Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 85 - 122, 03.03.2025



  • Ahn, J. C., & Lee, O. (2013). Alleviating travel anxiety through virtual reality and narrated video technology. Bratislava Medical Journal-Bratislavske Lekarske Listy, 114(10), 595-602. doi: 10.4149/bll_2013_128
  • Ahn, J. C., Cho, S. P., & Jeong, S. K. (2013). Virtual reality to help relieve travel anxiety. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 7(6), 1433-1448. doi:10.3837/tiis.2013.06.005
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  • Chalupa, S., & Chadt, K. (2021). The perception of soft skills and their training at hotel front - office in connection to CoVid-19 pandemics. Tem Journal-Technology Education Management Informatics, 10(2), 517-521.
  • Chen, Z. (2023). Beyond reality: Examining the opportunities and challenges of cross-border integration between metaverse and hospitality industries. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 32(7), 967-980.
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  • Çolakoğlu, Ü., Anış, E., Esen, Ö., & Tuncay, C. S. (2024). The evaluation of tourists' virtual reality experiences in the transition process to Metaverse. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7(3), 1475-1500.
  • Cranmer, E. E., tom Dieck, M. C., & Fountoulaki, P. (2020). Exploring the value of augmented reality for tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35, 100672.
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Revealing Immersive Guest Experiences (IGX) in the Hotel Industry Using Clustering Analysis

Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 85 - 122, 03.03.2025


The purpose of this study is to analyze existing research on the use of immersive technologies in the hotel industry and build academic and practical knowledge to explore current areas of immersive technology research and development that are critical for the effective digitalization of the hotel industry. Clustering analysis was applied to the publications analyzed by unsupervised machine learning method using the K-Means algorithm. To verify these concepts and answer the research questions, the clustered publications were subjected to in-depth content analysis within the framework of the research questions. The findings provide comprehensive information on the scope of Immersive Guest Experiences (Hereinafter referred to as IGX) for hotel industry and categorize the antecedents, dimensions, and consequences of IGX in hotels to better understand the reasons for the use of immersive technology in the hotel industry. The results provide guidance for practitioners in the design of IGX in hotels.


