Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 58 - 74, 30.12.2022



  • Akçapar, B. (2014). People’s Mission to the Ottoman Empire: M. A. Ansari and the Indian Medical Mission, 1912-1913. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Balabanlılar, L. (2010). The Begums of the Mystic Feast: Turco-Mungol Tradition in the Mughal Harem. The Journal of Asian Studies, 69(1): 123-147.
  • Casale, G. (2006). The Ottoman Administration of the Spice Trade in the Sixteenth-Century Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 49(2), 170–198.
  • Çelebi, K. (1729). Tuhfet ül-kibar fi esfar il-bihar. Kostantiniye: Dar üt-Tibaat il-Mamure. (Publication based on an original manuscript dated 1656). Retrieved at 990046334830203941
  • Chaudhuri, K. N. (1992). The Portuguese Maritime Empire, Trade, and Society in the Indian Ocean during the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 8, 57–70.
  • Çınar, G. K. (2011). Safevî−Özbek Siyasî İlişkileri ve Osmanlı’nın Tesiri (1524−1630) Unpublished PhD Thesis. Afyon Kocatepe University Institutional Repository.
  • Crowley, R (2015). Conquerors: How Portugal Forged the First Global Empire. New York: Random House.
  • Farooqi, N. R. (2009). Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Faroqhi, S. (2004). The Ottoman Empire and the world around it. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Gallotta, A. (1984). I Manoscritti Turchi Della Biblioteca Reale di Torino: 349[1]-372[24]. Studi in onore di Francesco Gabrieli nel suo ottantesimo compleanno (Vol. 1). Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di studi orientali.
  • Garcin, J-C. (2008). The regime of the Circassian Mamluks. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hess, A. C. (1973). The Ottoman Conquest of Egypt (1517) and the Beginning of the Sixteenth-Century World War. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 4(1), 55–76.
  • Manav, G. (2020). Seydî Ali Reis'in Hint Okyanusu'ndaki Faaliyetleri ve Gözlemleri (Master's thesis, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü).
  • Nizami, A. K. (2009). Foreword. In N. R. Farooqi, Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Northrup, L. (2008). The Bahri Mamluk Sultanate, 1250-1390. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Orhonlu, C. (1970). Seydî Ali Reis. Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1, 39-56. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Matbaası.
  • Özbaran, S. (2001). Ottomans as “Rumes” in Portuguese Sources in the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 17, 64–74.
  • Reis, S. A. (1899). The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reïs: In India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia, during the Years 1553-1556. (Trans: A. Vambéry). London. (Original work published as Asar-i eslafdan Mir’atul Memalik in 1895 based on the manuscript dated 1557). Retrieved at
  • Reis, S. A. (2021). Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (Ö. Tellioğlu, Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895; original work scribed in 1557). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Roolvink, R. (1957). Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Soucek, S. (2001). Review of Le Miroir des pays: une anabase ottomane à travers linde et l’Asie Centrale, by S. ’Ali Re’is & J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont. Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 25(1), 101–105.
  • Turan, Ş. (1965). Seydî Ali Reis. İslâm Ansiklopedisi, v. 1979, v.10, 528-531. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
  • Winter, M. (2008). The Ottoman occupation Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Yazıksız, N. A. (2021). Preface. In S. A. Reis, Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (pp. 1-5). Ö. Tellioğlu (Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 58 - 74, 30.12.2022



  • Akçapar, B. (2014). People’s Mission to the Ottoman Empire: M. A. Ansari and the Indian Medical Mission, 1912-1913. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Balabanlılar, L. (2010). The Begums of the Mystic Feast: Turco-Mungol Tradition in the Mughal Harem. The Journal of Asian Studies, 69(1): 123-147.
  • Casale, G. (2006). The Ottoman Administration of the Spice Trade in the Sixteenth-Century Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 49(2), 170–198.
  • Çelebi, K. (1729). Tuhfet ül-kibar fi esfar il-bihar. Kostantiniye: Dar üt-Tibaat il-Mamure. (Publication based on an original manuscript dated 1656). Retrieved at 990046334830203941
  • Chaudhuri, K. N. (1992). The Portuguese Maritime Empire, Trade, and Society in the Indian Ocean during the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 8, 57–70.
  • Çınar, G. K. (2011). Safevî−Özbek Siyasî İlişkileri ve Osmanlı’nın Tesiri (1524−1630) Unpublished PhD Thesis. Afyon Kocatepe University Institutional Repository.
  • Crowley, R (2015). Conquerors: How Portugal Forged the First Global Empire. New York: Random House.
  • Farooqi, N. R. (2009). Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Faroqhi, S. (2004). The Ottoman Empire and the world around it. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Gallotta, A. (1984). I Manoscritti Turchi Della Biblioteca Reale di Torino: 349[1]-372[24]. Studi in onore di Francesco Gabrieli nel suo ottantesimo compleanno (Vol. 1). Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di studi orientali.
  • Garcin, J-C. (2008). The regime of the Circassian Mamluks. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hess, A. C. (1973). The Ottoman Conquest of Egypt (1517) and the Beginning of the Sixteenth-Century World War. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 4(1), 55–76.
  • Manav, G. (2020). Seydî Ali Reis'in Hint Okyanusu'ndaki Faaliyetleri ve Gözlemleri (Master's thesis, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü).
  • Nizami, A. K. (2009). Foreword. In N. R. Farooqi, Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Northrup, L. (2008). The Bahri Mamluk Sultanate, 1250-1390. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Orhonlu, C. (1970). Seydî Ali Reis. Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1, 39-56. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Matbaası.
  • Özbaran, S. (2001). Ottomans as “Rumes” in Portuguese Sources in the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 17, 64–74.
  • Reis, S. A. (1899). The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reïs: In India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia, during the Years 1553-1556. (Trans: A. Vambéry). London. (Original work published as Asar-i eslafdan Mir’atul Memalik in 1895 based on the manuscript dated 1557). Retrieved at
  • Reis, S. A. (2021). Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (Ö. Tellioğlu, Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895; original work scribed in 1557). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Roolvink, R. (1957). Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Soucek, S. (2001). Review of Le Miroir des pays: une anabase ottomane à travers linde et l’Asie Centrale, by S. ’Ali Re’is & J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont. Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 25(1), 101–105.
  • Turan, Ş. (1965). Seydî Ali Reis. İslâm Ansiklopedisi, v. 1979, v.10, 528-531. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
  • Winter, M. (2008). The Ottoman occupation Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Yazıksız, N. A. (2021). Preface. In S. A. Reis, Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (pp. 1-5). Ö. Tellioğlu (Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 58 - 74, 30.12.2022



