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Yıl 2024, , 444 - 475, 27.04.2024


Kişiselleştirilmiş reklamcılık, dijital reklam mecralarında internet kullanıcılarına kişisel verilerine dayalı olarak daha alakalı ve kullanıcıların ilgi alanlarıyla uyumlu reklam deneyimi sunmayı hedefleyen bir yaklaşımdır. İnternet kullanıcılarının sanal ortamda bıraktığı; kişisel bilgiler, satın alma davranışları, internet kullanım alışkanlıkları, ilgi alanları gibi pek çok veri izlenmekte, depolanmakta ve bu veriler markaların iletişim faaliyetleri için kullanılmaktadır. Kişiselleştirilmiş reklam deneyiminin tüketicilerde olumlu davranışsal niyetlere etki edebildiği fakat diğer taraftan olumsuz birtakım algıları da yol açabildiği bilinmektedir. Bu paradoks, alanda merak edilen bir araştırma problemi olarak görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmanın amacı, tüketicilerin algılanan kişiselleştirme düzeylerinin, gizlilik endişesi, gözetim algısı ve marka kullanım niyeti üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmanın evrenini, Türkiye’de yaşayan 18 yaş ve üzeri internet kullanıcıları oluşturmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmada veri toplama tekniği olarak çevrim içi anket uygulamasından yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında 610 kişiye ulaşılmış ve 556 katılımcının anket formu değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Araştırma hipotezleri Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi ile test edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen verilerin güvenirlik ve frekans analizi SPSS Windows 25.0 ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile hipotez testleri analizi AMOS 23.0 programıyla yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda, algılanan kişiselleştirmenin marka kullanım niyetini ve algılanan gözetimi olumlu yönde etkilediği ve algılanan gözetimin ise gizlilik endişesini olumlu yönde etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Aguirre, E., Mahr, D., Grewal, D., de Ruyter, K., & Wetzels, M. (2015). Unraveling the personalization paradox: The effect of information collection and trust-building strategies on online advertisement effectiveness. Journal of Retailing, 91(1), 34-49.
  • Aslam, B., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Digital advertising around paid spaces, E-advertising industry’s revenue engine: A review and research agenda. Telematics and Informatics, 34(8), 1650-1662.
  • Baek, T. H., & Morimoto, M. (2012). Stay away from me. Journal of Advertising, 41(1), 59-76.
  • Baruh, L., Secinti, E., & Cemalcilar, Z. (2017). Online privacy concerns and privacy management: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Communication, 67(1), 26-53.
  • Bernritter, S. F., Ketelaar, P. E., & Sotgiu, F. (2021). Behaviorally targeted location-based mobile marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(4), 677-702.
  • Brinson, N. H., Eastin, M. S., & Cicchirillo, V. J. (2018). Reactance to personalization: Understanding the drivers behind the growth of ad blocking. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 18(2), 136-147.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2001). Structural equation modeling with AMOS, EQS, and LISREL: Comparative approaches to testing for the factorial validity of a measuring instrument. International Journal of Testing, 1(1), 55-86.
  • Chan, Y. H. (2003). Biostatistics 101: Data presentation. Singapore Medical Journal, 44(6), 280-285.
  • Cheung, M. T., & Liao, Z. (2003). Supply-side hurdles in internet B2C e-commerce: An empirical investigation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(4), 458-469.
  • Christian, J., Karissa, F., Handoyo, B., & Antonio, F. (2021). The effect of perceived ads personalization toward online impulse buying tendency with mediating and moderating variables, evidence from Indonesian millennial e-commerce customers. Kinerja, 25(1).
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2000). Research methods in education( Routledge.
  • De Keyzer, F., Dens, N., & De Pelsmacker, P. (2015). Is this for me? How consumers respond to personalized advertising on social network sites. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 15(2), 124-134.
  • De Keyzer, F., Dens, N., & De Pelsmacker, P. (2022). How and when personalized advertising leads to brand attitude, click, and WOM intention. Journal of Advertising, 51(1), 39-56.
