Year 2023,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 97 - 120, 30.12.2023
Mehmet Deniz
The Bosnian War witnessed horrifying humanitarian crimes; particularly systematic rapes perpetrated by Serbs against Bosnian women. More than 35,000 women and children were subjected to such atrocities in Serb-run "rape/death camps." Additionally, the fall of Srebrenica resulted in the loss of thousands of civilian lives. International intervention to halt the Bosnian War faced challenges and complexities. Various countries involved in the matter held differing interpretations of the conflict, leading to diverse views on potential solutions. This lack of consensus and political will hindered the effectiveness of the European Union's intervention efforts. This work critically examines the international intervention in the Bosnian War, focusing on the approaches of key EU countries: France, Germany, and the UK. These countries' divergent policies and objectives impacted the EU's ability to adopt a coherent stance towards the conflict. The study employs Nuttall and Duke's theoretical approach to consistency in decision-making within the EU to explain why a consistent approach was not achieved during the intervention. By analysing the complexities of the EU's intervention in the Bosnian War, this study seeks to answer the question of what went wrong and provides insights into the challenges of decision-making and consensus-building within the European Union.
- Andreatta, F. (1997). The Bosnian War and the New World Order: Failure and Success of Inter-national Intervention. Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union.
- Bellamy, A. (2002). Unravelling the Balkan Dilemmas? International Peacekeeping, 9(3), 143-148.
- Brunborg, H., Lyngstad, T.H., and Urdal, H. (2003). Accounting for Genocide: How many were killed in Srebrenica? European Journal of Population, 19(3), 229-248.
- Cornish, P. and Edwards, G. (2005). The Strategic Culture the European Union: a progress report. International Affairs 81(4), 801-820.
- Crawford, B. (1998). An Empty Nest? Reconciling European Security Institutions in the Bosnian Crisis. V.K. Aggarwal (Ed.). Institutional Designs for a Complex World: Bargaining, Lin-kages, and Nesting (Chp.3). Cornell University Press.
- Cox, M. (1998). Cluster of Competence The rehabilitation of war-torn societies: Strategic App-roaches to International Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Council of the European Union. (2004). European Security Strategy- Bosnia and Herzegovina / Comprehensive Policy.
- Dover, R. (2005). The EU and the Bosnian Civil War 1992-95: The Capabilities-Expectations Gap at the Heart of the EU Foreign Policy. European Security, 14(3), 297-318.
- Duke, S. (1999). Consistency as an Issue in EU External Activities. Working Paper. 99/W/06. European Institute of Public Administration.1-39.
- Duke, S. (2000). Is Being Consistently Inconsistent, Being Consistent? EIPASCOPE (1), 1-2.
- EU Crisis Response Capabilities: An Update. (2002). Europe Report.
- EU Crisis Response Capability Revisited. (2005). Europe Report. No.160. 17.
- EUFOR: Changing Bosnia’s Security Arrangements. (2004, June 29). Crisis Group.
- European Security Review. (2004). EUFOR Mission for Bosnia by the end of 2004.
- Europe Report. No: 160. 1-60.
- Germany and the USA Instigated the Wars in Ex-Yugoslavia. The war criminals.
- Gourlay, C. (2004). European Union Procedures and Resources for Crisis Management. Interna-tional Peacekeeping 11(3), 404-421.
- Gow, J. (1997). Triumph of Lack of Will. New York: Columbia University Press.
- International Crisis Group. (2005, June 17). EU Crisis Response Capability Revisited.
- ISIS Europe. (2005, June 25). The Stability Instrument: defining the Commission`s role in crisis response. Isis Briefing.
- ISIS Europe. (2006). The EU`s Changing Role in Kosovo: what next? A news review European Security and Defence Policy. No:29. Special Kosovo Edition.
- NIOD. (2002). Srebrenitsa Report 2002: Reconstruction, background, consequences and analy-ses of the fall of a ‘safe’ area. (1-3875)
- Nuttall, S. (2005). Coherence and Consistency. C. Hill and M. Smith (Ed.). International Relati-ons and the European Union. Oxford University Press.
- Refugees, U. N. H. C. for. (1999). Is Dayton Failing?: Bosnia Four Years After the Peace Agre-ement. Refworld.
- Raunio, T. and Saarikivi, M. (2001). The Role of The European Union In The Yugoslavian Wars: The Wars in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.
- Riedlmayer, A. (1993). A Brief History of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Smith, K. (2006). Converging Problems-Compartmentalised Solutions: The Security- Development Interface in EU Crisis Management. CFSP Forum, 4(3), 1-15.
- Solano, J. (2005, July 10). The Balkans: Bosnia is shackled as long as war criminals are free. Financial Times.
- Suffragio. (2013, October 15). Bosnia-Herzegovina Census Highlights Tripartite Fractures, Constitutional Problems.
- Thessaloniki and After (II) The EU and Bosnia. (2003, June 20). Crisis Group.
Avrupa Birliği İçerisinde Tutarlılık Meselesi: AB, Bosna Savaşında Neden Tutarlı Bir Politika Geliştiremedi?
