Bu çalýþmanýn amacý ülkemizde okullarda görülen þiddeti gazete ve televizyon
haberleri ýþýðýnda incelemektir. Bu nedenle ulusal düzeyde yayýn yapan 16 gazete ve 11
televizyonun internet sayfalarý 2001 yýlýndan 2006 yýlýna kadar taranmýþ ve öðrenciden
öðrenciye yönelik toplam 302 þiddet olayý belirlenmiþtir. Daha sonra bu þiddet olaylarýnýn oluþ
yerleri, nedenleri, cinsiyet, þiddetin olduðu mekân, yerleþim yerleri, þiddet türleri, nasýl
sonuçlandýðý ve eðitim dönemlerindeki yaygýnlýklarý frekans analizi yapýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrma
sonucuna göre, öðrenciden öðrenciye yönelik þiddet okul dýþý ortamlardan ziyade, okul
sýnýrlarý içerisinde yaþanmaktadýr. Okul ortamýnda yaþanan þiddet ise, en çok sýnýflarda ve
koridorlarda, daha çok teneffüs zamanlarýnda, daha çok erkek öðrencilerce, daha çok kiþisel
anlaþmazlýk ve karþý cinsle baðlantýlý konularda, daha çok býçak, taþ, sopa, demir çubuk gibi
materyallerin yardýmý ile ve daha çok baþkalarýnýn gözü önünde gerçekleþtirilmektedir. Son
olarak, bu þiddet olgularý kýrsal kesimden ziyade, þehir, büyük þehir gibi kalabalýk yerleþim
yerlerinde yaþanmakta ve olaylar çoðunlukla hastaneye gitme, polise þikayet, tutuklanma gibi
olasýlýklarla sona ermektedir. Bulgular önceki literatürle tartýþýlmýþ ve gerekli önleme ve
müdahale etme programlarý tartýþýlmýþtýr.
The purpose of this study was to investigate school violence as it appears in the media.
To this aim, 16 newspapers and 11 TV web sites were screened for possible violent news from
the year 2001 to 2006. By doing so, 302 news stories were collected. The news was then limited
to the violent actions that emerged from a student toward another student. Then, the violent
events were classified according to the gender, place, reasons, resolutions, and educational
level. The collected material was subjected to frequency analysis. According to the results;
violence from students to students take places more in school setting than outside the school
borders. The violent behavior in schools is more likely to occur in classrooms, corridors,
mostly in break times, by male students about personal problems or problems related with the
opposite sex. It was revealed that students employ knifes, stones, sticks, iron bars and these
violence acts take place in front of other students. Finally, the aggression phenomena mostly
occur in urban and metropolitan areas, but very rarely in rural areas or small towns. Victims or
perpetrators end up being hospitalised, having complaints made in police departments or
getting arrested. The findings were discussed in the light of the previous literature. Necessary
intervention and prevention methods were also recommended.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 15, 2016 |
Submission Date | January 28, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2008 Volume: 8 Issue: 2 |