Research Article
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How Ready Are the Turkish Hospitality and Travel Organizations for E-Complaint Handling?

Year 2016, , 75 - 94, 01.07.2016


Main purpose of this study was to examine Turkish hospitality and travel organizations’ readiness level with e-complaint handling processes and to reveal their return intent to e-complaints. Although handling customer complaints online has become a strategic concern in hospitality and travel industries, we couldn’t attain any studies which compare sub categories of services in the context of e-complaints. Hence, the secondary aim was to contribute to the literature in this field. Data were collected from the online Turkish complaint site “” which has made customer feedback publicly available. For the airline sector 299 and for health-care sector 316 filed complaints were transferred into single documents as data for content analysis. Each dataset was coded. Then coded data were analyzed by using SPSS. Findings indicate that health-care and airline companies were more enthusiastic about a response than the lodging sector. Results of the paper bring up some implications for lodging sector.


  • Afify, H. and El- Sayed (2011). A Model for Customer Complaint Management System using SOA, Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS international conference on Computers, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, 291-296
  • Alvarez, L. S., Casielles, R. V. and Martin, A. M. D. (2010). Analysis of the role of complaint management in the context of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 27(1-2), 143-164
  • Au, N., Law, R. and Buhalis, D. (2010). The Impact of Culture on e-Complaints: Evidence from Chinese Consumers in Hospitality Organizations. In Gretzel, U., Law, R. and Fuchs, M. (Eds.) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010, 285-296, Vienna, Springer
  • Bateson, J.E.G. and Hoffman, D.K. (1999). Managing Services Marketing, Fort Worth: The Dryden Press
  • Best, A., and Andreasen, A.R. (1997). Consumer response to unsatisfactory purchases: A survey of perceiving defects, voicing complaints, and obtaining redress. Law and Society Review, 11(4), 701-742
  • Blodgett, J. G., Hill, D. J. and Tax, S. S. (1993). The effects of perceived justice on complainants’ negative word-of-mouth behavior and repatronage intentions. Journal of Retailing, 69(4), 339–426
  • Blodgett, J.G., Hill, D.J. and Tax, S.S. (1997). The effects of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice on post complaint behavior. Journal of Retailing, 73, 2. 185-210.
  • Boshoff, C. (1997). An experimental study of service recovery options. International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 8(2), 110 – 130
  • Brown, E. (2010). Working the crowd: Social media marketing for business, Swindon.
  • Buttle, F.A. (1998). Word of mouth: Understanding and managing referral marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol.6, 241-254
  • Cho, Y., Im, I. and Hiltz, R. (2003). The impact of e-services failures and customer complaints on electronic commerce customer relationship management. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 16, 106 –118
  • Clark, G., Kaminski, P. and Rink, D. (1992). Consumer complaints: Advice on how companies should respond based on an empirical study. Journal of Services Marketing, 6(1), 41–50
  • Culha O., Hacioglu G. and Kurt G. (2009). Otel Müşterilerinin E-Şikayetlerine Yönelik Bir Icerik Cözümlemesi. Seyahat ve Otel Isletmeciligi Dergisi, 6(4), 42 – 49
  • Dabholkar, A. P., Spaid, B. I. (2012). Service failure and recovery in using technology-based selfservice: Effects on user attributions and satisfaction. The Service Industries Journal, 32(9), 1415-1432
  • Davidow, M. (2000). The bottom line impact of organizational responses to customer complaints. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 24(4), 473-490
  • Day, G.S. (1971). Attitude change, media and word of mouth. Journal of Advertising Research 11(6), 31–40
  • Dogru, H., Kaygalak, S., Cavdirli, C. M. and Bahceci, V. (2014). E-Complaints of Disabled Individuals Against the Tourism Service. Gazi Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (2014), 33-47
  • Dolinsky, A.L. (1994). A consumer complaint framework with resulting strategies: An application to higher education. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 8(3), 27– 39
