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Effect of Different Flour Types on Bread Quality

Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 27 - 35, 01.12.2014


In this study, the quality properties of breads which were produced by the addition of different fruit and vegetable flours chickpea, soybean, pinto bean, lentil, carob and pea were determined. In the first part of the study, different fruit and vegetable flours were added to bread formulation by replacement of wheat flour 20% by weight . Moisture content, water activity, color values CIE L*, a* and b* and dimensions of baked breads were determined. In addition, color, odor, flavor, porosity and overall acceptance of breads were evaluated by semi-trained panelists. According to results of sensory evaluation panel, the highest sensory scores were obtained from breads with pinto bean flour. For this reason, in the second part of the study, the effect of different amounts of pinto bean flour addition 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% on the physical and quality properties of breads were studied. As a result, the highest sensory scores were obtained from breads containing 10% pinto bean flour


  • Dokkum, W.V., Frİlich, W., Saltmarsh, M., Gee, J., 2008. The health effects of bioactive plant components in food: results and opinions of the EU COST 926 action. Nutrition Bulletin 33(2): 133–139.
  • Çolakoğlu, A.S., İnci, C., 2004. Soya unu katkılı ekmeklerin fiziko-kimyasal özellikleri. Gıda 29 (4): 291-296.
  • Batista, K.A., Prudencio, S.H., F., Fernandes, K.F., 2011. Wheat bread enrichment with hard-to- cook bean extruded flours: nutritional and acceptance evaluation. Journal of Food Science 76(1): 2011.
  • Abdel-Kader, Z.M., 2000. Enrichment of Egyptian ‘Balady’ bread. Part 1. Baking studies, physical and sensory evaluation of enrichment with decorticated cracked broadbeans flour (Vicia faba L.). Food/ Nahrung 44 (6): 418 – 421.
  • Abdel-Kader, Z.M., 2000. Enrichment of Egyptian ‘Balady’ bread. Part 2. Nutritional values and biological decorticated cracked broadbeans flour (Vicia faba L.). Food/Nahrung 45(1): 31 – 34. with
  • Çakmak, H., Altinel, B., Kumcuoglu, S., Tavman, S., 2013. Chicken meat added bread formulatıon for protein enrichment. Food and Feed Research 40 (1): 33-41.
  • Seguchi, M., Morimoto, N., Abe, M., Yoshino, Y., 2001. Effect of maitake (Grifola frondosa) mushroom powder on bread properties. Journal of Food Science 66(2): 261–264
  • Tharanathan, R.N., Mahadevamma S., 2003. Grain legumes: a boon to human nutrition. Trends Food Science Technology 14: 507–518.
  • Alonso, R., Rubio, L.A., Muzquiz, M., Marzo, F., 2001. The effect of extrusion cooking on mineral bioavailability in pea and kidney bean seed meals. Animal Feed Science Technology 94: 1–13.
  • Ruiz-Ruiz, J., Martinez-Ayala, A., Drago, S., Gonz´alez, R., Batancur-Ancona, D., Chel- Guerrero, L., 2008. Extrusion of a hard-to-cook bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) and quality protein maize (Zeamays, L.) flour blend. Food Science Technology 41: 1799–1807.
  • Onwuliri, V.A., Obu, J.A., 2002. Lipids and other constituents of Vigna unguiculata and Phaseolus vulgaris grown in northern Nigeria. Food Chemistry 78: 1–7.
  • Vasconcelos, I.M., Maia, F.M.M., Farias, D.F., Campello, C.C., Carvalho, A.F.U., Moreira, R.A., Oliveira, J.T.A., 2010. Protein fractions, amino acid composition and antinutritional constituents of high- yielding cowpea cultivars. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 23: 54–60.
  • Mohammed, I., Ahmed, A.R., Senge, B., 2014. Effects of chickpea flour on wheat pasting properties and bread making quality. Journal of Food Science Technology 51(9): 1902-1910.
  • Kohajdová ,Z., Karovičová, J., Magala. M., 2013. Effect of lentil and bean flours on rheological and baking properties of wheat dough. Chemical Papers 67 (4): 398–407.
  • Bhol, S., Bosco, S.J.D., 2014. Influence of malted finger millet and red kidney bean flour on quality characteristics of developed bread. LWT - Food Science and Technology 55: 294-300.
  • Pomeranz, Y., 1991. Functional properties of Food Components, Academic Press, Inc., ISBN 0-12- 561281-8., San Diego, California.
  • Garcia, M.C., Torreu, M., Marina, M. L., Laborda, F., 1997. Composition and characterization of soyabean and related products. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 37: 361–391.
  • Lusas, E. W., Riaz, M.N., 1995. Soy protein products. Processing and Use of Nutrition 125(3): 573–580.
  • Skrbic, B., Filipcev, B., 2008. Nutritional and sensory evaluation of wheat breads supplemented with oleic-rich sunflower seed. Food Chemistry 108: 119–129.
  • El-Soukkary, F.A.H., 2001. Evaluation of pumpkin seed products for bread fortification. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 56: 365–384.
  • Oliete, B., Gomez, M., Pando, V., Fernandez- Ferna´ndez, E., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F., 2008. Effect of nut paste enrichment on physical characteristics and consumer acceptability of bread. Food Science Techology International 14(3): 259– 269.
  • International Association for Cereal Science and Technology I.C.C., 1976. Determination of the Moisture Content of Cereals and Cereal Products (Basic reference method), 109(1), Vienna.
  • Altuğ, T., Elmacı, Y., 2005. Gıdalarda Duyusal Değerlendirme. Meta Basım. İzmir. 130s.
  • Tsatsaragkou, K., Gounaropoulos, G., Mandala I., 2014. Development of gluten free bread containing carob flour and resistant starch. LWT - Food Science and Technology 58: 124-129.
  • Shin, D.J., Kim, W., Kim, Y., 2013. Physicochemical and sensory properties of soy bread made with germinated, steamed, and roasted soy flour. Food Chemistry 141: 517–523.
  • Wani, I.A., Sogi, D.S., Wani, A.A., Gill, B.S., 2013. Physico-chemical and functional properties of flours from Indian kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars. LWT - Food Science and Technology 53: 278-284.
  • Yiğit, V., 1988. Ekmeğin su aktivitesi ve ambalajlamadaki rolü. Gıda 13(5): 331-335.
  • Madenci, A.B., Bilgiçli, N., 2014. Effect of whey protein concentrate and buttermilk powders on rheological properties of dough and bread quality. Journal of Food Quality 37: 117–124.
  • Seguchi, M., Abe, M., 2003. Effect of welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) on breadmaking properties. Journal of Food Science 68(5): 1810-1813.

Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 27 - 35, 01.12.2014


Bu çalışmada, farklı meyve ve sebze unlarının nohut, soya, barbunya, mercimek, keçiboynuzu ve bezelye ekmek formülasyonlarına ilavesi ile üretilen ekmeklerin kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında farklı ön işlenmiş meyve ve sebze unları, ekmek formülasyonundaki un miktarının ağırlıkça %20’si ile yer değiştirilerek ekmek formülasyonuna ilave edilmiştir. Pişirilen ekmek örnekleri için nem, su aktivitesi, renk CIE L*, a* ve b* ve boyut ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, yarı eğitilmiş panelistler tarafından ekmeklerin renk, koku, lezzet, gözeneklilik ve genel beğeni özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında ise yapılan duyusal değerlendirme paneli sonucunda en çok beğenilen ekmeğin barbunya unu katkılı ekmek olduğunun belirlenmesi nedeniyle, farklı oranlarda %5, 10, 15, 20 ve 25 barbunya unu katkısının ekmeklerin fiziksel ve duyusal özellikleri üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak en çok beğenilen ekmeklerin %10 oranında barbunya unu katkılı ekmekler olduğu saptanmıştır


  • Dokkum, W.V., Frİlich, W., Saltmarsh, M., Gee, J., 2008. The health effects of bioactive plant components in food: results and opinions of the EU COST 926 action. Nutrition Bulletin 33(2): 133–139.
  • Çolakoğlu, A.S., İnci, C., 2004. Soya unu katkılı ekmeklerin fiziko-kimyasal özellikleri. Gıda 29 (4): 291-296.
  • Batista, K.A., Prudencio, S.H., F., Fernandes, K.F., 2011. Wheat bread enrichment with hard-to- cook bean extruded flours: nutritional and acceptance evaluation. Journal of Food Science 76(1): 2011.
  • Abdel-Kader, Z.M., 2000. Enrichment of Egyptian ‘Balady’ bread. Part 1. Baking studies, physical and sensory evaluation of enrichment with decorticated cracked broadbeans flour (Vicia faba L.). Food/ Nahrung 44 (6): 418 – 421.
  • Abdel-Kader, Z.M., 2000. Enrichment of Egyptian ‘Balady’ bread. Part 2. Nutritional values and biological decorticated cracked broadbeans flour (Vicia faba L.). Food/Nahrung 45(1): 31 – 34. with
  • Çakmak, H., Altinel, B., Kumcuoglu, S., Tavman, S., 2013. Chicken meat added bread formulatıon for protein enrichment. Food and Feed Research 40 (1): 33-41.
  • Seguchi, M., Morimoto, N., Abe, M., Yoshino, Y., 2001. Effect of maitake (Grifola frondosa) mushroom powder on bread properties. Journal of Food Science 66(2): 261–264
  • Tharanathan, R.N., Mahadevamma S., 2003. Grain legumes: a boon to human nutrition. Trends Food Science Technology 14: 507–518.
  • Alonso, R., Rubio, L.A., Muzquiz, M., Marzo, F., 2001. The effect of extrusion cooking on mineral bioavailability in pea and kidney bean seed meals. Animal Feed Science Technology 94: 1–13.
  • Ruiz-Ruiz, J., Martinez-Ayala, A., Drago, S., Gonz´alez, R., Batancur-Ancona, D., Chel- Guerrero, L., 2008. Extrusion of a hard-to-cook bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) and quality protein maize (Zeamays, L.) flour blend. Food Science Technology 41: 1799–1807.
  • Onwuliri, V.A., Obu, J.A., 2002. Lipids and other constituents of Vigna unguiculata and Phaseolus vulgaris grown in northern Nigeria. Food Chemistry 78: 1–7.
  • Vasconcelos, I.M., Maia, F.M.M., Farias, D.F., Campello, C.C., Carvalho, A.F.U., Moreira, R.A., Oliveira, J.T.A., 2010. Protein fractions, amino acid composition and antinutritional constituents of high- yielding cowpea cultivars. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 23: 54–60.
  • Mohammed, I., Ahmed, A.R., Senge, B., 2014. Effects of chickpea flour on wheat pasting properties and bread making quality. Journal of Food Science Technology 51(9): 1902-1910.
  • Kohajdová ,Z., Karovičová, J., Magala. M., 2013. Effect of lentil and bean flours on rheological and baking properties of wheat dough. Chemical Papers 67 (4): 398–407.
  • Bhol, S., Bosco, S.J.D., 2014. Influence of malted finger millet and red kidney bean flour on quality characteristics of developed bread. LWT - Food Science and Technology 55: 294-300.
