Year 2015,
Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 242 - 263, 01.07.2015
Hale Sucuoğlu
Neşe Özkal
Vesile Yıldız Demirtaş
Cem Oktay Güzeller
The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure the parental involvement of preschool children and to show the areas they are mostly involved in. In this reliability and validity study, the scale was administered to the mothers (n= 462) and fathers ( n=429) of the children aged at 4 - 6 in preschool public and private institutions. The five-point Likert scale was composed of two different versions posed for mothers and fathers separately. For the validity of the scale, the opinions of the experts were taken and the descriptive factor analysis was computated for the structure validity. The mother version of the scale consisted of 35 items and 4 factors whereas the father version had 40 items and 3 factors. For the reliability study, the coefficient of internal consistency was computated and the version for mothers had the coefficient ,91 and it was ,94 for the version for fathers. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied. These results are in acceptable compliance for parental involvement.
- Akgün, E. ve Yeşilyaprak, B. (2010). Çocuk anababa ilişki ölçeği Türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(2), 44-53
- Anderson K., J. & Minke, K., M. (2007). Parent involvement in education: Toward an understanding of parents' decision making, The Journal of Educational Research, 100(5), 311-323.
- Berthelsen D. & Walker, S. (2008). Parent involvement in their children’s educations. Family Matters, 79, 34-41.
- Bridge, H. (2001), Increasing parental involvement in the preschool curriculum: what an action research case study revealed. International Journal of Early years Education, 9(1), 6-21.
- Browne, M. W., & Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative Ways Of Assessing Model Fit, K. A. Bollen ve J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing Structural Equation Models içinde (s.136– 162), Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı (10.Baskı), Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
- Byrne, B. M. (2001). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Coyl-Shepherd D. D. & Newland, A. L. (2012). Mothers’ and fathers’ couple and family contextual influences, parent involvement, and school-age child attachment. Early Child Development and Care, 82, 1-17.
- Çokluk, Ö, Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik : SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Dimock, C., O’Donoghue, T.,& Robb, A. (1996). Parent involvement in schooling: An emerging research agenda.Compare, 26, 5–20.
- Education,Green C., L. & Hoover-Dempsey, K., V. (2007). Why do parents homeschool? A systematic examination of parental involvement. Education and Urban Society, 39 (2), 264-285.
- Englund, M. M, Luckner, A. E., Whaley, G.J. L. & Egeland, B. (2004). Children’s achievement in early elementary school: longitudinal effects of parental involvement, expectations, and quality of assistance, Journal of Educational Psychology, 96 (4), 723-730.
- Epstein, J. L. (1987). Parent involvement: What research says to administrators. Education and Urban Society, 9(2), 119-137.
- Epstein, J. L. (1990). School and family connections: Theory, research, and implications for integrating sociologies of education and family. Marriage and Family Review 15(1-2),99-126.
- Fan, X. (2001). Parental involvement and students’ academic achievement: A growth modeling analysis. Journal of Experimental Education, 70, 27-61.
- Fan, X. T. & Chen, M. (2001). Parental involvement and students’ academic achievement: A metaanalysis. Educational Psychology Review, 13, 1-22.
- Fantuzzo, J. W., Davis, G. Y., & Ginsburg, M. D. (1995) Effects of parent involvement in isolation or in combination with peer tutoring on student self-concept and mathematics achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 272-281.
- Flouri, E. & Buchanan, A. (2004). Early father’s and mother’s involvement and child’s later educational outcomes. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74,141-153.
- Flouri, E. (2006). Parental interest in children’s education, children’s self-esteem and locus of control, and later educational attainment: Twenty-six year follow-up of the 1970 British birth cohort. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 41-55.
- Georgiou, S. N. (1999). Parental attributions as predictors of involvement and influences on child achievement, British Journal of Educational Psychology , 69, 409– 429.
- Georgiou, St., & Tourva, A. (2007). Parental attributions and parental involvement. Social Psychology of Education 10, 473–482
- Grolnick, W. S. & Slowiaczek, M. L. (1994). Parents’ involvement in children’s schooling: A multidimensional conceptualization and motivational model. Child Development, 64, 237–252.
- Gürşimşek, I. (2003). Okul öncesi eğitime aile katılımı ve psikososyal gelişim. KUYEB, 3(1), 125- 144.
- Hill, N., E. & Craft, S., A. (2003). Parent–school involvement and school performance: mediated pathways among socioeconomically comparable African American and Euro-American Families. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(1), 74– 83.
- Ho, S. C. & Willms, J. D. (1996). Effects of parental involvement on eight-grade achievement. Sociology of Education, 96 (2), 126–141.
- Hong, S. & Ho, H.Z. (2005). Direct and indirect longitudinal effects of parental involvement on student achievement: Second-order latent growth modeling across ethnic groups. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97 (1), 32-42.
- Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., & Mullen, M. R. (2008). “Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit”, Electronic Journal Of Business Research adresinden alınmıştır. 6(1), 53–60. 04.06.2010 tarihinde
- Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1995). Evaluating Model Fit. In R. H. Hoyle, Structural equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Jeynes W. H. (2011). Parental involvement research: moving to the next level, The School Communıty Journal, 21,1, 9-18.
