Research Article
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Progress Factors and Benefit Analysis in Electronic Records Management System Erms Implementation

Year 2016, , 67 - 96, 01.04.2016


The aim of this study is analyse the factors that contribute to the successful implementation of ERMS by organisations and the benefits gained through ERMS implementation. The scope of this article was developed through experience gained through fieldwork and a review of scholarly literature. The factors that contribute to the successful implementation of ERMS have been examined under various categories. An examination of ERMS was based upon system and records principles whereas the processes of the pilot implementation and maintainability was stressed in ERMS implementation.This study is more of a research article and is written with the aim of stressing practical principles and characteristics that will act as a guide for organisations. Findings show that organisations should have a good understanding of ERMS as a system and records management and that investment in ERMS should be realised through a planned project. Factors that ensure success such as risk management, staff management, change management, quality and technology assurance, project management, capacity development, formation of policy and framework and business records analysis processes, have individially been addressed. The benefits of ERMS which can be categorised in the following categories were also examined albeit in a less detailed manner; organisations, staff, society, financial and environmental. In addition, organisations should bear in mind these progress factors during the decision making process of ERMS implementation and the off the shelf or bespoke ERMS application should be evaluated in accordance with these success principles. This study is important in that it examines the progress factor in relation to ERMS and acts as a guide to those involved in the process.


  • Asogwa, B. E. (2012). The challenge of managing electronic records in developing countries: Implications for records managers in sub Saharan Africa. Records Management Journal, 22(3), 198- 211.
  • Bailey, S. (2008). Managing the crowd: Rethinking records management for the Web 2.0 world. Londra: Facet.
  • Balogun, J., ve Hailey, V. H. (2008). Exploring strategic change. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Blake, R., ve Harries, S. (2002).Sustaining electronic records for business purposes. P. Berninger, F. Brady, H. Hofmann, J. Schram (Yay. Haz.).Proceedings of the DLM-Forum 2002: @ccess and preservation of electronic information:best practices and solutionsBildiriler Kitabı içinde (ss. 80-96). *İtalya+: Avrupa Toplulukları Resmi Yayınlar Dairesi. 6 Eylül 2015 tarihinde http://www.project- adresinden erişildi.
  • Borglund, E., Anderson, K., ve Samuelsson, G. (2009). How Requirements of Record Managers Change After Implementing new Electronic Records Management Systems. J. Ljungberg, K. Grunden (Yay. Haz.).3. The Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation Bildiriler Kitabı içinde (ss. 59-66). Reading: Academic Publishing Limited.
  • BS EN ISO 9241-210:2010. (This British Standard English - International Standard Organisation) (2010). Ergonomics of human - system interaction Part 210: Human-centred design for interactive systems. *Yayın yeri yok]: British Standard Institution.
  • By, R. T. (2005). Organisational change management: A critical review. Journal of Change Management, 5(4), 369-380.
  • Chaffey, D. ve Wood, S. (2011). Business information management: improving performance using information system. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Chasse, K. (2007). Electronic records as documentary evidence.Canadian Journal of Law & Technology, 6(3), 141-162.
  • Childs, S. ve McLeod, J. (2013).Tackling the wicked problem of ERM: Using the Cynefin framework as a lens.Records Management Journal, 23(3), 191-227.
  • Chiu-Yen, L. (2015). The development strategies for the management models of the electronic documents and records in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.Journal of Library & Information Studies, 13(1), 99-133.
  • Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The “real” success factors on projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(3), 185-190.
  • Deokar, A. V. ve Sarnikar, S. (2014). Understanding process change management in electronic health record implementations.Information Systems and e-Business Management.doi: 10.1007/s10257-014- 0250-7
  • Desilva, N. ve Vednere, G. (2008). Benefits and implementation of business-process-driven records management.Infonomics, 22(6), 52-55.
  • Duranti, Rogers, C. (2012). Trust in digital records:an increasingly cloudy legal area. Computer Law & Security Review, 28(5), 522-531.
