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“Zorlayıcı Davranışlar”: Resimli Kitaplar Okul Öncesi Çocuklarına Ne Anlatıyor?

Year 2025, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 713 - 737


Çocuk kitapları zorlayıcı davranışları konu edinerek çocukların zorluklarla ve çatışmalarla başa çıkma, davranışların nedenlerini ve sonuçlarını anlama becerilerinin gelişmesine katkı sağlar. Bu çalışmada, 3 ila 8 yaş arasındaki çocuklara yönelik, zorlu davranışları ele alan 41 resimli çocuk kitabı incelenmiştir. Resimli kitaplara konu olan zorlayıcı davranışlar ve bu davranışları sergileyen karakterler incelenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda, 9 farklı zorlayıcı davranış arasından yalan söyleme, zorbalık ve kontrolsüz öfke davranışlarına sıklıkla yer verildiği belirlenmiştir. Bazı kitaplarda karakterler zorlayıcı davranışları sonucunda olası çözümler geliştirmişlerdir. Ayrıca karakterler zorlayıcı davranışlar çözüldükten sonra telafi etme çabası göstermiş ve davranışın gerçekleştiği ortamda sosyal kabul yaşanmıştır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın bulguları, incelenen zorlayıcı davranışların yer aldığı resimli kitapların çözüm odaklı bir formatta yazıldığını göstermektedir.