  • Dommeyer, C., Moriarty, E., (2000). Comparing two forms of an e-mail survey: Embedded vs. attached. International Journal of Market Research 42(1), 39–50
  • Egon, J. (2008). Relationship marketing: Exploring relational strategies in marketing, 3rd Ed, FT Prentice Hall
  • Ekiz, E., Khoo-Lattimore, C. and Memarzadeh, F. (2012). Air the anger: investigating online complaints on luxury hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 3(2), pp. 96 – 106,
  • Eng, T.Y. (2008). E-customer service capability and value creation. The Service Industry Journal, Vol. 28(9), 1293-1306
  • Folkes, V.S. (1984). Consumer reactions to product failure: An attributional approach. Journal of Consumer Research, 10(4), 398–409
  • Folkes, V.S., Koletsky, S. and Graham, J.L. (1987). A field study of causal inferences and consumer reaction: The view from the airport. Journal of Consumer Research, 13(4), 534–539
  • Gelb, B.D. and Sundaram, S. (2002). Adapting to ‘word of mouse’. Business Horizons, 45(4), 15-20
  • Gheorghe, I. R. and Liao, M. N. (2012). Investigating Romanian healthcare consumer behavior in online communities: Qualitative research on negative E-Wom. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 62 (2012) 268 – 274
  • Goodman, J. (1999). Basic facts on customer complaint behavior and the impact of service on the bottom line. Competitive Advantage, June, 1-5
  • Harrison-Walker, L.J. (2001). E-complaining: A content analysis of an Internet complaint forum. Journal of Services Marketing, 15(5), 397-412
  • Hart, C.W.L., Heskett, J.L. and Sasser, Jr., W.E. (1990). The profitable art of recovery. Harvard Business Review, July–August. 148–156
  • Hirschman, A. O. (1970). Exit, voice and loyalty. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
  • Holloway, B. and Beatty, S. (2003). Service failure in online retailing: A recovery opportunity. Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6(1). 92-105
  • Hollowell, R. (2002). Service on the Internet: The effect of physical service on scalability. Harvard Business Review, March
  • Hu, H. H, Jay Kandampully, J. and Juwaheer, T. D. (2009). Relationships and impacts of service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and image: An empirical study. The Service Industries Journal, 29(2), 111-125
  • Huang, L.S., Chou,Y.J., and Lan, I.T. (2007). Effects of perceived risk, message types, and reading motives on the acceptance and transmission of electronic word-of-mouth communication. Contemporary Management Research. Vol.3 (4), 299-312
  • Hui, M. and Toffoli, R. (2002). Perceived control and consumer attribution for the service encounter. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(9), 1825–1844
  • Julta, D., Craig, J. and Bodorik, P. (2001). Enabling and measuring electronic customer relationship management readiness. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii
  • Karatepe, O. M. (2006). Customer complaints and organizational responses: the effects of complainants’ perceptions of justice on satisfaction and loyalty. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25 (2006) 69–90
  • Kowalski, R. M. (1996). Complaints and complaining: Functions, antecedents, and consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 119, 179–196
  • Kucuk, S. U. and Krishnamurthy, S. (2007). An analysis of consumer power on the Internet. Technovation, 27, 47–56
  • Lee, C. C. and Hu, C. (2004). Analysing hotel customers' e-complaints from an Internet complaint forum. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 17:2-3, 167-181
  • Liebrecht, C. (2015). The one-coder reliability. Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam
  • Litvin, S., Goldsmith, R.E. and Pan, B. (2008). Electronic word-of-mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, 29, 458-468
  • Lovelock, C. and Young, R. F. (1979). Look to consumers to increase productivity. Harvard Business Review, 57, 168-178
  • Manickas, P., and Shea, L. (1997). Hotel complaint behavior and resolution: A content analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 36(2), 68-73
  • Matilla, A.S; Mount, D.J. (2003). The impact of selected customer characteristics and response time on e-complaint satisfaction and return intent. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22, 135-145
  • Mattila, A.S., Andreau, L., Hanks, L. and Kim, E.E. (2013). The impact of cyber ostracism on online complaint handling: Is ‘automatic reply’ any better than ‘no reply’?. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 41(1), 45–60. (
