Page Design
● Manuscripts should be prepared in
“Microsoft Word” program, in A4 paper format.
● The paper layout should be set as
2.5 cm margin on all sides.
● Paragraphs should begin with an indent of
1.25 cm.
● There must be
6 nk line-spacing after paragraphs and titles.
Author Information
● Manuscripts should not contain any information about the authors. Authors should state their titles, institutions, communication addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) numbers in
Author Information Form. This form should be filled and sent with the article file.
Headings and Subheadings
● The main title of the article should be left-aligned, bold, 14-point font size, and written with the first letters capitalized.
● All the other titles except for the title of the article should be written in bold, 12 punto and first letter of each word in upper-case.
● The headings and subheadings (except for the introduction and the conclusion) should be numbered decimally such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.
● Articles written in a language other than English (Turkish, French, Arabic) must also include an English abstract.
● The length of the summary should be
no more than 250 words. Abstract should be in
Garamond font, 11 point size and 1 line spacing.
Minimum 3 maximum 5 keywords should be written in English and Turkish below abstracts parts.
● Title of “introduction” should start at the other (the second) page.
Main Text
● The main text of the manuscripts should be written with
Garamond font, 12 punto and
1.5 line space.● Articles should be between
6000 and 10000 words including the abstracts and reference list.
● The quotations within the text should be given in double-quotation marks; the quotations longer than 3 lines should be placed in a new paragraph with the entire quote indented from the left margin and should have one-spacing.
● Words used from different languages other than the manuscripts’ language should be written in italicand translation to Turkish or English as appropriate should be given in parentheses at its first use.
Tables and Figures
● Tables, graphs and figures can be given with a number and a defining title if and only if it is necessary to follow the idea of the article.
● Their titles should be only first letter of each word should be written with capital letter.
● Tables and figures should be centered on page and be prepared within the margins of page and should be without color.
● The sources of the tables, figures, and graphics to be included in the text should be placed under the tables, figures, and graphics in accordance with the in-text reference rules.
● Each appendix provided in the article must be submitted on separate pages after the references. Titles must be written in bold, capital letters, and left-aligned.
The 6th version of the APA (American Psychological Association) source style must be used for in-text quoting and citation.
● The citations should be arranged in a way that includes the author's surname, publication year and page number in parentheses.
One Author: (Çelik, 2020: 3)
Two Authors: (Bayram ve Çelik, 2021: 45)
Three or More Authors: (Arpa vd., 2019: 12)
Multiple Sources: (Bayar, 2004: 71; Arpa, 2008: 87)
● Explanations regarding some of the issues to be explained in the text can be specified as footnotes below the page.
● Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt. and single line spacing.
● References must be written in 12 points font size and alphabetic order of surnames of the authors. If the references in the bibliography pass to the second line, make careful that the second line starts with 1 TAB.
Books with One Author:
Yergin, D. (2019). Petrol: Para ve Güç Çatışmasının Epik Öyküsü. Istanbul: Türkiye Iş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
Books with Two Authors:
Passel, J. S. and Fix, M. (1994). Immigration and Immigrants. Washington: Urban Institute.
Books with More Than Two Authors:
Rodríguez, H., Quarantelli, E. L. and Dynes, R. R. (2007). Handbook of Disaster Research. New York: Springer
Editorial Books:
Cavelty, M. D. and Balzacq, T. (Ed.). (2017). Routledge Handbook of Security Studies. New York: Routledge.
Book Chapters:
Beblawi, H. (1987). The Rentier State in the Arab World. H. Beblawi ve G. Luciani (Ed.). The Rentier State (pp. 43-62). London: Croom Helm.
Translated Book:
Chul-Han, B. (2021). Psikopolitika: Neoliberalizm ve Yeni Iktidar Teknikleri. (H. Barışcan, Trans.). Istanbul: Metis Yayınları.
Solow, R. M. (1956). A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), 65-94.
Newspaper Article:
Hubbard, B. ve Samaan, M. (2015, 25 Haziran). ISIS Attacks Two Towns in Northern Syria. The New York Times.
Online Newspaper Article:
Tembo, B. (2017, 16 January). Sahrawi Republic President Brahim Ghali Visit Historical. Daily Mail. Retrieved from
Anonymous Newspaper Articles:
Nigerian Security Forces Killed 18 People During Lockdowns. (2020, April 16). Reuters. Retrieved from
In-text citation: (Reuters, 2020)
Online Encyclopedia:
Denzer, L. (2010). Rwanda. Britannica Book of the Year, 2010. Retrieved from
Unpublished Thesis:
Dekhili T. (2019). The Impact of Oil Price Changes on the Economic Growth of Selected OPEC Countries. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Istanbul University, Istanbul.
Congress Announcements:
Bulgur, N. (2017). 20. Yüzyılda Göç Teorileri ve Türkiye'nin Uluslararası Göç Politikaları. I. Uluslararası İnsan ve Toplum Bilimler Kongresi. Priştina-Kosova.
Anonymous Official or Private Publication:
UNECA. (2020). Economic Report on Africa 2020: Innovative Finance for Private Sector Development in Africa Development in Africa. Retrieved from