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Yıl 2024, , 120 - 140, 27.04.2024


In this study, Turkish-Russian relations in the Cold War period and the Post-Cold War time till 2002 are discussed. Since 2002 is accepted as the beginning of current relations and a breakthrough year in relations, a separate analysis is required for the next period. It is seen that the relations between Türkiye and Russia were tense between the years 1945-1965, and then went through a soft period until the end of the Cold War period. It is clearly understood that Turkish-Russian relations gained a new dimension after the collapse of the USSR. Economic-commercial relations constituted the most important area of this period, in which competition also predominated. In the first part of this study, the historical development of Turkish-Soviet relations in the Cold War period is tried to be discussed. Economic and commercial relations assumed the locomotive role in the cooperation between the two countries, giving a different quality to the political, military and security issues and relations with third countries. In the second part, the new era for the affairs is analyzed and, in this regard, it should be noted that the leaders of the two countries have made great efforts since the beginning of the 1990s. In these years, many strategic projects were signed and implemented in the context of bilateral relations. It is obvious that the relations between the two countries reached a strategic dimension in areas such as economic-commercial and energy. It is also analyzed that the momentum gained in Turkish-Russian relations and the good level of relations also served regional stability and common interests. Finally, it may be assumed that the years examined by this paper is also a period that helped to create strong relations between two countries in the 21st century.