  • Fettke, P., Loos, P., ve Zwicker, J. (2006). Business process reference models: Survey and classification. C. Bussler, A. Haller vd. (Yay.Haz.).Business Process Management Workshop Bildiriler Kitabı içinde (ss. 469-483). Berlin: Springer.
  • Gable, J. (2015). Using the principles to guide EDRM software decisions.Information Management, May/June(3),26-29.
  • Gary, P. J. ve David, V. B. (2005). The benefits of electronic records management systems: a general review of published and some unpublished cases. Records Management Journal, 15(3), 131-140.
  • Gunnlaugsdottir, J. (2012). Information and records management.Records Management Journal, 22(3), 170-185.
  • Inmon, W. H., O'Neil ve B. K., Fryman, L. (2008). Business metadata : Capturing enterprise knowledge. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann.
  • IRMT (International Records Management Trust) (2009).Training in electronic records management module 2: planning and managing an electronic records management programme. M. Laura (Yay. Haz.).6 Eylül 2.pdf adresinden erişildi. 2015 tarihinde
  • ISO 23081-1(International Organization for Standardization). (2006). Information and documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records Part 1: Principles. [Cenevre]: ISO.
  • ISO/DIS 16175-1. (International Organization for Standardization/Draft International Standard) (2010). Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments - Part 1: Overview and statement of principles. [Cenevre]: ISO.
  • Jones, S. (2012). Case study: eGovernment Document Management System: A case analysis of risk and reward. International Journal of Information Management, 32, 396-400.
  • Katuu, S. (2012). Enterprise content management implementation: An overview of phases, standards and best practice guidelines. Bilgi Dünyası, 13(2), 457-476.
  • Kemoni, H. N. (2009). Management of electronic records: review of empirical studies from the Eastern, Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (ESARBICA) region. Records Management Journal, 19(3), 190-203.
  • Majore, S. A., Yoo, H. ve Shon, T. (2014). Secure and reliable electronic record management system using digital forensic technologies. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1, 149-165.
  • Man, E. (2010). A functional approach to appraisal and retention scheduling.Records Management Journal, 20(1), 104-116.
  • Martin, S. (2011) Paper Chase, 19.07.2015 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • McDonald, J. (2005). The wild frontier ten years on. J. McLeod, C. Hare (Yay. Haz.).Managing Electronic Records içinde (ss. 1-17). Londra: Facet Publishing.
  • McLeod, J. (2012). On being part of the solution, not the problem: taking a proportionate approach to managing records. Records Management Journal, 22(3), 186-197.
  • McLeod, J., Childs, S. ve Hardiman, R. (2011). Accelerating positive change in electronic records management -headline findings from a major research project.Archives & Manuscripts, 39(2), 66-94.
  • McLeod, J., Childs, S. ve Heaford, S. (2007). Records management capacity and compliance toolkits: a critical assessment.Records Management Journal, 17(3), 216-232.
  • Melvin, V. C. (2010). Information management: the challenges of managing electronic records. 6 Eylül tarihinde adresinden erişildi. Millican, B.(2013).Building a successful e-discoverystrategy.Information Management, November/December, 32-36.
  • NARA (National Archives and Records Administration). (2006). Recommended Practice: Developing and Implementing an Enterprise-wide Electronic Records Management (ERM) Proof of Concept Pilot. 6 Eylül tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Obeidat, M., ve North, M.M. (2014).A comparative review of information technology project management in private and public sector organizations,International Management Review, 10(1), 55- 62.
  • PD ISO/TR 14105.(Published Document-International Standard Organisation/Technical Report) (2011). Document management - Change management for successful electronic document management system (EDMS) implementation. [Cenevre]: ISO.
  • Pidd, M. (2009).Tools for thinking: Modelling in management science. Chichester: Wiley.
