Research Article
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The effect of education given to university students on attitude towards violence against women conflict and awareness levels

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 130 - 156, 26.08.2024


The study was conducted to investigate the effects of education given to women university students on their attitudes towards violence against women, and their conflict and awareness levels. The sample of this quasi-experimental study comprised 87 (experimental group = 45; control group = 42) students studying in health-related fields. The students in the experimental group received in one session education on violence against women and conflict, whereas the students in the control group did not receive any education. The study data were collected with the Personal Information Form, the Attitudes towards Violence Scale among University Students, and the Conflict and Violent Awareness Scale. No statistically significant difference was found between the experimental and control groups in terms of the mean scores they obtained from the overall the Attitudes towards Violence Scale among University Students and its sub-dimensions (p>0.05). However, a statistically significant difference was found between the mean scores of the Conflict and Violent Awareness Scale (p<0.05). It is recommended to plan the studies that to raise the awareness of violence.

Project Number



  • Adıbelli, D., Saçan, S., & Türkoğlu, N. (2018). Development of the attitude scale toward the violence among university students. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 19(2), 202–209.
  • Ahmady, S., & Shahbazi, S. (2020). Impact of social problem-solving training on critical thinking and decision making of nursing students. BMC Nursing, 19, 94.
  • Ahmed, R.A., Fakhry, S.F., & Saad, N.F. (2019). Conflict resolution strategies training program and its effect on assertiveness among nursing students. Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 10(2), 237–249.
  • Akan, Y. (2020). An analysis on the effect of violence reduction psychoeducation program on communication, conflict resolution and empathy skill levels of adolescent students. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(7), 225–242.
  • Akgün Çıtak, A., & Çam, O. (2011). Examination of education on nurses’ conflict resolution skills, method and burnout level. Dokuz Eylül University Electronic Journal of the School of Nursing, 4(4),165-171.
  • Alhalal, E. (2020). Nurses' knowledge, attitudes and preparedness to manage women with intimate partner violence. International Nursing Review, 67(2), 265–274.
  • Ay Ceviker, Ş., Keskin, H.K., & Akıllı, M. (2019). Examining the effects of negotiation and peer mediation on students’ conflict resolution and problem-solving skills. International Journal of Instruction, 12(3), 717–730.
  • Bahadır Yılmaz, E., & Yüksel A. (2023). The effect of violence against women education on nursing students’ attitudes towards violence, professional attitudes and recognition of the symptoms of violence: Quasi-experimental study. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 15(2), 508-516.
  • Beccaria, G., Beccaria, L., Dawson, R., Gorman, D., Harris, J.A., & Hossain, D. (2013). Nursing student's perceptions and understanding of intimate partner violence. Nurse Education Today, 33(8), 907–911.
  • Bradbury-Jones, C., & Broadhurst, K. (2015). Are we failing to prepare nursing and midwifery students to deal with domestic abuse? Findings from a qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(9), 62–72.
  • Can Gürkan, O., & Kömürcü, N. (2017). The effect of a peer education program on combating violence against women: A randomized controlled study. Nurse Education Today, 57, 47–53.
  • Can Gürkan, O. (2020). The effect of a domestic violence course on nursing students’ recognition of violence symptoms against women and their attitudes toward violence. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 11(1), 57–63.
  • Choi H-G., & Ahn, S.H. (2021). Effects of a conflict resolution training program on nursing students: A quasi-experimental study based on the situated learning theory. Nurse Education Today, 103, 104951.
  • Connor, P.D., Nouer, S.S., Speck, P.M., Mackey, S.N., & Tipton, N.G. (2013). Nursing students and intimate partner violence education: Improving and integrating knowledge into health care curricula. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(4), 233–239.
  • Crombie, N., Hooker, L., & Reisenhofer, S. (2016). Nurse and midwifery education and intimate partner violence: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2100–2125.
  • Di Giacomo, P., Cavallo, A., Bagnasco, A., Sartini, M., & Sasso, L. (2017). Violence against women: Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of nurses and midwives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2307–2316.
  • Djikanovic, M., Henric, J., & Otasevic, S. (2010). Factors associated with intimate partner violence against women in Serbia: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64(8), 728–735.
