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Yıl 2023, , 381 - 398, 31.12.2023


Traditionally, Gulf countries are widely known as rentier states. Their economic structures depend on the income from fossil fuels such as oil and gas. These revenues obtained through natural resources directly influence politics. For example, by exploiting natural sources, Gulf countries designed their foreign and economic politics. But climate change forced Gulf countries to transform their policies since it emerged with problems such as increased temperatures. This directly negatively affected Gulf countries’ traditional positioning regarding foreign and economic policies. In addition, it has been revealed that the oil and gas-based economies are in danger since these sources are about the end. This process altered the Gulf countries’ economic politics. This paper seeks to analyze how climate change transformed the geopolitics in the Gulf. The paper argues that Gulf countries started to change their foreign policies by diversifying actors. Moreover, they are more eager to increase their income alternatives. For example, they launch visions encouraging investment in sports, music, and modern cultural events. Further, to preserve relations with Western countries, which are sensitive to climate change, Gulf countries began to give more importance to activities such as renewable energy, nuclear energy, and mineral exploration. In this regard, competition has risen within the Gulf. Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, and Doha administrations contest in several fields, such as becoming a trade hub and leading the regional order by increasing soft power.


  • Acar, N. (2021, March 16). Suudi Arabistan-BAE rekabeti ekonomik sahaya taşınıyor. Retrieved on 2021, March 17 from
  • Aljazeera (2021, 21 June). Gulf states show ‘limited’ progress kicking oil & gas dependency. Retrieved on 2023, March 3 from,
  • Allison, S. (2021, October 11). Saudi Arabia and the UAE – partners or rivals in tourism?. Retrieved on 2023, July 9 from
  • Al-Kuwari, A. (2012). The visions and strategies of the GCC countries from the perspective of reforms: the case of Qatar. Contemporary Arab Affairs, 5(1), 86-106.
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2018a, August 13). Integrating climate change policies with economic diversification strategies: Challenges and opportunities in oman and the UAE. Retrieved on 2023, June 07 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2018b, August 2). Saudi Arabia and climate change: From systematic obstructionism to conditional acceptance. Retrieved on 2023, April 12 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2019a, March 20). Climate change and economic diversification in Saudi Arabia: Integrity, challenges, and opportunities. Retrieved on 2023, June 26 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2019b, December 18). The Gulf Arab States’ mixed record on climate action. Retrieved on 2023, May 16 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2023, March 2). The GCC and the road to net zero. Retrieved on 2023, May 28 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. and Mason, M. (2020), Challenges and opportunities for climate policy integration in oil-producing countries: the case of the UAE and Oman. Climate Policy, 20(10), 1226-1241.
  • Al Shehri, T. (2022). Saudi Arabia’s climate change policy and the circular carbon economy approach. Climate Policy, 23(2), 151-167.
  • Akkaş, B.D. (2021). The UAE’s foreign policymaking in Yemen: From bandwagoning to buck-passing. Third World Quarterly 42(4), 717-735.
  • Baycar, Hamdullah. (2020). The Sudden Cost of Unexpected Threats: The Novel Coronavirus and Dubai. Retrieved on 2023, May 1 from
  • Baycar, Hamdullah. (2021). Saudi Arabia’s Foray into the World of English Football’. Retrieved on 2023, June 5 from
  • Bettis, T. (2023, June 27). The emerging contours of Saudi-Emirati competition in southeast asia. retrieved on 2023, jun 29 from
  • Bohl, R. (2021, April 29). Saudi Arabia & UAE: Competition among allies. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • Cafiero, G. (2022, June 2), Vicious cycle: Storms intensify in the Gulf as climate changes. Retrieved on 2023, June 30 from intensifying-storms-in-gulf-as-climate-changes
  • Chandler, D. (2019, August 22). Study: Climate change could pose danger for Muslim pilgrimage. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • Christian, M. (2019, July 3). Moody’s: Climate change to hit emerging economies, oil producers hardest. Retrieved on 2023, May 10 from
  • Hassan, O. (2020). Artificial intelligence, neom and Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification from oil and gas. The Political Quarterly, 91(1), 222-227.
  • Hausfather, Z. (2019, September 23). Explainer: How climate change is accelerating sea level rise. Retrieved on 2023, June 16 from
  • Harvey, J. (2023a, June 26). The Gulf States are pinning their renewable energy hopes on China. Retrieved on 2023, July 1 from
  • Harvey, J. (2022, October 6). EU-GCC energy partnerships: A turning point in ties?. Retrieved on 2023, July 02 from