- Jeynes, W. H. (2003). A meta-analysis: The effects of parental involvement on minority children’s academic achievement. Education and Urban Society, 35(2), 202- 218.
- Jeynes, W. H. (2007). The relationship between parental involvement and urban secondary school student academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Urban Education, 42(1), 82-110.
- Jones, T. G. & Veles, W. (1997). Effects of Latino parent involvement on academic achievement, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Kim, E. (2002). The relationship between parental involvement and children’s educational achievement in the Korean Immigrant Family. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 33(4), 529–543.
- Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles And Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
- Kotaman, H. (2008).Türk ana babalarının çocuklarının eğitim öğretimlerine katılım düzeyleri, Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi XXI 1, 135-149.
- Newland, L., A., Coyl-Shepherd, D. D and Paquette D. (2013). Implications of mothering and fathering for children's development, Early Child Development and Care, 183(3-4), 337-342.
- Öner, N. (2012). Türkiye’de kullanılan psikolojik testler, bir başvuru kaynağı. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi yayınları, İstanbul.
- Porche, M. V. (2000). Parent involvement as apredictor of student achievement for low- income children, Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, Working paper series 303.
- Schumacker, R. E. & Lomax, R. G. (2004). A Beginner’s Guide To Structural Equation Modeling, Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ
- Shiffman C. D. (2013). The juggling act: Navigating parent involvement in the welfare reform era. Educational Policy 27(1), 64-91.
- Smith, J., Wohlstetter, P., Kuzin, C., A. & De Pedro, K., (2011).Parent involvement in urban charter schools: New strategies for increasing participation. The School Community Journal, 21(1), 71-94.
- Sucuoğlu, H. (2006). Anne baba ilgisi çocuğun başarısını artırıyor Çoluk Çocuk Anne Baba Eğitimci Dergisi, 56, 14-15.
- Sümer, N. (2000). “Yapısal Eşitlik Modelleri”, Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 3 (6), 49-74.
- Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyal ve davranışsal ölçümlerde güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik. (1.Baskı), Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
- Tavşancıl, E. (2002). Tutumların ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile veri analizi. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
- Wilson, K., R. & Prior, M. R (2011). Father involvement and child well-being. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 47, 405–407.
Year 2015,
Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 242 - 263, 01.07.2015
Hale Sucuoğlu
Neşe Özkal
Vesile Yıldız Demirtaş
Cem Oktay Güzeller
Bu çalışmanın amacı, okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden 4-6 yaşındaki çocukların annebabalarının çocuklarına yönelik ilgi düzeylerini belirlemeye yönelik geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı geliştirmektir. Ölçek anne ve babalara iki ayrı form şeklinde düzenlenmiştir. Düzenlenen formları ile ölçek 2011-2012 eğitim-öğretim yılında okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında 4- 6 yaş grubunda öğrenim gören çocukların anne (n=462) ve babalarına (n=429) uygulanmıştır. Açımlayıcı faktör analizinde ölçeğin anne ilgi formunun 34 madde ve 4 faktör, baba ilgi formunun ise 40 madde ve 3 faktörden oluştuğu görülmüştür. Cronbach Alpha katsayıları anne ilgi formu için 0,91 ve baba ilgi formu için 0,94 olarak bulunmuştur. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonucu uyum iyiliği indekslerinin kabul edilebilir ve iyi uyum sınırları içerisinde oldukları görülmüştür. Analiz sonuçlarına dayalı olarak ölçeğin 4-6 yaş grubunda çocuğu olan anne ve babaların çocuklarına yönelik ilgi düzeylerini ölçebileceğine karar verilmiştir.
- Akgün, E. ve Yeşilyaprak, B. (2010). Çocuk anababa ilişki ölçeği Türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(2), 44-53
- Anderson K., J. & Minke, K., M. (2007). Parent involvement in education: Toward an understanding of parents' decision making, The Journal of Educational Research, 100(5), 311-323.
- Berthelsen D. & Walker, S. (2008). Parent involvement in their children’s educations. Family Matters, 79, 34-41.
- Bridge, H. (2001), Increasing parental involvement in the preschool curriculum: what an action research case study revealed. International Journal of Early years Education, 9(1), 6-21.
- Browne, M. W., & Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative Ways Of Assessing Model Fit, K. A. Bollen ve J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing Structural Equation Models içinde (s.136– 162), Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı (10.Baskı), Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
- Byrne, B. M. (2001). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Coyl-Shepherd D. D. & Newland, A. L. (2012). Mothers’ and fathers’ couple and family contextual influences, parent involvement, and school-age child attachment. Early Child Development and Care, 82, 1-17.
- Çokluk, Ö, Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik : SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Dimock, C., O’Donoghue, T.,& Robb, A. (1996). Parent involvement in schooling: An emerging research agenda.Compare, 26, 5–20.
- Education,Green C., L. & Hoover-Dempsey, K., V. (2007). Why do parents homeschool? A systematic examination of parental involvement. Education and Urban Society, 39 (2), 264-285.