  • Pomeranz, Y., 1991. Functional properties of Food Components, Academic Press, Inc., ISBN 0-12- 561281-8., San Diego, California.
  • Garcia, M.C., Torreu, M., Marina, M. L., Laborda, F., 1997. Composition and characterization of soyabean and related products. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 37: 361–391.
  • Lusas, E. W., Riaz, M.N., 1995. Soy protein products. Processing and Use of Nutrition 125(3): 573–580.
  • Skrbic, B., Filipcev, B., 2008. Nutritional and sensory evaluation of wheat breads supplemented with oleic-rich sunflower seed. Food Chemistry 108: 119–129.
  • El-Soukkary, F.A.H., 2001. Evaluation of pumpkin seed products for bread fortification. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 56: 365–384.
  • Oliete, B., Gomez, M., Pando, V., Fernandez- Ferna´ndez, E., Caballero, P.A., Ronda, F., 2008. Effect of nut paste enrichment on physical characteristics and consumer acceptability of bread. Food Science Techology International 14(3): 259– 269.
  • International Association for Cereal Science and Technology I.C.C., 1976. Determination of the Moisture Content of Cereals and Cereal Products (Basic reference method), 109(1), Vienna.
  • Altuğ, T., Elmacı, Y., 2005. Gıdalarda Duyusal Değerlendirme. Meta Basım. İzmir. 130s.
  • Tsatsaragkou, K., Gounaropoulos, G., Mandala I., 2014. Development of gluten free bread containing carob flour and resistant starch. LWT - Food Science and Technology 58: 124-129.
  • Shin, D.J., Kim, W., Kim, Y., 2013. Physicochemical and sensory properties of soy bread made with germinated, steamed, and roasted soy flour. Food Chemistry 141: 517–523.
  • Wani, I.A., Sogi, D.S., Wani, A.A., Gill, B.S., 2013. Physico-chemical and functional properties of flours from Indian kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars. LWT - Food Science and Technology 53: 278-284.
  • Yiğit, V., 1988. Ekmeğin su aktivitesi ve ambalajlamadaki rolü. Gıda 13(5): 331-335.
  • Madenci, A.B., Bilgiçli, N., 2014. Effect of whey protein concentrate and buttermilk powders on rheological properties of dough and bread quality. Journal of Food Quality 37: 117–124.
  • Seguchi, M., Abe, M., 2003. Effect of welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) on breadmaking properties. Journal of Food Science 68(5): 1810-1813.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Safiye Nur Dirim This is me

Kadriye Ergün This is me

Gülşah Çalışkan This is me

Hazal Özalp This is me

Neşe Balkesen This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 12 Issue: 4


APA Dirim, S. N., Ergün, K., Çalışkan, G., Özalp, H., et al. (2014). Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 12(4), 27-35.
AMA Dirim SN, Ergün K, Çalışkan G, Özalp H, Balkesen N. Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. December 2014;12(4):27-35.
Chicago Dirim, Safiye Nur, Kadriye Ergün, Gülşah Çalışkan, Hazal Özalp, and Neşe Balkesen. “Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda 12, no. 4 (December 2014): 27-35.
EndNote Dirim SN, Ergün K, Çalışkan G, Özalp H, Balkesen N (December 1, 2014) Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda 12 4 27–35.
IEEE S. N. Dirim, K. Ergün, G. Çalışkan, H. Özalp, and N. Balkesen, “Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 27–35, 2014.
ISNAD Dirim, Safiye Nur et al. “Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda 12/4 (December 2014), 27-35.
JAMA Dirim SN, Ergün K, Çalışkan G, Özalp H, Balkesen N. Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. 2014;12:27–35.
MLA Dirim, Safiye Nur et al. “Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 12, no. 4, 2014, pp. 27-35.
Vancouver Dirim SN, Ergün K, Çalışkan G, Özalp H, Balkesen N. Farklı Unların Ekmeğin Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. 2014;12(4):27-35.

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