  • Akçapar, B. (2014). People’s Mission to the Ottoman Empire: M. A. Ansari and the Indian Medical Mission, 1912-1913. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Balabanlılar, L. (2010). The Begums of the Mystic Feast: Turco-Mungol Tradition in the Mughal Harem. The Journal of Asian Studies, 69(1): 123-147.
  • Casale, G. (2006). The Ottoman Administration of the Spice Trade in the Sixteenth-Century Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 49(2), 170–198.
  • Çelebi, K. (1729). Tuhfet ül-kibar fi esfar il-bihar. Kostantiniye: Dar üt-Tibaat il-Mamure. (Publication based on an original manuscript dated 1656). Retrieved at 990046334830203941
  • Chaudhuri, K. N. (1992). The Portuguese Maritime Empire, Trade, and Society in the Indian Ocean during the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 8, 57–70.
  • Çınar, G. K. (2011). Safevî−Özbek Siyasî İlişkileri ve Osmanlı’nın Tesiri (1524−1630) Unpublished PhD Thesis. Afyon Kocatepe University Institutional Repository.
  • Crowley, R (2015). Conquerors: How Portugal Forged the First Global Empire. New York: Random House.
  • Farooqi, N. R. (2009). Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Faroqhi, S. (2004). The Ottoman Empire and the world around it. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Gallotta, A. (1984). I Manoscritti Turchi Della Biblioteca Reale di Torino: 349[1]-372[24]. Studi in onore di Francesco Gabrieli nel suo ottantesimo compleanno (Vol. 1). Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di studi orientali.
  • Garcin, J-C. (2008). The regime of the Circassian Mamluks. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hess, A. C. (1973). The Ottoman Conquest of Egypt (1517) and the Beginning of the Sixteenth-Century World War. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 4(1), 55–76.
  • Manav, G. (2020). Seydî Ali Reis'in Hint Okyanusu'ndaki Faaliyetleri ve Gözlemleri (Master's thesis, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü).
  • Nizami, A. K. (2009). Foreword. In N. R. Farooqi, Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Northrup, L. (2008). The Bahri Mamluk Sultanate, 1250-1390. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Orhonlu, C. (1970). Seydî Ali Reis. Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1, 39-56. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Matbaası.
  • Özbaran, S. (2001). Ottomans as “Rumes” in Portuguese Sources in the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 17, 64–74.
  • Reis, S. A. (1899). The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reïs: In India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia, during the Years 1553-1556. (Trans: A. Vambéry). London. (Original work published as Asar-i eslafdan Mir’atul Memalik in 1895 based on the manuscript dated 1557). Retrieved at
  • Reis, S. A. (2021). Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (Ö. Tellioğlu, Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895; original work scribed in 1557). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Roolvink, R. (1957). Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Soucek, S. (2001). Review of Le Miroir des pays: une anabase ottomane à travers linde et l’Asie Centrale, by S. ’Ali Re’is & J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont. Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 25(1), 101–105.
  • Turan, Ş. (1965). Seydî Ali Reis. İslâm Ansiklopedisi, v. 1979, v.10, 528-531. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
  • Winter, M. (2008). The Ottoman occupation Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Yazıksız, N. A. (2021). Preface. In S. A. Reis, Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (pp. 1-5). Ö. Tellioğlu (Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895). İstanbul: Kitabevi.

