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Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 8 - 40, 25.07.2014


Sosyal sermaye teorisinin önemli isimleri bazı noktalarda birbirlerinden farklı düşünseler de, aslında aynı şeye -sosyal ilişkilerin önemine- vurgu yapmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada da aynı vurgu üzerinden, yani ilişkilerin ve birlikteliklerin veyahut da bağlantıların ve ağların hem bireyler hem de toplum açısından bir sermaye değeri taşıdığı önkabulünden hareket edilecektir. Öyle ki, söz konusu sermayenin varlığı, bireysel düzlemde insanları daha başarılı, daha mutlu ve daha sağlıklı kılarken; toplumsal düzeydeyse daha güvenli, daha sağlıklı, daha kültürlü, daha iyi yönetilen ve genelde daha az “sosyal sermaye stokuna sahip olanlar”dan daha mutlu toplumlar yaratma vaadini içinde barındırmaktadır. Sosyal sermayenin söz konusu vaatleri, onu hem daha cazip bir hale getirmekte, hem de böylesi faydaların varlığı sosyal sermayenin daha ayrıntılı bir biçimde incelenmesinin gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ne var ki, yabancı yazında sosyal sermaye üzerine yazılan eserlerin ve kamu kurumlarınca yürütülen araştırmaların çokluğuna rağmen, aynı şeyi Türkiye açısından söylemek mümkün değildir. Türkçe yazında sosyal sermayeye ilişkin mevcut çalışmalar hem niteliksel hem de niceliksel açıdan eksiklikler taşımaktadır. Varolan çalışmalar hem çok boyutlu bir kavram olan sosyal sermayeyi “katılım” ya da “güven” gibi tek bir boyuta indirgediği için içerik açısından, hem de sayı olarak Türkiye'nin sosyal sermaye profilini çıkarmaya yeterli olamamaktadır. Sosyal sermayenin hem devletin işlevlerini yerine getirmesinde ona yardımcı olacak bir mekanizma, hem kalkınmayı kolaylaştıran ve mümkün kılan bir araç, hem toplumu bir arada tutan bir sosyal yapıştırıcı, hem de yoksullukla mücadele programlarında kullanılan yeni bir strateji olduğu düşünüldüğünde sosyal sermaye ile ilgili yapılacak çalışmalara duyulan ihtiyaç da ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu gerekçelerden hareketle bu çalışma toplumun ağ özelliklerini (ağ kurma davranışları, ağ alanları, ağdaki farklılaşma ve yoğunlaşma dereceleri) analiz ederek Türk toplumunun sosyal sermaye profilini ve Türkiye'nin sosyal sermaye stoğunu ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • ADAM, Frane ve Borut Rončević (2003), “Social Capital: Recent Debates and Research Trends”, Social Science Information, (4282), ss. 155-183.
  • AYDEMİR, M. Ali (2011), Sosyal Sermaye Topluluk Duygusu ve Sosyal Sermaye Araştırması, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya.
  • BARROS, Carlos Pestana (2006), “Earnings, Schoolling and Social Capital of Cooperative Managers”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 77(1), ss. 1- 20.
  • BURT, Ronald S. (1997), “The Contingent Value of Social Capital”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, ss. 339-365.
  • BURT, Ronald S. (2001), “The Social Capital of Structural Holes”, New Directions in Economic Sociology, Ed. Mauro F. Guillen vd., Russell Sage Foundation, New York, ss. 202-250.
  • CHAN, Raymond H. K. vd. (2004), “Social Capital and Its Relevance to the Japanese- model Walfare Society, International Journal of Social Walfare, 13, ss. 315-324.
  • COLEMAN, James (1988), “Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital”, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 94, ss. 95-120.
  • ÇARKOĞLU Ali ve Binnaz Toprak (2006), Değişen Türkiye'de Din, Toplum ve Siyaset, TESEV Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ERDOĞAN, Emre (2008), “Sosyal Sermaye, Güven ve Türk Gençliği”,
  • FDRMUC, Jan ve Klarita Gёrxhani (2004), “Formation of Social Capital Eastern E u r o p e : E x p l a n i n g t h e G a p v i s - á - v i s D e v e l o p e d C o u n t r i e s ” ,
  • FERLANDER, Sara (2007), “The Importance of Different Forms of Social Capital for Health”, Acta Sociologica, 50(2), ss. 115-128.
  • FIELD, John (2006), Sosyal Sermaye, Çev. Bahar Bilgen ve Bayram Şen, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • FUKUYAMA, Francis (2005), Güven, Sosyal Erdemler ve Refahın Yaratılması, Çev. Ahmet Buğdaycı, İşbankası Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • GRANOVETTER, Mark S. (1973), “The Strength of Weak Ties”, The American Journal of Sociology, (78)6, ss. 1360-1380.
  • GROOTAERT, Christiaan (1998), Social Capital: The Missing Link?, Social Capital Initiative Working Paper, No: 3.
  • HERREROS, Vazquez Francisco (2004), Problem of Forming Social Capital : Why Trust?, Gordonsville, VA, USA: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
  • ISHAM, Jonathan, vd. (2006), “The Effects of Volunteering for Nonprofit Organizations on Social Capital Formation: Evidence from a Statewide Survey”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35 (3), 2006, ss. 367-383.
  • KAYIŞ, Aliye, “Güvenilirlik Analizi (Reliability Analysis)”, SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Ed. Şeref Kalaycı, Asil Yayın, Ankara, 2005.
  • NATIONAL STATISTICS (2001), Social Capital A Review of the Literature, Social Analysis and Reporting Division Office for National Statistics.
  • OYEN, Else (2002), “Social Capital Formation as a Poverty Reducing Strategy?”, Social Capital and Poverty Reduction: Which Role for The Civil Society Organizations and The State, UNESCO.
  • PUTNAM, Robert (2010), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival American Community, New York, Simon and Sch.
  • ROCHELLE, Parks-Yancy (2006), “The Social Capital Resources of Gender and Class Groups”, Sociological Spectrum, 26, ss. 85-113.
  • STOLLE, Dietlind ve Marc Hooghe (2003), “The Source of Social Capital Reconsidered”, Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective, Ed: Marc Hooghe ve Dietlind Stolle, Palgrave Macmillan, Gordonsville, USA., ss. 231-248.
  • STROMSNES, Kristin (2008), “The Importance of Church Attendance and Membership of Religious Voluntary Organizations for the Formation of Social Capital”, Social Compass, 55(4), ss. 478-496.
  • UĞUZ, Hülya Eşki (2010), Kişisel ve Kurumsal Gelişmeye Farklı Bir Yaklaşım Sosyal Sermaye, Orion Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • USLANER, Eric (1999), “Democracy and Social Capital”, Democracy and Trust, Ed. Mark Warren, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • WIMBERLY, George Lee III (2000), Links Between Social Capital and Educational Attainment Among African American Adolescents, A Dissertation Submitted to The Faculty of The Division of The Social Sciences in Candidacy for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Chicago.


Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 8 - 40, 25.07.2014


Although the important names of the social capital theory think differently from several aspects, actually they emphasize the sane thing -importance of the social relations. In this study we will start out with the same emphasize, i.e. the postulate that the relations or associations, or contacts and networks bear a capital value from the aspect of both the individual and the society. So much so that, while presence of the said capital makes people more successful, happier and healthier on individual platform, on social level, it incorporates the promise of creating such societies which are more confident, healthier, more cultured, better governed, and generally happier than “those having less capital stock”. Both the said promises of the social capital makes it more engaging, and presence of such benefits establishes the necessity of examining the social capital more extensively. Nevertheless, despite the plenty of the works authored and researches conducted on social capital in foreign literature, this is not applicable for Turkey. The existing studies on social capital in Turkish literature bear deficiencies in both qualitative an quantitative terms. The existing studies do not suffice to develop the social capital profile of Turkey both in terms of content as they degrade the social capital which is a multidimensional concept to a single dimension such as “participation” or “confidence”, and in terms of quantity. When considered that the social capital is mechanism to assist the state in fulfilling its functions, an instrument facilitating and enabling development, a social adhesive holding the society together, and new strategy used in the programs of strive against poverty, the need to the studies to be conducted on social capital comes into view. Starting out on these grounds, this study aims to reveal the social capital profile and Turkey's social capital stock by analyzing the network characteristics (networking behaviors, network fields, and differentiation and concentration degrees in the network) of Turkish society.