  • Basten, M., Tiemeier, H., Althoff, R. R., van de Schoot, R., Jaddoe, V. W., Hofman, A., Hudziak, J. J., Verhulst, F. C., & van der Ende, J. (2016). The stability of problem behavior across the preschool years: An empirical approach in the general population. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44(2), 393-404.
  • Bornstein, M. H., Hahn, C. S., & Haynes, O. M. (2010). Social competence, externalizing, and internalizing behavioral adjustment from early childhood through early adolescence: Developmental cascades. Development and Psychopathology, 22(4), 717-735.
  • Brock, ME. & Beaman Diglia LE. (2018). Efficacy of coaching preschool teachers to manage challenging behavior. Educatıon And Treatment Of Chıldren, 41(1), 31-48.
  • Cooper, P. M. (2007). Teaching young children self-regulation through children’s books. Early Childhood Education Journal, 34(5), 315-322.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.
  • Daniels, E., Mandleco, B., & Luthy, K. E. (2012). Assessment, management, and prevention of childhood temper tantrums. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 24(10), 569-573.
  • Denham, S. A., Caverly, S., Schmidt, M., Blair, K., DeMulder, E., Caal, S., ... & Mason, T. (2002). Preschool understanding of emotions: Contributions to classroom anger and aggression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43(7), 901-916.
  • Dermata, Κ. (2019). “My BEST friends, the books”: Discussing with preschoolers about picture book characters’ social-emotional skills. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning.
  • Derman, T. M., & Başal, A. H. (2013). Relation between behavioral problems observed in preschool children and parental attitudes of families. Amasya Education Journal. 2(1), 115-144.
  • Dilidüzgün, S. (2018). Contemporary children's literature: The first step to the education of literature. Tudem Publications.
  • Dunlap, G., Strain, P. S., Fox, L., Carta, J., Conroy, M., Smith, B., et al. (2006). Prevention and intervention with young children’s challenging behavior: A summary of current knowledge. Behavioral Disorders, 32, 29–45.
  • D'zurilla, T. J., Chang, E. C., & Sanna, L. J. (2003). Self-esteem and social problem solving as predictors of aggression in college students. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 22(4), 424-440.
  • Ezmeci, F., & Akman, B. (2023). The impact of the pre-school self-regulation program on the self-regulation, problem behavior and social skills of children. International Journal of Educational Research, 118, 102156.
  • Flanagan, K. S., Hoek, K. K. V., Shelton, A., Kelly, S. L., Morrison, C. M., & Young, A. M. (2013). Coping with bullying: What answers does children’s literature provide?. School Psychology International, 34(6), 691-706.
  • Freeman, G. G. (2014). The implementation of character education and children’s literature to teach bullying characteristics and prevention strategies to preschool children: An action research project. Early Childhood Education Journal, 42(5), 305-316.
  • Green, V. A., Cillessen, A. H., Rechis, R., Patterson, M. M., & Hughes, J. M. (2008). Social problem solving and strategy use in young children. The Journal of genetic psychology, 169(1), 92-112.
  • Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of elementary school leaders [Doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia].
  • Harper, L. J. (2016). Preschool Through Primary Grades: Using Picture Books to Promote Social-Emotional Literacy. YC Young Children, 71(3), 80-86.
  • Heath, M. A., Moulton, E., Dyches, T. T., Prater, M. A., & Brown, A. (2011). Strengthening elementary school bully prevention with bibliotherapy. NASP Communique, 39(8), 12–14.
  • Işıkoğlu Erdoğan., N. (2016). Examination of child-parent shared reading activities in early childhood period. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(3), 1071-1086.
  • Işıtan, S. (2016). Special topics featured in children’s books. Turkish Studies, 11(4), 471-492.
  • Kılınçcı, E., & Can, B. (2020). Analysis of the characters in illustrated children's Books in terms of social and emotional skills. İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education,21(3), 1216-1234.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Sage publications. Lacina, J., Bauml, M., & Taylor, E. R. (2016). Promoting resilience through read-alouds. YC Young Children, 71(2), 16-21.
  • Lepola, J., Kajamies, A., Laakkonen, E., & Niemi, P. (2020). Vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation as predictors of narrative picture book comprehension: from preschool to grade 3. Reading and Writing, 33, 1351-1373.
  • Lukens, R. J., Smith , J. J., & Coffel, C. M. (2013). A critical handbook of children's literature (9th ed.). Pearson Education.
