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Impact of the Recent Political Conflicts on Turkish and Turkey Images in Israeli Society

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 105 - 137, 24.07.2014


Purpose of this study is to examine influence of the recent political conflicting events on Turkish and Turkey images in Israeli society. Turkey and Israel relations in the 1990s have changed drastically in recent years after Israel’s sudden attacks on Gaza in 2008, and killed more than 1400 people. Later on, Prime Minister Erdogan showed his rigid reaction at Davos Summit, and finally with Mavi Marmara crises, already deteriorated relations have worsened. Therefore, the political conflicts between Turkey and Israel have been addressed as a priority. The study is basically a survey, but it also used qualitative data through interviews and observations in the field. A sample of 611 respondents was chosen through quota and random sampling procedures. We have thrown a glance at these political conflictive issues first, and then measured how and to what extent they have affected Turkey and Turkish image in Israeli society, and tried to determine what factors are the most crucial in the image formation. The study has suggested that the recent political crises do have a strong effect not only on the states and governmental relations but also on the Israeli people’s perceptions and evaluations of Turkish and Turkey images. Thus, the study has provided an overall contribution to the lag in the field; to country image theory, image building, and a better understanding the country image in general.


  • AKGUN, M., GUNDOGAR, S. S. (2012) Ortadogu’da Turkiye Algisi, TESEV Yayinlari, Istanbul.
  • ALLRED, A., Chakraborty, G. and Miller, S.J. (1999) “Measuring images of developing countries: a scale development study”, Journal of Euro-marketing, Volume.8, Number.3, p. 29-49.
  • ALTUNISIK, M., CUHADAR, E. (2010) “Turkey's Search for a Third Party Role in Arab–Israeli Conflicts: A Neutral Facilitator or a Principal Power Mediator?”, Mediterranean Politics, Volume.15, Number.3, p. 371-392.
  • ANHOLT, S. (2002) “Foreword to the Special Issue on Country Branding”, Journal of Brand Management, Volume.9, Number. 4-5, p.229-239.
  • Associated Press, Israel snubs Turkish ambassador in public1/12/2010 2:19:08 BALCI, K. (2009) “Arabs discuss Erdogan's role in the Middle East”, Today’s Zaman Wednesday,, (Access: 15.09.2011).
  • BALI, R. (2011) “The Slow Disappearance of Turkey’s Jewish Community”,,Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.mht, (Access: 22.06.2011).
  • BALI, Rıfat N. (1999) CumhuriyetYıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri, Bir Türkleştirme Serüveni (1923-1945), Istanbul: IletişimYayınları, ss.102-196, 269-322.
  • BERDIHEVSKY, N. (2009) “Edot HaMizrah Israel's Oriental Jewish Communities”,, (Access: 22.06.2011)
  • BENGIO, O. (2009) “Altercating Interests and Orientations between Israel and Turkey: A View from Israel”, Insight Turkey, Volume.11, Number.2, p.43-55.
  • BENGIO, O. (2010) Türkiyenin stratejik U dönüşü,, (Access: 20.06.2011).
  • CBS (2010) STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ISRAEL 2010, pp. 110-1. DAVUTOGLU, A. (2011) Stratejik Derinlik Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Konumu, Kure Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • YONCA, D. P. (2009) “Davutoğlu Says Turkey key to convincing Hamas on Gaza cease-fire”, Today’s Zaman, 20 January 2009 (Access: 12.10.2011).
  • DUZGUN, M. (2006) Türk Kamuoyunda İsrail 1948-1973, Dissertation, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • ECONOMIST (2008) 9/6/2008, 388(8596): 56.
  • ELIF, E., SENER, G. (2010) “Davos olayı çerçevesinde Türkiye'ninve Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdogan'ın imajının değerlendirilmesine yönelik bir içerik analizi”, Selçuk İletişim Dergisi, Volume.6, Number.3, p.68-75.
  • ESMER, Y. (2009) Radikalism Asirilik ve Toplumsal Dergerler: Bir Saha Arastirmasinin Bulgulari, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, 30 May 2009.
  • FISHBEIN, M., AJZEN, I. (1975) Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior, Addison-Westley (available at:
  • HAYIM, Aryeh B. (2011) “Lenin's Maternal Grandfather Jewish, Sister's Letter Reveals”, by Follow Israel news on News Story (Access: 26.07.2011).
  • ‘Anadoluda Bir Arada Yaşama Tecrübesi’, (Access: 11.03.2012).
  • +Content/Eye+on+Israel/Glossary (Access: 10.05.2011).
  • HURRIYET D. (2009) “Israil’le iyi olmalisiniz”, Interview with Ertugrul Ozkok, 8 November.
  • JENES, B. (2010) “The Nature of Country Image - An Extended Literature Review”, Corvinus University of Budapest, Marketing and Media Institute.
  • JENES, B., MALOTA, E. (2010) “Measuring Country Image - Theory and Practice” Corvinus University of Budapest, Marketing and Media Institute.
  • JENES, B., MALOTA, E, and SIMON, J. (2008) “Measurement Possibilities of Country Image - A Field Research among University Students”, Marketing and Management, Volume.5, Number. 6, p.81-93.
  • KAPLAN, J. (2010) “Ethnicity and the Socio-Economic Gap in Israel”, (Access: 17.07.2011)
  • KARPAT, K. “Turkish and arab-israilirelations”, Turkey Foreign Policy in Transition, 1950-1974, Leiden L: e.j. Brill, 18-975, p. 108-134.
  • KEDAR, M. (2010) “A war for world’s future: Battle isn’t about Gaza, but rather, about radical Islam vs. liberal West”, (Access: 14.07.2011).
  • KOTLER, P., HAIDER, D. and REIN, I. (1993) Marketing Places: Attracting Investment and Tourism to Cities, States and Nations, The Free Press, available at
  • KUCUKCAN, T. (2010) Arab Image in Turkey, (Access: 10.08.2011).
  • LACINER, S. (2012) Dışımızdaki PKK İçimizdeki İsrail, Hayykitap, Istanbul.
  • LEISEN, B. (2001) “Image Segmentation: The Case of a Tourism Destination”, Journal of Services Marketing. Volume.15, Number.1, p. 49-66.
  • LI, Z. G., FU, S. and MURRAY, W. L. (1997) “Country and product images: The perceptions of consumers in the People's Republic of China”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume. 10, Number. 1-2, p.115-139.
  • MARTIN, I. M., EROGLU, S. (1993) “Measuring a Multi-Dimensional Construct: Country Image”, Journal of Business Research, Volume.28, p. 193.
  • MITNICK, J. (2010) “Why Israelis are upset about Israeli raid on Gaza freedom flotilla”, The Christian Science Monitor,
  • NAGASHIMA, A. (1970) “A Comparison of Japanese and U.S. Attitudes Toward Foreign Products”, Journal of Marketing, Volume.34, Number.1, p. 68-74.
  • National Jewish Population Survey, 2000/2001,, (Access: 3. 09. 2011).
  • PAPADOPOULOS, N. (1993) “What Product and Country Images Are and Are Not? in Product - Country Images, Impact and Role in International Marketing, International Business Press, New York.
  • PAPADOPOULOS, N., HESLOP, L.A. and BERÁCS, J. (1990) “National Stereotypes and Product, Evaluations in a Socialist Country”, International Marketing Review, Number. 7, Volume.1, p. 32-46.
  • ROTH, K. P. (2006) “The Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Consumer Cosmopolitanism and National Identity on Country Image, Product Image and Consumers’ Purchase Intentions”, Department of International Marketing, University of Vienna.
  • SALIHI, E. (2011) Son Dönem Türk–Arap İlişkilerinin İmaj Boyutu Radikal Gazetesi, 02 Mayıs 2011, (Access: 17.07.2011.
  • SCHLEIFER, Y. (2010) “Israeli raid on Freedom Flotilla shatters key TurkeyIsrael ties”, Christian Science Monitor, (Access: 14.01.2012).
  • SCHLEIFER, Y. (2011) “Why Israelis are upset about Israeli raid on Gaza freedom flotilla”, Christian Science Monitor, (arrived 14.01.2012).
  • UYSAL, A. (2011) “Devrim Oncesi Misir’da Turkiye Algisi”, Journal of Academic Inquiries, Volume.6, Number.2, p. 141-170.
  • TODAY’S ZAMAN, “Arabs discuss Erdoğan's role in the Middle East”, (Access: 4.12.2011).
  • VERLEGH, P.W.J., STEENKAMP, J.B.E.M. (1999) “A review and metaanalysis of country-of-origin research”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume.20, Number.5, p. 521–546.
  • WAXMAN, Chaim I. (2010) Beyond Distancing: Jewish Identity, Identification, and America’s Young Jews, Cont Jewry 30, p.227–232.
  • WANG, C.K., LAMB, C. (1983) “The impact of selected environmental forces upon consumers' willingness to buy foreign products”, Journal of Academic Marketing Science, Volume.11, Number.1, p. 71–83.
  • YILMAZ, T., ŞAHIN, M. and TAŞTEKIN, M. (2005) Ortadoğu Siyasetinde İsrail, Platin Yayınları, Ankara.