  • Eastlick, M. A., Lotz, S. L., & Warrington, P. (2006). Understanding online B-to-C relationships: An integrated model of privacy concerns, trust, and commitment. Journal of Business Research, 59(8), 877-886.
  • Farman, L., Comello, M. L. (Nori), & Edwards, J. R. (2020). Are consumers put off by retargeted ads on social media? Evidence for perceptions of marketing surveillance and decreased ad effectiveness. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(2), 298-319.
  • Gironda, J. T., & Korgaonkar, P. K. (2018). iSpy? Tailored versus invasive ads and consumers’ perceptions of personalized advertising. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 29, 64-77.
  • Goldfarb, A., & Tucker, C. E. (2011). Privacy regulation and online advertising. Management Science, 57(1), 57-71.
  • Hawkins, R., Kreuter, M., Resnicow, K., Fishbein, M., & Dijkstra, A. (2008). Understanding tailoring in communicating about health. Health education research, 23, 454-466.
  • Hollebeek, L. D., Glynn, M. S., & Brodie, R. J. (2014). Consumer brand engagement in social media: Conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(2), 149-165.
  • Johnson, R. A., & Wichern, D. W. (1998). Applied multivariate statistical analysis. Biometrics, 54(3), 1203.
  • IAB Europe (2023) 13 Eylül 2023 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Keane, L. (2019, 11 Nisan). 10 brilliant personalized marketing examples. 19 Eylül 2023 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Kerem, K., & Ulla, M. (2018). Perceived intrusiveness of personalized marketing. Digital Transformation – Meeting the Challenges, 147-158.
  • Kim, T., Barasz, K., & John, L. K. (2019). Why am i seeing this ad? The effect of ad transparency on ad effectiveness. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(5), 906-932.
  • Kim, W., Ryoo, Y., Lee, S., & Lee, J. A. (2023). Chatbot advertising as a double-edged sword: The roles of regulatory focus and privacy concerns. Journal of Advertising, 52(4), 504-522.
  • Köster, M., Rüth, M., Hamborg, K.-C., & Kaspar, K. (2015). Effects of personalized banner ads on visual attention and recognition memory: effects of personalized banner ads. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29(2), 181-192.
  • Krohn, F., Luo, X., & Hsu, M. K. (2002). Information privacy and online behaviors. Journal of Internet Commerce, 1(4), 55-69.
  • Kumar, S. (2016). Optimization issues in web and mobile advertising. Springer International Publishing.
  • Kurtuluş, K. (2010). Araştırma yöntemleri (1.). Türkmen Kitabevi.
  • Lambillotte, L., Bart, Y., & Poncin, I. (2022). When does information transparency reduce downside of personalization? Role of need for cognition and perceived control. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 57(3), 393-420.
  • Leblebici Koçer, L., & Özmerdivanlı, H. (2019). Kişiselleştirilmiş reklamlara yönelik tutumları etkileyen faktörlerle satın alma davranışı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 427-454.
  • Lee, C. H., & Cranage, D. A. (2011). Personalisation–privacy paradox: The effects of personalisation and privacy assurance on customer responses to travel Web sites. Tourism Management, 32(5), 987-994.
  • Lee, H., & Cho, C.H. (2020). Digital advertising: Present and future prospects. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3), 332-341.
  • Lee, J., Kim, C., & Lee, K. C. (2022). Exploring the personalization-intrusiveness-intention framework to evaluate the effects of personalization in social media. International Journal of Information Management, 66, 102532.
  • Lina, L. F., & Ahluwalia, L. (2021). Customers’ impulse buying in social commerce: The role of flow experience in personalized advertising. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 21(1).
  • Maslowska, E., Smit, E. G., & van den Putte, B. (2016). It is all in the name: A study of consumers’ responses to personalized communication. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 16(1), 74-85.
  • Maslowska, E., Smit, E., & van den Putte, B. (2011). Is personalized communication superior? The effectiveness of personalization and the role of consumers’ characteristics. ACR Asia-Pacific Advances, AP-09.
  • Mo, L., Zhang, X., Lin, Y., Yuan, Z., & Peng, Z. (2023). Consumers’ attitudes towards online advertising: A model of personalization, ınformativeness, privacy concern and flow experience. Sustainability, 15(5), Article 5.