  • CIA. (1964). Turkish reaction to President Johnson's letter to Prime Minister Inonu. Retrieved on 2023, June 25 from
  • Cutler, R. M. (1985). Domestic and foreign influences on policy making: The Soviet Union in the 1974 Cyprus conflict. Soviet Studies, 37(1), 60–89.
  • De Luca, A. R. (1977). Soviet-American politics and the Turkish Straits. Political Science Quarterly, 92(3), 503–524.
  • Di Casola, M. A. (1997). Italo-Turkish relations between the two wars: The impact of the Ethiopian crisis. Il Politico, 62(181), 331–342.
  • Filitov, A., & Williams, R. (2011). The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the USSR. Journal of Modern European History / Zeitschrift Für Moderne Europäische Geschichte / Revue d’histoire Européenne Contemporaine, 9(3), 298–307.
  • Fisher, R. E. (1995). The ad hoc nature of policy making: The “Missouri” visit to Turkey. Naval War College Review, 48(2), 130–134.
  • Gaddis, J. L. (1990). The unexpected John Foster Dulles: nuclear weapons, communism, and the Russians. In R. H. Immerman (Ed.), John Foster Dulles and the diplomacy of the Cold War (pp. 47–78). Princeton University Press.
  • Hahn, P. L. (1987). Containment and Egyptian nationalism: The unsuccessful effort to establish the Middle East command, 1950–53. Diplomatic History, 11(1), 23–40.
  • Harris, G. S. (1982). The View from Ankara. The Wilson Quarterly, 6(5), 126–135.
  • Iqbal, M. Z., & Shah, N. (2015). The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline: Political and economic impacts for the region. Pakistan Horizon, 68(1), 69–81.
  • Kerr, D. (1995). The new Eurasianism: the rise of geopolitics in Russia’s foreign policy. Europe-Asia Studies, 47(6), 977–988.
  • Larrabee, F. S., & Lesser, I. O. (2003). Turkish foreign policy in an age of uncertainty. RAND Corporation.
  • Leffler, M. P. (1985). Strategy, diplomacy, and the Cold War: The United States, Turkey, and NATO, 1945-1952. The Journal of American History, 71(4), 807–825.
  • Lesser, I. O. (2000). Turkey in a changing security environment. Journal of International Affairs, 54(1), 183–198.
  • Lippe, J.M.V. (2000). Forgotten brigade of the forgotten war: Turkey’s participation in the Korean War. Middle Eastern Studies, 36(1), 92–102.
  • Magen, Z. (2013). Russia and the Middle East: Policy challenges. Institute for National Security Studies.
  • Magnúsdóttir, R. (2006). Be careful in America, Premier Khrushchev!: Soviet perceptions of peaceful coexistence with the United States in 1959. Cahiers Du Monde Russe, 47(1/2), 109–130.
  • Malek, M. (2009). Russia’s asymmetric wars in Chechnya since 1994. Connections, 8(4), 81–98.
  • Mark, E. (1997). The war scare of 1946 and Its consequences. Diplomatic History, 21(3), 383–415.
  • Marples, D.R. (2002). Motherland: Russia in the twentieth century. Routledge.
  • Matsaberidze, D. (2015). Russia vs. EU/US through Georgia and Ukraine. Connections, 14(2), 77–86.
  • Merrill, D. (2006). The Truman doctrine: containing communism and modernity. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 36(1), 27–37.
  • MFA, Republic of Türkiye. (2009). Joint declaration between the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation on progress towards a new stage in relations and further deepening of friendship and multidimentional partnership. Retrieved on 2023, July 17 from
  • Moroney, J., Rabasa, A., Boraz, S., Chalk, P., Cragin, K., Karasik, T. W., O’Brien, K. A., & Peters, J. E. (2007). Ungoverned territories: understanding and reducing terrorism risks (1st ed.). RAND Corporation.
  • Onozawa, T. (2005). Formation of American regional policy for the Middle East, 1950–1952: The Middle East command concept and its legacy. Diplomatic History, 29(1), 117–148.
  • Press Briefing of Turkish President. (2004). Statements by President Ahmet Necdet SEZER to the press after the meetings with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin. Retrieved on 2023, July 05 from
  • Reiman, M. (2016). About Russia, its revolutions, its development and its present. Peter Lang AG.
  • Reston, J. (1957). Khrushchev asks world rule of the satellite and missiles if part of wide U.S.-Soviet Pact. Retrieved on 2023, July 10 from
  • Roberts, G. (2011). Moscow’s Cold War on the periphery: Soviet policy in Greece, Iran, and Turkey, 1943–8. Journal of Contemporary History, 46(1), 58–81.
  • Ruddy, T. M. (1986). A cautious approach to the militarization of containment. The Historian, 48(3), 394–411.
  • Schoenberger, E., & Reich, S. (1975). Soviet policy in the Middle East. MERIP Reports, 39, 3–28.
  • Stergiou, A. (2007). Soviet policy toward Cyprus. The Cyprus Review, 19(2), 83-106.
  • Trading Economics. (2023). Turkey exports to Russia. Retrieved on 2023, June 06 from
  • Turkic States. (2023). Presidential summits. Retrieved on 2023, June 19 from
  • Turkish Straits. (1998). Maritime traffic regulations for Turkish Straits. Retrieved on 2023, June 24 from
  • UN. (2002). Delimitation treaties infobase. exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the delimitation of the USSR and Turkey economic zone in the Black Sea 23 December 1986 - 6 February 1987. Retrieved on 2023, July 02 from
  • US Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute. (1957). Foreign relations of The United States, 1955–1957, Soviet Union, Eastern Mediterranean, Volume XXIV. Retrieved on 2023, June 25 from
  • Walker, J. W. (2005). Turkey and the Post-Soviet states: a new way forward. Insight Turkey, 7(4), 13–19.
  • Yaacov, R. (1974). From encroachment to involvement: a documentary study of Soviet Policy in the Middle East, 1945-1973. Halsted Press - Israel Universities Press.
  • Ziegler, C. (2009). The history of Russia. California: Greenwood Press.


Yıl 2024, , 120 - 140, 27.04.2024


Bu çalışmada Soğuk Savaş ve sonrası dönemde 2002 yılına kadarki Türk-Rus ilişkileri ele alınmaktadır. 2002 yılı, güncel ilişkilerin başlangıcı ve ilişkilerde bir atılım yılı olarak kabul edildiğinden sonraki dönem için ayrı bir analiz gerekmektedir.1945-1965 yılları arasında Türkiye ile Rusya arasındaki ilişkilerin gergin olduğu, ardından Soğuk Savaş döneminin sonuna kadar yumuşak bir dönem geçirdiği görülmektedir. SSCB'nin dağılmasından sonra Türk-Rus ilişkilerinin yeni bir boyut kazandığı açıkça anlaşılmaktadır. Rekabetin de hâkim olduğu bu dönemin en önemli alanını ekonomik-ticari ilişkiler oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Soğuk Savaş ve sonrası dönemde Türk-Sovyet ilişkilerinin tarihsel gelişimi ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Ekonomik ve ticari ilişkiler, iki ülke arasındaki işbirliğinde lokomotif rolü üstlenmiş, siyasi, askeri ve güvenlik konularına ve üçüncü ülkelerle ilişkilere farklı bir nitelik kazandırmıştır. İkinci bölümde ise ilişkilerde yeni dönem analiz edilmekte olup, bu konuda iki ülke liderlerinin 1990'lı yılların başından bu yana büyük çaba sarf ettiğini belirtmek gerekir. Bu yıllarda ikili ilişkiler bağlamında birçok stratejik projeye imza atılmış ve hayata geçirilmiştir. İki ülke ilişkilerinin ekonomik-ticari ve enerji gibi alanlarda stratejik bir boyuta ulaştığı aşikardır. Türk-Rus ilişkilerinde kazanılan ivmenin ve iyi düzeydeki ilişkilerin bölgesel istikrara ve ortak çıkarlara da hizmet ettiği analiz edilmektedir. Son olarak bu yazının incelediği yılların aynı zamanda 21. yüzyılda iki ülke arasında güçlü ilişkilerin oluşmasına yardımcı olan bir dönem olduğu varsayılabilir.


