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Helicobacter pylori prevalance in gastric carcinoma and gastric lymphoma

Year 2006, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 90 - 93, 01.08.2006


Background/aim: We aimed to determine Helicobacter pylori prevalence in gastric malignant disease and to examine its value in the etiology. Infection with Helicobacter pylori is associated with an increased risk of gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric lymphoma. Materials and methods: We retrospectively examined the surgical specimens of 42 patients with malignant gastric tumors, who had been hospitalized in the second and fifth Department of General Surgery, Ministry of Health Ankara Training and Research Hospital, between 1998 and 2005 and treated with gastrectomy. Histological assessment and Helicobacter pylori density determinations were made according to Lauren and Sydney classifications, respectively. Results: Thirty-two had gastric carcinoma and 10 had gastric non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Helicobacter pylori infection was present in 10 (33.3%) of the gastric carcinoma patients and 7 (70%) of the gastric lymphoma patients. The density of Helicobacter pylori was ‘1' in nine gastric carcinoma and six gastric lymphoma cases, and ‘2' in one gastric carcinoma and one gastric lymphoma case. Helicobacter pylori prevalence is significantly higher in lymphoma cases than carcinoma cases. Diffuse type gastric carcinoma is more correlated with Helicobacter pylori than the intestinal type, and Helicobacter pylori density increases in conjunction with an increase in the gastric carcinoma clinical stage, but these findings were not significant. Conclusion: A high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori among the gastric lymphoma patients confirms the role of Helicobacter pylori in gastric lymphoma genesis.


  • Marshall BJ, Warren JR. Unidentified curved bacilli in the stomach of patients with gastritis and peptic ulceration. Lancet 1984; 1: 1311-15.
  • Eidt S, Stolte M, Fischer R. Helicobacter pylori gastritis and pri- mary non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Clin Pathol 1994; 47: 436-9.
  • Dunn BE, Cohen H, Blaser MJ. Helicobacter pylori. Clin Microbi- ol Rev 1997; 10: 720-3.
  • Monath TP, Lee CK, Ermak TH, et al. The search for vaccines aga- inst HP. Infect Med 1998; 15: 539-42.
  • Lauren P. The two histological main types of gastric carcinoma: dif- fuse and so-called intestinal type carcinoma. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 1965; 64: 31.
  • Craanen ME, Blok P, Dekker W. Helicobacter pylori and early gast- ric cancer. Gut 1994; 35: 1372-74.
  • Kocaoglu H, Karaayvaz M, Demirci S. Mide kanserleri. In: Unal A. (ed.), Klinik Cerrahi Onkoloji, Ankara, Turkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, 1997, 468-78.
  • Brown, L.M. Helicobacter pylori and routes of transmission. Epide- miol Rev 2000; 22: 283-97.
  • Shibata T, Imoto I, Ohuchi Y, et al. Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with gastric carcinoma in biopsy and surgical resection specimens. Cancer 1996; 77: 1044-49.
  • Hung YB, Wang CS, Hsueh S, et al. Helicobacter pylori in surgical specimens from patients with resectable gastric adenocarcinoma. Changeng Yİ Xue Za Zhi 1998; 21: 179-83.
  • Zhang HM, Wakisaka N, Maeda 0, et al. Vitamin C inhibits the growth of a bacterial risk factor for gastric carcinoma: Helicobac- ter pylori. Cancer 1997; 80: 1897-903.
  • Us D, Hascelik G. Seroprevalance of Helicobacter pylori infection in an Asymptomatic Turkish population. J Infect 1998; 37: 148-50.
  • Sandıkcı MU, Doran F, Koksal F, et al. Helicobacter pylori preva- lance in a routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy population. Br J Cli Pract 1993; 47: 187-9.
  • Yakaryılmaz F, Cindoruk M, Karakan T, et al. Frequency of Helico- bacter pylori in patients with gastric carcinoma. Gazi Medical Jo- urnal 1999; 10: 86-9.
  • Karahan N, Bircan S, Kapucuoğlu N, et al. Isparta bölgesinde mide kanserli hastalarda Helikobakter pilori sıklığı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2005; 12: 30-3.
  • Demirel AH, Oncel S, Çaydere M, et al. Helicobacter Pylori Infec- tion In Gastrectomy Specimens. The Internet Journal of Gastroente- rology 2000. Volume 1 Number 1.
  • Tokunaga Y, Shirahase H, Hoppou T, et al. Density of Helicobacter pylori infection evaluated semiquantitatively in gastric cancer. J Clin Gastroenterol 2000; 31: 217-21.
  • Kikuchi S, Wada 0, Nakajima 0, et al. Anti-Helicobacter pylori an- tibody and gastric carcinoma among young adults. Cancer 1995; 75: 2789-93.
  • Mc Farlane,GA, Munro A. Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer. Br J Surg 1997; 84: 1190-9.
  • Palestro G, Pellicano R, R. F Gian , et al. Prevalence of Helicobac- ter pylori infection and intestinal metaplasia in subjects who had undergone surgery for gastric adenocarcinoma in Northwest Italy. World J Gastroenterol 2005; 11: 7131-5.
  • Parsonnet J, Hansen S, Rodriguez L, et al. Helicobacter pylori in- fection and gastric lymphoma. N Engl J Med 1994; 5: 1310-1.
  • Fiscbach W, Jung T, Goebeter-Kolve E, et al. Comparative analysis of the Helicobacter pylori status in patients with gastric MALT-type lymphoma and their respective spouses. Z Gastroenterol 2000; 38: 627-30.
  • Falco JG, Martinez EA, Sanchez CJ, et al. Regression of primary gastric B-cell mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lympho- ma after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 1999; 91: 537-40.
  • Gisbertz IA, Jonkers DM, Arends JW, et al. Specific detection of He- licobacter pylori and non-Helicobacter pylori flora in small and lar- ge-cell primary gastric B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ann Oncol 1997; 2: 33-6.

