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The place of abdominal ultrasonography in dyspeptic patients

Year 2012, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 15 - 17, 01.04.2012


Background and Aims: Dyspepsia is an important health problem in all societies due to its high incidence. Gastroscopy and abdominal ultrasound are the most commonly investigative tools in dyspeptic patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the ultrasonography findings in dyspeptic patients retrospectively. Materials and Methods: One hundred and eighty patients with a diagnosis of dyspepsia and 176 control subjects were included in the study of the Department of Gastroenterology, Celal Bayar University Medical School, Manisa. Results: The abdominal ultrasonography was normal in 23% of patients with dyspepsia and in 51% of patients in the control group, and normal ultrasonography was significantly more prevalent in the control group than in dyspeptic patients (p


  • Sayın I, Oğuz AK. Değertekin H. Fonksiyonel dispepsinin değerlen- dirilmesinde klinik yaklaşım. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi 2008;7:91-5.
  • Tack J, Talley NJ, Camilleri M, et al. Functional gastroduodenal di- sorders. Gastroenterology 2006;130:1466-79.
  • Heikkinen MT, Pikkarainen PH, Takala JK, et al. Diagnostic met- hods in dyspepsia: the usefulness of upper abdominal ultrasound and gastroscopy. Scand J Prim Health Care 1997;15:82-6.
  • Jones R. Dyspeptic symptoms in the community. Gut 1989;30:893- 8.
  • Talley NJ, Zinsmeister AR, Schleck CD, Melton LJ 3rd. Dyspepsia and dyspepsia subgroups: a population-based study. Gastroentero- logy 1992;102:1259-68.
  • Diettrich H, Wundrich B, Kobe E, et al. Gastroscopy before cholecy- stectomy. Gastroenterol J 1990;50:173-4
  • Gunn A, Keddie N. Some clinical observations on patients with gallstones. Lancet 1972;2:239-41.
  • Wegge C, Kjaergaard J. Evaluation of symptoms and signs of gall- stone disease in patients admitted with upper abdominal pain. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985;20:933-6.
  • Fenster LF, Lonborg R, Thirlby RC, Traverso LW. What symptoms does cholecystectomy cure? Insights from an outcomes measure- ment project and review of the literature. Am J Surg 1995;169: 533-8.
  • Janzon L, Aspelin P, Eriksson S, et al. Ultrasonographic screening for gallstone disease in middle-aged women. Detection rate, symptoms, and biochemical features. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985;20:706-10.
  • Bates T, Ebbs SR, Harrison M, A'Hern RP. Influence of cholecystec- tomy on symptoms. Br J Surg 1991;78:964-7.
  • Diehl AK, Sugarek NJ, Todd KH. Clinical evaluation for gallstone di- sease: usefulness of symptoms and signs in diagnosis. Am J Med 1990;89:29-33.
  • Vander Velpen GC, Shimi SM, Cuschieri A. Outcome after cholecy- stectomy for symptomatic gall stone disease and effect of surgical access: laparoscopic v open approach. Gut 1993;34:1448-51.
  • Luman W, Adams WH, Nixon SN, et al. Incidence of persistent symptoms after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective study. Gut 1996;39:863-6.
  • Berhane T, Hausken T, Olafsson S, Sİndenaa K Ultrasound exami- nation shows disturbed proximal gastric function in symptomatic gallstone patients with dyspepsia and improvement after cholecy- stectomy--gallstones and gastric emptying Ultraschall Med 2006;27:451-5.
  • Berhane T, Vetrhus M, Hausken T, et al. Pain attacks in non-compli- cated and complicated gallstone disease have a characteristic pat- tern and are accompanied by dyspepsia in most patients: the results of a prospective study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2006;41:93-101.
  • Özütemiz Ö, Batur Y, İlter T, et al. Ege Bölgesinde sessiz safra taşı prevalansı. Klinik Gelişim 1992;5:1737-41.