  • CIA. (1964). Turkish reaction to President Johnson's letter to Prime Minister Inonu. Retrieved on 2023, June 25 from
  • Cutler, R. M. (1985). Domestic and foreign influences on policy making: The Soviet Union in the 1974 Cyprus conflict. Soviet Studies, 37(1), 60–89.
  • De Luca, A. R. (1977). Soviet-American politics and the Turkish Straits. Political Science Quarterly, 92(3), 503–524.
  • Di Casola, M. A. (1997). Italo-Turkish relations between the two wars: The impact of the Ethiopian crisis. Il Politico, 62(181), 331–342.
  • Filitov, A., & Williams, R. (2011). The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the USSR. Journal of Modern European History / Zeitschrift Für Moderne Europäische Geschichte / Revue d’histoire Européenne Contemporaine, 9(3), 298–307.
  • Fisher, R. E. (1995). The ad hoc nature of policy making: The “Missouri” visit to Turkey. Naval War College Review, 48(2), 130–134.
  • Gaddis, J. L. (1990). The unexpected John Foster Dulles: nuclear weapons, communism, and the Russians. In R. H. Immerman (Ed.), John Foster Dulles and the diplomacy of the Cold War (pp. 47–78). Princeton University Press.
  • Hahn, P. L. (1987). Containment and Egyptian nationalism: The unsuccessful effort to establish the Middle East command, 1950–53. Diplomatic History, 11(1), 23–40.
  • Harris, G. S. (1982). The View from Ankara. The Wilson Quarterly, 6(5), 126–135.
  • Iqbal, M. Z., & Shah, N. (2015). The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline: Political and economic impacts for the region. Pakistan Horizon, 68(1), 69–81.
  • Kerr, D. (1995). The new Eurasianism: the rise of geopolitics in Russia’s foreign policy. Europe-Asia Studies, 47(6), 977–988.
  • Larrabee, F. S., & Lesser, I. O. (2003). Turkish foreign policy in an age of uncertainty. RAND Corporation.
  • Leffler, M. P. (1985). Strategy, diplomacy, and the Cold War: The United States, Turkey, and NATO, 1945-1952. The Journal of American History, 71(4), 807–825.
  • Lesser, I. O. (2000). Turkey in a changing security environment. Journal of International Affairs, 54(1), 183–198.
  • Lippe, J.M.V. (2000). Forgotten brigade of the forgotten war: Turkey’s participation in the Korean War. Middle Eastern Studies, 36(1), 92–102.
  • Magen, Z. (2013). Russia and the Middle East: Policy challenges. Institute for National Security Studies.
  • Magnúsdóttir, R. (2006). Be careful in America, Premier Khrushchev!: Soviet perceptions of peaceful coexistence with the United States in 1959. Cahiers Du Monde Russe, 47(1/2), 109–130.
  • Malek, M. (2009). Russia’s asymmetric wars in Chechnya since 1994. Connections, 8(4), 81–98.
  • Mark, E. (1997). The war scare of 1946 and Its consequences. Diplomatic History, 21(3), 383–415.
  • Marples, D.R. (2002). Motherland: Russia in the twentieth century. Routledge.
  • Matsaberidze, D. (2015). Russia vs. EU/US through Georgia and Ukraine. Connections, 14(2), 77–86.
  • Merrill, D. (2006). The Truman doctrine: containing communism and modernity. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 36(1), 27–37.
  • MFA, Republic of Türkiye. (2009). Joint declaration between the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation on progress towards a new stage in relations and further deepening of friendship and multidimentional partnership. Retrieved on 2023, July 17 from
  • Moroney, J., Rabasa, A., Boraz, S., Chalk, P., Cragin, K., Karasik, T. W., O’Brien, K. A., & Peters, J. E. (2007). Ungoverned territories: understanding and reducing terrorism risks (1st ed.). RAND Corporation.
  • Onozawa, T. (2005). Formation of American regional policy for the Middle East, 1950–1952: The Middle East command concept and its legacy. Diplomatic History, 29(1), 117–148.
  • Press Briefing of Turkish President. (2004). Statements by President Ahmet Necdet SEZER to the press after the meetings with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin. Retrieved on 2023, July 05 from
  • Reiman, M. (2016). About Russia, its revolutions, its development and its present. Peter Lang AG.
  • Reston, J. (1957). Khrushchev asks world rule of the satellite and missiles if part of wide U.S.-Soviet Pact. Retrieved on 2023, July 10 from
  • Roberts, G. (2011). Moscow’s Cold War on the periphery: Soviet policy in Greece, Iran, and Turkey, 1943–8. Journal of Contemporary History, 46(1), 58–81.
  • Ruddy, T. M. (1986). A cautious approach to the militarization of containment. The Historian, 48(3), 394–411.
  • Schoenberger, E., & Reich, S. (1975). Soviet policy in the Middle East. MERIP Reports, 39, 3–28.
  • Stergiou, A. (2007). Soviet policy toward Cyprus. The Cyprus Review, 19(2), 83-106.
  • Trading Economics. (2023). Turkey exports to Russia. Retrieved on 2023, June 06 from
  • Turkic States. (2023). Presidential summits. Retrieved on 2023, June 19 from
  • Turkish Straits. (1998). Maritime traffic regulations for Turkish Straits. Retrieved on 2023, June 24 from
  • UN. (2002). Delimitation treaties infobase. exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the delimitation of the USSR and Turkey economic zone in the Black Sea 23 December 1986 - 6 February 1987. Retrieved on 2023, July 02 from
  • US Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute. (1957). Foreign relations of The United States, 1955–1957, Soviet Union, Eastern Mediterranean, Volume XXIV. Retrieved on 2023, June 25 from
  • Walker, J. W. (2005). Turkey and the Post-Soviet states: a new way forward. Insight Turkey, 7(4), 13–19.
  • Yaacov, R. (1974). From encroachment to involvement: a documentary study of Soviet Policy in the Middle East, 1945-1973. Halsted Press - Israel Universities Press.
  • Ziegler, C. (2009). The history of Russia. California: Greenwood Press.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler (Diğer)
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Burak Şakir Şeker 0000-0002-8536-1790