  • Monem, H. A. (2021). The Effectiveness of advertising personalization. Journal of Design Sciences and Applied Arts, 2(1).
  • Odoom, P. T. (2022). Personalised display advertising and online purchase ıntentions: The moderating effect of internet use motivation. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 14(1), 1-16.
  • Orcan, F. (2018). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Which one to use first? Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 9(4), Article 4.
  • Pappas, I. O., Kourouthanassis, P. E., Giannakos, M. N., & Chrissikopoulos, V. (2017). Sense and sensibility in personalized e-commerce: How emotions rebalance the purchase intentions of persuaded customers. Psychology & Marketing, 34(10), 972-986.
  • Phelan, C., Lampe, C., & Resnick, P. (2016). It’s creepy, but it doesn’t bother me. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 5240-5251.
  • Segijn, C. M., & Ooijen, I. van. (2020). Perceptions of techniques used to personalize messages across media in real time. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.
  • Segijn, C. M., Opree, S. J., & Ooijen, I. van. (2022). The validation of the perceived surveillance scale. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 16(3), Article 3.
  • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Vakeel, K. A. (2021). The role of ad sequence and privacy concerns in personalized advertising: An eye-tracking study into synced advertising effects. Journal of Advertising, 50(3).
  • Shahid, Z., Hussain, T., & Zafar, F. (2017). The Impact of brand awareness on the consumers’ purchase intention. Journal of Accounting & Marketing, 06(01).
  • Shao, A. T. (2002). Marketing research: An aid to decision making (2nd ed). Cincinnati : South-Western/Thomson Learning.
  • Sifaoui, A., Lee, G., & Segijn, C. M. (2023). Brand match vs. mismatch and its impacts on avoidance through perceived surveillance in the context of synced advertising. In A. Vignolles (Ed.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII). Springer-Gabler.
  • Song, Y. W. (Greg), Lim, H. S., & Oh, J. (2021). “We think you may like this”: An investigation of electronic commerce personalization for privacy-conscious consumers. Psychology & Marketing, 38(10), 1723-1740.
  • Srinivasan, S. S., Anderson, R., & Ponnavolu, K. (2002). Customer loyalty in e-commerce: An exploration of its antecedents and consequences. Journal of Retailing, 78(1), 41-50.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2015). Çok değişkenli istatistiklerin kullanımı (Using multivariate statistics). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Tran, T. P. (2017). Personalized ads on Facebook: An effective marketing tool for online marketers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 39, 230-242.
  • Tran, T. P., Solt, M. van, & Jr, J. E. Z. (2020). How does personalization affect brand relationship in social commerce? A mediation perspective. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(5), 473-486.
  • Tran, T., Sen, S., & Steenburg, E. V. (2023). This ad’s for you: How personalized SNS advertisements affect the consumer–brand relationship. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40(4).
  • Tucker, C. E. (2014). Social networks, personalized advertising, and privacy controls. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), 546-562.
  • TÜİK (2022, 4 Şubat). 5 Mart 2022 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • van Doorn, J., & Hoekstra, J. C. (2013). Customization of online advertising: The role of intrusiveness. Marketing Letters, 24(4), 339-351.
  • We Are Social (2023). 17 Kasım 2023 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Yoo, B., & Donthu, N. (2001). Developing and validating a multidimensional consumer-based brand equity scale. Journal of Business Research, 52(1), 1-14.
  • Zhang, D., Boerman, S. C., Hendriks, H., Araujo, T., & Voorveld, H. (2023). A peak into individuals’ perceptions of surveillance. Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII) içinde (s. 163-178). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
  • Zhou, T., & Li, H. (2014). Understanding mobile SNS continuance usage in China from the perspectives of social influence and privacy concern. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 283-289.
  • Zhu, Y.-Q., & Chang, J.-H. (2016). The key role of relevance in personalized advertisement: Examining its impact on perceptions of privacy invasion, self-awareness, and continuous use intentions. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 442-447.


