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AKP Yönetimi Altında Diplomasi Yolu ile Devlet Toplum İlişkilerinin Yeniden Yapılandırılması

Year 2012, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 27 - 48, 24.07.2014


Kendinden önce gelenlerin aksine, AKP birbirine ideolojik olarak zıt olan Sekülarizm ve İslamizm arasında kesişme noktası olmayı devlet-toplum ilişkilerini yeniden yapılandırarak reddetmektedir. Ulusal sahne üzerindeki uzlaşma çabaları siyasi bütünleşmede ve bu iki zıt eğilim arasındaki kutuplaşmayı hafifletmede yeterli olmamaktadır. Dengeli bir diplomasiye eş zamanlı başvuru, istikrarın sağlanmasında, kuruluş direncinin aşılmasında ve Türk siyasetinin, merkezin yeniden formüle edilmesi yoluyla hem iç hem de dış düzeyde marjinal grupların meşru aktörler olarak kabulü yoluyla normalleşmesinde etkili bir araç olarak kabul edilir.


  • AKDOGAN, Y. (2006) “The Meaning of Conservative Democratic Political Identity” in the Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (ed.).
  • ATAMAN, M. (2002) “Özal Leadership and Restructuring of Turkish Ethnic Policy in the 1980s”, Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 38, Number: 4, pp. 123- 142.
  • AYDIN, M. and Acikmese, S. (2007) “Europeanization through EU Conditionality: Understanding the New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Volume: 9, Number: 3.
  • CANAN, F. (2009) The Impact of Europeanization on Turkish Foreign Policy: an Analysis of Period Since 1999, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Saarbrucken.
  • ÇARKOĞLU, A. (2006) “The New Generation Pro-Islamists in Turkey: Bases of The Justice and Development Party in Changing Electoral Space” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • Dogan Heper introduced the link between development and economic prosperity on one hand and the manifestation of the role of a regional power role on the other. Accordingly, the AKP liberal discourse establishes a link between Turkey’s status as a regional power and the party’s identity as the ultimate expression of Kemalism that terminates the dualism and the antagonism between the center and the periphery.
  • DAGI, I. (2006) “The Justice and Development Party: Identity, Politics and Human Rights Discourse in the Search for Security and Legitimacy” in The Emergence of a new Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party M. Hakan Yavuz (Eds.).
  • DAGI, I. (2005) “Transformation of Islamic Political Identity in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, Volume: 1, Number: 6, pp. 21-37.
  • DANFORTH, N. (2010) Ideology and Pragmatism in Turkish Foreign Policy: From Ataturk to the AKP, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Washington.
  • DURAN, B. (2006) “JDP and Foreign Policy as an Agent of Transformation” in The Emergence of a new Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Eds.).
  • EVIN, A. and Tocci, N. (Eds). (2003) “Turkey and the Middle East: Antecedents and Prospects” in Towards Accession Negotiations, Turkey’s Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges Ahead, Italy: European University Institute Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
  • GOLE, N. (1997) “Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The Making of Elites and Counter-Elites”, Middle East Journal, Volume: 1, Number: 51, pp. 46-58.
  • GULALP, H. (2001) “Globalization and Political Islam: The Social Bases of Turkey’s Welfare Party”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Volume: 33, Number: 3, pp. 433-448.
  • HALE, W. (2007) Turkey, the US and Iraq, SOAS M.E. Series, London.
  • HALE, W. (2009) Turkey and the Middle East in the New Era. Insight Turkey, Volume: 11, Number: 3, pp.143-161.
  • HEPER, M. (2005) The Justice and Development Party Government and the Military in Turkey. Turkish Studies, Volume: 2, Number: 6, pp. 215-231.
  • INTROVIGNE, M. (2006) “Turkish religious market(s): a View Based on the Religious Economy Theory” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • KARAOSMANOGLU, A. (2004) “Globalization and its Impact on Turkey’s Security” in The Europeanization of Turkey’s Security Policy: Prospects and Pitfalls, Ali L. Karaosmanoglu and Seyfi Taşhan, eds. Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, pp. 1–24.
  • KARDAS, S. (2010) Turkey: Redrawing the Middle East Map or Building Sandcastles? Middle East Policy, March 2010 issue.
  • KEYMAN, F. and ONIS, Z. (2007) Turkish Politics in a Changing World: Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations.