  • Doran, F., & Hutchinson, M. (2017). Student nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards domestic violence: results of survey highlight need for continued attention to undergraduate curriculum. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2286–2296.
  • Durmaz, H., Korkmaz, T., & Okanlı, A. (2016). Nurses’ exposure to violence and their level of knowledge on the signs of violence against women. International Refereed Journal of Nursing Research 7, 1–18.
  • Er Güneri, S. (2016). Determination of university students’ attitudes towards violence against women. Türkiye Klinikleri Obstetric Women’s Health Diseases Nursing, 2(2), 49–56.
  • Erem F. (2008). Research of the effect of “conflict resoulation education” programme on the parents of violence-oriented students whose conflict resoulation skills. (Publication No. 230950) [Master Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Center.
  • Erenoğlu, R., & Can, R. (2020). The attitudes of nursing students towards violence against women and occupational role in violence and affecting factors. Van Journal of Health Sciences, 13(2), 31–40.
  • Kara, P., Akçayüzlü, Ö., Gür, A., & Nazik, E. (2018). Determination of knowledge levels associated with recognition of violence against women of health professionals. Düzce University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 8(3), 115–122.
  • Karahan, T.F. (2008). The effect of a communication and conflict resolution skill training program on the social skill levels of university students. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 41(2), 169–186.
  • Khazaienejad, M., Peyman, A., Nafe, J.T., & Zanjani, S.E. (2019). The effect of education on the legal aspects of domestic violence against women through social networks, on the awareness and attitude of nursing students. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8(37), 2865–2869.
  • Krahé, B. (2018). Violence against women. Current Opinion in Psychology, 19, 6–10.
  • Koohestani, H.R., Baghcheghi, N., Karimy, M., & Keshavarzi, M.H. (2023). Design, implementation and evaluation of workplace violence management educational program for nursing students. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 18, e156-e160.
  • Öztürk, R. (2021). The impact of violence against women courses on the attitudes of nursing students toward violence against women and their professional roles. Nurse Education in Practice, 52, 103032.
  • Park, I.S. (2017). The effect of influence of nursing student’s SCCM program solving ability and nursing competency. Health Service Management Review, 11(2), 15–25.
  • Pines, E.W., Rauschhuber, M.L., Cook, J.D., Norgan, G.H., Canchola, L., Richardson, C., & Jones, M.E. (2014). Enhancing resilience, empowerment, and conflict management among baccalaureate students: Outcomes of a pilot study. Nurse Educator, 39(2), 85–90.
  • Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family and Social Policies. (2015) Research on domestic violence against women in Türkiye.
  • Rigol-Cuadra, A., Galbany-Estragué, P., Fuentes-Pumarola, C., Burjales-Martí, M.D., Rodríguez-Martín, D., & Ballester-Ferrando, D. (2015). Perception of nursing students about couples' violence: Knowledge, beliefs and professional role. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 23(3), 527–534.
  • Sargın, N. (2010). Examining prospective teachers’ conflict and violence awareness levels by some variables. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 16(4), 601–616.
  • Silva, C.D., de Oliveira Gomes, V.L., de Oliveira, D.C., Marques, S.C., da Fonseca, A.D., & da Rocha Martins, S. (2015). Social representation of domestic violence against women among nursing technicians and community agents. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 49(1), 22–29.
  • Sis Celik, A., Türkoglu, N., Ejder Apay, S., Aydın, A., & Pasinlioglu, T. (2015). The effect of education given to midwifes and nurses on their attitudes of domestic violence against women. Archives of Health Science and Research, 2(2), 138–148.
  • Sis Celik, A., & Aydin, A. (2019). The effect of a course on violence against women on the attitudes of student midwives and nurses towards domestic violence against women, their occupational roles in addressing violence, and their abilities to recognize the signs of violence. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 55(2), 210–217. 10.1111/ppc.12333
  • Şahin Altun, O, & Ekinci, M. (2015). The effect of conflict resolution training on the conflict resolution skills of nursing students. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 6(3), 105–113.
  • Tokur Kesgin, M., & Hançer Tok, H. (2023). The impact of drama education and in-class education on nursing students' attitudes toward violence against women: A randomized controlled study. Nurse Education Today, 125, 105779.
  • Uysal, A., & Bayık Temel, A. (2009). The effect of the education program against violance on students’ conflict resolution, tendency to violance and violent behavior. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(1), 20–30.
  • World Health Organization. (2016). Violence against women. Intimate partner and sexual violence against women.