Yıl 2024, , 444 - 475, 27.04.2024


Personalized advertising is an approach that aims to offer internet users a more relevant advertising experience in digital advertising channels based on their personal data and in line with their interests. Many data such as personal information, purchasing behaviors, internet usage habits, and fields of interest of internet users are monitored, stored, and used for the communication activities of brands. It is known that personalized advertising experience can influence positive behavioral intentions in consumers, but on the other hand, it can also lead to negative perceptions. This paradox is seen as a research problem that raises curiosity in the field. In this context, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of consumers' perceived personalization levels on privacy concerns, perceptions of surveillance, and brand usage intention. The population of the study consists of internet users aged 18 and over living in Türkiye. Accordingly, the study utilized an online survey application as a data collection technique. Within the scope of the research, 610 people were reached and the questionnaire form of 556 participants was evaluated. The research hypotheses were tested with Structural Equation Modeling. Reliability and frequency analysis of the data obtained within the scope of the research were conducted with SPSS Windows 25.0. Confirmatory factor analysis and hypothesis tests were analyzed with the AMOS 23.0 program. In line with the findings, it was concluded that perceived personalization positively affects brand usage intention and perceived surveillance, and perceived surveillance positively affects privacy concerns.


  • Aguirre, E., Mahr, D., Grewal, D., de Ruyter, K., & Wetzels, M. (2015). Unraveling the personalization paradox: The effect of information collection and trust-building strategies on online advertisement effectiveness. Journal of Retailing, 91(1), 34-49.
  • Aslam, B., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Digital advertising around paid spaces, E-advertising industry’s revenue engine: A review and research agenda. Telematics and Informatics, 34(8), 1650-1662.
  • Baek, T. H., & Morimoto, M. (2012). Stay away from me. Journal of Advertising, 41(1), 59-76.
  • Baruh, L., Secinti, E., & Cemalcilar, Z. (2017). Online privacy concerns and privacy management: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Communication, 67(1), 26-53.
  • Bernritter, S. F., Ketelaar, P. E., & Sotgiu, F. (2021). Behaviorally targeted location-based mobile marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(4), 677-702.
  • Brinson, N. H., Eastin, M. S., & Cicchirillo, V. J. (2018). Reactance to personalization: Understanding the drivers behind the growth of ad blocking. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 18(2), 136-147.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2001). Structural equation modeling with AMOS, EQS, and LISREL: Comparative approaches to testing for the factorial validity of a measuring instrument. International Journal of Testing, 1(1), 55-86.
  • Chan, Y. H. (2003). Biostatistics 101: Data presentation. Singapore Medical Journal, 44(6), 280-285.
  • Cheung, M. T., & Liao, Z. (2003). Supply-side hurdles in internet B2C e-commerce: An empirical investigation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(4), 458-469.
  • Christian, J., Karissa, F., Handoyo, B., & Antonio, F. (2021). The effect of perceived ads personalization toward online impulse buying tendency with mediating and moderating variables, evidence from Indonesian millennial e-commerce customers. Kinerja, 25(1).
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2000). Research methods in education( Routledge.
  • De Keyzer, F., Dens, N., & De Pelsmacker, P. (2015). Is this for me? How consumers respond to personalized advertising on social network sites. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 15(2), 124-134.
  • De Keyzer, F., Dens, N., & De Pelsmacker, P. (2022). How and when personalized advertising leads to brand attitude, click, and WOM intention. Journal of Advertising, 51(1), 39-56.
  • Eastlick, M. A., Lotz, S. L., & Warrington, P. (2006). Understanding online B-to-C relationships: An integrated model of privacy concerns, trust, and commitment. Journal of Business Research, 59(8), 877-886.
  • Farman, L., Comello, M. L. (Nori), & Edwards, J. R. (2020). Are consumers put off by retargeted ads on social media? Evidence for perceptions of marketing surveillance and decreased ad effectiveness. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(2), 298-319.
  • Gironda, J. T., & Korgaonkar, P. K. (2018). iSpy? Tailored versus invasive ads and consumers’ perceptions of personalized advertising. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 29, 64-77.
