in all polypoid lesions around appendix orifice inverted appendix should be in differential diagnosis. Here we report a rare case of inverted appendix during colonoscopy.
- 1. Birkness J, Lam-Himlin D, Byrnes K, Wood L, Voltaggio L. The inverted appendix - a potentially problematic diagnosis: clinicopathologic analysis of 21 cases. Histopathology. 2019;74(6):853-60.
- 2. Tavakkoli H, Sadrkabir SM, Mahzouni P. Colonoscopic diagnosis of appendiceal intussusception in a patient with intermittent abdominal pain: a case report. World J Gastroenterol. 2007;13(31):4274-7.
- 3. Johnson EK, Arcila ME, Steele SR. Appendiceal inversion: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. JSLS. 2009;13(1):92-5.
- 4. Tran C, Sakioka J, Nguyen E, Beutler BD, Hsu J. An inverted appendix found on routine colonoscopy: A case report with discussion of imaging findings. Radiol Case Rep. 2019;14(8):952-5.
- 5. Salehzadeh A, Scala A, Simson JN. Appendiceal intussusception mistaken for a polyp at colonoscopy: case report and review of literature. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2010;92(6):W46-8.
- 6. Seddik H, Rabhi M. Two cases of appendiceal intussusception: a rare diagnostic pitfall in colonoscopy. Diagn Ther Endosc. 2011;2011:198984.
- 7. Sousa M, Cotter J, Leão P. McSwain type V appendix intussusception. BMJ Case Rep. 2017;2017:bcr2017219634.
- 8. Fazio RA, Wickremesinghe PC, Arsura EL, Rando J. Endoscopic removal of an intussuscepted appendix mimicking a polyp--an endoscopic hazard. Am J Gastroenterol. 1982;77(8):556-8.
- 9. Enander LK, Gustavsson S. Colonoscopic appendectomy. Report of two cases. Acta Chir Scand. 1979;145(8):575-6.
- 10. Saleem A, Navarro P, Munson JL, Hall J. Endometriosis of the appendix: Report of three cases. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2011;2(2):16-9.
Nadir Bir Kolonoskopik Bulgu: İnverte Apendiks
Yıl 2024,
, 139 - 141, 25.12.2024
Bünyamin Sarıtaş
Mustafa Muslu
Mustafa Harı
Şehmus Ölmez
İnverted apendiks, kolonoskopi sırasında nadir görülen bir bulgudur. Polipektomi gibi gereksiz endoskopik girişimlerden kaçınmak için uygun tanının yapılması önemlidir. Bu nedenle apendiks orifisinde polipoid lezyonların ayırıcı tanısında başlangıçta inverted apendiks düşünülmelidir. Burada kolonoskopi sırasında inverted apendiks tanısı koyduğumuz bir vakayı sunuyoruz.
- 1. Birkness J, Lam-Himlin D, Byrnes K, Wood L, Voltaggio L. The inverted appendix - a potentially problematic diagnosis: clinicopathologic analysis of 21 cases. Histopathology. 2019;74(6):853-60.
- 2. Tavakkoli H, Sadrkabir SM, Mahzouni P. Colonoscopic diagnosis of appendiceal intussusception in a patient with intermittent abdominal pain: a case report. World J Gastroenterol. 2007;13(31):4274-7.
- 3. Johnson EK, Arcila ME, Steele SR. Appendiceal inversion: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. JSLS. 2009;13(1):92-5.
- 4. Tran C, Sakioka J, Nguyen E, Beutler BD, Hsu J. An inverted appendix found on routine colonoscopy: A case report with discussion of imaging findings. Radiol Case Rep. 2019;14(8):952-5.
- 5. Salehzadeh A, Scala A, Simson JN. Appendiceal intussusception mistaken for a polyp at colonoscopy: case report and review of literature. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2010;92(6):W46-8.
- 6. Seddik H, Rabhi M. Two cases of appendiceal intussusception: a rare diagnostic pitfall in colonoscopy. Diagn Ther Endosc. 2011;2011:198984.
- 7. Sousa M, Cotter J, Leão P. McSwain type V appendix intussusception. BMJ Case Rep. 2017;2017:bcr2017219634.
- 8. Fazio RA, Wickremesinghe PC, Arsura EL, Rando J. Endoscopic removal of an intussuscepted appendix mimicking a polyp--an endoscopic hazard. Am J Gastroenterol. 1982;77(8):556-8.
- 9. Enander LK, Gustavsson S. Colonoscopic appendectomy. Report of two cases. Acta Chir Scand. 1979;145(8):575-6.
- 10. Saleem A, Navarro P, Munson JL, Hall J. Endometriosis of the appendix: Report of three cases. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2011;2(2):16-9.