Dispeptik olgularda ultrasonografinin yeri

Year 2012, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 15 - 17, 01.04.2012


Giriş ve Amaç: Dispepsi, yüksek sıklıkta görülmesi nedeniyle toplumların
önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Gastroskopi ve üst batın ultrasonografisi dispeptik
hastalarda en sık kullanılan tetkiklerdir. Çalışmamızın amacı, dispepsi
tanısı olan hastalarda üst batın ultrasonografi bulgularının retrospektif
olarak değerlendirilmesi ve ultrasonografinin dispeptik olgulardaki
yerinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp
Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji Polikliniğinde dispepsi tanısı alan ve batın ultrasonografisi
yapılmış olan 180 olgu ve 176 kontrol grubu çalışmaya dahil
edildi. Bulgular: Dispepsi tanılı hastaların %23’ünde, kontrol grubunun
ise %51’inde batın ultrasonografisi normal olarak saptandı. Normal ultrasonografi
bulgularının kontrol grubunda dispeptik olgulara göre istatistiksel
anlamlı olduğu saptandı (p < 0.00004). Dispepsi tanılı hastaların
%36’sında, kontrol gurubunun ise %13’ünde batın ultrasonografisinde
safra kesesi taşı olduğu saptandı. Safra kesesi taşı görülme sıklığının dispeptik
olgularda, kontrol gurubuna göre istatistiksel anlamlı olduğu
görüldü (p < 0.0001). Sonuç: Ultrasonografi, dispeptik olgularda mutlaka
tanıda kullanılması gereken laboratuvar tetkiklerinden biri olmalıdır.


  • Sayın I, Oğuz AK. Değertekin H. Fonksiyonel dispepsinin değerlen- dirilmesinde klinik yaklaşım. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi 2008;7:91-5.
  • Tack J, Talley NJ, Camilleri M, et al. Functional gastroduodenal di- sorders. Gastroenterology 2006;130:1466-79.
  • Heikkinen MT, Pikkarainen PH, Takala JK, et al. Diagnostic met- hods in dyspepsia: the usefulness of upper abdominal ultrasound and gastroscopy. Scand J Prim Health Care 1997;15:82-6.
  • Jones R. Dyspeptic symptoms in the community. Gut 1989;30:893- 8.
  • Talley NJ, Zinsmeister AR, Schleck CD, Melton LJ 3rd. Dyspepsia and dyspepsia subgroups: a population-based study. Gastroentero- logy 1992;102:1259-68.
  • Diettrich H, Wundrich B, Kobe E, et al. Gastroscopy before cholecy- stectomy. Gastroenterol J 1990;50:173-4
  • Gunn A, Keddie N. Some clinical observations on patients with gallstones. Lancet 1972;2:239-41.
  • Wegge C, Kjaergaard J. Evaluation of symptoms and signs of gall- stone disease in patients admitted with upper abdominal pain. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985;20:933-6.
  • Fenster LF, Lonborg R, Thirlby RC, Traverso LW. What symptoms does cholecystectomy cure? Insights from an outcomes measure- ment project and review of the literature. Am J Surg 1995;169: 533-8.
  • Janzon L, Aspelin P, Eriksson S, et al. Ultrasonographic screening for gallstone disease in middle-aged women. Detection rate, symptoms, and biochemical features. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985;20:706-10.
  • Bates T, Ebbs SR, Harrison M, A'Hern RP. Influence of cholecystec- tomy on symptoms. Br J Surg 1991;78:964-7.
  • Diehl AK, Sugarek NJ, Todd KH. Clinical evaluation for gallstone di- sease: usefulness of symptoms and signs in diagnosis. Am J Med 1990;89:29-33.
  • Vander Velpen GC, Shimi SM, Cuschieri A. Outcome after cholecy- stectomy for symptomatic gall stone disease and effect of surgical access: laparoscopic v open approach. Gut 1993;34:1448-51.
  • Luman W, Adams WH, Nixon SN, et al. Incidence of persistent symptoms after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective study. Gut 1996;39:863-6.
  • Berhane T, Hausken T, Olafsson S, Sİndenaa K Ultrasound exami- nation shows disturbed proximal gastric function in symptomatic gallstone patients with dyspepsia and improvement after cholecy- stectomy--gallstones and gastric emptying Ultraschall Med 2006;27:451-5.
  • Berhane T, Vetrhus M, Hausken T, et al. Pain attacks in non-compli- cated and complicated gallstone disease have a characteristic pat- tern and are accompanied by dyspepsia in most patients: the results of a prospective study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2006;41:93-101.
  • Özütemiz Ö, Batur Y, İlter T, et al. Ege Bölgesinde sessiz safra taşı prevalansı. Klinik Gelişim 1992;5:1737-41.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Elmas Kasap This is me

Elif Tuğba Tuncel This is me

Selim Serter This is me

Hakan Yüceyar This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Kasap, E., Tuncel, E. T., Serter, S., Yüceyar, H. (2012). Dispeptik olgularda ultrasonografinin yeri. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi, 11(1), 15-17.
