Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 523 - 538, 31.10.2022


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Kuzey Güney ekonomik entegrasyonlarını açıklamaya çalışan teorileri incelemektir. Bu kapsamda Kuzey Güney ekonomik entegrasyon çalışmalarını içeren literatür araştırması incelenmektedir. Gelişmiş ülkelerin gelişmekte olan ülkelerle neden bölgesel ticaret anlaşmalarını kurdukları ve söz konusu entegrasyonların gelişmekte olan ülkelerin ekonomileri üzerindeki olumlu ve olumsuz etkilerinin neler olduğu araştırılmaktadır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuca göre Kuzey-Güney ekonomik entegrasyonların kurulma sebepleri arasında gelişmiş ülkelerin, gelişmekte olan ülkelerin geniş piyasalarından yararlanması gösterilmektedir. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerin amacı ise, sanayileşme, ekonomik büyüme dolayısıyla iktisadi kalkınmayı gerçekleştirmektir. Literatür incelemeleri sonucunda ekonomik entegrasyonların gelişmekte olan ülke ekonomisi üzerinde olumlu ve olumsuz avantajlara sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Balassa, B. (1961). The Theory of Economic Integration. 117
  • Bhagwati, J. (1991). Regionalism versus Multılateralısm. The World economy Vol. 15(5): 535-555
  • Burfisher, M.E., Robinson, S., ve Thierfelder, K., (2003). Regionalism: Old and new, theory and practice. Paper prepared for presentation to the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) Conference, Italy.
  • Carpenter, T. (2009). A historical Perspective on Regıonalısm, Baldwin Richard ve Patric Low (ed) Multilateralizing Regıonalism içinde (13-27). New York: Cambridge Unıversıty Press, 2009, s: 16-18
  • Coque, J. M. G. A (2002). Agricultural Trade and the barcelona process: Is full liberalization possible?. European Review of Agricultural Economics 29 (3): 399–422
  • Corden, W.M.( 1972). Economies of Scale and Customs Union Theory. Journal of Political Economy. 8(3), 465-475
  • Cieslik, A. ve Hagemejer, J. (2009). Assessing the ımpact of the EU-sponsored trade liberalization in the MENA countries. Journal of Economic Integration 24(2): 343-368
  • El-Agraa, A.M. (1988). The Theory of Economic Integration. In: El-Agraa, A.M. (eds) International Economic Integration. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Fernandez, R, (1997). Returns to regionalism: An evaluation of nontraditional gains from regional trade agreements. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no.1816. Washington, D.C.: World Bank
  • Fink, C.(2011). Intellectual property Rights. Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Jean-Christophe Maur (Ed.), Preferential Trade Agreement Policies For Development içinde (387-405), ABD: The World Bank Washıngton D.C. 387
  • Garcia, F. J. (2007). Is Free Trade 'Free?' Is it Even 'Trade?' Oppression and Consent in Hemispheric Trade Agreements, Seattle Journal for Social Justice. 5(2), 1-26.
  • Gehrels, F.(1956). Customs Unions from A Single-Country Viewpoint, The Review of Economic Studies, 24 (1), 61-64.
  • Gibbs, M. ve Wagle, S. (2005). The great maze: regional and bilateral free trade agreements in Asia. Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative, UNDP Regional Center, Colombo. Grossman, G. ve E. Helpman (1991). Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Hoekman, B.( 2011). Nourth-South preferentıal trade agreements. Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Jean-Christophe Maur (Ed.), Preferential Trade Agreement Policies For Development içinde (, ABD: The World Bank Washıngton D.C.
  • Hoekman, B (2005).Designing North South trade agreements to promote economic development World Bank and CEPR.
  • Hosny, A.S. (2013).Theories of economic ıntegration: a survey of the economic and political literature. ınternational journal of economy, Management and Social Sciences 2 (5): 133-155
