Research Article
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The Effect of Profitability of Companies in Borsa Istanbul on Economic Growth

Year 2022, , 873 - 888, 27.08.2022


In study, how company-scale data can be used to analyze economic outlook is investigated. For this purpose, the effect of changes in the operating profitability of companies on both nominal and real economic growth is analyzed. Among the financials of the companies, it is considered that operating profitability reflect the changes in macroeconomic outlook at the best way. A single aggregate earnings is formed by using earnings before interest, tax and depreciation of companies quoted in Borsa İstanbul. Findings show that changes in profitability of companies can be a leading indicator in predicting economic growth. It is found that findings obtained as a result of the analysis are in parallel with international literature, the effect of the changes in profitability of companies on real economic growth is limited to the subsequent quarter, but the effect on nominal economic growth extends until the following three quarters in Turkey. Even when bond yield, return of Borsa İstanbul 100 Index, and yield slope, which are used as control variables, are included in the model, the change in operating profitability is still statistically significant. In this paper, it is revealed that the profitability changes of companies provide researchers useful information about macroeconomic outlook.


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  • Atwood, T. J., Drake, M. S., Myers, J. N., & Myers, L. A. (2011). Do earnings reported under IFRS tell us more about future earnings and cash flows?. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 30(2), 103-121.
  • Ball, R. & Sadka, G. (2015). Aggregate earnings and why they matter. Journal of Accounting Literature, 34, 39-57.
  • Ball, R. T., Gallo, L. & Ghysels, E. (2019). Tilting the evidence: the role of firm-level earnings attributes in the relation between aggregated earnings and gross domestic product. Review of Accounting Studies, 24(2), 570-592.
  • Barroso, J. B., Kohlscheen, E. & Lima, E. J. (2014). What have central banks in EMEs learned about the international transmission of monetary policy in recent years?. BIS Papers No: 78, 97-111.
  • Fargher, N. L. & Zhang, L. (2020). Investor protection, aggregate accounting earnings and forecasts of growth in GDP: International evidence. Available at SSRN: or
  • Gaertner, F.B., Kausar, A. & Steele, L.B. (2020). Negative accounting earnings and gross domestic product. Review of Accounting Studies, 25, 1382–1409.
  • Gallo, L. A., Hann, R. N. & LI, C. (2016). Aggregate earnings surprises, monetary policy, and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 62(1), 103-120.
  • Huang, M. (2015). Predictive power of aggregate accounting earnings growth for growth of future GDP (Unpublished Masters Theses). Eastern Illinois University.
  • Kalay, A., Nallareddy, S. & Sadka, G. (2018). Uncertainty and sectoral shifts: The interaction between firm-level and aggregate-level shocks, and macroeconomic activity. Management Science, 64(1), 198-214.
  • Kİng, R. G. & Levine, R. (1993). Finance, entrepreneurship and growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), 513-542. Konchitchki, Y. & Patatoukas, P. N. (2014a). Accounting earnings and gross domestic product. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 57(1), 76-88.
  • Konchitchki, Y. & Patatoukas, P. N. (2014b). Taking the pulse of the real economy using financial statement analysis: Implications for macro forecasting and stock valuation. The Accounting Review, 89(2), 669-694.
  • La Porta, R., Lopez-De-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A. & Vishny, R. W. (1997). Legal determinants of external finance. The Journal of Finance, 52(3), 1131-1150.
  • Lalwani, V. & Chakraborty, M. (2020). Aggregate earnings and gross domestic product: International evidence. Applied Economics, 52(1), 68-84.
  • Levine, R. (1997). Financial development and economic growth: views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, 35(2), 688-726.
  • Macey, J. R., & O'hara, M. (2002). The economics of stock exchange listing fees and listing requirements. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 11(3), 297-319.
  • Mishkin, F. S. (1990). What does the term structure tell us about future inflation?. Journal of Monetary Economics, 25(1), 77-95.
  • Nallareddy, S. & Ogneva, M. (2017). Predicting restatements in macroeconomic indicators using accounting information. The Accounting Review, 92(2), 151-182.
  • Newey, W. K., & West, K. D. (1987). A Simple, Positive Semi-definite, Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix. Econometrica, 55(3), 703-708.
  • Pesce, M. A. (2008, January). Transmission mechanisms for monetary policy in emerging market economies: what is new?. BIS Papers No: 35, 131-137.
  • Saini, J. S. & White, T. P. (2015). The effects of volatility and leverage on the earnings-GDP relation. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 19(3), 267-282.
  • Shivakumar, L. & Urcan, O. (2017). Why does aggregate earnings growth reflect information about future inflation?. The Accounting Review, 92(6), 247-276.
  • Sumiyana, S. (2020). Different characteristics of the aggregate of accounting earnings between developed and developing countries: Evidence for predicting future GDP. Journal of International Studies, 13(1), 58-80.