- Englund, M. M, Luckner, A. E., Whaley, G.J. L. & Egeland, B. (2004). Children’s achievement in early elementary school: longitudinal effects of parental involvement, expectations, and quality of assistance, Journal of Educational Psychology, 96 (4), 723-730.
- Epstein, J. L. (1987). Parent involvement: What research says to administrators. Education and Urban Society, 9(2), 119-137.
- Epstein, J. L. (1990). School and family connections: Theory, research, and implications for integrating sociologies of education and family. Marriage and Family Review 15(1-2),99-126.
- Fan, X. (2001). Parental involvement and students’ academic achievement: A growth modeling analysis. Journal of Experimental Education, 70, 27-61.
- Fan, X. T. & Chen, M. (2001). Parental involvement and students’ academic achievement: A metaanalysis. Educational Psychology Review, 13, 1-22.
- Fantuzzo, J. W., Davis, G. Y., & Ginsburg, M. D. (1995) Effects of parent involvement in isolation or in combination with peer tutoring on student self-concept and mathematics achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 272-281.
- Flouri, E. & Buchanan, A. (2004). Early father’s and mother’s involvement and child’s later educational outcomes. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74,141-153.
- Flouri, E. (2006). Parental interest in children’s education, children’s self-esteem and locus of control, and later educational attainment: Twenty-six year follow-up of the 1970 British birth cohort. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 41-55.
- Georgiou, S. N. (1999). Parental attributions as predictors of involvement and influences on child achievement, British Journal of Educational Psychology , 69, 409– 429.
- Georgiou, St., & Tourva, A. (2007). Parental attributions and parental involvement. Social Psychology of Education 10, 473–482
- Grolnick, W. S. & Slowiaczek, M. L. (1994). Parents’ involvement in children’s schooling: A multidimensional conceptualization and motivational model. Child Development, 64, 237–252.
- Gürşimşek, I. (2003). Okul öncesi eğitime aile katılımı ve psikososyal gelişim. KUYEB, 3(1), 125- 144.
- Hill, N., E. & Craft, S., A. (2003). Parent–school involvement and school performance: mediated pathways among socioeconomically comparable African American and Euro-American Families. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(1), 74– 83.
- Ho, S. C. & Willms, J. D. (1996). Effects of parental involvement on eight-grade achievement. Sociology of Education, 96 (2), 126–141.
- Hong, S. & Ho, H.Z. (2005). Direct and indirect longitudinal effects of parental involvement on student achievement: Second-order latent growth modeling across ethnic groups. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97 (1), 32-42.
- Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., & Mullen, M. R. (2008). “Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit”, Electronic Journal Of Business Research adresinden alınmıştır. 6(1), 53–60. 04.06.2010 tarihinde
- Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1995). Evaluating Model Fit. In R. H. Hoyle, Structural equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Jeynes W. H. (2011). Parental involvement research: moving to the next level, The School Communıty Journal, 21,1, 9-18.
- Jeynes, W. H. (2003). A meta-analysis: The effects of parental involvement on minority children’s academic achievement. Education and Urban Society, 35(2), 202- 218.
- Jeynes, W. H. (2007). The relationship between parental involvement and urban secondary school student academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Urban Education, 42(1), 82-110.
- Jones, T. G. & Veles, W. (1997). Effects of Latino parent involvement on academic achievement, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Kim, E. (2002). The relationship between parental involvement and children’s educational achievement in the Korean Immigrant Family. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 33(4), 529–543.
- Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles And Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
- Kotaman, H. (2008).Türk ana babalarının çocuklarının eğitim öğretimlerine katılım düzeyleri, Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi XXI 1, 135-149.
- Newland, L., A., Coyl-Shepherd, D. D and Paquette D. (2013). Implications of mothering and fathering for children's development, Early Child Development and Care, 183(3-4), 337-342.
- Öner, N. (2012). Türkiye’de kullanılan psikolojik testler, bir başvuru kaynağı. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi yayınları, İstanbul.
- Porche, M. V. (2000). Parent involvement as apredictor of student achievement for low- income children, Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, Working paper series 303.
- Schumacker, R. E. & Lomax, R. G. (2004). A Beginner’s Guide To Structural Equation Modeling, Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ
- Shiffman C. D. (2013). The juggling act: Navigating parent involvement in the welfare reform era. Educational Policy 27(1), 64-91.
- Smith, J., Wohlstetter, P., Kuzin, C., A. & De Pedro, K., (2011).Parent involvement in urban charter schools: New strategies for increasing participation. The School Community Journal, 21(1), 71-94.
- Sucuoğlu, H. (2006). Anne baba ilgisi çocuğun başarısını artırıyor Çoluk Çocuk Anne Baba Eğitimci Dergisi, 56, 14-15.
- Sümer, N. (2000). “Yapısal Eşitlik Modelleri”, Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 3 (6), 49-74.
- Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyal ve davranışsal ölçümlerde güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik. (1.Baskı), Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
- Tavşancıl, E. (2002). Tutumların ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile veri analizi. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
- Wilson, K., R. & Prior, M. R (2011). Father involvement and child well-being. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 47, 405–407.