AHTR aims at initiating and stimulating advances in hospitality and tourism research. Therefore, it publishes papers that promote new ideas, models, approaches and paradigms by contributing to the advances in knowledge and theory of hospitality and tourism.
The journal covers applied research studies and review articles, both in a format of full-length article and research notes. Applied research studies are expected to examine relationships among variables relevant to hospitality and tourism by employing appropriate analytical or statistical techniques. High quality review articles that address latest advances and develop theoretical knowledge or thinking about key aspects of hospitality and tourism are accepted. Research notes are short articles that report advances in methodology, exploratory research findings or extensions / discussions of prior research.
AHTR will also welcome commentary in response to published articles.
All papers are subject to double blind peer review process based on an initial screening by the editor criteria for evaluation include significant contribution to the field, conceptual quality, appropriate methodology and clarity of exposition.
As a forum for advancing the research in hospitality and tourism field, the journal encompasses many aspects within the hospitality and tourism including but not limited to;
Submissions should be uploaded with separate Microsoft Word type of files, respectively: (1) Title page, (2) Main Document and References. Tables and figures should be embedded in the main document.
Manuscripts which are submitted to AHTR should not be submitted for the consideration of publication at the same time for another journal.
The originality of the submissions is checked with plagiarism detection software. Our policy for similarity levels is the similarity with each source should not exceed 1% and total similarity should not exceed 15%. For avoiding desk rejection, authors might consider checking the similarity level before submission.
Article Structure
Submission should be uploaded with separate Microsoft Word type of files, respectively: (1) Title Page, (2) Main Document and References. Tables and figures should be embedded in the main document. Manuscripts which are submitted to AHTR should not be submitted for the consideration of publication at the same time for another journal.
Manuscripts should be written in English and not exceed 10,000 words. For research notes, the length limit of the manuscript is 3,000 words.
Title page consists of the title of a manuscript which is not more than ten words (in bold uppercase letters in Times News Roman 12 type size), author(s) name, present position, complete postal address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address of each author. Corresponding author and ordering of the author(s) should be indicated. Acknowledgments, if there are, can be cited here.
In the abstract authors should in brief, but clear manner, state the main purpose of the research, the significant results obtained as well as conclusions they have derived from the study. It is essential for the abstract to be conceptualized in a manner that it provides an audience with a clear insight into the topic and main points of the manuscript. An abstract should be free of references (whenever possible) and English-spelling errors. Length of the abstract should not exceed 200 words.
After the abstract part, maximum 6 keywords should be provided. When deciding on the keywords authors should bear in mind that these would be used for indexing purposes.
Main Document should start with title of the manuscript (in bold all uppercase letters in Times News Roman 12 type size), abstract and keywords. A manuscript should be conceptualized into following parts: Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Results and Discussions and/or Conclusion.
Introduction part of the study should provide a general overview of the importance of the topic that is going to be covered in the manuscript. Readers should have an insight into the topic and reasons for conducting the current study. After introducing the topic, the research aim should be clearly stated. At the end of the introduction part, the presentation of the paper structure should be provided with a short description of what is going to be addressed in each part of the manuscript. Authors are advised to avoid reviewing the literature and detail description of the methodology in this part of the paper.
Literature review: At this part of the manuscript, previous similar studies conducted in the related field should be reviewed. Authors should in briefly elaborate on topic and concepts, theoretical models and framework as well as methodology being used, with the appropriate overview of the results obtained from these studies. It is important to clearly point out to the gap in the literature and contribution that the current study will have on the overall body of knowledge. Based on what is presented in the current part of the manuscript, related hypothesis or research questions should be derived and presented.
Methodology part should be reserved for description of research design and method used to answer to study’s research questions. It is expected that the appropriate literature for using the related method is presented. In addition, it is essential to pay attention to the issues such as explaining the characteristics of settings in which the study is conducted, sampling techniques as well as data collection method. The information on how were the questionnaires or interview questions derived should be provided in detail. In addition, the research analysis used in the current study, as well as the reasons for using this particular analysis should be presented. Descriptions mentioned in this part can be avoided in the case of an opinion piece.
Results: After the description of the methodology, results derived from the conducted data analysis should be presented at this part. What type of analysis was used as well as statistical tests, reliability and validity tests, should be properly explained at this part of the study. After that presentation of the results should come. Findings and hypotheses evaluations should be presented according to the research approach and analysis, with the appropriate elaboration on the same. Tables, graphics, and figures should be presented at this part as well. Authors should make sure not to overuse the tables, but to combine several statistical data into one table where possible.
Discussions and/or Conclusion: In this part, a brief overview of the results obtained in the study is presented. This part should start with a short turn on the research problem and how the findings of the current study address this problem. At the end of the conclusion part, theoretical and practical implications for future research and practitioners in the field should be provided.
Major headings in the main document should be written in all uppercase letters and subheadings should be typed in bold upper and lowercase letters. Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchy of headings.
Manuscripts should not contain any direct reference to the author or co-authors that will reveal the author’s identity. Information about authors should only be cited on the title page for the purpose of blind reviewing.
Tables and Figures should be numbered and titled in a consistent manner in the main text. Tables and figures should be embedded in the main document. Footnotes to tables below the table body can be placed and indicated with superscript lowercase letters.
Acknowledgments should be included on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. Individuals or institutions who provided help during research should be listed here. Authors may use this part of the manuscript to thank those who contributed to the work on the current paper, to institution or people who provided financial support or permission to use the data analyzed in the manuscript.
Footnotes should be kept to a minimum for the flow of the text. Thus, footnotes should not be used more than five. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the article. Many word processors build footnotes into the text, and this feature may be used. Footnotes should not be included in the Reference list.
Formatting: Writing style of the overall main document should be Times News Roman 12 type size. Manuscripts should be written double-spaced (including references). Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible. Most formatting codes will be removed and replaced on processing the article. Manuscripts should be spell-checked and grammatically correct before final submission. Please include page numbers within your submission.
References should be presented in APA style. Authors should cite publications in the text: (Adams, 1965) using the first named author‘s name or (Chalip and Costa, 2012) citing both names of two, or (Chalip et al., 2012) when there are three or more authors. Every reference which is cited in the text should be also present in the reference list (and vice versa). For web references, as a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references can be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under a different heading if desired, or can be included in the reference list. At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied:
Reference to a Journal Publication;
Guo, Y., Liu, H., & Chai, Y. (2014). The embedding convergence of smart cities and tourism internet of things in China: An advance perspective. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2(1), 54-69.
Lu, P. H., & Su, C. S. (2018). A study of the factors influencing customers’ impulse buying behavior in restaurants. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, 6(1), 47-67.
Reference to a book;
Kotler, P. (2006). Marketing for hospitality and tourism. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Goldstone, P. (2001). Making the world safe for tourism. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Reference to internet sources;
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (2021). Ethical principles and publication policy. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ahtr/policy
For correct referencing through APA, below links can be advised for more information;
Author(s) should confirm the Copyright Contract and send it back to the editorial office. If their article is accepted for publication at AHTR, this process should be completed before its publication. By the contract, authors confirm that articles submitted to the journal have not been published before in their current or substantially similar form. All published articles are copyrighted by Akdeniz University, Faculty of Tourism.
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Authors are responsible for the originality, validity, and integrity of their submissions. AI tools may assist with tasks such as language improvement, literature classification, and idea generation but should not replace core responsibilities, such as generating original research data or writing without thorough human oversight. Authors must:
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