  • Goldfarb, A., & Tucker, C. E. (2011). Privacy regulation and online advertising. Management Science, 57(1), 57-71.
  • Hawkins, R., Kreuter, M., Resnicow, K., Fishbein, M., & Dijkstra, A. (2008). Understanding tailoring in communicating about health. Health education research, 23, 454-466.
  • Hollebeek, L. D., Glynn, M. S., & Brodie, R. J. (2014). Consumer brand engagement in social media: Conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(2), 149-165.
  • Johnson, R. A., & Wichern, D. W. (1998). Applied multivariate statistical analysis. Biometrics, 54(3), 1203.
  • IAB Europe (2023) 13 Eylül 2023 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Keane, L. (2019, 11 Nisan). 10 brilliant personalized marketing examples. 19 Eylül 2023 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Kerem, K., & Ulla, M. (2018). Perceived intrusiveness of personalized marketing. Digital Transformation – Meeting the Challenges, 147-158.
  • Kim, T., Barasz, K., & John, L. K. (2019). Why am i seeing this ad? The effect of ad transparency on ad effectiveness. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(5), 906-932.
  • Kim, W., Ryoo, Y., Lee, S., & Lee, J. A. (2023). Chatbot advertising as a double-edged sword: The roles of regulatory focus and privacy concerns. Journal of Advertising, 52(4), 504-522.
  • Köster, M., Rüth, M., Hamborg, K.-C., & Kaspar, K. (2015). Effects of personalized banner ads on visual attention and recognition memory: effects of personalized banner ads. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29(2), 181-192.
  • Krohn, F., Luo, X., & Hsu, M. K. (2002). Information privacy and online behaviors. Journal of Internet Commerce, 1(4), 55-69.
  • Kumar, S. (2016). Optimization issues in web and mobile advertising. Springer International Publishing.
  • Kurtuluş, K. (2010). Araştırma yöntemleri (1.). Türkmen Kitabevi.
  • Lambillotte, L., Bart, Y., & Poncin, I. (2022). When does information transparency reduce downside of personalization? Role of need for cognition and perceived control. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 57(3), 393-420.
  • Leblebici Koçer, L., & Özmerdivanlı, H. (2019). Kişiselleştirilmiş reklamlara yönelik tutumları etkileyen faktörlerle satın alma davranışı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 427-454.
  • Lee, C. H., & Cranage, D. A. (2011). Personalisation–privacy paradox: The effects of personalisation and privacy assurance on customer responses to travel Web sites. Tourism Management, 32(5), 987-994.
  • Lee, H., & Cho, C.H. (2020). Digital advertising: Present and future prospects. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3), 332-341.
  • Lee, J., Kim, C., & Lee, K. C. (2022). Exploring the personalization-intrusiveness-intention framework to evaluate the effects of personalization in social media. International Journal of Information Management, 66, 102532.
  • Lina, L. F., & Ahluwalia, L. (2021). Customers’ impulse buying in social commerce: The role of flow experience in personalized advertising. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 21(1).
  • Maslowska, E., Smit, E. G., & van den Putte, B. (2016). It is all in the name: A study of consumers’ responses to personalized communication. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 16(1), 74-85.
  • Maslowska, E., Smit, E., & van den Putte, B. (2011). Is personalized communication superior? The effectiveness of personalization and the role of consumers’ characteristics. ACR Asia-Pacific Advances, AP-09.
  • Mo, L., Zhang, X., Lin, Y., Yuan, Z., & Peng, Z. (2023). Consumers’ attitudes towards online advertising: A model of personalization, ınformativeness, privacy concern and flow experience. Sustainability, 15(5), Article 5.
  • Monem, H. A. (2021). The Effectiveness of advertising personalization. Journal of Design Sciences and Applied Arts, 2(1).
  • Odoom, P. T. (2022). Personalised display advertising and online purchase ıntentions: The moderating effect of internet use motivation. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 14(1), 1-16.
  • Orcan, F. (2018). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Which one to use first? Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 9(4), Article 4.