  • Harvey, J. (2023b, April 28). The race to net zero: Saudi Arabia and the UAE compete over climate action. Retrieved on 2023, April 30 from
  • Hashemi, M. (2020, August 18). Dust diplomacy and climate change may bring gulf states together. Retrieved on 2023, April 19 from,%E2%80%9CDust%20Diplomacy%E2%80%9D%20and%20Climate%20Change%20May%20Bring%20Gulf%20States%20Together,challenges%20in%20the%20long%20term
  • Henderson, S. (2014, March 31). Understanding the Gulf States. Retrieved on 2022, April 05 from
  • Krane, J. (2019). Energy kingdoms: Oil and political survival in the Persian Gulf, Columbia University Press.
  • Lazard, O. (2023). climate change in the Arab world requires more holistic reforms, In Frederic Wehrey (Ed.), Disruptions and dynamism in the Arab world (pp.37-48). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Lambert, L. and D’Alessandro, C. (2019, February 12). Climate change, sea level rise, and sustainable urban adaptation in Arab coastal cities. Retrieved on 2023, May 18 from
  • Lawson, H. (2023, March 14). Saudi Arabia launches new national airline. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • Mazzucco L. and Alexander, K. (2023, June 25). A different shade of green policy: the UAE’s bold vision for the world climate summit. Retrieved on 2023, May 20 from
  • Mogielnicki, R. (2022). Competing economic visions in the gulf. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, 40. Winter.
  • Raouf, M. (2008). Climate change threats, opportunities, and the GCC countries, The Middle East Institute Policy Brief.12.
  • Soto, R. and Haouas, I. (2016). Has the UAE Escaped the Oil Curse? In Ibrahim Elbadawi and Hoda Selim (Eds.), Understanding and avoiding the oil curse in resource-rich Arab economies (pp.373-421). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
  • Schneider, F. (2021, May 21). The stalling visions of the gulf: the UAE’s vision 2021. Retrieved on 2023, May 22 from
  • Telci, İ. N. and Ereli G. (2021). Investment as foreign policy instruments: The cases of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar, Osram Report. 26.
  • The Economist (2022, September 22). An energy crisis and geopolitics are creating a new-look Gulf. Retrieved on 2023, April 09 from
  • The New Arab, (2023, March 12). Saudi Arabia unveils new ‘Riyadh Air’ airline to compete with Gulf rivals. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • The World Accounts (no date). The end of oil is coming. Retrieved on 2023, September 17 from
  • Whiteaker, J. (2021, May 10). Dubai’s open policy pays FDI dividends. Retrieved on 2023, June 29 from
  • Wehrey, F. and Fawal, N. (2022, February 24). Cascading climate effects in the middle east and north Africa: Adapting through inclusive governance. Retrieved on 2023, June 29 from
  • Whiteaker, J. (2022, April 21). Is the GCC serious about averting climate catastrophe?. Retrieved on 2022, May 03 from
  • Yücetürk, C. and Keskin, Y. (2022). Sportswashing as a method of exoneration of authoritarian regimes: The case of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 14(26), 118-134.
  • Zafar, S. (2023, March 12). Climate change impacts in Kuwait. Retrieved on 2023, June 25 from
  • Zafar, S. (2022, November 18). Renewable energy situation in Kuwait. Retrieved on 2023, June 28 from .


Yıl 2023, , 381 - 398, 31.12.2023


Geleneksel olarak, Körfez ülkeleri rantiyer devletler olarak bilinir. Bu ülkelerin ekonomik yapıları, petrol ve gaz gibi fosil yakıtlardan elde edilen gelire bağlıdır. Doğal kaynaklardan elde edilen bu gelirler, siyaseti doğrudan etkilemektedir. Örneğin Körfez ülkeleri doğal kaynakları kullanarak dış ve ekonomik politikalarını şekillendirmektedir. Ancak iklim değişikliği sıcaklık artışı gibi sorunlarla ortaya çıktığı için Körfez ülkelerinin politikalarını dönüştürmeye zorlamıştır. Bu durum Körfez ülkelerinin dış ve ekonomi politikaları açısından geleneksel konumlarını doğrudan olumsuz etkilemiştir. Ayrıca petrol ve doğalgaza dayalı ekonomilerin de tehlikede olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Nitekim bu kaynakların sona erdiğine dair raporlar yayımlanmıştır. Bu süreç Körfez ülkelerinin ekonomi politikalarını değiştirmiştir. Bu makale, iklim değişikliğinin Körfez’deki jeopolitiği nasıl değiştirdiğini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Makale, Körfez ülkelerinin aktör çeşitlendirerek politikalarını değiştirmeye başladığını öne sürmektedir. Ayrıca bu süreç, Körfez ülkelerini gelir alternatiflerini artırma konusunda daha istekli hale getirmiştir. Bu anlamda Körfez ülkeleri spora, müziğe ve modern kültürel etkinliklere yatırımı teşvik eden vizyonlar ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, iklim değişikliğine duyarlı Batılı ülkelerle ilişkileri korumak için Körfez ülkeleri yenilenebilir enerji, nükleer enerji, maden arama gibi faaliyetlere daha fazla önem vermeye başlamıştır. Bu konuda Körfez’de rekabet artmıştır. Riyad, Abu Dabi ve Doha yönetimleri ticaret merkezi olma ve yumuşak gücü artırarak bölgesel düzene liderlik etme gibi birçok alanda yarışmaktadır.