  • Queensland State Archives. (2010). Queensland State Archives guideline for the planning of an electronic document and records management System (eDRMS).6 Eylül 2015 tarihinde http:// www.archives. qld. gov. au/Recordkeeping/GRKDownloads/Documents/eDRMS.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Rowley, C. ve Jun, W. (2014). Change and continuity in management systems and corporate performance: human resource management, corporate culture, risk management and corporate strategy in South Korea. Business History, 3, 485-508.
  • Singh, P., Klobas, J. ve Anderson, K. (2007). Information seeking behaviour of electronic records management systems (EDRMS) users: implications for records management practices - Part 1. Informaa Quarterly, 23(4), 38-41. Spong, T. M. (2007). UK Implementing adresinden erişildi. EDRMS for success. 6 Eylül tarihinde
  • Svärd, P. (2013). Enterprise content management and the records continuum model as strategies for long-term preservation of digital information. Records Management Journal, 23(3), 159-176.
  • TAHO (Tasmanian Archive+Heritage Office) (2014).Information Management Advice 20 - Managing Change adresinden erişildi.
  • implementation projects. 18 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde
  • The National Archives. (2010). Migrating Information Between EDRMS Version: 1.0. 14 Haziran 2014 tarihinde http:// www.nationalarchives. gov. uk/documents/information-management/edrms.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Tough, A. (2011). Accountability, open government and record keeping: Time to think again? Records Management Journal, 21(3), 225-236.
  • Wilkins, L., Swatman, P. M. C. ve Holt, D. (2009). Achieved and tangible benefits: Lessons learned from a landmark EDRMS implementation. Records Management Journal, 19(1), 37-53.

Elektronik Belge Yönetim Sistemi EBYS Uygulamalarında Başarı Faktörü ve Fayda Analizi

Year 2016, , 67 - 96, 01.04.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı, organizasyonların Elektronik Belge Yönetim Sistemi EBYS uygulamalarında başarı sağlamalarına yönelik faktörleri ve EBYS’nin organizasyonlara sağlayacağı faydaları analiz etmektir. Bu makalenin tasarımı alan uygulamasından edinilen tecrübeler ve literatür ışığında geliştirilmiştir. EBYS uygulamasındaki başarı faktörleri çeşitli kategoriler altında incelenmiştir. EBYS için sistem ve belge ilkeleri temel olarak ele alınmış, EBYS uygulamasında sürdürülebilirlik ve pilot uygulama süreçlerine vurgu yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma daha çok bir araştırma makalesidir ve organizasyonlara yol gösterecek bazı pratik ilke ve özellikleri vurgulamaktadır. Edinilen bulgular; organizasyonların EBYS’yi sistem ve belge yönetimi ile iyi anlaması ve yatırımlarını planlı şekilde bir proje üzerinden yapması gerekliliğidir. Başarı faktörüne ulaştıran etkenler, risk yönetimi, personel yönetimi, değişim yönetimi, kalite ve teknoloji yönetimi, proje yönetimi, kapasite geliştirme, politika ve çerçeve oluşturma ve iş belge analiz süreçleri olarak teker teker ele alınmıştır. Bununla beraber EBYS’nin faydası organizasyonlar, çalışanlar, toplum, finansal ve çevresel açıdan yüzeysel olarak incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma EBYS ile ilgili başarı faktörü kavramını incelemesi ve ilgililere yol gösterici bir özellikte olması açısından önemlidir.


  • Asogwa, B. E. (2012). The challenge of managing electronic records in developing countries: Implications for records managers in sub Saharan Africa. Records Management Journal, 22(3), 198- 211.
  • Bailey, S. (2008). Managing the crowd: Rethinking records management for the Web 2.0 world. Londra: Facet.