Üniversite Öğrencilerine Verilen Eğitimin Kadına Yönelik Şiddete İlişkin Tutum, Çatışma ve Farkındalık Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 130 - 156, 26.08.2024


Araştırma kadın üniversite öğrencilerine verilen eğitimin kadına yönelik şiddete ilişkin tutum, çatışma ve farkındalık düzeyleri üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu yarı deneysel çalışmanın örneklemini sağlık ile ilgili alanlarda öğrenim gören 87 (deney grubu = 45; kontrol grubu = 42) üniversite öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Deney grubundaki öğrenciler kadına yönelik şiddet ve çatışma konularını içeren eğitim almış, kontrol grubundaki öğrenciler ise eğitim almamıştır. Araştırma verileri Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Şiddete Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği, Çatışma ve Şiddete İlişkin Farkındalık Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Eğitim sonrası deney ve kontrol grubu arasında Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Şiddete Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği tüm alt boyutlarda ve toplam puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmamıştır (p>0.05). Ancak Çatışma ve Şiddete İlişkin Farkındalık Ölçeği puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmıştır (p<0.05). Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda şiddetle ilgili farkındalık yaratan çalışmaların planlanması önerilir.

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Project Number



Çalışmaya katılan tüm öğrencilere teşekkür ederiz.


  • Adıbelli, D., Saçan, S., & Türkoğlu, N. (2018). Development of the attitude scale toward the violence among university students. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 19(2), 202–209.
  • Ahmady, S., & Shahbazi, S. (2020). Impact of social problem-solving training on critical thinking and decision making of nursing students. BMC Nursing, 19, 94.
  • Ahmed, R.A., Fakhry, S.F., & Saad, N.F. (2019). Conflict resolution strategies training program and its effect on assertiveness among nursing students. Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 10(2), 237–249.
  • Akan, Y. (2020). An analysis on the effect of violence reduction psychoeducation program on communication, conflict resolution and empathy skill levels of adolescent students. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(7), 225–242.
  • Akgün Çıtak, A., & Çam, O. (2011). Examination of education on nurses’ conflict resolution skills, method and burnout level. Dokuz Eylül University Electronic Journal of the School of Nursing, 4(4),165-171.
  • Alhalal, E. (2020). Nurses' knowledge, attitudes and preparedness to manage women with intimate partner violence. International Nursing Review, 67(2), 265–274.
  • Ay Ceviker, Ş., Keskin, H.K., & Akıllı, M. (2019). Examining the effects of negotiation and peer mediation on students’ conflict resolution and problem-solving skills. International Journal of Instruction, 12(3), 717–730.
  • Bahadır Yılmaz, E., & Yüksel A. (2023). The effect of violence against women education on nursing students’ attitudes towards violence, professional attitudes and recognition of the symptoms of violence: Quasi-experimental study. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 15(2), 508-516.
  • Beccaria, G., Beccaria, L., Dawson, R., Gorman, D., Harris, J.A., & Hossain, D. (2013). Nursing student's perceptions and understanding of intimate partner violence. Nurse Education Today, 33(8), 907–911.
  • Bradbury-Jones, C., & Broadhurst, K. (2015). Are we failing to prepare nursing and midwifery students to deal with domestic abuse? Findings from a qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(9), 62–72.
  • Can Gürkan, O., & Kömürcü, N. (2017). The effect of a peer education program on combating violence against women: A randomized controlled study. Nurse Education Today, 57, 47–53.
  • Can Gürkan, O. (2020). The effect of a domestic violence course on nursing students’ recognition of violence symptoms against women and their attitudes toward violence. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 11(1), 57–63.
  • Choi H-G., & Ahn, S.H. (2021). Effects of a conflict resolution training program on nursing students: A quasi-experimental study based on the situated learning theory. Nurse Education Today, 103, 104951.
  • Connor, P.D., Nouer, S.S., Speck, P.M., Mackey, S.N., & Tipton, N.G. (2013). Nursing students and intimate partner violence education: Improving and integrating knowledge into health care curricula. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(4), 233–239.
  • Crombie, N., Hooker, L., & Reisenhofer, S. (2016). Nurse and midwifery education and intimate partner violence: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2100–2125.
  • Di Giacomo, P., Cavallo, A., Bagnasco, A., Sartini, M., & Sasso, L. (2017). Violence against women: Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of nurses and midwives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2307–2316.
  • Djikanovic, M., Henric, J., & Otasevic, S. (2010). Factors associated with intimate partner violence against women in Serbia: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64(8), 728–735.
  • Doran, F., & Hutchinson, M. (2017). Student nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards domestic violence: results of survey highlight need for continued attention to undergraduate curriculum. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2286–2296.