Son Politik Çatışmaların İsrail Toplumunda Türk ve Türkiye İmajı'na Etkisi

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 105 - 137, 24.07.2014


Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, son siyasi olayların İsrail toplumunda Türk ve Türkiye imajı algılamasına etkisini incelemektir. 1990’lı yıllarda Türkiye-İsrail ilişkileri İsrail’in 2008 yılında Gazze’ye ani saldırısı ve 1400'den fazla kişinin ölümünden sonra, büyük ölçüde değişmiştir. Bu siyasi gelişmeler daha sonra, Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Davos Zirvesi’nde göstermiş olduğu sert tepki ve son olarak Mavi Marmara krizi ile zirveye yükselmiştir. Bu nedenle, makalede Türkiye ile İsrail arasındaki siyasi çatışmalar bir öncelik olarak ele alınmıştır. Çalışma temelde survey olmakla birlikte, alanda yapılan gözlem ve mülakatlarla elde edilen kalitatif veriler de kullanılmıştır. 611 denek kota ve tesadüfi örnekleme teknikleriyle seçilmiştir. Çalışmada önce son siyasi çatışma konusu olan olaylara değinilmiş, sonra bu olayların İsrail’de Türk ve Türkiye imajına nasıl ve ne ölçüde etki yaptığı ve hangi etkenlerin burada en önemli belirleyiciler olduğu saptamaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma son siyasi krizlerin yalnızca devlet ve hükümet ilişkilerine değil, aynı zamanda İsrail halkının Türk ve Türkiye algılarına da güçlü etkileri olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Böylece çalışma alandaki boşluğa; ülke imajı kuramına, imaj oluşturma ve genel olarak ülke imajının daha iyi anlaşılmasına tam bir katkı sağlamıştır.


