Research Article
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Czech Republic And Changing Political Dynamics After EU Membership

Year 2022, , 1385 - 1398, 28.12.2022


From an advertisement in classical comparative political scientists and authoritarianism after the Soviet Union, events that developed into new areas of discussion where these are refuted after the sale today. The Turkish literature, on the other hand, has had difficulty in catching these new discussion areas. Eastern European comparative political studies, which have certain limitations in Turkey, are late to understand the new conceptual diversity put forward in international publications and to produce new empirical definitions. When we look at the international publications, it is possible to see that there is a literature in which Eastern European states that have changed or have difficulties in changing from their political regimes to their institutional systems, especially after the European Union membership, have gained weight. These states have attracted the attention of modern political scientists with their new forms of government, their deadlocked political practices and their level of success in the reform processes. While the first part of this study will discuss the political changes of the Czech Republic, which is one of the countries at the center of these discussions, after the European Union membership, the second part will strengthen the background with theoretical concepts by giving a literature review on the conceptual diversity in the international academy world in the Czech Republic.


  • BAUN Michael. EU Regional Policy and the Candidate States: Poland and the Czech Republic, Journal of European Integration, 24:3, 2002 261-280
  • BERNHARD Micheal. Introduction, European Forum: Democratic Deterioration in Central Europe, In Newsletter of the European Politics and Society Section of the American Political Science Association, 2017 3–13.
  • BERMEO Nancy. On Democratic Backsliding, Journal of Democracy 27 (1): 2016 5–19
  • BRUSIS Martin. Democracies Adrift: How the European Crises Affect East-Central Europe, Problems of Post-Communism, 2016
  • BUŠTÍKOVÁ Lenka ve GUASTI Petra. East European Politics and Societies and Cultures Volume 33 Number 2, 302-33, 2019
  • CASSANİ, Andrea. and TOMINI Luca. Reversing Regimes and Concepts: From Democratization to Autocratization. European Political Science, 1–16. 2018
  • DRESDEN, Raymond. and HOWARD M. Matilda. “Authoritarian backsliding and the Concentration of Political Power.” Democratization 23 (7): 1122–1143, 2016
  • ERDMANN, Gero. Decline of Democracy: Loss of Quality, Hybridisation and breakdown of Democracy. In Regression of Democracy?, edited by G. Erdman, and M. Kneuer, 2011 21–58. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • EKIERT Grzegorz. Dilemmas of Europeanization: Eastern and Central Europe after the EU Enlargement. Acta Slavica Iaponica. 25 :1-28. 2008
  • GRESKOVITS Bela. The Hollowing and Backsliding of Democracy in East Central Europe. Global Policy 6 (S1): 2015 28–37.
  • HANLEY Seán & VACHUDOVA Milada Anna, Understanding the Illiberal Turn: Democratic Backsliding in the Czech Republic, East European Politics, 34:3, 2018 276-296
  • HADJIISKY Magdalena. The Failure of the Participatory Democracy in the Czech republic, West European Politics, 24:3, 43-64, 2001
  • JASIECKI, Krzysztof. “The Europeanization of Polish Democracy” Polish Sociological Review , 2008, No. 164, pp. 359-382, 2008
  • KALTWASSER Cristóbal Rovira. The Ambivalence of Populism: Threat and Corrective for Democracy, Democratization, 19:2, 184-208, 2012
  • LIJPHART Arend. Democratization and Constitutional Choices in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland 1989–91, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 4:2, 1992 207–23.
  • KIM Seongcheol, Between Illiberalism and Hyper-Neoliberalism: Competing Populist Discourses in the Czech Republic, European Politics and Society, 21:5, 2020 618-633,
  • PAPPAS Takis. How to Tell Nativists from Populists, Journal of Democracy 29, 2018 148–52.
  • PATOČKA Jakup, The Best Result From the Czech Elections Would be Chaos, The Guardian, 20 October. Accessed 7 December 2017. 20/best-result-czech-republic-elections-chaos-andrej-babis
  • ROHAC Dalibor. Transitions, Populism, and Democratic Decline: Evidence from Hungary and the Czech Republic, European Politics and Society, 1-19, 2021
  • ROVNY Jan, Election reaction: The Czech Republic shifts toward the Polish and Hungarian model. EUROPP blog. 23 October. Accessed 7 December. election-reaction-the-czech-republic-shifts-toward-the-polish-and-hungarian-model 2017
  • SCHMITTER, Philippe.a Crisis and Transition, But Not a Decline, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 32-44. 2015
  • TSAI Jung-Hsiang. Populism and Democratic Crisis in Semi-presidential Countries, Democratization, 2019