  • Durmaz, H., Korkmaz, T., & Okanlı, A. (2016). Nurses’ exposure to violence and their level of knowledge on the signs of violence against women. International Refereed Journal of Nursing Research 7, 1–18.
  • Er Güneri, S. (2016). Determination of university students’ attitudes towards violence against women. Türkiye Klinikleri Obstetric Women’s Health Diseases Nursing, 2(2), 49–56.
  • Erem F. (2008). Research of the effect of “conflict resoulation education” programme on the parents of violence-oriented students whose conflict resoulation skills. (Publication No. 230950) [Master Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Center.
  • Erenoğlu, R., & Can, R. (2020). The attitudes of nursing students towards violence against women and occupational role in violence and affecting factors. Van Journal of Health Sciences, 13(2), 31–40.
  • Kara, P., Akçayüzlü, Ö., Gür, A., & Nazik, E. (2018). Determination of knowledge levels associated with recognition of violence against women of health professionals. Düzce University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 8(3), 115–122.
  • Karahan, T.F. (2008). The effect of a communication and conflict resolution skill training program on the social skill levels of university students. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 41(2), 169–186.
  • Khazaienejad, M., Peyman, A., Nafe, J.T., & Zanjani, S.E. (2019). The effect of education on the legal aspects of domestic violence against women through social networks, on the awareness and attitude of nursing students. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8(37), 2865–2869.
  • Krahé, B. (2018). Violence against women. Current Opinion in Psychology, 19, 6–10.
  • Koohestani, H.R., Baghcheghi, N., Karimy, M., & Keshavarzi, M.H. (2023). Design, implementation and evaluation of workplace violence management educational program for nursing students. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 18, e156-e160.
  • Öztürk, R. (2021). The impact of violence against women courses on the attitudes of nursing students toward violence against women and their professional roles. Nurse Education in Practice, 52, 103032.
  • Park, I.S. (2017). The effect of influence of nursing student’s SCCM program solving ability and nursing competency. Health Service Management Review, 11(2), 15–25.
  • Pines, E.W., Rauschhuber, M.L., Cook, J.D., Norgan, G.H., Canchola, L., Richardson, C., & Jones, M.E. (2014). Enhancing resilience, empowerment, and conflict management among baccalaureate students: Outcomes of a pilot study. Nurse Educator, 39(2), 85–90.
  • Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family and Social Policies. (2015) Research on domestic violence against women in Türkiye.
  • Rigol-Cuadra, A., Galbany-Estragué, P., Fuentes-Pumarola, C., Burjales-Martí, M.D., Rodríguez-Martín, D., & Ballester-Ferrando, D. (2015). Perception of nursing students about couples' violence: Knowledge, beliefs and professional role. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 23(3), 527–534.
  • Sargın, N. (2010). Examining prospective teachers’ conflict and violence awareness levels by some variables. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 16(4), 601–616.
  • Silva, C.D., de Oliveira Gomes, V.L., de Oliveira, D.C., Marques, S.C., da Fonseca, A.D., & da Rocha Martins, S. (2015). Social representation of domestic violence against women among nursing technicians and community agents. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 49(1), 22–29.
  • Sis Celik, A., Türkoglu, N., Ejder Apay, S., Aydın, A., & Pasinlioglu, T. (2015). The effect of education given to midwifes and nurses on their attitudes of domestic violence against women. Archives of Health Science and Research, 2(2), 138–148.
  • Sis Celik, A., & Aydin, A. (2019). The effect of a course on violence against women on the attitudes of student midwives and nurses towards domestic violence against women, their occupational roles in addressing violence, and their abilities to recognize the signs of violence. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 55(2), 210–217. 10.1111/ppc.12333
  • Şahin Altun, O, & Ekinci, M. (2015). The effect of conflict resolution training on the conflict resolution skills of nursing students. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 6(3), 105–113.
  • Tokur Kesgin, M., & Hançer Tok, H. (2023). The impact of drama education and in-class education on nursing students' attitudes toward violence against women: A randomized controlled study. Nurse Education Today, 125, 105779.
  • Uysal, A., & Bayık Temel, A. (2009). The effect of the education program against violance on students’ conflict resolution, tendency to violance and violent behavior. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(1), 20–30.
  • World Health Organization. (2016). Violence against women. Intimate partner and sexual violence against women.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Preventative Health Care, Health Promotion, Mental Health Services
Journal Section Research Article

Sevde Özdemir 0000-0001-5168-9192

Şükran Ertekin Pınar 0000-0002-5431-8159

Project Number Yok
Early Pub Date August 26, 2024
Publication Date August 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Özdemir, S., & Ertekin Pınar, Ş. (2024). The effect of education given to university students on attitude towards violence against women conflict and awareness levels. Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 130-156.

The journal is indexed in Sobiad Citation Index, Turkish Education Index and Turkey Citation Index.