Borsa İstanbul’daki Şirketlerin Karlılığının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2022, , 873 - 888, 27.08.2022


Çalışmada şirket ölçeğindeki verilerin, makroekonomik görünümü analiz etmede nasıl kullanabileceği araştırılmaktadır. Bu amaçla, şirketlerin faaliyet karlılığındaki değişimlerin hem nominal hem de reel ekonomik büyüme üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Şirketlerin finansal tabloları içerisinden makroekonomik görünümü en net faaliyet karlılıklarındaki değişimlerin yansıtacağı değerlendirilerek, Borsa İstanbul’da işlem gören şirketlerin faiz, amortisman ve vergi öncesi kar marjlarından yararlanılarak tek bir ağırlıklandırılmış kar oluşturulmuştur. Bulgular, şirketlerin faaliyet karlılığındaki değişimlerin ekonomik büyümeyi tahmin etmede öncü bir gösterge olabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Analiz sonucunda elde edilen bulguların uluslararası alanda yapılan literatürle paralel olduğu, Türkiye özelinde şirket karlılığındaki değişimlerin reel ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkisinin takip eden çeyrekle sınırlı olduğu, ancak nominal ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkisinin takip eden 3 çeyreğe kadar devam ettiği tespit edilmiştir. Kontrol değişkenleri olarak kullanılan tahvil getirisi, Borsa İstanbul 100 endeksinin getirisi ve getiri eğimi modele dâhil edildiğinde dahi, faaliyet karlılığındaki değişim istatistiki olarak anlamlılığını kaybetmemiştir. Bu çalışmada şirketlerin karlılık değişimlerinin, araştırmacılara, makroekonomik görünüm ile ilgili yararlı bilgiler sağladığı ortaya koyulmuştur.


  • Aksoy, A. & Tanriöven, C. (2014). Sermaye piyasası yatırım araçları ve analizi (Beşinci Baskı). Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Atwood, T. J., Drake, M. S., Myers, J. N., & Myers, L. A. (2011). Do earnings reported under IFRS tell us more about future earnings and cash flows?. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 30(2), 103-121.
  • Ball, R. & Sadka, G. (2015). Aggregate earnings and why they matter. Journal of Accounting Literature, 34, 39-57.
  • Ball, R. T., Gallo, L. & Ghysels, E. (2019). Tilting the evidence: the role of firm-level earnings attributes in the relation between aggregated earnings and gross domestic product. Review of Accounting Studies, 24(2), 570-592.
  • Barroso, J. B., Kohlscheen, E. & Lima, E. J. (2014). What have central banks in EMEs learned about the international transmission of monetary policy in recent years?. BIS Papers No: 78, 97-111.
  • Fargher, N. L. & Zhang, L. (2020). Investor protection, aggregate accounting earnings and forecasts of growth in GDP: International evidence. Available at SSRN: or
  • Gaertner, F.B., Kausar, A. & Steele, L.B. (2020). Negative accounting earnings and gross domestic product. Review of Accounting Studies, 25, 1382–1409.
  • Gallo, L. A., Hann, R. N. & LI, C. (2016). Aggregate earnings surprises, monetary policy, and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 62(1), 103-120.
  • Huang, M. (2015). Predictive power of aggregate accounting earnings growth for growth of future GDP (Unpublished Masters Theses). Eastern Illinois University.
  • Kalay, A., Nallareddy, S. & Sadka, G. (2018). Uncertainty and sectoral shifts: The interaction between firm-level and aggregate-level shocks, and macroeconomic activity. Management Science, 64(1), 198-214.
  • Kİng, R. G. & Levine, R. (1993). Finance, entrepreneurship and growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), 513-542. Konchitchki, Y. & Patatoukas, P. N. (2014a). Accounting earnings and gross domestic product. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 57(1), 76-88.
  • Konchitchki, Y. & Patatoukas, P. N. (2014b). Taking the pulse of the real economy using financial statement analysis: Implications for macro forecasting and stock valuation. The Accounting Review, 89(2), 669-694.
  • La Porta, R., Lopez-De-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A. & Vishny, R. W. (1997). Legal determinants of external finance. The Journal of Finance, 52(3), 1131-1150.
  • Lalwani, V. & Chakraborty, M. (2020). Aggregate earnings and gross domestic product: International evidence. Applied Economics, 52(1), 68-84.
  • Levine, R. (1997). Financial development and economic growth: views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, 35(2), 688-726.
  • Macey, J. R., & O'hara, M. (2002). The economics of stock exchange listing fees and listing requirements. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 11(3), 297-319.
  • Mishkin, F. S. (1990). What does the term structure tell us about future inflation?. Journal of Monetary Economics, 25(1), 77-95.
  • Nallareddy, S. & Ogneva, M. (2017). Predicting restatements in macroeconomic indicators using accounting information. The Accounting Review, 92(2), 151-182.
  • Newey, W. K., & West, K. D. (1987). A Simple, Positive Semi-definite, Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix. Econometrica, 55(3), 703-708.
  • Pesce, M. A. (2008, January). Transmission mechanisms for monetary policy in emerging market economies: what is new?. BIS Papers No: 35, 131-137.
  • Saini, J. S. & White, T. P. (2015). The effects of volatility and leverage on the earnings-GDP relation. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 19(3), 267-282.
  • Shivakumar, L. & Urcan, O. (2017). Why does aggregate earnings growth reflect information about future inflation?. The Accounting Review, 92(6), 247-276.
  • Sumiyana, S. (2020). Different characteristics of the aggregate of accounting earnings between developed and developing countries: Evidence for predicting future GDP. Journal of International Studies, 13(1), 58-80.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Main Section

Erkan Solan 0000-0001-8022-4503

Yasin Erdem Çevik 0000-0003-3684-6668

Publication Date August 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Solan, E., & Çevik, Y. E. (2022). Borsa İstanbul’daki Şirketlerin Karlılığının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(2), 873-888.