Mide kanseri ve mide lenfomasında Helikobakter pilori sıklığı

Year 2006, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 90 - 93, 01.08.2006


Giriş ve amaç: Mide malignitelerinde Helikobakter pilori sıklığının tanı mlanması ve etiyolojideki değerinin saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Helikobakter pilori enfeksiyonu gastrik adenokarsinom ve gastrik lenfoma riskinde artışla ilişkilidir. Gereç ve yöntem: 1998-2005 tarihleri arasında Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 2. ve 5. Genel Cerrahi Klinikleri'nde malignite nedeniyle total ve subtotal mide rezeksiyonu yapılan 42 hastanın gastrik spesimenleri retrospektif olarak tekrar incelendi. Histolojik değerlendirme Lauren's klasifikasyonu ve Helikobakter pilori yoğunluk tayini için Sydney klasifikasyonu kullanıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 32 gastrik karsinoma, 10 non-Hodgkin gastrik lenfoma vakası alındı. Helikobakter enfeksiyonu; gastrik karsinomlu hastaların 10'unda (%33.3), gastrik lenfomalı hastaların 7'sinde (%70) saptandı. Helikobakter yoğunluğu 9 gastrik karsinomlu, 7 gastrik lenfomalı hastada ‘1' iken, 1 gastrik karsinom vakasında ve 1 gastrik lenfomalı hastada yoğunluk ‘2' idi. Mide lenfoması vakalarında Helikobakter pilori prevalansı anlamlı olarak daha yüksek idi. Helikobakter pilori, intestinal tip gastrik karsinoma nazaran difüz gastrik karsinomada daha sık görüldü. Ayrıca gastrik karsinom klinik evresi arttıkça Helikobakter pilori yoğunluğu da artmakta birlikte istatistiksel olarak bu bulgular anlamlı bulunmadı. Sonuç: Gastrik maligniteler arasında lenfoma olgularında yüksek sıklıkta Helikobakter pilori bulunması gastrik lenfomanın oluşmasında Helikobakter pilori'nin rolünü doğrulamaktadır.