  • Maxham, J. G., Iii, and Netemeyer, R. G. (2003). Firms reap what they sow: The effects of shared values and perceived organizational justice on customers’ evaluations of complaint handling. Journal of Marketing, 67(1), 46–62
  • Melián-González, S., J. Bulchand-Gidumal, J. and González López-Valcárcel, B. (2013). Online customer reviews of hotels: As participation increases, better evaluation is obtained. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 54 (3): 274-83
  • Meyer-Waarden, L. and Sabadie, W. (2012). “Complaint management: Which efforts to satisfy the complainers: the role of relationship quality?” 41st Annual Conference of European Marketing Association, May, 2012, Portugal. Retrieved from (Accessed 13.04.2015)
  • Mills, P.K. (1983). “The socialization of clients as partial employees of service organizations”, (Working paper). CA: University of Santa Clara
  • Min, H., Lim, Y. and Magnini, V. P. (2014). Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Responses to Negative Online Hotel Reviews: The Impact of Empathy, Paraphrasing, and Speed. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Vol. 56(2), 223–231
  • Mount, D.J., and Matilla, A.S. (2000). The final opportunity: The effectiveness of a customer Relations call center in recovering hotel guests. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 24(4), 514-525
  • Murray, K. B., and Schlachter, J.L. (1990). The impact of services versus goods on consumers’ assessment of perceived risk and variability. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18(1), 51-65
  • O’connor, P., and Frew, A. (2002). The future of hotel electronic distribution. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. 43(3), 33-45
  • Oliver, R. L. (1997). Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. New York: McGrawHill
  • Orsinger, C., Valentini, S. and De Angelis M. (2010). A meta-analysis of satisfaction with complaint handling in services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 38(2), 169-186
  • Özdemir, G. and Sari, F. Ö. (2014). Destination in the Middle of the Buzz. In Raţă, G., Arslan, H.
  • Runcan, P. L. and Akdemir, A. (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Sciences (pp. 147- 157), UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • Papasolomou, I, and Melanthiou, Y. (2012). Social media: Marketing public relations’ new best friend. Journal of Promotion Management, 18, 319–328
  • Sanoveri (2013). Biz Kimiz, (Accessed 10.07.2013).
  • Sari, F.Ö, Alikilic, Ö. and Onat, F. (2013). E- complaining: Analysis of lodging customers’ ecomplaints from a Turkish Internet Website. In Proceedings of International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology, ICIBET 2013, Beijing, China, Zhang, L., Xiaoyuan, L., and Chen, J. (Eds). Atlantis Press, Vol.26, pp. 561-565
  • Sayhan, N. (2012). Responsible Manager of Ş Web site, Telephone interview and emailing
  • Sekaran U. (1992). Research methods for business: A skill- building approach. Canada: John Wiley andSons Inc
  • Shea, L., Enghagen, L. and Khullar, A. (2004). Internet Diffusion of an E-Complaint. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 17:2-3, 145-165
  • Sen, S. and Lerman, D. (2007). Why are you telling me this? An examination into negative consumer reviews on the web. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21(4), 76–94
  • Sheth J.N. (1971). Word of mouth in low risk innovations. Journal of Advertising Research 11, 15–18
  • Sikayetvar (2015). (Accessed 10.04.2015)
  • Singh, J. (1988). “Consumer complaint intentions and behavior: Definitional and taxonomical issues. Journal of Marketing, 52(1), 93–107
  • Smith, A., Bolton, R. and Wagner, J. (1999). A model of customer satisfaction with encounters involving UK. British Informatics Society
  • Sparks, B. A., and Browning, V. (2010). Complaining in cyberspace: The motives and forms of hotel guests' complaints online. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 19(7), 797-818
  • Szymanski, D. M. and Henard, D. H. (2001). Customer satisfaction: A meta-analysis of the empirical evidence. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29, 16–35
  • Tanrisevdi, A. (2008). Customer indirect voices to service failures: Content analysis of e-complaints.
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Türkiye’deki Konaklama, Seyahat ve Sağlık İşletmeleri E-Şikayet Yönetimine Hazır mı?