  • Pappas, I. O., Kourouthanassis, P. E., Giannakos, M. N., & Chrissikopoulos, V. (2017). Sense and sensibility in personalized e-commerce: How emotions rebalance the purchase intentions of persuaded customers. Psychology & Marketing, 34(10), 972-986.
  • Phelan, C., Lampe, C., & Resnick, P. (2016). It’s creepy, but it doesn’t bother me. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 5240-5251.
  • Segijn, C. M., & Ooijen, I. van. (2020). Perceptions of techniques used to personalize messages across media in real time. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.
  • Segijn, C. M., Opree, S. J., & Ooijen, I. van. (2022). The validation of the perceived surveillance scale. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 16(3), Article 3.
  • Segijn, C. M., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Vakeel, K. A. (2021). The role of ad sequence and privacy concerns in personalized advertising: An eye-tracking study into synced advertising effects. Journal of Advertising, 50(3).
  • Shahid, Z., Hussain, T., & Zafar, F. (2017). The Impact of brand awareness on the consumers’ purchase intention. Journal of Accounting & Marketing, 06(01).
  • Shao, A. T. (2002). Marketing research: An aid to decision making (2nd ed). Cincinnati : South-Western/Thomson Learning.
  • Sifaoui, A., Lee, G., & Segijn, C. M. (2023). Brand match vs. mismatch and its impacts on avoidance through perceived surveillance in the context of synced advertising. In A. Vignolles (Ed.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII). Springer-Gabler.
  • Song, Y. W. (Greg), Lim, H. S., & Oh, J. (2021). “We think you may like this”: An investigation of electronic commerce personalization for privacy-conscious consumers. Psychology & Marketing, 38(10), 1723-1740.
  • Srinivasan, S. S., Anderson, R., & Ponnavolu, K. (2002). Customer loyalty in e-commerce: An exploration of its antecedents and consequences. Journal of Retailing, 78(1), 41-50.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2015). Çok değişkenli istatistiklerin kullanımı (Using multivariate statistics). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Tran, T. P. (2017). Personalized ads on Facebook: An effective marketing tool for online marketers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 39, 230-242.
  • Tran, T. P., Solt, M. van, & Jr, J. E. Z. (2020). How does personalization affect brand relationship in social commerce? A mediation perspective. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(5), 473-486.
  • Tran, T., Sen, S., & Steenburg, E. V. (2023). This ad’s for you: How personalized SNS advertisements affect the consumer–brand relationship. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40(4).
  • Tucker, C. E. (2014). Social networks, personalized advertising, and privacy controls. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), 546-562.
  • TÜİK (2022, 4 Şubat). 5 Mart 2022 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • van Doorn, J., & Hoekstra, J. C. (2013). Customization of online advertising: The role of intrusiveness. Marketing Letters, 24(4), 339-351.
  • We Are Social (2023). 17 Kasım 2023 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Yoo, B., & Donthu, N. (2001). Developing and validating a multidimensional consumer-based brand equity scale. Journal of Business Research, 52(1), 1-14.
  • Zhang, D., Boerman, S. C., Hendriks, H., Araujo, T., & Voorveld, H. (2023). A peak into individuals’ perceptions of surveillance. Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII) içinde (s. 163-178). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
  • Zhou, T., & Li, H. (2014). Understanding mobile SNS continuance usage in China from the perspectives of social influence and privacy concern. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 283-289.
  • Zhu, Y.-Q., & Chang, J.-H. (2016). The key role of relevance in personalized advertisement: Examining its impact on perceptions of privacy invasion, self-awareness, and continuous use intentions. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 442-447.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Haluk Keskin 0000-0001-5122-4344

Nazlım Uraltaş 0000-0001-7682-2164

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 21 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Keskin, H., & Uraltaş, N. (2024). ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Akademik Hassasiyetler, 11(24), 444-475.
AMA Keskin H, Uraltaş N. ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Akademik Hassasiyetler. Nisan 2024;11(24):444-475. doi:10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1406435
Chicago Keskin, Haluk, ve Nazlım Uraltaş. “ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 11, sy. 24 (Nisan 2024): 444-75.
EndNote Keskin H, Uraltaş N (01 Nisan 2024) ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Akademik Hassasiyetler 11 24 444–475.