  • KEYMAN, F. and IÇDUYGU, A. (2003) “Globalization, Civil Society and Citizenship in Turkey: Actors, Boundaries and Discourses”, Citizenship Studies, Volume: 7, Number: 3, pp.219-234.
  • KURU, A. (2006) “Reinterpretation of secularism in Turkey: The Case Of The Justice And Development Party” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (ed.).
  • KUT, S. (2002) “The Contours of Turkish Foreign Policy in the 1990’s” in Turkey in World Politics on Emerging Multiregional Power, Rubin, B. and Kirisci, K. (Eds.). Bogazici University Press, Istanbul.
  • LACINER, S. (2004) “Ozalism (Neo-ottomanism): An alternative in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Administrative Sciences, Volume: 1, Number: 1-2.
  • LARRABEE, S. (2007) “Turkey Rediscovers the Middle East”, Foreign Affairs,
  • MANGO, A. (2000) “Reflections on the Ataturkist Origins of Turkish Foreign Policy and Domestic Linkages” in Turkey’s New World, Changing Dynamics in Turkish Foreign Policy, MAKOVSKY, A. and SAYARI, S. (Eds.) The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
  • MURRISON, A. (2006) “The Strategic Depth Doctrine of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 42, Number: 2, pp. 945-964.
  • OGUZLU, T. (2007) The Future of Turkey’s Westernization: A Security Perspective, Insight Turkey, Volume: 9, Number: 3.
  • ONIS, Z. (1997) “The Political Economy of Islamic Resurgence in Turkey: The Rise of the Welfare Party”, Third World Quarterly, Volume: 18, Number: 4, pp. 743-766.
  • ONIS, Z. (2006) “The Political Economy of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • ONIS, Z. (2011) “Multiple Faces of the New Turkish Foreign Policy: Underlyingt Dynamics and a Critique”, Insight Turkey, Volume: 13, Number: 1, pp. 47-67.
  • OZCAN, G. (2009) “Facing its Waterloo in Diplomacy: Turkey’s Military in the Foreign Policy-Making Process”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Number: 40, pp. 85-105.
  • OZCAN, M. (2008) Harmonizing Foreign Policy: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East, Ashgate Publishing.
  • ROBINS, P. (2007) “Turkish Foreign Policy Since 2002: Between a ‘Post- Islamist’ Government and a Kemalist State”, International Affairs, Volume: 83, Number: 1.
  • ROBINS, P. (2006) “The 2005 BRISMES Lecture: a Double Gravity State: Turkish Foreign Policy Reconsidered”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 33, Number: 2, pp.199- 211.
  • ROBINS, P. (1991) Turkey and the Middle East, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, New York.
  • TEPE, S. (2006) “A pro-Islamic party: promises and limits of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party” in the Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • TERZI, Ö. (2010) The Influence of the European Union on Turkish Foreign Policy, Ashgate, England.
  • YAVUZ, H. (1997) Political Islam and the Welfare (Refah) Party in Turkey, Comparative Politics, Volume: 30, Number: 1, pp. 63-82.
  • YAVUZ, H. (2006) “The Role of the New Bourgeoisie in the Transformation of the Turkish Islamic Movement” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • YILMAZ, H. (2007) “Islam, Sovereignty, and Democracy: A Turkish View”, Middle East Journal, Volume: 61, Number: 3, pp. 477-493. Speeches Erdogan’s speeches:
  • “The Conservative Democracy and Freedom of Globalization” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • In New York, Medeniyetler Ittifaki Girisimi Cercevesinde Gerceklestirilen Genis Katilimi Genel Kurul Toplantisi, 2006.
  • At Jeddah, «Cidde Ekonomik Forumu», 2007.
  • In Istanbul, Turk-Arap Ekonomi Forumu, 2008. Gul’s speeches:
  • The Need of Reform in the Arab World and the Role of the Civil Society in The Emergence of a new Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • In London: Turkish Perspectives Towards a New Environment in the European Union and the Middle East, 2003.
  • In New York, Walking the Tight Rope: Managing Turkey’s Foreign Relations, 2003.
  • In Washington, Turkey and the USA: Two Indispensable Partners, 2003; Turkey’s Enhanced Role in its Region and Beyond, 2005 and 2007.
  • In Vilnius, The Turkish Point of View Regarding Turkey-EU Relations, 2004. - In Istanbul, Turkey and the European Union: Shaping a Brighter Future, 2005.
  • In New York, Strategic Interest of Turkey and US-Turkish Relations, 2004 and 2006 and in Baku, 2006.
  • In Maastricht, Turkey and the EU: Looking Beyond Prejudice.