  • Marshall BJ, Warren JR. Unidentified curved bacilli in the stomach of patients with gastritis and peptic ulceration. Lancet 1984; 1: 1311-15.
  • Eidt S, Stolte M, Fischer R. Helicobacter pylori gastritis and pri- mary non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Clin Pathol 1994; 47: 436-9.
  • Dunn BE, Cohen H, Blaser MJ. Helicobacter pylori. Clin Microbi- ol Rev 1997; 10: 720-3.
  • Monath TP, Lee CK, Ermak TH, et al. The search for vaccines aga- inst HP. Infect Med 1998; 15: 539-42.
  • Lauren P. The two histological main types of gastric carcinoma: dif- fuse and so-called intestinal type carcinoma. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 1965; 64: 31.
  • Craanen ME, Blok P, Dekker W. Helicobacter pylori and early gast- ric cancer. Gut 1994; 35: 1372-74.
  • Kocaoglu H, Karaayvaz M, Demirci S. Mide kanserleri. In: Unal A. (ed.), Klinik Cerrahi Onkoloji, Ankara, Turkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, 1997, 468-78.
  • Brown, L.M. Helicobacter pylori and routes of transmission. Epide- miol Rev 2000; 22: 283-97.
  • Shibata T, Imoto I, Ohuchi Y, et al. Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with gastric carcinoma in biopsy and surgical resection specimens. Cancer 1996; 77: 1044-49.
  • Hung YB, Wang CS, Hsueh S, et al. Helicobacter pylori in surgical specimens from patients with resectable gastric adenocarcinoma. Changeng Yİ Xue Za Zhi 1998; 21: 179-83.
  • Zhang HM, Wakisaka N, Maeda 0, et al. Vitamin C inhibits the growth of a bacterial risk factor for gastric carcinoma: Helicobac- ter pylori. Cancer 1997; 80: 1897-903.
  • Us D, Hascelik G. Seroprevalance of Helicobacter pylori infection in an Asymptomatic Turkish population. J Infect 1998; 37: 148-50.
  • Sandıkcı MU, Doran F, Koksal F, et al. Helicobacter pylori preva- lance in a routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy population. Br J Cli Pract 1993; 47: 187-9.
  • Yakaryılmaz F, Cindoruk M, Karakan T, et al. Frequency of Helico- bacter pylori in patients with gastric carcinoma. Gazi Medical Jo- urnal 1999; 10: 86-9.
  • Karahan N, Bircan S, Kapucuoğlu N, et al. Isparta bölgesinde mide kanserli hastalarda Helikobakter pilori sıklığı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2005; 12: 30-3.
  • Demirel AH, Oncel S, Çaydere M, et al. Helicobacter Pylori Infec- tion In Gastrectomy Specimens. The Internet Journal of Gastroente- rology 2000. Volume 1 Number 1.
  • Tokunaga Y, Shirahase H, Hoppou T, et al. Density of Helicobacter pylori infection evaluated semiquantitatively in gastric cancer. J Clin Gastroenterol 2000; 31: 217-21.
  • Kikuchi S, Wada 0, Nakajima 0, et al. Anti-Helicobacter pylori an- tibody and gastric carcinoma among young adults. Cancer 1995; 75: 2789-93.
  • Mc Farlane,GA, Munro A. Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer. Br J Surg 1997; 84: 1190-9.
  • Palestro G, Pellicano R, R. F Gian , et al. Prevalence of Helicobac- ter pylori infection and intestinal metaplasia in subjects who had undergone surgery for gastric adenocarcinoma in Northwest Italy. World J Gastroenterol 2005; 11: 7131-5.
  • Parsonnet J, Hansen S, Rodriguez L, et al. Helicobacter pylori in- fection and gastric lymphoma. N Engl J Med 1994; 5: 1310-1.
  • Fiscbach W, Jung T, Goebeter-Kolve E, et al. Comparative analysis of the Helicobacter pylori status in patients with gastric MALT-type lymphoma and their respective spouses. Z Gastroenterol 2000; 38: 627-30.
  • Falco JG, Martinez EA, Sanchez CJ, et al. Regression of primary gastric B-cell mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lympho- ma after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 1999; 91: 537-40.
  • Gisbertz IA, Jonkers DM, Arends JW, et al. Specific detection of He- licobacter pylori and non-Helicobacter pylori flora in small and lar- ge-cell primary gastric B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ann Oncol 1997; 2: 33-6.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Arif Hakan Demirel This is me

Ali Ulvi Öngören This is me

Murat Kapan This is me

Muzaffer Çaydere This is me

Hüseyin Üstün This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Demirel, A. H., Öngören, A. U., Kapan, M., Çaydere, M., et al. (2006). Mide kanseri ve mide lenfomasında Helikobakter pilori sıklığı. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi, 5(2), 90-93.