  • Balogun, J., ve Hailey, V. H. (2008). Exploring strategic change. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Blake, R., ve Harries, S. (2002).Sustaining electronic records for business purposes. P. Berninger, F. Brady, H. Hofmann, J. Schram (Yay. Haz.).Proceedings of the DLM-Forum 2002: @ccess and preservation of electronic information:best practices and solutionsBildiriler Kitabı içinde (ss. 80-96). *İtalya+: Avrupa Toplulukları Resmi Yayınlar Dairesi. 6 Eylül 2015 tarihinde http://www.project- adresinden erişildi.
  • Borglund, E., Anderson, K., ve Samuelsson, G. (2009). How Requirements of Record Managers Change After Implementing new Electronic Records Management Systems. J. Ljungberg, K. Grunden (Yay. Haz.).3. The Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation Bildiriler Kitabı içinde (ss. 59-66). Reading: Academic Publishing Limited.
  • BS EN ISO 9241-210:2010. (This British Standard English - International Standard Organisation) (2010). Ergonomics of human - system interaction Part 210: Human-centred design for interactive systems. *Yayın yeri yok]: British Standard Institution.
  • By, R. T. (2005). Organisational change management: A critical review. Journal of Change Management, 5(4), 369-380.
  • Chaffey, D. ve Wood, S. (2011). Business information management: improving performance using information system. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Chasse, K. (2007). Electronic records as documentary evidence.Canadian Journal of Law & Technology, 6(3), 141-162.
  • Childs, S. ve McLeod, J. (2013).Tackling the wicked problem of ERM: Using the Cynefin framework as a lens.Records Management Journal, 23(3), 191-227.
  • Chiu-Yen, L. (2015). The development strategies for the management models of the electronic documents and records in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.Journal of Library & Information Studies, 13(1), 99-133.
  • Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The “real” success factors on projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(3), 185-190.
  • Deokar, A. V. ve Sarnikar, S. (2014). Understanding process change management in electronic health record implementations.Information Systems and e-Business Management.doi: 10.1007/s10257-014- 0250-7
  • Desilva, N. ve Vednere, G. (2008). Benefits and implementation of business-process-driven records management.Infonomics, 22(6), 52-55.
  • Duranti, Rogers, C. (2012). Trust in digital records:an increasingly cloudy legal area. Computer Law & Security Review, 28(5), 522-531.
  • Fettke, P., Loos, P., ve Zwicker, J. (2006). Business process reference models: Survey and classification. C. Bussler, A. Haller vd. (Yay.Haz.).Business Process Management Workshop Bildiriler Kitabı içinde (ss. 469-483). Berlin: Springer.
  • Gable, J. (2015). Using the principles to guide EDRM software decisions.Information Management, May/June(3),26-29.
  • Gary, P. J. ve David, V. B. (2005). The benefits of electronic records management systems: a general review of published and some unpublished cases. Records Management Journal, 15(3), 131-140.
  • Gunnlaugsdottir, J. (2012). Information and records management.Records Management Journal, 22(3), 170-185.
  • Inmon, W. H., O'Neil ve B. K., Fryman, L. (2008). Business metadata : Capturing enterprise knowledge. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann.
  • IRMT (International Records Management Trust) (2009).Training in electronic records management module 2: planning and managing an electronic records management programme. M. Laura (Yay. Haz.).6 Eylül 2.pdf adresinden erişildi. 2015 tarihinde
  • ISO 23081-1(International Organization for Standardization). (2006). Information and documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records Part 1: Principles. [Cenevre]: ISO.
  • ISO/DIS 16175-1. (International Organization for Standardization/Draft International Standard) (2010). Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments - Part 1: Overview and statement of principles. [Cenevre]: ISO.
  • Jones, S. (2012). Case study: eGovernment Document Management System: A case analysis of risk and reward. International Journal of Information Management, 32, 396-400.
  • Katuu, S. (2012). Enterprise content management implementation: An overview of phases, standards and best practice guidelines. Bilgi Dünyası, 13(2), 457-476.
  • Kemoni, H. N. (2009). Management of electronic records: review of empirical studies from the Eastern, Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (ESARBICA) region. Records Management Journal, 19(3), 190-203.