AB Üyeliği Sonrası Çekya ve Değişen Siyasal Dinamikler

Year 2022, , 1385 - 1398, 28.12.2022


Sovyetler Birliği dağıldıktan sonra klasik karşılaştırmalı siyaset bilimciler liberalizm ve otoriteryanizm savaşında bir kazanan ilan ederken, bugün 1990 sonrası bu iddiaların çürütüldüğü yeni tartışma alanları meydana gelmektedir. Türkiye literatürü ise bu yeni tartışma sahalarını yakalamakta zorlanmıştır. Türkiye’de belli kısıtlıklar içeren Doğu Avrupa karşılaştırmalı siyasal çalışmaları, uluslararası yayınlarda ortaya atılan yeni kavramsal çeşitliliği anlamak ve yeni ampirik tanımlar üretmek için geç kalmaktadır. Uluslararası yayınlara göz atıldığında özellikle Avrupa Birliği üyeliği sonrası siyasal rejimlerinden kurumsal sistemlerine kadar değişim gösteren ya da değişimde zorlanan Doğu Avrupa devletlerinin ağırlık kazandığı bir literatürün meydana geldiğini görmek mümkündür. Bu devletler yeni yönetim biçimleri, çıkmaza giren siyasal pratikleri ve reform süreçlerindeki başarı düzeyleri ile modern siyaset bilimcilerin dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu çalışmanın ilk bölümü bu tartışmaların merkezindeki ülkelerden biri olan Çekya’nın Avrupa Birliği üyeliği sonrası siyasal değişimlerini tartışmaya açarken ikinci bölümü uluslararası akademi dünyasındaki kavramsal çeşitliliğe dair bir literatür taramasına Çekya özelinde yer vererek teorik kavramlarla arka planı güçlendirecektir.


  • BAUN Michael. EU Regional Policy and the Candidate States: Poland and the Czech Republic, Journal of European Integration, 24:3, 2002 261-280
  • BERNHARD Micheal. Introduction, European Forum: Democratic Deterioration in Central Europe, In Newsletter of the European Politics and Society Section of the American Political Science Association, 2017 3–13.
  • BERMEO Nancy. On Democratic Backsliding, Journal of Democracy 27 (1): 2016 5–19
  • BRUSIS Martin. Democracies Adrift: How the European Crises Affect East-Central Europe, Problems of Post-Communism, 2016
  • BUŠTÍKOVÁ Lenka ve GUASTI Petra. East European Politics and Societies and Cultures Volume 33 Number 2, 302-33, 2019
  • CASSANİ, Andrea. and TOMINI Luca. Reversing Regimes and Concepts: From Democratization to Autocratization. European Political Science, 1–16. 2018
  • DRESDEN, Raymond. and HOWARD M. Matilda. “Authoritarian backsliding and the Concentration of Political Power.” Democratization 23 (7): 1122–1143, 2016
  • ERDMANN, Gero. Decline of Democracy: Loss of Quality, Hybridisation and breakdown of Democracy. In Regression of Democracy?, edited by G. Erdman, and M. Kneuer, 2011 21–58. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • EKIERT Grzegorz. Dilemmas of Europeanization: Eastern and Central Europe after the EU Enlargement. Acta Slavica Iaponica. 25 :1-28. 2008
  • GRESKOVITS Bela. The Hollowing and Backsliding of Democracy in East Central Europe. Global Policy 6 (S1): 2015 28–37.
  • HANLEY Seán & VACHUDOVA Milada Anna, Understanding the Illiberal Turn: Democratic Backsliding in the Czech Republic, East European Politics, 34:3, 2018 276-296
  • HADJIISKY Magdalena. The Failure of the Participatory Democracy in the Czech republic, West European Politics, 24:3, 43-64, 2001
  • JASIECKI, Krzysztof. “The Europeanization of Polish Democracy” Polish Sociological Review , 2008, No. 164, pp. 359-382, 2008
  • KALTWASSER Cristóbal Rovira. The Ambivalence of Populism: Threat and Corrective for Democracy, Democratization, 19:2, 184-208, 2012
  • LIJPHART Arend. Democratization and Constitutional Choices in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland 1989–91, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 4:2, 1992 207–23.
  • KIM Seongcheol, Between Illiberalism and Hyper-Neoliberalism: Competing Populist Discourses in the Czech Republic, European Politics and Society, 21:5, 2020 618-633,
  • PAPPAS Takis. How to Tell Nativists from Populists, Journal of Democracy 29, 2018 148–52.
  • PATOČKA Jakup, The Best Result From the Czech Elections Would be Chaos, The Guardian, 20 October. Accessed 7 December 2017. 20/best-result-czech-republic-elections-chaos-andrej-babis
  • ROHAC Dalibor. Transitions, Populism, and Democratic Decline: Evidence from Hungary and the Czech Republic, European Politics and Society, 1-19, 2021
  • ROVNY Jan, Election reaction: The Czech Republic shifts toward the Polish and Hungarian model. EUROPP blog. 23 October. Accessed 7 December. election-reaction-the-czech-republic-shifts-toward-the-polish-and-hungarian-model 2017
  • SCHMITTER, Philippe.a Crisis and Transition, But Not a Decline, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 32-44. 2015
  • TSAI Jung-Hsiang. Populism and Democratic Crisis in Semi-presidential Countries, Democratization, 2019
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Main Section

Seda Kaya Karabulut 0000-0002-1383-8414

Publication Date December 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kaya Karabulut, S. (2022). AB Üyeliği Sonrası Çekya ve Değişen Siyasal Dinamikler. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(3), 1385-1398.