Restructuring State-Society Relations under the Rule of the AKP through Diplomacy

Year 2012, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 27 - 48, 24.07.2014


Unlike his predecessors, the AKP refused to be at the crossroads between Secularism and Islamism as two ideological antonyms by restructuring the State-society relations. The efforts of conciliation on the national scene are not enough in integrating politics and alleviating polarization between these two antagonistic tendencies. The simultaneous recourse to a balanced diplomacy is then considered as an effective means in ensuring stability, transcending the establishment resistance and normalizing the Turkish politics through the reformulation of the centre and the acceptation of the marginalized groups as legitimate actors both on the domestic and the external levels.


  • AKDOGAN, Y. (2006) “The Meaning of Conservative Democratic Political Identity” in the Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (ed.).
  • ATAMAN, M. (2002) “Özal Leadership and Restructuring of Turkish Ethnic Policy in the 1980s”, Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 38, Number: 4, pp. 123- 142.
  • AYDIN, M. and Acikmese, S. (2007) “Europeanization through EU Conditionality: Understanding the New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Volume: 9, Number: 3.
  • CANAN, F. (2009) The Impact of Europeanization on Turkish Foreign Policy: an Analysis of Period Since 1999, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Saarbrucken.
  • ÇARKOĞLU, A. (2006) “The New Generation Pro-Islamists in Turkey: Bases of The Justice and Development Party in Changing Electoral Space” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • Dogan Heper introduced the link between development and economic prosperity on one hand and the manifestation of the role of a regional power role on the other. Accordingly, the AKP liberal discourse establishes a link between Turkey’s status as a regional power and the party’s identity as the ultimate expression of Kemalism that terminates the dualism and the antagonism between the center and the periphery.
  • DAGI, I. (2006) “The Justice and Development Party: Identity, Politics and Human Rights Discourse in the Search for Security and Legitimacy” in The Emergence of a new Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party M. Hakan Yavuz (Eds.).
  • DAGI, I. (2005) “Transformation of Islamic Political Identity in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, Volume: 1, Number: 6, pp. 21-37.
  • DANFORTH, N. (2010) Ideology and Pragmatism in Turkish Foreign Policy: From Ataturk to the AKP, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Washington.
  • DURAN, B. (2006) “JDP and Foreign Policy as an Agent of Transformation” in The Emergence of a new Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Eds.).
  • EVIN, A. and Tocci, N. (Eds). (2003) “Turkey and the Middle East: Antecedents and Prospects” in Towards Accession Negotiations, Turkey’s Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges Ahead, Italy: European University Institute Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
  • GOLE, N. (1997) “Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The Making of Elites and Counter-Elites”, Middle East Journal, Volume: 1, Number: 51, pp. 46-58.
  • GULALP, H. (2001) “Globalization and Political Islam: The Social Bases of Turkey’s Welfare Party”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Volume: 33, Number: 3, pp. 433-448.
  • HALE, W. (2007) Turkey, the US and Iraq, SOAS M.E. Series, London.
  • HALE, W. (2009) Turkey and the Middle East in the New Era. Insight Turkey, Volume: 11, Number: 3, pp.143-161.
  • HEPER, M. (2005) The Justice and Development Party Government and the Military in Turkey. Turkish Studies, Volume: 2, Number: 6, pp. 215-231.
  • INTROVIGNE, M. (2006) “Turkish religious market(s): a View Based on the Religious Economy Theory” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • KARAOSMANOGLU, A. (2004) “Globalization and its Impact on Turkey’s Security” in The Europeanization of Turkey’s Security Policy: Prospects and Pitfalls, Ali L. Karaosmanoglu and Seyfi Taşhan, eds. Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, pp. 1–24.
  • KARDAS, S. (2010) Turkey: Redrawing the Middle East Map or Building Sandcastles? Middle East Policy, March 2010 issue.
  • KEYMAN, F. and ONIS, Z. (2007) Turkish Politics in a Changing World: Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations.
  • KEYMAN, F. and IÇDUYGU, A. (2003) “Globalization, Civil Society and Citizenship in Turkey: Actors, Boundaries and Discourses”, Citizenship Studies, Volume: 7, Number: 3, pp.219-234.