  • Acar, N. (2021, March 16). Suudi Arabistan-BAE rekabeti ekonomik sahaya taşınıyor. Retrieved on 2021, March 17 from
  • Aljazeera (2021, 21 June). Gulf states show ‘limited’ progress kicking oil & gas dependency. Retrieved on 2023, March 3 from,
  • Allison, S. (2021, October 11). Saudi Arabia and the UAE – partners or rivals in tourism?. Retrieved on 2023, July 9 from
  • Al-Kuwari, A. (2012). The visions and strategies of the GCC countries from the perspective of reforms: the case of Qatar. Contemporary Arab Affairs, 5(1), 86-106.
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2018a, August 13). Integrating climate change policies with economic diversification strategies: Challenges and opportunities in oman and the UAE. Retrieved on 2023, June 07 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2018b, August 2). Saudi Arabia and climate change: From systematic obstructionism to conditional acceptance. Retrieved on 2023, April 12 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2019a, March 20). Climate change and economic diversification in Saudi Arabia: Integrity, challenges, and opportunities. Retrieved on 2023, June 26 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2019b, December 18). The Gulf Arab States’ mixed record on climate action. Retrieved on 2023, May 16 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. (2023, March 2). The GCC and the road to net zero. Retrieved on 2023, May 28 from
  • Al-Sarihi, A. and Mason, M. (2020), Challenges and opportunities for climate policy integration in oil-producing countries: the case of the UAE and Oman. Climate Policy, 20(10), 1226-1241.
  • Al Shehri, T. (2022). Saudi Arabia’s climate change policy and the circular carbon economy approach. Climate Policy, 23(2), 151-167.
  • Akkaş, B.D. (2021). The UAE’s foreign policymaking in Yemen: From bandwagoning to buck-passing. Third World Quarterly 42(4), 717-735.
  • Baycar, Hamdullah. (2020). The Sudden Cost of Unexpected Threats: The Novel Coronavirus and Dubai. Retrieved on 2023, May 1 from
  • Baycar, Hamdullah. (2021). Saudi Arabia’s Foray into the World of English Football’. Retrieved on 2023, June 5 from
  • Bettis, T. (2023, June 27). The emerging contours of Saudi-Emirati competition in southeast asia. retrieved on 2023, jun 29 from
  • Bohl, R. (2021, April 29). Saudi Arabia & UAE: Competition among allies. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • Cafiero, G. (2022, June 2), Vicious cycle: Storms intensify in the Gulf as climate changes. Retrieved on 2023, June 30 from intensifying-storms-in-gulf-as-climate-changes
  • Chandler, D. (2019, August 22). Study: Climate change could pose danger for Muslim pilgrimage. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • Christian, M. (2019, July 3). Moody’s: Climate change to hit emerging economies, oil producers hardest. Retrieved on 2023, May 10 from
  • Hassan, O. (2020). Artificial intelligence, neom and Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification from oil and gas. The Political Quarterly, 91(1), 222-227.
  • Hausfather, Z. (2019, September 23). Explainer: How climate change is accelerating sea level rise. Retrieved on 2023, June 16 from
  • Harvey, J. (2023a, June 26). The Gulf States are pinning their renewable energy hopes on China. Retrieved on 2023, July 1 from
  • Harvey, J. (2022, October 6). EU-GCC energy partnerships: A turning point in ties?. Retrieved on 2023, July 02 from
  • Harvey, J. (2023b, April 28). The race to net zero: Saudi Arabia and the UAE compete over climate action. Retrieved on 2023, April 30 from
  • Hashemi, M. (2020, August 18). Dust diplomacy and climate change may bring gulf states together. Retrieved on 2023, April 19 from,%E2%80%9CDust%20Diplomacy%E2%80%9D%20and%20Climate%20Change%20May%20Bring%20Gulf%20States%20Together,challenges%20in%20the%20long%20term
  • Henderson, S. (2014, March 31). Understanding the Gulf States. Retrieved on 2022, April 05 from
  • Krane, J. (2019). Energy kingdoms: Oil and political survival in the Persian Gulf, Columbia University Press.