  • ADAM, Frane ve Borut Rončević (2003), “Social Capital: Recent Debates and Research Trends”, Social Science Information, (4282), ss. 155-183.
  • AYDEMİR, M. Ali (2011), Sosyal Sermaye Topluluk Duygusu ve Sosyal Sermaye Araştırması, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya.
  • BARROS, Carlos Pestana (2006), “Earnings, Schoolling and Social Capital of Cooperative Managers”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 77(1), ss. 1- 20.
  • BURT, Ronald S. (1997), “The Contingent Value of Social Capital”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, ss. 339-365.
  • BURT, Ronald S. (2001), “The Social Capital of Structural Holes”, New Directions in Economic Sociology, Ed. Mauro F. Guillen vd., Russell Sage Foundation, New York, ss. 202-250.
  • CHAN, Raymond H. K. vd. (2004), “Social Capital and Its Relevance to the Japanese- model Walfare Society, International Journal of Social Walfare, 13, ss. 315-324.
  • COLEMAN, James (1988), “Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital”, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 94, ss. 95-120.
  • ÇARKOĞLU Ali ve Binnaz Toprak (2006), Değişen Türkiye'de Din, Toplum ve Siyaset, TESEV Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ERDOĞAN, Emre (2008), “Sosyal Sermaye, Güven ve Türk Gençliği”,
  • FDRMUC, Jan ve Klarita Gёrxhani (2004), “Formation of Social Capital Eastern E u r o p e : E x p l a n i n g t h e G a p v i s - á - v i s D e v e l o p e d C o u n t r i e s ” ,
  • FERLANDER, Sara (2007), “The Importance of Different Forms of Social Capital for Health”, Acta Sociologica, 50(2), ss. 115-128.
  • FIELD, John (2006), Sosyal Sermaye, Çev. Bahar Bilgen ve Bayram Şen, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • FUKUYAMA, Francis (2005), Güven, Sosyal Erdemler ve Refahın Yaratılması, Çev. Ahmet Buğdaycı, İşbankası Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • GRANOVETTER, Mark S. (1973), “The Strength of Weak Ties”, The American Journal of Sociology, (78)6, ss. 1360-1380.
  • GROOTAERT, Christiaan (1998), Social Capital: The Missing Link?, Social Capital Initiative Working Paper, No: 3.
  • HERREROS, Vazquez Francisco (2004), Problem of Forming Social Capital : Why Trust?, Gordonsville, VA, USA: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
  • ISHAM, Jonathan, vd. (2006), “The Effects of Volunteering for Nonprofit Organizations on Social Capital Formation: Evidence from a Statewide Survey”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35 (3), 2006, ss. 367-383.
  • KAYIŞ, Aliye, “Güvenilirlik Analizi (Reliability Analysis)”, SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Ed. Şeref Kalaycı, Asil Yayın, Ankara, 2005.
  • NATIONAL STATISTICS (2001), Social Capital A Review of the Literature, Social Analysis and Reporting Division Office for National Statistics.
  • OYEN, Else (2002), “Social Capital Formation as a Poverty Reducing Strategy?”, Social Capital and Poverty Reduction: Which Role for The Civil Society Organizations and The State, UNESCO.
  • PUTNAM, Robert (2010), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival American Community, New York, Simon and Sch.
  • ROCHELLE, Parks-Yancy (2006), “The Social Capital Resources of Gender and Class Groups”, Sociological Spectrum, 26, ss. 85-113.
  • STOLLE, Dietlind ve Marc Hooghe (2003), “The Source of Social Capital Reconsidered”, Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective, Ed: Marc Hooghe ve Dietlind Stolle, Palgrave Macmillan, Gordonsville, USA., ss. 231-248.
  • STROMSNES, Kristin (2008), “The Importance of Church Attendance and Membership of Religious Voluntary Organizations for the Formation of Social Capital”, Social Compass, 55(4), ss. 478-496.
  • UĞUZ, Hülya Eşki (2010), Kişisel ve Kurumsal Gelişmeye Farklı Bir Yaklaşım Sosyal Sermaye, Orion Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • USLANER, Eric (1999), “Democracy and Social Capital”, Democracy and Trust, Ed. Mark Warren, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • WIMBERLY, George Lee III (2000), Links Between Social Capital and Educational Attainment Among African American Adolescents, A Dissertation Submitted to The Faculty of The Division of The Social Sciences in Candidacy for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Chicago.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Hülya Eşki Uğuz

Erhan Örselli This is me

Esra Sipahi This is me

Publication Date July 25, 2014
Submission Date July 25, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Eşki Uğuz, H., Örselli, E., & Sipahi, E. (2014). SOSYAL SERMAYENİN ÖLÇÜMÜ: Türkiye Deneyimi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 6(1), 8-40.

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