  • Ahn, J. C., & Lee, O. (2013). Alleviating travel anxiety through virtual reality and narrated video technology. Bratislava Medical Journal-Bratislavske Lekarske Listy, 114(10), 595-602. doi: 10.4149/bll_2013_128
  • Ahn, J. C., Cho, S. P., & Jeong, S. K. (2013). Virtual reality to help relieve travel anxiety. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 7(6), 1433-1448. doi:10.3837/tiis.2013.06.005
  • Ali, F. (2022). Augmented reality enhanced experiences in restaurants: Scale development and validation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102, 103180.
  • Ali, F., & Omar, R. (2014). Determinants of customer experience and resulting satisfaction and revisit intentions: PLS-SEM approach towards Malaysian resort hotels. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, 3, 1-19.
  • Alnawas, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2019). Examining the key dimensions of customer experience quality in the hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 28(7), 833-861.
  • Ampountolas, A., Shaw, G., & James, S. (2019). Active learning to improve self-confidence and decision-making skills through the use of hotel simulation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 31(3), 125-138.
  • An, S., Choi, Y., & Lee, C.-K. (2021). Virtual travel experience and destination marketing: Effects of sense and information quality on flow and visit intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19, 100492.
  • Bailey, R., & Ball, S. (2006). An exploration of the meanings of hotel brand equity. Service Industries Journal, 26(1), 15-38.
  • Barsky, J., & Nash, L. (2002). Evoking emotion: Affective keys to hotel loyalty. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 43(1), 39-46.
  • Bec, A., Moyle, B., Schaffer, V., & Timms, K. (2021). Virtual reality and mixed reality for second chance tourism. Tourism Management, 83, 104256.
  • Bharwani, S., & Jauhari, V. (2017). An exploratory study of competencies required to cocreate memorable customer experiences in the hospitality industry. In V. Jauhari (Ed.), Hospitality Marketing and Consumer Behavior (pp. 159-185). Apple Academic Press.
  • Bharwani, S., & Mathews, D. (2021). Techno-business strategies for enhancing guest experience in luxury hotels: a managerial perspective. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 13(2), 168-185.
  • Bhat, M. A. (2013). Safety and security perceptions: an empirical assessment of tourists in Kashmir. Journal of Services Research, 13(2), 131.
  • Birkle, C., Pendlebury, D.A., Schnell, J., & Adams, J. (2020). Web of Science as a data source for research on scientific and scholarly activity. Quant Sci Stud., 1(2), 363–76.
  • Boudkouss, H., & Djelassi, S. (2021). Understanding in-store interactive technology use: a uses and gratifications theory (UGT) perspective. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 49(12), 1621-1639.
  • Buhalis, D., Harwood, T., Bogicevic, V., Viglia, G., Beldona, S., & Hofacker, C. (2019). Technological disruptions in services: lessons from tourism and hospitality. Journal of service management, 30(4), 484-506.
  • Buhalis, D., O’Connor, P., & Leung, R. (2023). Smart hospitality: from smart cities and smart tourism towards agile business ecosystems in networked destinations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(1), 369-393.
  • Chalupa, S., & Chadt, K. (2021). The perception of soft skills and their training at hotel front - office in connection to CoVid-19 pandemics. Tem Journal-Technology Education Management Informatics, 10(2), 517-521.
  • Chen, Z. (2023). Beyond reality: Examining the opportunities and challenges of cross-border integration between metaverse and hospitality industries. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 32(7), 967-980.
  • Cheng, Y., & Yu, Y. (2022). K-means clustering algorithm-based functional magnetic resonance for evaluation of regular hemodialysis on brain function of patients with end-stage renal disease. Comput Math Methods Med, 2022, 1181030.
  • Cheong, R. (1995). The virtual threat to travel and tourism. Tourism Management, 16(6), 417-422.
  • Çolakoğlu, Ü., Anış, E., Esen, Ö., & Tuncay, C. S. (2024). The evaluation of tourists' virtual reality experiences in the transition process to Metaverse. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7(3), 1475-1500.
  • Cranmer, E. E., tom Dieck, M. C., & Fountoulaki, P. (2020). Exploring the value of augmented reality for tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35, 100672.
  • Das, M. P. (2023). Technology and Guest experience: innovations reshaping hotel management. International Journal for Multidimensional Research Perspectives, 1(3), 76-95.
  • Dogan, E., & Kan, M. H. (2020). Bringing heritage sites to life for visitors: Towards a conceptual framework for immersive experience. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, 8(1), 76-99.
  • Et-Taleby, A., Boussetta, M., & Benslimane, M. (2020). Faults detection for photovoltaic field based on k-means, elbow, and average silhouette techniques through the segmentation of a thermal image. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2020, 1-7.
  • Fan, X., Jiang, X., & Deng, N. (2022). Immersive technology: A meta-analysis of augmented/virtual reality applications and their impact on tourism experience. Tourism Management, 91, 104534.
  • Fayaza, M. S. F., & Farhath, F. F. (2021). Towards stopwords identification in tamil text clustering. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12(12), 524-529. doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2021.0121267
  • Feickert, J., Verma, R., Plaschka, G., & Dev, C. S. (2006). Safeguarding your customers: The guest’s view of hotel security. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 47(3), 224-244.
  • Filimonau, V., Ashton, M., & Stankov, U. (2024). Virtual spaces as the future of consumption in tourism, hospitality and events. Journal of Tourism Futures, 10(1), 110-115.
  • Flavián, C., Ibáñez-Sánchez, S., & Orús, C. (2019). The impact of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies on the customer experience. Journal of Business Research, 100, 547-560.
  • Flavián, C., Ibáñez-Sánchez, S., & Orús, C. (2021). Impacts of technological embodiment through virtual reality on potential guests’ emotions and engagement. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(1), 1-20.
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There are 105 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Tayfun Yörük 0000-0002-4900-5705

Nuray Akar 0000-0003-2444-1233

Zeynep Karsavuran 0000-0002-1701-3321

Fulya Almaz 0000-0002-1537-3278

Early Pub Date November 27, 2024
Publication Date March 3, 2025
Submission Date September 20, 2024
Acceptance Date November 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Yörük, T., Akar, N., Karsavuran, Z., Almaz, F. (2025). Revealing Immersive Guest Experiences (IGX) in the Hotel Industry Using Clustering Analysis. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 13(1), 85-122.

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