  • Majore, S. A., Yoo, H. ve Shon, T. (2014). Secure and reliable electronic record management system using digital forensic technologies. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1, 149-165.
  • Man, E. (2010). A functional approach to appraisal and retention scheduling.Records Management Journal, 20(1), 104-116.
  • Martin, S. (2011) Paper Chase, 19.07.2015 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • McDonald, J. (2005). The wild frontier ten years on. J. McLeod, C. Hare (Yay. Haz.).Managing Electronic Records içinde (ss. 1-17). Londra: Facet Publishing.
  • McLeod, J. (2012). On being part of the solution, not the problem: taking a proportionate approach to managing records. Records Management Journal, 22(3), 186-197.
  • McLeod, J., Childs, S. ve Hardiman, R. (2011). Accelerating positive change in electronic records management -headline findings from a major research project.Archives & Manuscripts, 39(2), 66-94.
  • McLeod, J., Childs, S. ve Heaford, S. (2007). Records management capacity and compliance toolkits: a critical assessment.Records Management Journal, 17(3), 216-232.
  • Melvin, V. C. (2010). Information management: the challenges of managing electronic records. 6 Eylül tarihinde adresinden erişildi. Millican, B.(2013).Building a successful e-discoverystrategy.Information Management, November/December, 32-36.
  • NARA (National Archives and Records Administration). (2006). Recommended Practice: Developing and Implementing an Enterprise-wide Electronic Records Management (ERM) Proof of Concept Pilot. 6 Eylül tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Obeidat, M., ve North, M.M. (2014).A comparative review of information technology project management in private and public sector organizations,International Management Review, 10(1), 55- 62.
  • PD ISO/TR 14105.(Published Document-International Standard Organisation/Technical Report) (2011). Document management - Change management for successful electronic document management system (EDMS) implementation. [Cenevre]: ISO.
  • Pidd, M. (2009).Tools for thinking: Modelling in management science. Chichester: Wiley.
  • Queensland State Archives. (2010). Queensland State Archives guideline for the planning of an electronic document and records management System (eDRMS).6 Eylül 2015 tarihinde http:// www.archives. qld. gov. au/Recordkeeping/GRKDownloads/Documents/eDRMS.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Rowley, C. ve Jun, W. (2014). Change and continuity in management systems and corporate performance: human resource management, corporate culture, risk management and corporate strategy in South Korea. Business History, 3, 485-508.
  • Singh, P., Klobas, J. ve Anderson, K. (2007). Information seeking behaviour of electronic records management systems (EDRMS) users: implications for records management practices - Part 1. Informaa Quarterly, 23(4), 38-41. Spong, T. M. (2007). UK Implementing adresinden erişildi. EDRMS for success. 6 Eylül tarihinde
  • Svärd, P. (2013). Enterprise content management and the records continuum model as strategies for long-term preservation of digital information. Records Management Journal, 23(3), 159-176.
  • TAHO (Tasmanian Archive+Heritage Office) (2014).Information Management Advice 20 - Managing Change adresinden erişildi.
  • implementation projects. 18 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde
  • The National Archives. (2010). Migrating Information Between EDRMS Version: 1.0. 14 Haziran 2014 tarihinde http:// www.nationalarchives. gov. uk/documents/information-management/edrms.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Tough, A. (2011). Accountability, open government and record keeping: Time to think again? Records Management Journal, 21(3), 225-236.
  • Wilkins, L., Swatman, P. M. C. ve Holt, D. (2009). Achieved and tangible benefits: Lessons learned from a landmark EDRMS implementation. Records Management Journal, 19(1), 37-53.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Bahattin Yalçınkaya This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2016
Submission Date April 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Yalçınkaya, B. (2016). Elektronik Belge Yönetim Sistemi EBYS Uygulamalarında Başarı Faktörü ve Fayda Analizi. AJIT-E: Academic Journal of Information Technology, 7(23), 67-96.