Year 2016, , 75 - 94, 01.07.2016


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Türkiye’deki konaklama, seyahat ve sağlık kuruluşlarının e-şikayet yönetimine ne ölçüde hazır olduklarını incelemek ve e-şikayetleri yanıtlama eğilimlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Elektronik müşteri şikayetlerinin yönetilmesi konusu her ne kadar ağırlama ve seyahat endüstrileri için stratejik bir önem kazanmakta olsa da, literaturde hizmet sektörünün alt kategorilerinin e-şikayetler bağlamında karşılaştırıldığı bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu sebepie, çalışmanın ikincil amacı bu alanda literatüre katkıda bulunmaktır. Veriler müşteri yorumları kamuya açık olan çevrimiçi Türk şikayet sitesi "" dan sağlanmıştır. Havayolu sektöründen 299 ve sağlık sektöründen 316 şikayet, içerik analizi için veri olarak ayrı birer dokümana aktarılmıştır. Her veri kümesi kodlanmıştır. Kodlanmış veri SPSS kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, sağlık ve havayolu işletmelerinin e-şikayetleri yanıtlamada konaklama işletmelerine nazaran daha hevesli olduklarını göstermektedir. Araştırma sonuçları konaklama sektörüne özel çıkarımlar ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Afify, H. and El- Sayed (2011). A Model for Customer Complaint Management System using SOA, Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS international conference on Computers, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, 291-296
  • Alvarez, L. S., Casielles, R. V. and Martin, A. M. D. (2010). Analysis of the role of complaint management in the context of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 27(1-2), 143-164
  • Au, N., Law, R. and Buhalis, D. (2010). The Impact of Culture on e-Complaints: Evidence from Chinese Consumers in Hospitality Organizations. In Gretzel, U., Law, R. and Fuchs, M. (Eds.) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010, 285-296, Vienna, Springer
  • Bateson, J.E.G. and Hoffman, D.K. (1999). Managing Services Marketing, Fort Worth: The Dryden Press
  • Best, A., and Andreasen, A.R. (1997). Consumer response to unsatisfactory purchases: A survey of perceiving defects, voicing complaints, and obtaining redress. Law and Society Review, 11(4), 701-742
  • Blodgett, J. G., Hill, D. J. and Tax, S. S. (1993). The effects of perceived justice on complainants’ negative word-of-mouth behavior and repatronage intentions. Journal of Retailing, 69(4), 339–426
  • Blodgett, J.G., Hill, D.J. and Tax, S.S. (1997). The effects of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice on post complaint behavior. Journal of Retailing, 73, 2. 185-210.
  • Boshoff, C. (1997). An experimental study of service recovery options. International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 8(2), 110 – 130
  • Brown, E. (2010). Working the crowd: Social media marketing for business, Swindon.
  • Buttle, F.A. (1998). Word of mouth: Understanding and managing referral marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol.6, 241-254
  • Cho, Y., Im, I. and Hiltz, R. (2003). The impact of e-services failures and customer complaints on electronic commerce customer relationship management. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 16, 106 –118
  • Clark, G., Kaminski, P. and Rink, D. (1992). Consumer complaints: Advice on how companies should respond based on an empirical study. Journal of Services Marketing, 6(1), 41–50
  • Culha O., Hacioglu G. and Kurt G. (2009). Otel Müşterilerinin E-Şikayetlerine Yönelik Bir Icerik Cözümlemesi. Seyahat ve Otel Isletmeciligi Dergisi, 6(4), 42 – 49
  • Dabholkar, A. P., Spaid, B. I. (2012). Service failure and recovery in using technology-based selfservice: Effects on user attributions and satisfaction. The Service Industries Journal, 32(9), 1415-1432
  • Davidow, M. (2000). The bottom line impact of organizational responses to customer complaints. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 24(4), 473-490
  • Day, G.S. (1971). Attitude change, media and word of mouth. Journal of Advertising Research 11(6), 31–40
  • Dogru, H., Kaygalak, S., Cavdirli, C. M. and Bahceci, V. (2014). E-Complaints of Disabled Individuals Against the Tourism Service. Gazi Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (2014), 33-47
  • Dolinsky, A.L. (1994). A consumer complaint framework with resulting strategies: An application to higher education. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 8(3), 27– 39
  • Dommeyer, C., Moriarty, E., (2000). Comparing two forms of an e-mail survey: Embedded vs. attached. International Journal of Market Research 42(1), 39–50
  • Egon, J. (2008). Relationship marketing: Exploring relational strategies in marketing, 3rd Ed, FT Prentice Hall