  • Manimegalai, B. & Parameswari, J. (2015). Influence of parental stress on challenging behavior of preschool children. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 6(1), 86-89.
  • Meriç, D. (2020). The mediator role of emotion regulation on the relationship between temperament and problem behaviors (Doctoral dissertation, Bogazici University).
  • Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Miller, S. (2014). Preschool teacher response to challenging behavior: The role of organizational climate in referrals and expulsions [Doctoral dissertation, University of Florida].
  • Miller, S. Smith Bonahue, T. & Kemple, K. (2017). Preschool teachers’ responses to challenging behavior: The role of organizational climate in referrals and expulsions. International Research in Early Childhood Education, 8(1), 38-57.
  • Ministry of National Education (MoNe) (2020). Story writing in preschool education. MoNe publication.
  • Morris, V. G., Taylor, S. I., & Wilson, J. T. (2000). Using children's stories to promote peace in classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 28(1), 41-50.
  • Moulton, E., Heath, M. A., Prater, M. A., & Dyches, T. T. (2011). Portrayals of bullying in children’s picture books and implications for bibliotherapy. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 51(2), 119-148.
  • Nonovic, D.L., & Popoviv, T. (2019). The role and application of picture books in pre-school practice. Educational Studies Moscow, 4, 160–184.
  • Oppliger, P. A., & Davis, A. (2016). Portrayals of bullying: A content analysis of picture books for preschoolers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44(5), 515-526.
  • Ostrov, J. M., & Crick, N. R. (2007). Forms and functions of aggression during early childhood: A short-term longitudinal study. School Psychology Review, 36(1), 22-43.
  • Özbey, S., & Alisinanoğlu, F. (2009). A study on problem behavior of 60-72 months children who attending public early childhood education ınstitution. The Journal of International Social Research, 2(6), 493-517.
  • Pardeck, J. T., & Pardeck, J. A. (1992). Bibliotherapy: A guide to using books in clinical practice. Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Popliger, M., Talwar, V., & Crossman, A. (2011). Predictors of children’s prosocial lie-telling: Motivation, socialization variables, and moral understanding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 110(3), 373-392.
  • Potegal M., Kosorok M.R., & Davidson R.J. (1996). The time course of angry behavior in the temper tantrums of young children. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 794(1), 31–45. 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1996.tb32507.x
  • Price, CL. & Steed, EA. (2016). Culturally responsive strategies to support young children with challenging behavior. YC Young Children, 71(5), 36-43.
  • Russell, D. L., & Anderson, N. A. (1994). Literature for children. Longmans Publishing Group. Topcu, Z. G. (2019). Examining preschool level picture books in terms of resilience (Unpublished master’s thesis). Hacettepe University.
  • Tremblay, R. E., Gervais, J., & Petitclerc, A. (2008). Early childhood learning prevents youth violence. Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development.
  • Uchegbu, E. (2020). Preschool teacher perspectives on challenging behavior and behavior management inteacher-student relationships. [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University].
  • Upshur, C., Wenz-Gross, M., & Reed, G. (2009). A pilot study of early childhood mental health consultation for children with behavioral problems in preschool. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 24(1), 29–45.
  • Ural, S. (2013). Presentation of preschool children's books. In M. Gonen (Ed.), In children's literature. (p.33-55). Eğiten Kitap.
  • Ülker Erdem., Aydos, E. H., & Çoban, A. (2017). Negative feelings depicted in children’s picture story books and coping strateges used by main characters. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 914-931.
  • Wadsworth, B. J. (2003). Piaget's theory of cognitive and affective development: Foundations of constructivism (5th Edition). Pearson Education.
  • Webster-Stratton, C., Reid, M. J., & Stoolmiller, M. (2008). Preventing conduct problems and improving school readiness: Evaluation of the Incredible Years teacher and child training programs in high-risk schools. Journal of Child Psychology, 49, 471–488.
  • Wiseman, A. M., & Jones, J. S. (2018). Examining depictions of bullying in children’s picturebooks: A content analysis from 1997 to 2017. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 32(2), 190-201.