  • Lazard, O. (2023). climate change in the Arab world requires more holistic reforms, In Frederic Wehrey (Ed.), Disruptions and dynamism in the Arab world (pp.37-48). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Lambert, L. and D’Alessandro, C. (2019, February 12). Climate change, sea level rise, and sustainable urban adaptation in Arab coastal cities. Retrieved on 2023, May 18 from
  • Lawson, H. (2023, March 14). Saudi Arabia launches new national airline. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • Mazzucco L. and Alexander, K. (2023, June 25). A different shade of green policy: the UAE’s bold vision for the world climate summit. Retrieved on 2023, May 20 from
  • Mogielnicki, R. (2022). Competing economic visions in the gulf. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, 40. Winter.
  • Raouf, M. (2008). Climate change threats, opportunities, and the GCC countries, The Middle East Institute Policy Brief.12.
  • Soto, R. and Haouas, I. (2016). Has the UAE Escaped the Oil Curse? In Ibrahim Elbadawi and Hoda Selim (Eds.), Understanding and avoiding the oil curse in resource-rich Arab economies (pp.373-421). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
  • Schneider, F. (2021, May 21). The stalling visions of the gulf: the UAE’s vision 2021. Retrieved on 2023, May 22 from
  • Telci, İ. N. and Ereli G. (2021). Investment as foreign policy instruments: The cases of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar, Osram Report. 26.
  • The Economist (2022, September 22). An energy crisis and geopolitics are creating a new-look Gulf. Retrieved on 2023, April 09 from
  • The New Arab, (2023, March 12). Saudi Arabia unveils new ‘Riyadh Air’ airline to compete with Gulf rivals. Retrieved on 2023, July 09 from
  • The World Accounts (no date). The end of oil is coming. Retrieved on 2023, September 17 from
  • Whiteaker, J. (2021, May 10). Dubai’s open policy pays FDI dividends. Retrieved on 2023, June 29 from
  • Wehrey, F. and Fawal, N. (2022, February 24). Cascading climate effects in the middle east and north Africa: Adapting through inclusive governance. Retrieved on 2023, June 29 from
  • Whiteaker, J. (2022, April 21). Is the GCC serious about averting climate catastrophe?. Retrieved on 2022, May 03 from
  • Yücetürk, C. and Keskin, Y. (2022). Sportswashing as a method of exoneration of authoritarian regimes: The case of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 14(26), 118-134.
  • Zafar, S. (2023, March 12). Climate change impacts in Kuwait. Retrieved on 2023, June 25 from
  • Zafar, S. (2022, November 18). Renewable energy situation in Kuwait. Retrieved on 2023, June 28 from .
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bölgesel Çalışmalar
Bölüm Research Article

Mehmet Rakipoğlu 0000-0002-6287-6943

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Rakipoğlu, M. (2023). CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON. Akademik Hassasiyetler, 10(23), 381-398.
AMA Rakipoğlu M. CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON. Akademik Hassasiyetler. Aralık 2023;10(23):381-398. doi:10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1346885
Chicago Rakipoğlu, Mehmet. “CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 10, sy. 23 (Aralık 2023): 381-98.
EndNote Rakipoğlu M (01 Aralık 2023) CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON. Akademik Hassasiyetler 10 23 381–398.
IEEE M. Rakipoğlu, “CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON”, Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 10, sy. 23, ss. 381–398, 2023, doi: 10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1346885.
ISNAD Rakipoğlu, Mehmet. “CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 10/23 (Aralık 2023), 381-398.
MLA Rakipoğlu, Mehmet. “CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON”. Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 10, sy. 23, 2023, ss. 381-98, doi:10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1346885.
Vancouver Rakipoğlu M. CLİMATE CHANGE AND THE GULF: REPERCUSSİONS, ACTİONS, AND COMPETİTİON. Akademik Hassasiyetler. 2023;10(23):381-98.


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