Introduction-Objectives: The high contagiousness of the SARS-COV-2 virus has resulted in many people being infected worldwide. In many countries, the capacity of intensive care units has been insufficient and has become unable to accept new patients. Imaging-based non-invasive methods developed as an alternative to the RT-PCR technique to control the spread of the virus during the pandemic process generally focus on the presence or absence of the disease. However, these methods do not provide information about how severe the disease is and how it progresses. Therefore, in this study, a deep learning-based estimation framework with low computational load is proposed to predict severity scores using chest radiographs.
Materials-Methods: The pre-trained ImageNet models are used as feature extraction networks to extract generic features. A two-headed estimation subnetwork each with the same number of layers is created to learn taskspecific features. Eventually, an end-to-end trainable lightweight deep model is created by connecting the estimation subnetwork to the feature extraction
Results: The proposed model is evaluated on a publicly available Cohen’s covid-chestxray-data set. The best cross-validation performance in terms of RMSE, MAE, and R2 in the prediction of lung involvement and opacity is obtained as 1.39/0.98, 1.1/0.81, 0.65/0.66, respectively.
Conclusions: Although the model has been trained with limited data, promising results are achieved with an end-to-end framework for estimating the severity of the COVID-19 disease.
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