IEEE H. Keskin ve N. Uraltaş, “ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”, Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 11, sy. 24, ss. 444–475, 2024, doi: 10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1406435.
ISNAD Keskin, Haluk - Uraltaş, Nazlım. “ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 11/24 (Nisan 2024), 444-475.
MLA Keskin, Haluk ve Nazlım Uraltaş. “ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”. Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 11, sy. 24, 2024, ss. 444-75, doi:10.58884/akademik-hassasiyetler.1406435.
Vancouver Keskin H, Uraltaş N. ALGILANAN KİŞİSELLEŞTİRMENİN MARKA KULLANIM NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Akademik Hassasiyetler. 2024;11(24):444-75.


Yazar tarafından gönderilen bir makale, gönderim tarihinden itibaren 10 gün içinde dergi sekreteri tarafından makalenin, telif sözleşmesinin ve benzerlik raporunun (Turnitin programı) eksiksiz ve düzgün bir şekilde gönderilip gönderilmediği yönünden incelenir. İstenilen bu dosyalar eksiksiz ve düzgün bir şekilde gönderilmiş ise makale; ikinci aşamada derginin yayın çizgisine uygun olup olmadığı yönünden değerlendirilir. Bu süreçte makale yayın çizgisine uygun değilse yazara iade edilir. Makale yayın çizgisine uygun ise şablona uygun bir şekilde gönderilip gönderilmediği yönünden değerlendirilir. Şayet makale şablona uyarlanıp gönderilmemiş ise değerlendirme sürecine alınmaz. Bu süreçte yazarın derginin belirlediği şartlara uygun bir şekilde sisteme makale yüklemesi beklenir. Makale şablona uygun bir şekilde hazırlanıp gönderilmiş ise son aşamada makale derginin yayın ilkeleri, yazım kuralları, öz, abstract, extented abstract, kaynakça gösterimi vb. yönlerden incelenir. Bu ayrıntılarda makalede bir sorun varsa yazarın bu hususları tamamlaması istenir ve verilen süre içerisinde eksiksiz bir şekilde yeniden makaleyi göndermesi istenir.
Tüm bu aşamaları geçen makale, editör tarafından bilimsel yeterliliğinin denetlenmesi amacıyla ikinci 7 günlük süre içerisinde çalışmaya uygun iki hakeme değerlendirmeleri için gönderilir. Hakemlerin değerlendirme süreleri 15 gündür. Bu süre zarfında hakemlik görevini tamamlamayan bir hakem olursa ilgili hakeme değerlendirmeyi tamamlaması için 7 günlük ek süre verilebilir. Bu süre zarfında hakem görevini yerine getirmezse yerine yeni bir hakem ataması yapılır. En az iki hakemden gelen raporlar olumlu ise makale yayın aşamasına alınır. Hakem raporlarından birisi olumlu diğeri olumsuz ise makale üçüncü bir hakeme gönderilir. Üçüncü hakem raporu da olumsuz ise makale ret edilir. Üçüncü hakemin değerlendirmesi olumlu ise makaleyle ilgili hakem raporları dergi alan editörlerinden oluşan Editörler Kurulu tarafından incelenir. Makalenin yayınlanmasıyla ilgili nihai karar alan editörlerinden oluşan Editörler Kurulu tarafından verilir. Hakem raporlarının yetersiz ve tatmin etmekten uzak olması veya İngilizce editör tarafından abstract ve extented abstract’ın yetersiz görülmesi hallerinde de yine makaleyle ilgili son karar Editörler Kurulu tarafından verilir. Tüm bu aşamalardan geçen bir makale en yakın sayıya yayınlanmak üzere eklenir. İlgili sayıda yer kalmaması halinde makalenin yayımı bir sonraki sayıya kaydırılır. Bu durumda ve tüm değerlendirme sürecinde yazar isterse makalesini geri çekme hakkına sahiptir. Ancak bu durumu dergiye bildirmesi gerekir. Makale gönderim tarihinden makalenin yayına kabul tarihine kadar tüm bu işlemler için ortalama 3 aylık bir süre öngörülmektedir.