  • AKGUN, M., GUNDOGAR, S. S. (2012) Ortadogu’da Turkiye Algisi, TESEV Yayinlari, Istanbul.
  • ALLRED, A., Chakraborty, G. and Miller, S.J. (1999) “Measuring images of developing countries: a scale development study”, Journal of Euro-marketing, Volume.8, Number.3, p. 29-49.
  • ALTUNISIK, M., CUHADAR, E. (2010) “Turkey's Search for a Third Party Role in Arab–Israeli Conflicts: A Neutral Facilitator or a Principal Power Mediator?”, Mediterranean Politics, Volume.15, Number.3, p. 371-392.
  • ANHOLT, S. (2002) “Foreword to the Special Issue on Country Branding”, Journal of Brand Management, Volume.9, Number. 4-5, p.229-239.
  • Associated Press, Israel snubs Turkish ambassador in public1/12/2010 2:19:08 BALCI, K. (2009) “Arabs discuss Erdogan's role in the Middle East”, Today’s Zaman Wednesday,, (Access: 15.09.2011).
  • BALI, R. (2011) “The Slow Disappearance of Turkey’s Jewish Community”,,Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.mht, (Access: 22.06.2011).
  • BALI, Rıfat N. (1999) CumhuriyetYıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri, Bir Türkleştirme Serüveni (1923-1945), Istanbul: IletişimYayınları, ss.102-196, 269-322.
  • BERDIHEVSKY, N. (2009) “Edot HaMizrah Israel's Oriental Jewish Communities”,, (Access: 22.06.2011)
  • BENGIO, O. (2009) “Altercating Interests and Orientations between Israel and Turkey: A View from Israel”, Insight Turkey, Volume.11, Number.2, p.43-55.
  • BENGIO, O. (2010) Türkiyenin stratejik U dönüşü,, (Access: 20.06.2011).
  • CBS (2010) STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ISRAEL 2010, pp. 110-1. DAVUTOGLU, A. (2011) Stratejik Derinlik Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Konumu, Kure Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • YONCA, D. P. (2009) “Davutoğlu Says Turkey key to convincing Hamas on Gaza cease-fire”, Today’s Zaman, 20 January 2009 (Access: 12.10.2011).
  • DUZGUN, M. (2006) Türk Kamuoyunda İsrail 1948-1973, Dissertation, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • ECONOMIST (2008) 9/6/2008, 388(8596): 56.
  • ELIF, E., SENER, G. (2010) “Davos olayı çerçevesinde Türkiye'ninve Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdogan'ın imajının değerlendirilmesine yönelik bir içerik analizi”, Selçuk İletişim Dergisi, Volume.6, Number.3, p.68-75.
  • ESMER, Y. (2009) Radikalism Asirilik ve Toplumsal Dergerler: Bir Saha Arastirmasinin Bulgulari, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, 30 May 2009.
  • FISHBEIN, M., AJZEN, I. (1975) Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior, Addison-Westley (available at:
  • HAYIM, Aryeh B. (2011) “Lenin's Maternal Grandfather Jewish, Sister's Letter Reveals”, by Follow Israel news on News Story (Access: 26.07.2011).
  • ‘Anadoluda Bir Arada Yaşama Tecrübesi’, (Access: 11.03.2012).
  • +Content/Eye+on+Israel/Glossary (Access: 10.05.2011).
  • HURRIYET D. (2009) “Israil’le iyi olmalisiniz”, Interview with Ertugrul Ozkok, 8 November.
  • JENES, B. (2010) “The Nature of Country Image - An Extended Literature Review”, Corvinus University of Budapest, Marketing and Media Institute.
  • JENES, B., MALOTA, E. (2010) “Measuring Country Image - Theory and Practice” Corvinus University of Budapest, Marketing and Media Institute.
  • JENES, B., MALOTA, E, and SIMON, J. (2008) “Measurement Possibilities of Country Image - A Field Research among University Students”, Marketing and Management, Volume.5, Number. 6, p.81-93.
  • KAPLAN, J. (2010) “Ethnicity and the Socio-Economic Gap in Israel”, (Access: 17.07.2011)
  • KARPAT, K. “Turkish and arab-israilirelations”, Turkey Foreign Policy in Transition, 1950-1974, Leiden L: e.j. Brill, 18-975, p. 108-134.
  • KEDAR, M. (2010) “A war for world’s future: Battle isn’t about Gaza, but rather, about radical Islam vs. liberal West”, (Access: 14.07.2011).
  • KOTLER, P., HAIDER, D. and REIN, I. (1993) Marketing Places: Attracting Investment and Tourism to Cities, States and Nations, The Free Press, available at
  • KUCUKCAN, T. (2010) Arab Image in Turkey, (Access: 10.08.2011).
  • LACINER, S. (2012) Dışımızdaki PKK İçimizdeki İsrail, Hayykitap, Istanbul.
  • LEISEN, B. (2001) “Image Segmentation: The Case of a Tourism Destination”, Journal of Services Marketing. Volume.15, Number.1, p. 49-66.
  • LI, Z. G., FU, S. and MURRAY, W. L. (1997) “Country and product images: The perceptions of consumers in the People's Republic of China”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume. 10, Number. 1-2, p.115-139.
  • MARTIN, I. M., EROGLU, S. (1993) “Measuring a Multi-Dimensional Construct: Country Image”, Journal of Business Research, Volume.28, p. 193.
  • MITNICK, J. (2010) “Why Israelis are upset about Israeli raid on Gaza freedom flotilla”, The Christian Science Monitor,
  • NAGASHIMA, A. (1970) “A Comparison of Japanese and U.S. Attitudes Toward Foreign Products”, Journal of Marketing, Volume.34, Number.1, p. 68-74.
  • National Jewish Population Survey, 2000/2001,, (Access: 3. 09. 2011).
  • PAPADOPOULOS, N. (1993) “What Product and Country Images Are and Are Not? in Product - Country Images, Impact and Role in International Marketing, International Business Press, New York.
  • PAPADOPOULOS, N., HESLOP, L.A. and BERÁCS, J. (1990) “National Stereotypes and Product, Evaluations in a Socialist Country”, International Marketing Review, Number. 7, Volume.1, p. 32-46.
  • ROTH, K. P. (2006) “The Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Consumer Cosmopolitanism and National Identity on Country Image, Product Image and Consumers’ Purchase Intentions”, Department of International Marketing, University of Vienna.
  • SALIHI, E. (2011) Son Dönem Türk–Arap İlişkilerinin İmaj Boyutu Radikal Gazetesi, 02 Mayıs 2011, (Access: 17.07.2011.
  • SCHLEIFER, Y. (2010) “Israeli raid on Freedom Flotilla shatters key TurkeyIsrael ties”, Christian Science Monitor, (Access: 14.01.2012).
  • SCHLEIFER, Y. (2011) “Why Israelis are upset about Israeli raid on Gaza freedom flotilla”, Christian Science Monitor, (arrived 14.01.2012).
  • UYSAL, A. (2011) “Devrim Oncesi Misir’da Turkiye Algisi”, Journal of Academic Inquiries, Volume.6, Number.2, p. 141-170.
  • TODAY’S ZAMAN, “Arabs discuss Erdoğan's role in the Middle East”, (Access: 4.12.2011).
  • VERLEGH, P.W.J., STEENKAMP, J.B.E.M. (1999) “A review and metaanalysis of country-of-origin research”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume.20, Number.5, p. 521–546.
  • WAXMAN, Chaim I. (2010) Beyond Distancing: Jewish Identity, Identification, and America’s Young Jews, Cont Jewry 30, p.227–232.
  • WANG, C.K., LAMB, C. (1983) “The impact of selected environmental forces upon consumers' willingness to buy foreign products”, Journal of Academic Marketing Science, Volume.11, Number.1, p. 71–83.
  • YILMAZ, T., ŞAHIN, M. and TAŞTEKIN, M. (2005) Ortadoğu Siyasetinde İsrail, Platin Yayınları, Ankara.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Fikret Efe

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Efe, F. (2014). Impact of the Recent Political Conflicts on Turkish and Turkey Images in Israeli Society. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 7(1), 105-137.

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