Bu çalýþmanýn amacý PowerPoint sunu programýyla hazýrlanan okuma materyalinin
hafif düzeyde zihinsel engelli öðrencilerin okuduðunu anlama becerisi üzerindeki etkisini
araþtýrmaktýr. Araþtýrmada PowerPoint programýnda hazýrlanan okuma materyaliyle hafif
düzeyde zihinsel engelli öðrencilerin okuduðu kelimeyi, cümleyi ve metini anlama
düzeylerinin geliþimi saðlanmaya çalýþýlmýþtýr.
Araþtýrmada tek-denekli araþtýrma modellerinden AB modeli kullanýlmýþtýr.
Araþtýrmanýn katýlýmcýlarý ilköðretim okuluna devam eden kaynaþtýrmadan yararlanan üç
zihinsel engelli öðrencidir. Araþtýrma, baþlama düzeyi verisi toplama ve uygulama süreci
olmak üzere iki aþamada gerçekleþtirilmiþtir. Baþlama düzeyinde ve uygulama sürecinde veri
toplamak amacýyla; okuduðu kelimeyi anlama, cümleyi anlama ve metini anlama becerisini
geliþtirmek amacýyla hazýrlanan slaytlar kullanýlmýþ, elde edilen veriler kayýt formlarýna
kaydedilmiþ, veriler grafiksel olarak analiz edilmiþtir.
Elde edilen verilere göre, PowerPoint programýyla geliþtirilen ve görselliðin ön
planda olduðu materyallerin öðrencilerin kelimeyi, cümleyi ve metni somutlaþtýrmasýna ve
anlamlandýrmasýna yardýmcý olduðu görülmüþtür. Sonuç olarak, PowerPoint sunu
programýyla hazýrlanan okuma materyalinin hafif düzeyde zihinsel engelli öðrencilerin
okuduðunu anlama becerilerini geliþtirmede etkili olduðu düþünülmektedir.
The purpose this study was to investigate the effect of reading material prepared with
PowerPoint software on the reading comprehension skills of students with mild mental
retardation. In the study, the improvement processes of the mild mentally retarded students’
reading comprehension levels were examined by using the reading materal prepared in
PowerPoint software.
The AB design model, a single-subject design model, was used in the study. The
subjects in the research were three mild mentally retarded children attending the integration
class in a state primary school. The research was carried out in two phases, data collection at the
start-level and application process. In order to collect data in the start-level and application
process, material for determining the level of understanding a vocabulary item that they read,
vocabulary cards, a data recording form for understanding the vocabulary, sentence reading
cards, a data recording form for understanding the sentence, texts that were read
independently, a data recording form for understanding the texts were prepared and used. The
research was categorized under four sub-categories: reading comprehension skill, vocabulary
understanding, sentence understanding, and text understanding. The material was applied and
the collected data were interpreted in the light of graphical analysis.
According to the findings, the material, that is prepared in PowerPoint program in
which visuality stands in the forefront, helps the students make concrete and give meaning to
the word, sentence and the text. As a result, the use of the reading material prepared in
PowerPoint is useful in improving the reading comprehension skills of mild mentally retarded
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 15, 2016 |
Submission Date | January 28, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2008 Volume: 8 Issue: 2 |