  • Ekiz, E., Khoo-Lattimore, C. and Memarzadeh, F. (2012). Air the anger: investigating online complaints on luxury hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 3(2), pp. 96 – 106,
  • Eng, T.Y. (2008). E-customer service capability and value creation. The Service Industry Journal, Vol. 28(9), 1293-1306
  • Folkes, V.S. (1984). Consumer reactions to product failure: An attributional approach. Journal of Consumer Research, 10(4), 398–409
  • Folkes, V.S., Koletsky, S. and Graham, J.L. (1987). A field study of causal inferences and consumer reaction: The view from the airport. Journal of Consumer Research, 13(4), 534–539
  • Gelb, B.D. and Sundaram, S. (2002). Adapting to ‘word of mouse’. Business Horizons, 45(4), 15-20
  • Gheorghe, I. R. and Liao, M. N. (2012). Investigating Romanian healthcare consumer behavior in online communities: Qualitative research on negative E-Wom. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 62 (2012) 268 – 274
  • Goodman, J. (1999). Basic facts on customer complaint behavior and the impact of service on the bottom line. Competitive Advantage, June, 1-5
  • Harrison-Walker, L.J. (2001). E-complaining: A content analysis of an Internet complaint forum. Journal of Services Marketing, 15(5), 397-412
  • Hart, C.W.L., Heskett, J.L. and Sasser, Jr., W.E. (1990). The profitable art of recovery. Harvard Business Review, July–August. 148–156
  • Hirschman, A. O. (1970). Exit, voice and loyalty. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
  • Holloway, B. and Beatty, S. (2003). Service failure in online retailing: A recovery opportunity. Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6(1). 92-105
  • Hollowell, R. (2002). Service on the Internet: The effect of physical service on scalability. Harvard Business Review, March
  • Hu, H. H, Jay Kandampully, J. and Juwaheer, T. D. (2009). Relationships and impacts of service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and image: An empirical study. The Service Industries Journal, 29(2), 111-125
  • Huang, L.S., Chou,Y.J., and Lan, I.T. (2007). Effects of perceived risk, message types, and reading motives on the acceptance and transmission of electronic word-of-mouth communication. Contemporary Management Research. Vol.3 (4), 299-312
  • Hui, M. and Toffoli, R. (2002). Perceived control and consumer attribution for the service encounter. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(9), 1825–1844
  • Julta, D., Craig, J. and Bodorik, P. (2001). Enabling and measuring electronic customer relationship management readiness. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii
  • Karatepe, O. M. (2006). Customer complaints and organizational responses: the effects of complainants’ perceptions of justice on satisfaction and loyalty. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25 (2006) 69–90
  • Kowalski, R. M. (1996). Complaints and complaining: Functions, antecedents, and consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 119, 179–196
  • Kucuk, S. U. and Krishnamurthy, S. (2007). An analysis of consumer power on the Internet. Technovation, 27, 47–56
  • Lee, C. C. and Hu, C. (2004). Analysing hotel customers' e-complaints from an Internet complaint forum. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 17:2-3, 167-181
  • Liebrecht, C. (2015). The one-coder reliability. Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam
  • Litvin, S., Goldsmith, R.E. and Pan, B. (2008). Electronic word-of-mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, 29, 458-468
  • Lovelock, C. and Young, R. F. (1979). Look to consumers to increase productivity. Harvard Business Review, 57, 168-178
  • Manickas, P., and Shea, L. (1997). Hotel complaint behavior and resolution: A content analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 36(2), 68-73
  • Matilla, A.S; Mount, D.J. (2003). The impact of selected customer characteristics and response time on e-complaint satisfaction and return intent. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22, 135-145
  • Mattila, A.S., Andreau, L., Hanks, L. and Kim, E.E. (2013). The impact of cyber ostracism on online complaint handling: Is ‘automatic reply’ any better than ‘no reply’?. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 41(1), 45–60. (
  • Maxham, J. G., Iii, and Netemeyer, R. G. (2003). Firms reap what they sow: The effects of shared values and perceived organizational justice on customers’ evaluations of complaint handling. Journal of Marketing, 67(1), 46–62
  • Melián-González, S., J. Bulchand-Gidumal, J. and González López-Valcárcel, B. (2013). Online customer reviews of hotels: As participation increases, better evaluation is obtained. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 54 (3): 274-83