"Challenging Behaviors": What do Picturebooks Tell Preschool Children?

Year 2025, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 713 - 737


Children's books deal with challenging behaviors contributes to the development of children's ability to cope with difficulties and conflicts and to understand the causes and consequences of behaviors. In this study, we study examined 41 picturebooks for children ages 3 to 8 that addressed challenging behaviors. We investigated the challenging behaviors that were the subject of the picturebooks and the characters who demonstrate those behaviors. Our analysis indicated that, among the 9 different challenging behaviors we identified, telling a lie, bullying and uncontrolled anger were the most frequently discussed. In some of the books, the characters developed possible solutions as a result of their challenging behaviors. In addition, the characters made an effort to make amends after the challenging behaviors were solved, social acceptance was experienced in the environment where the behavior took place. Thus, the findings of this study indicate that picturebooks examined featured challenging behaviors were written in a solution-oriented format.


  • Basten, M., Tiemeier, H., Althoff, R. R., van de Schoot, R., Jaddoe, V. W., Hofman, A., Hudziak, J. J., Verhulst, F. C., & van der Ende, J. (2016). The stability of problem behavior across the preschool years: An empirical approach in the general population. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44(2), 393-404.
  • Bornstein, M. H., Hahn, C. S., & Haynes, O. M. (2010). Social competence, externalizing, and internalizing behavioral adjustment from early childhood through early adolescence: Developmental cascades. Development and Psychopathology, 22(4), 717-735.
  • Brock, ME. & Beaman Diglia LE. (2018). Efficacy of coaching preschool teachers to manage challenging behavior. Educatıon And Treatment Of Chıldren, 41(1), 31-48.
  • Cooper, P. M. (2007). Teaching young children self-regulation through children’s books. Early Childhood Education Journal, 34(5), 315-322.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.
  • Daniels, E., Mandleco, B., & Luthy, K. E. (2012). Assessment, management, and prevention of childhood temper tantrums. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 24(10), 569-573.
  • Denham, S. A., Caverly, S., Schmidt, M., Blair, K., DeMulder, E., Caal, S., ... & Mason, T. (2002). Preschool understanding of emotions: Contributions to classroom anger and aggression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43(7), 901-916.
  • Dermata, Κ. (2019). “My BEST friends, the books”: Discussing with preschoolers about picture book characters’ social-emotional skills. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning.
  • Derman, T. M., & Başal, A. H. (2013). Relation between behavioral problems observed in preschool children and parental attitudes of families. Amasya Education Journal. 2(1), 115-144.
  • Dilidüzgün, S. (2018). Contemporary children's literature: The first step to the education of literature. Tudem Publications.
  • Dunlap, G., Strain, P. S., Fox, L., Carta, J., Conroy, M., Smith, B., et al. (2006). Prevention and intervention with young children’s challenging behavior: A summary of current knowledge. Behavioral Disorders, 32, 29–45.
  • D'zurilla, T. J., Chang, E. C., & Sanna, L. J. (2003). Self-esteem and social problem solving as predictors of aggression in college students. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 22(4), 424-440.
  • Ezmeci, F., & Akman, B. (2023). The impact of the pre-school self-regulation program on the self-regulation, problem behavior and social skills of children. International Journal of Educational Research, 118, 102156.
  • Flanagan, K. S., Hoek, K. K. V., Shelton, A., Kelly, S. L., Morrison, C. M., & Young, A. M. (2013). Coping with bullying: What answers does children’s literature provide?. School Psychology International, 34(6), 691-706.
  • Freeman, G. G. (2014). The implementation of character education and children’s literature to teach bullying characteristics and prevention strategies to preschool children: An action research project. Early Childhood Education Journal, 42(5), 305-316.
  • Green, V. A., Cillessen, A. H., Rechis, R., Patterson, M. M., & Hughes, J. M. (2008). Social problem solving and strategy use in young children. The Journal of genetic psychology, 169(1), 92-112.
  • Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of elementary school leaders [Doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia].
  • Harper, L. J. (2016). Preschool Through Primary Grades: Using Picture Books to Promote Social-Emotional Literacy. YC Young Children, 71(3), 80-86.
  • Heath, M. A., Moulton, E., Dyches, T. T., Prater, M. A., & Brown, A. (2011). Strengthening elementary school bully prevention with bibliotherapy. NASP Communique, 39(8), 12–14.
  • Işıkoğlu Erdoğan., N. (2016). Examination of child-parent shared reading activities in early childhood period. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(3), 1071-1086.
  • Işıtan, S. (2016). Special topics featured in children’s books. Turkish Studies, 11(4), 471-492.
  • Kılınçcı, E., & Can, B. (2020). Analysis of the characters in illustrated children's Books in terms of social and emotional skills. İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education,21(3), 1216-1234.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Sage publications. Lacina, J., Bauml, M., & Taylor, E. R. (2016). Promoting resilience through read-alouds. YC Young Children, 71(2), 16-21.