An Ottoman Anabasis: Reflections on Mir’at ul Memalik by Seydî Ali Reis

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 58 - 74, 30.12.2022


The aim of this paper is to provide a historiography for the first travelogue in Ottoman Turkish entitled Mir’at ul Memalik (Mirror of Countries) written by Seydî Ali Reis. Depicting his adventurous travels starting from India and back to Constantinople through Turkestan, Kipchak Steppe, Khorasan and Iran between December 1553 and May 1557, the book is an important contribution documenting the cultures, peoples and his vivid observations along the route. This paper will first present a brief background regarding the importance of the Indian Ocean in the high politics of the 16th century at the time when three Turkic Empires ruled – Timurid, Ottoman and Safavid dynasties. In a fierce competition with the Portuguese to regain control of the silk and spice routes, Seydî Ali Reis was sent on a mission to South Asia yet failed due to adverse weather conditions and had to spend years before his return in India. One of the most intriguing themes in the travelogue is the self-identification of Seydî Ali Reis as being Rûmî (Roman) that indicates the common denomination for the citizens of Ottoman Empire during pre-modern classical age. Moreover, the book is a fascinating showcase indicating how an Ottoman intellectual of the time could easily harmonise the wisdom of various sources including mathematics, astronomy, poetry and even bibliomancy.


  • Akçapar, B. (2014). People’s Mission to the Ottoman Empire: M. A. Ansari and the Indian Medical Mission, 1912-1913. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Balabanlılar, L. (2010). The Begums of the Mystic Feast: Turco-Mungol Tradition in the Mughal Harem. The Journal of Asian Studies, 69(1): 123-147.
  • Casale, G. (2006). The Ottoman Administration of the Spice Trade in the Sixteenth-Century Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 49(2), 170–198.
  • Çelebi, K. (1729). Tuhfet ül-kibar fi esfar il-bihar. Kostantiniye: Dar üt-Tibaat il-Mamure. (Publication based on an original manuscript dated 1656). Retrieved at 990046334830203941
  • Chaudhuri, K. N. (1992). The Portuguese Maritime Empire, Trade, and Society in the Indian Ocean during the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 8, 57–70.
  • Çınar, G. K. (2011). Safevî−Özbek Siyasî İlişkileri ve Osmanlı’nın Tesiri (1524−1630) Unpublished PhD Thesis. Afyon Kocatepe University Institutional Repository.
  • Crowley, R (2015). Conquerors: How Portugal Forged the First Global Empire. New York: Random House.
  • Farooqi, N. R. (2009). Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Faroqhi, S. (2004). The Ottoman Empire and the world around it. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Gallotta, A. (1984). I Manoscritti Turchi Della Biblioteca Reale di Torino: 349[1]-372[24]. Studi in onore di Francesco Gabrieli nel suo ottantesimo compleanno (Vol. 1). Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di studi orientali.
  • Garcin, J-C. (2008). The regime of the Circassian Mamluks. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hess, A. C. (1973). The Ottoman Conquest of Egypt (1517) and the Beginning of the Sixteenth-Century World War. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 4(1), 55–76.
  • Manav, G. (2020). Seydî Ali Reis'in Hint Okyanusu'ndaki Faaliyetleri ve Gözlemleri (Master's thesis, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü).
  • Nizami, A. K. (2009). Foreword. In N. R. Farooqi, Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748. Delhi: Idarahi Adabiyati Dilli.
  • Northrup, L. (2008). The Bahri Mamluk Sultanate, 1250-1390. Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Orhonlu, C. (1970). Seydî Ali Reis. Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1, 39-56. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Matbaası.
  • Özbaran, S. (2001). Ottomans as “Rumes” in Portuguese Sources in the Sixteenth Century. Portuguese Studies, 17, 64–74.
  • Reis, S. A. (1899). The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reïs: In India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia, during the Years 1553-1556. (Trans: A. Vambéry). London. (Original work published as Asar-i eslafdan Mir’atul Memalik in 1895 based on the manuscript dated 1557). Retrieved at
  • Reis, S. A. (2021). Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (Ö. Tellioğlu, Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895; original work scribed in 1557). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Roolvink, R. (1957). Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Soucek, S. (2001). Review of Le Miroir des pays: une anabase ottomane à travers linde et l’Asie Centrale, by S. ’Ali Re’is & J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont. Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 25(1), 101–105.
  • Turan, Ş. (1965). Seydî Ali Reis. İslâm Ansiklopedisi, v. 1979, v.10, 528-531. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
  • Winter, M. (2008). The Ottoman occupation Daly, M. W., & Petry, C. F. (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1, 242-289. Cambridge University Press.
  • Yazıksız, N. A. (2021). Preface. In S. A. Reis, Mir’atü’l-Memâlik: Seydi Ali Reisin Maceraları Basra-Hindistan-Türkistan-İran 1554-1557 (pp. 1-5). Ö. Tellioğlu (Ed.). (Based on the publication dated 1895). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Şebnem Akçapar 0000-0003-2168-8871

Ömer Faruk İskenderli This is me 0000-0003-2478-3962

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date May 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Akçapar, Ş., & İskenderli, Ö. F. (2022). An Ottoman Anabasis: Reflections on Mir’at ul Memalik by Seydî Ali Reis. Bölge Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 58-74.