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Şeker BŞ. TURKISH-RUSSIAN RELATIONS FROM THE COLD WAR TO 2002 AS THE BEGINNING OF CURRENT RELATIONS. Akademik Hassasiyetler. Nisan 2024;11(24):120-140. doi:10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1352174
Chicago Şeker, Burak Şakir. “TURKISH-RUSSIAN RELATIONS FROM THE COLD WAR TO 2002 AS THE BEGINNING OF CURRENT RELATIONS”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 11, sy. 24 (Nisan 2024): 120-40.
EndNote Şeker BŞ (01 Nisan 2024) TURKISH-RUSSIAN RELATIONS FROM THE COLD WAR TO 2002 AS THE BEGINNING OF CURRENT RELATIONS. Akademik Hassasiyetler 11 24 120–140.
IEEE B. Ş. Şeker, “TURKISH-RUSSIAN RELATIONS FROM THE COLD WAR TO 2002 AS THE BEGINNING OF CURRENT RELATIONS”, Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 11, sy. 24, ss. 120–140, 2024, doi: 10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1352174.
ISNAD Şeker, Burak Şakir. “TURKISH-RUSSIAN RELATIONS FROM THE COLD WAR TO 2002 AS THE BEGINNING OF CURRENT RELATIONS”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 11/24 (Nisan 2024), 120-140.
MLA Şeker, Burak Şakir. “TURKISH-RUSSIAN RELATIONS FROM THE COLD WAR TO 2002 AS THE BEGINNING OF CURRENT RELATIONS”. Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 11, sy. 24, 2024, ss. 120-4, doi:10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1352174.


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