  • KURU, A. (2006) “Reinterpretation of secularism in Turkey: The Case Of The Justice And Development Party” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (ed.).
  • KUT, S. (2002) “The Contours of Turkish Foreign Policy in the 1990’s” in Turkey in World Politics on Emerging Multiregional Power, Rubin, B. and Kirisci, K. (Eds.). Bogazici University Press, Istanbul.
  • LACINER, S. (2004) “Ozalism (Neo-ottomanism): An alternative in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Administrative Sciences, Volume: 1, Number: 1-2.
  • LARRABEE, S. (2007) “Turkey Rediscovers the Middle East”, Foreign Affairs,
  • MANGO, A. (2000) “Reflections on the Ataturkist Origins of Turkish Foreign Policy and Domestic Linkages” in Turkey’s New World, Changing Dynamics in Turkish Foreign Policy, MAKOVSKY, A. and SAYARI, S. (Eds.) The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
  • MURRISON, A. (2006) “The Strategic Depth Doctrine of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 42, Number: 2, pp. 945-964.
  • OGUZLU, T. (2007) The Future of Turkey’s Westernization: A Security Perspective, Insight Turkey, Volume: 9, Number: 3.
  • ONIS, Z. (1997) “The Political Economy of Islamic Resurgence in Turkey: The Rise of the Welfare Party”, Third World Quarterly, Volume: 18, Number: 4, pp. 743-766.
  • ONIS, Z. (2006) “The Political Economy of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • ONIS, Z. (2011) “Multiple Faces of the New Turkish Foreign Policy: Underlyingt Dynamics and a Critique”, Insight Turkey, Volume: 13, Number: 1, pp. 47-67.
  • OZCAN, G. (2009) “Facing its Waterloo in Diplomacy: Turkey’s Military in the Foreign Policy-Making Process”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Number: 40, pp. 85-105.
  • OZCAN, M. (2008) Harmonizing Foreign Policy: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East, Ashgate Publishing.
  • ROBINS, P. (2007) “Turkish Foreign Policy Since 2002: Between a ‘Post- Islamist’ Government and a Kemalist State”, International Affairs, Volume: 83, Number: 1.
  • ROBINS, P. (2006) “The 2005 BRISMES Lecture: a Double Gravity State: Turkish Foreign Policy Reconsidered”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 33, Number: 2, pp.199- 211.
  • ROBINS, P. (1991) Turkey and the Middle East, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, New York.
  • TEPE, S. (2006) “A pro-Islamic party: promises and limits of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party” in the Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • TERZI, Ö. (2010) The Influence of the European Union on Turkish Foreign Policy, Ashgate, England.
  • YAVUZ, H. (1997) Political Islam and the Welfare (Refah) Party in Turkey, Comparative Politics, Volume: 30, Number: 1, pp. 63-82.
  • YAVUZ, H. (2006) “The Role of the New Bourgeoisie in the Transformation of the Turkish Islamic Movement” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • YILMAZ, H. (2007) “Islam, Sovereignty, and Democracy: A Turkish View”, Middle East Journal, Volume: 61, Number: 3, pp. 477-493. Speeches Erdogan’s speeches:
  • “The Conservative Democracy and Freedom of Globalization” in The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • In New York, Medeniyetler Ittifaki Girisimi Cercevesinde Gerceklestirilen Genis Katilimi Genel Kurul Toplantisi, 2006.
  • At Jeddah, «Cidde Ekonomik Forumu», 2007.
  • In Istanbul, Turk-Arap Ekonomi Forumu, 2008. Gul’s speeches:
  • The Need of Reform in the Arab World and the Role of the Civil Society in The Emergence of a new Turkey: Democracy and the AK Party, M. Hakan Yavuz (Ed.).
  • In London: Turkish Perspectives Towards a New Environment in the European Union and the Middle East, 2003.
  • In New York, Walking the Tight Rope: Managing Turkey’s Foreign Relations, 2003.
  • In Washington, Turkey and the USA: Two Indispensable Partners, 2003; Turkey’s Enhanced Role in its Region and Beyond, 2005 and 2007.
  • In Vilnius, The Turkish Point of View Regarding Turkey-EU Relations, 2004. - In Istanbul, Turkey and the European Union: Shaping a Brighter Future, 2005.
  • In New York, Strategic Interest of Turkey and US-Turkish Relations, 2004 and 2006 and in Baku, 2006.
  • In Maastricht, Turkey and the EU: Looking Beyond Prejudice.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Shaimaa Magued This is me

Publication Date July 24, 2014
Submission Date July 24, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Magued, S. (2014). Restructuring State-Society Relations under the Rule of the AKP through Diplomacy. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 7(2), 27-48.

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