  • Lepola, J., Kajamies, A., Laakkonen, E., & Niemi, P. (2020). Vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation as predictors of narrative picture book comprehension: from preschool to grade 3. Reading and Writing, 33, 1351-1373.
  • Lukens, R. J., Smith , J. J., & Coffel, C. M. (2013). A critical handbook of children's literature (9th ed.). Pearson Education.
  • Manimegalai, B. & Parameswari, J. (2015). Influence of parental stress on challenging behavior of preschool children. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 6(1), 86-89.
  • Meriç, D. (2020). The mediator role of emotion regulation on the relationship between temperament and problem behaviors (Doctoral dissertation, Bogazici University).
  • Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Miller, S. (2014). Preschool teacher response to challenging behavior: The role of organizational climate in referrals and expulsions [Doctoral dissertation, University of Florida].
  • Miller, S. Smith Bonahue, T. & Kemple, K. (2017). Preschool teachers’ responses to challenging behavior: The role of organizational climate in referrals and expulsions. International Research in Early Childhood Education, 8(1), 38-57.
  • Ministry of National Education (MoNe) (2020). Story writing in preschool education. MoNe publication.
  • Morris, V. G., Taylor, S. I., & Wilson, J. T. (2000). Using children's stories to promote peace in classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 28(1), 41-50.
  • Moulton, E., Heath, M. A., Prater, M. A., & Dyches, T. T. (2011). Portrayals of bullying in children’s picture books and implications for bibliotherapy. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 51(2), 119-148.
  • Nonovic, D.L., & Popoviv, T. (2019). The role and application of picture books in pre-school practice. Educational Studies Moscow, 4, 160–184.
  • Oppliger, P. A., & Davis, A. (2016). Portrayals of bullying: A content analysis of picture books for preschoolers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44(5), 515-526.
  • Ostrov, J. M., & Crick, N. R. (2007). Forms and functions of aggression during early childhood: A short-term longitudinal study. School Psychology Review, 36(1), 22-43.
  • Özbey, S., & Alisinanoğlu, F. (2009). A study on problem behavior of 60-72 months children who attending public early childhood education ınstitution. The Journal of International Social Research, 2(6), 493-517.
  • Pardeck, J. T., & Pardeck, J. A. (1992). Bibliotherapy: A guide to using books in clinical practice. Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Popliger, M., Talwar, V., & Crossman, A. (2011). Predictors of children’s prosocial lie-telling: Motivation, socialization variables, and moral understanding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 110(3), 373-392.
  • Potegal M., Kosorok M.R., & Davidson R.J. (1996). The time course of angry behavior in the temper tantrums of young children. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 794(1), 31–45. 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1996.tb32507.x
  • Price, CL. & Steed, EA. (2016). Culturally responsive strategies to support young children with challenging behavior. YC Young Children, 71(5), 36-43.
  • Russell, D. L., & Anderson, N. A. (1994). Literature for children. Longmans Publishing Group. Topcu, Z. G. (2019). Examining preschool level picture books in terms of resilience (Unpublished master’s thesis). Hacettepe University.
  • Tremblay, R. E., Gervais, J., & Petitclerc, A. (2008). Early childhood learning prevents youth violence. Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development.
  • Uchegbu, E. (2020). Preschool teacher perspectives on challenging behavior and behavior management inteacher-student relationships. [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University].
  • Upshur, C., Wenz-Gross, M., & Reed, G. (2009). A pilot study of early childhood mental health consultation for children with behavioral problems in preschool. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 24(1), 29–45.
  • Ural, S. (2013). Presentation of preschool children's books. In M. Gonen (Ed.), In children's literature. (p.33-55). Eğiten Kitap.
  • Ülker Erdem., Aydos, E. H., & Çoban, A. (2017). Negative feelings depicted in children’s picture story books and coping strateges used by main characters. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 914-931.
  • Wadsworth, B. J. (2003). Piaget's theory of cognitive and affective development: Foundations of constructivism (5th Edition). Pearson Education.
  • Webster-Stratton, C., Reid, M. J., & Stoolmiller, M. (2008). Preventing conduct problems and improving school readiness: Evaluation of the Incredible Years teacher and child training programs in high-risk schools. Journal of Child Psychology, 49, 471–488.
  • Wiseman, A. M., & Jones, J. S. (2018). Examining depictions of bullying in children’s picturebooks: A content analysis from 1997 to 2017. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 32(2), 190-201.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Early Childhood Education
Journal Section Articles

Fulya Ezmeci 0000-0002-3950-1780

Şeyma Atıcı 0000-0002-8045-4779

Early Pub Date March 9, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date February 23, 2024
Acceptance Date March 1, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Ezmeci, F., & Atıcı, Ş. (2025). "Challenging Behaviors": What do Picturebooks Tell Preschool Children?. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 713-737.