Bu çalýþmada eðitim fakültesinde okuyan öðretmen adaylarýnýn bilgi okuryazarlýðý
becerileri incelenmiþ ve bu beceriler ile cinsiyet, sýnýf ve mezun olunan okul deðiþkenleri
arasýnda iliþki olup olmadýðýný saptanmýþtýr. Araþtýrmanýn çalýþma evrenini AÝBÜ Eðitim
Fakültesi Sýnýf Öðretmenliði Bölümü öðrencileri (N=269) oluþturmaktadýr. Verileri, Aldemir
(2004) tarafýndan geliþtirilen 35 maddeden oluþan “Bilgi Okur-Yazarlýðý Anketi” ile
toplanýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrmada elde edilen sonuçlardan bazýlarý þöyledir; Öðretmen adaylarýnýn
bilgi okuryazarlýðý etkinliklerine yönelik beceri düzeyleri “zorlanmýyorum” düzeyindedir.
Bilgi okuryazarlýðý becerileri açýsýndan sýnýflar arasýnda; bilgi gereksinimlerini tanýmlama,
elektronik bilgi eriþim sistemlerindeki yönlendirici bilgileri anlama, bilgiyi güvenilirlik
açýsýndan deðerlendirme, kaynaklarý birlikte kullanma ve listeleme, uygun teknolojiyi seçme
gibi maddelerde anlamlý fark bulunmuþtur. Cinsiyetlerine göre incelendiðinde; bilgisayar ve
internet kullanýmý ile ilgili maddelerde erkeklerin; rapor hazýrlama-kaynak gösterme,
kaynaklarýn arasýndaki benzer ve farklý noktalarý bulma gibi konularda ise kýzlarýn daha
baþarýlý olduðu tespit edilmiþtir. Öðretmen adaylarýnýn %53.42’si bu konuda eðitim almak
istediklerini belirtmiþlerdir.
In the present study, the knowledge literacy skills of candidate classroom teachers’
knowledge literacy skills were examined and the relationship between these skills and
variables related to candidate teachers was also identified. The students of the Classroom
Teacher Department (n=269) of AIBU Education Faculty formed the population of the present
study. The data were collected by means of the “Knowledge Literacy Questionnaire” that has
35 items and was developed by Aldemir (2004). The findings of the study are summarized as
follows. Candidate teachers reported that their knowledge literacy skills are not at a compelled
level, a significant relationship was found between the grade level of the students and the
knowledge skills of students in the following items as: identifying their knowledge needs,
comprehending and understanding directions in electronic knowledge access systems,
evaluating knowledge in terms of its reliability, using resources together and listing and
selecting the appropriate technology. When the findings of the study are examined in terms of
the relationship between the knowledge skills of students and their genders, it was found that
male students scored highly in the items related to computer and internet, while, female
students scored highly in preparing a report, citation, finding the differences and similarities
between the sources. In addition to this, 53.42 % of the teacher candidates reported the fact that
they wanted to get training on this subject
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 15, 2016 |
Submission Date | January 28, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2008 Volume: 8 Issue: 2 |