Year 2023,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 97 - 120, 30.12.2023
Mehmet Deniz
Bosna Savaşı, özellikle Sırplar tarafından Bosnalı kadınlara karşı işlenen sistematik tecavüzler olmak üzere, korkunç insani suçlara sahne olmuştur. Sırplar tarafından işletilen "tecavüz/ölüm kamplarında" 35.000'den fazla kadın ve çocuk bu tür zulümlere maruz kalmıştır. Ayrıca Srebrenitsa'nın düşmesi binlerce sivilin hayatını kaybetmesine neden olmuştur. Bosna Savaşı'nı durdurmak için yapılan uluslararası müdahale zorluklar ve karmaşıklıklarla karşılaştı. Müdahil ülkelerin çatışmaya ilişkin farklı yaklaşımları potansiyel çözümlere ilişkin farklı görüşlerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu fikir birliği ve siyasi irade eksikliği Avrupa Birliği'nin müdahale çabalarının etkinliğini engellemiştir. Bu çalışma, kilit AB ülkelerinin (Fransa, Almanya ve Birleşik Krallık) yaklaşımlarına odaklanarak Bosna Savaşı'na uluslararası müdahaleyi eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla incelemektedir. Bu ülkelerin farklı politika ve hedefleri, AB'nin çatışmaya yönelik tutarlı bir duruş sergileme kabiliyetini etkilemiştir. Çalışma, müdahale sırasında neden tutarlı bir yaklaşımın sergilenemediğini açıklamak için Nuttall ve Duke'un AB karar alma sürecinde tutarlılığı ele alan teorik yaklaşımını kullanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, AB'nin Bosna Savaşı'na müdahalesinin karmaşıklığını analiz ederek, neyin yanlış gittiği sorusuna cevap aramakta ve Avrupa Birliği içinde karar alma ve fikir birliği oluşturmanın zorluklarına ışık tutmaktadır.
Ethical Statement
Sunduğum makalenin etik kurallara uygun bir çalışma olduğunu, başka herhangi bir dergide yayımlanmak üzere verilmediğini, makale içinde sunduğum bilgileri etik davranış ve akademik kurallar içerisinde elde ettiğimi, makalede yararlanılan bütün eserlere eksiksiz atıf yaptığımı, kullanılan tüm eserlere kaynakçada yer verdiğimi, ve bilimsel etik ve ahlak kurallarına uygun davrandığımı beyan eder, aksinin ortaya çıkması durumunda her türlü sorumluluğu kabullendiğimi bildiririm.
En derin saygılarımı sunar, teşekkür ederim.
- Andreatta, F. (1997). The Bosnian War and the New World Order: Failure and Success of Inter-national Intervention. Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union.
- Bellamy, A. (2002). Unravelling the Balkan Dilemmas? International Peacekeeping, 9(3), 143-148.
- Brunborg, H., Lyngstad, T.H., and Urdal, H. (2003). Accounting for Genocide: How many were killed in Srebrenica? European Journal of Population, 19(3), 229-248.
- Cornish, P. and Edwards, G. (2005). The Strategic Culture the European Union: a progress report. International Affairs 81(4), 801-820.
- Crawford, B. (1998). An Empty Nest? Reconciling European Security Institutions in the Bosnian Crisis. V.K. Aggarwal (Ed.). Institutional Designs for a Complex World: Bargaining, Lin-kages, and Nesting (Chp.3). Cornell University Press.
- Cox, M. (1998). Cluster of Competence The rehabilitation of war-torn societies: Strategic App-roaches to International Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Council of the European Union. (2004). European Security Strategy- Bosnia and Herzegovina / Comprehensive Policy.
- Dover, R. (2005). The EU and the Bosnian Civil War 1992-95: The Capabilities-Expectations Gap at the Heart of the EU Foreign Policy. European Security, 14(3), 297-318.
- Duke, S. (1999). Consistency as an Issue in EU External Activities. Working Paper. 99/W/06. European Institute of Public Administration.1-39.
- Duke, S. (2000). Is Being Consistently Inconsistent, Being Consistent? EIPASCOPE (1), 1-2.
- EU Crisis Response Capabilities: An Update. (2002). Europe Report.
- EU Crisis Response Capability Revisited. (2005). Europe Report. No.160. 17.
- EUFOR: Changing Bosnia’s Security Arrangements. (2004, June 29). Crisis Group.
- European Security Review. (2004). EUFOR Mission for Bosnia by the end of 2004.
- Europe Report. No: 160. 1-60.
- Germany and the USA Instigated the Wars in Ex-Yugoslavia. The war criminals.
- Gourlay, C. (2004). European Union Procedures and Resources for Crisis Management. Interna-tional Peacekeeping 11(3), 404-421.
- Gow, J. (1997). Triumph of Lack of Will. New York: Columbia University Press.
- International Crisis Group. (2005, June 17). EU Crisis Response Capability Revisited.
- ISIS Europe. (2005, June 25). The Stability Instrument: defining the Commission`s role in crisis response. Isis Briefing.
- ISIS Europe. (2006). The EU`s Changing Role in Kosovo: what next? A news review European Security and Defence Policy. No:29. Special Kosovo Edition.
- NIOD. (2002). Srebrenitsa Report 2002: Reconstruction, background, consequences and analy-ses of the fall of a ‘safe’ area. (1-3875)
- Nuttall, S. (2005). Coherence and Consistency. C. Hill and M. Smith (Ed.). International Relati-ons and the European Union. Oxford University Press.
- Refugees, U. N. H. C. for. (1999). Is Dayton Failing?: Bosnia Four Years After the Peace Agre-ement. Refworld.
- Raunio, T. and Saarikivi, M. (2001). The Role of The European Union In The Yugoslavian Wars: The Wars in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.
- Riedlmayer, A. (1993). A Brief History of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Smith, K. (2006). Converging Problems-Compartmentalised Solutions: The Security- Development Interface in EU Crisis Management. CFSP Forum, 4(3), 1-15.
- Solano, J. (2005, July 10). The Balkans: Bosnia is shackled as long as war criminals are free. Financial Times.
- Suffragio. (2013, October 15). Bosnia-Herzegovina Census Highlights Tripartite Fractures, Constitutional Problems.
- Thessaloniki and After (II) The EU and Bosnia. (2003, June 20). Crisis Group.