  • Hirsch, M.(2008). The Sociology of International Economic Law: Sociological Analysis of theRegulation of Regional Agreements in the World Trading System. The European Journal of International Law, 19(2): 288-295
  • Hirsch, M .(2011).North-South Regıonal Trade Agreements: Prospects, Rısks and Legal Regulatıon. International Law Forum of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law Faculty Research Paper 4(11): 20
  • Josling, T. (2011). Agriculture. Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Jean-Christophe Maur (Ed.), Preferential Trade Agreement Policies For Development içinde (143-161), ABD: The World Bank Washıngton D.C.
  • Lawrence, R. Z. (1997). Preferential trading arrangements: The traditional and the new. Chapter 2 in Regional Partners in Global Markets: Limits and Possibilities of the Euro-Med Agreements, edited by Ahmed Galal and Bernard Hoekman. Center for Economic Policy Research and the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies.
  • Lipsey, R. (1960). The Relation between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom. 1862-1957; A Further Analysis.
  • Lipsey, R.G. ve Lancaster, K. (1957). The General Theory of Second Best. The Review of Economic Studies. 24(1):11-32
  • Lipsey, R. ve Smith, M. (2010). Multiretarel Versus Regıonal Tradıng Agrrement : Substitutes or Complements?, Sımon Fraser Unıversıty Department of Economics Working Papers.
  • Meade, J.(1955). The theory of customs unions. North- Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam.
  • Manger, M. S. (2009). Investing in protection, the politics of preferential trade agreements between north and south. United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Manger, M. S. ve Shadlen, K. C. (2014). Political Trade Dependence and North-South Trade Agreements. International Studies Quarter 58(1), 79-91.
  • Garcia, J.M. ve Coque, A. (2002). Agricultural trade and the Barcelona Process: is full liberalisation possible?. European Review of Agricultural Economics, Foundation for the European Review of Agricultural Economics, 29(3), 399-422.
  • Panagariya, A. (1999). The regionalism debate: an overview. TheWorld Economy, Blackwell Publishing, 22(4): 477-512
  • Schiff, M. ve Winters, L. A. (2003). Regional integration and development. Washıngton: World Bank and Oxford University Press.
  • Schiff, M. Ve Wang, Y. (2004). North south technology diffusion, regional ıntegration, and the dynamics of the ‘Natural Trading Partners Hypothesis’. World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Sheer, A. (1981) A survey of the political economy of customs unions. Law and Contemporary Problems 44 (3): 33-53.
  • Shiells, C. (1995). Regional trade blocs: Tarde creating or divertıng?. Finance and Development, 32(1): 30-32.
  • Todaro, M. P. ve Smith, S. C. (2011). Economic development. 11. Baskı, ABD: Pearson.
  • UNCTAD. (2007). Trade and development report 2007: regıonal cooperatıon for development. Unuted Natıons New York and Geneva.
  • UNCTAD. (2009). Economıc Development in Africa Report. United Natıons, New York and Geneva.
  • Viner, J. (1995). The customs union ıssue, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Londra.
  • Wonnacott, P. ve Lutz, M. (1989). Is There a Case For Free Trade Areas? Free Trade Areas and Us Trade Polıcy, Ed: J.Schott, Institute for Internatıoanl Economıcs, Washıngton, D.C.
  • World Bank. (2005). Global prospects: overview and global outlook.
  • World Bank. (2005). Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism, and Development. Washington DC.
  • Whalley, J. (210). Regional trade Aarrangements in North america: CUSTA and NAFTA’, in melo and panagariya, ed., New Dimensionsin Regional Integration, Cambridge University Press. No. 04-11.


Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 523 - 538, 31.10.2022


The main purpose of this study is to examine the theories that try to explain North-South economic integrations. In this context, a literature review including North-South economic integration studies is examined. It is researched why developed countries have established regional trade agreements with developing countries and what are the positive and negative effects of these integrations on the economies of developing countries. According to the results obtained from the research, it is shown that the developed countries benefit from the large markets of the developing countries among the reasons for the establishment of North-South economic integrations. The aim of developing countries is to realize economic development due to industrialization and economic growth. As a result of the literature review, it has been determined that economic integrations have positive and negative advantages on the economy of the developing country.


  • Balassa, B. (1961). The Theory of Economic Integration. 117
  • Bhagwati, J. (1991). Regionalism versus Multılateralısm. The World economy Vol. 15(5): 535-555
  • Burfisher, M.E., Robinson, S., ve Thierfelder, K., (2003). Regionalism: Old and new, theory and practice. Paper prepared for presentation to the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) Conference, Italy.
  • Carpenter, T. (2009). A historical Perspective on Regıonalısm, Baldwin Richard ve Patric Low (ed) Multilateralizing Regıonalism içinde (13-27). New York: Cambridge Unıversıty Press, 2009, s: 16-18
  • Coque, J. M. G. A (2002). Agricultural Trade and the barcelona process: Is full liberalization possible?. European Review of Agricultural Economics 29 (3): 399–422
  • Corden, W.M.( 1972). Economies of Scale and Customs Union Theory. Journal of Political Economy. 8(3), 465-475
  • Cieslik, A. ve Hagemejer, J. (2009). Assessing the ımpact of the EU-sponsored trade liberalization in the MENA countries. Journal of Economic Integration 24(2): 343-368
  • El-Agraa, A.M. (1988). The Theory of Economic Integration. In: El-Agraa, A.M. (eds) International Economic Integration. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Fernandez, R, (1997). Returns to regionalism: An evaluation of nontraditional gains from regional trade agreements. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no.1816. Washington, D.C.: World Bank
  • Fink, C.(2011). Intellectual property Rights. Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Jean-Christophe Maur (Ed.), Preferential Trade Agreement Policies For Development içinde (387-405), ABD: The World Bank Washıngton D.C. 387
  • Garcia, F. J. (2007). Is Free Trade 'Free?' Is it Even 'Trade?' Oppression and Consent in Hemispheric Trade Agreements, Seattle Journal for Social Justice. 5(2), 1-26.
  • Gehrels, F.(1956). Customs Unions from A Single-Country Viewpoint, The Review of Economic Studies, 24 (1), 61-64.
  • Gibbs, M. ve Wagle, S. (2005). The great maze: regional and bilateral free trade agreements in Asia. Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative, UNDP Regional Center, Colombo. Grossman, G. ve E. Helpman (1991). Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Hoekman, B.( 2011). Nourth-South preferentıal trade agreements. Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Jean-Christophe Maur (Ed.), Preferential Trade Agreement Policies For Development içinde (, ABD: The World Bank Washıngton D.C.
  • Hoekman, B (2005).Designing North South trade agreements to promote economic development World Bank and CEPR.
  • Hosny, A.S. (2013).Theories of economic ıntegration: a survey of the economic and political literature. ınternational journal of economy, Management and Social Sciences 2 (5): 133-155
  • Hirsch, M.(2008). The Sociology of International Economic Law: Sociological Analysis of theRegulation of Regional Agreements in the World Trading System. The European Journal of International Law, 19(2): 288-295
  • Hirsch, M .(2011).North-South Regıonal Trade Agreements: Prospects, Rısks and Legal Regulatıon. International Law Forum of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law Faculty Research Paper 4(11): 20
  • Josling, T. (2011). Agriculture. Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Jean-Christophe Maur (Ed.), Preferential Trade Agreement Policies For Development içinde (143-161), ABD: The World Bank Washıngton D.C.
  • Lawrence, R. Z. (1997). Preferential trading arrangements: The traditional and the new. Chapter 2 in Regional Partners in Global Markets: Limits and Possibilities of the Euro-Med Agreements, edited by Ahmed Galal and Bernard Hoekman. Center for Economic Policy Research and the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies.
  • Lipsey, R. (1960). The Relation between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom. 1862-1957; A Further Analysis.
  • Lipsey, R.G. ve Lancaster, K. (1957). The General Theory of Second Best. The Review of Economic Studies. 24(1):11-32
  • Lipsey, R. ve Smith, M. (2010). Multiretarel Versus Regıonal Tradıng Agrrement : Substitutes or Complements?, Sımon Fraser Unıversıty Department of Economics Working Papers.
  • Meade, J.(1955). The theory of customs unions. North- Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam.
  • Manger, M. S. (2009). Investing in protection, the politics of preferential trade agreements between north and south. United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Manger, M. S. ve Shadlen, K. C. (2014). Political Trade Dependence and North-South Trade Agreements. International Studies Quarter 58(1), 79-91.
  • Garcia, J.M. ve Coque, A. (2002). Agricultural trade and the Barcelona Process: is full liberalisation possible?. European Review of Agricultural Economics, Foundation for the European Review of Agricultural Economics, 29(3), 399-422.
  • Panagariya, A. (1999). The regionalism debate: an overview. TheWorld Economy, Blackwell Publishing, 22(4): 477-512
  • Schiff, M. ve Winters, L. A. (2003). Regional integration and development. Washıngton: World Bank and Oxford University Press.
  • Schiff, M. Ve Wang, Y. (2004). North south technology diffusion, regional ıntegration, and the dynamics of the ‘Natural Trading Partners Hypothesis’. World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Sheer, A. (1981) A survey of the political economy of customs unions. Law and Contemporary Problems 44 (3): 33-53.
  • Shiells, C. (1995). Regional trade blocs: Tarde creating or divertıng?. Finance and Development, 32(1): 30-32.
  • Todaro, M. P. ve Smith, S. C. (2011). Economic development. 11. Baskı, ABD: Pearson.
  • UNCTAD. (2007). Trade and development report 2007: regıonal cooperatıon for development. Unuted Natıons New York and Geneva.
  • UNCTAD. (2009). Economıc Development in Africa Report. United Natıons, New York and Geneva.
  • Viner, J. (1995). The customs union ıssue, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Londra.
  • Wonnacott, P. ve Lutz, M. (1989). Is There a Case For Free Trade Areas? Free Trade Areas and Us Trade Polıcy, Ed: J.Schott, Institute for Internatıoanl Economıcs, Washıngton, D.C.
  • World Bank. (2005). Global prospects: overview and global outlook.
  • World Bank. (2005). Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism, and Development. Washington DC.
  • Whalley, J. (210). Regional trade Aarrangements in North america: CUSTA and NAFTA’, in melo and panagariya, ed., New Dimensionsin Regional Integration, Cambridge University Press. No. 04-11.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section MAKALELER

Burçak Gündal 0000-0002-5884-7242

Publication Date October 31, 2022
Submission Date July 4, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Gündal, B. (2022). KUZEY-GÜNEY EKONOMİK ENTEGRASYONU: TEORİK BİR İNCELEME. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 523-538.