  • Meyer-Waarden, L. and Sabadie, W. (2012). “Complaint management: Which efforts to satisfy the complainers: the role of relationship quality?” 41st Annual Conference of European Marketing Association, May, 2012, Portugal. Retrieved from (Accessed 13.04.2015)
  • Mills, P.K. (1983). “The socialization of clients as partial employees of service organizations”, (Working paper). CA: University of Santa Clara
  • Min, H., Lim, Y. and Magnini, V. P. (2014). Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Responses to Negative Online Hotel Reviews: The Impact of Empathy, Paraphrasing, and Speed. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Vol. 56(2), 223–231
  • Mount, D.J., and Matilla, A.S. (2000). The final opportunity: The effectiveness of a customer Relations call center in recovering hotel guests. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 24(4), 514-525
  • Murray, K. B., and Schlachter, J.L. (1990). The impact of services versus goods on consumers’ assessment of perceived risk and variability. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18(1), 51-65
  • O’connor, P., and Frew, A. (2002). The future of hotel electronic distribution. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. 43(3), 33-45
  • Oliver, R. L. (1997). Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. New York: McGrawHill
  • Orsinger, C., Valentini, S. and De Angelis M. (2010). A meta-analysis of satisfaction with complaint handling in services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 38(2), 169-186
  • Özdemir, G. and Sari, F. Ö. (2014). Destination in the Middle of the Buzz. In Raţă, G., Arslan, H.
  • Runcan, P. L. and Akdemir, A. (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Sciences (pp. 147- 157), UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • Papasolomou, I, and Melanthiou, Y. (2012). Social media: Marketing public relations’ new best friend. Journal of Promotion Management, 18, 319–328
  • Sanoveri (2013). Biz Kimiz, (Accessed 10.07.2013).
  • Sari, F.Ö, Alikilic, Ö. and Onat, F. (2013). E- complaining: Analysis of lodging customers’ ecomplaints from a Turkish Internet Website. In Proceedings of International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology, ICIBET 2013, Beijing, China, Zhang, L., Xiaoyuan, L., and Chen, J. (Eds). Atlantis Press, Vol.26, pp. 561-565
  • Sayhan, N. (2012). Responsible Manager of Ş Web site, Telephone interview and emailing
  • Sekaran U. (1992). Research methods for business: A skill- building approach. Canada: John Wiley andSons Inc
  • Shea, L., Enghagen, L. and Khullar, A. (2004). Internet Diffusion of an E-Complaint. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 17:2-3, 145-165
  • Sen, S. and Lerman, D. (2007). Why are you telling me this? An examination into negative consumer reviews on the web. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21(4), 76–94
  • Sheth J.N. (1971). Word of mouth in low risk innovations. Journal of Advertising Research 11, 15–18
  • Sikayetvar (2015). (Accessed 10.04.2015)
  • Singh, J. (1988). “Consumer complaint intentions and behavior: Definitional and taxonomical issues. Journal of Marketing, 52(1), 93–107
  • Smith, A., Bolton, R. and Wagner, J. (1999). A model of customer satisfaction with encounters involving UK. British Informatics Society
  • Sparks, B. A., and Browning, V. (2010). Complaining in cyberspace: The motives and forms of hotel guests' complaints online. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 19(7), 797-818
  • Szymanski, D. M. and Henard, D. H. (2001). Customer satisfaction: A meta-analysis of the empirical evidence. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29, 16–35
  • Tanrisevdi, A. (2008). Customer indirect voices to service failures: Content analysis of e-complaints.
  • In Yuksel, A. (Ed.) Tourist Satisfaction and Complaint Behavior (pp. 247- 261), Nova Science Publishers, New York
  • Taylor, S. (1994). Waiting for service: The relationship between deals and evaluations of service. Journal of Marketing, Vol.58, April, 56-69
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There are 84 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ferika Özer Sarı This is me

Özlem Aşman Alikılıç This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2016
Submission Date July 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Özer Sarı, F., & Aşman Alikılıç, Ö. (2016). How Ready Are the Turkish Hospitality and Travel Organizations for E-Complaint Handling?. AJIT-E: Academic Journal of Information Technology, 7(24), 75-94.