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Satış Yönetimi Kontrol Sistemlerinin Satış Elemanı Özelliklerine ve Performansına Etkileri Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması

Year 2008, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 163 - 188, 13.08.2014


Bu makalenin amacı, ilaç sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelerde, satış yönetimi kontrol sistemlerinin, satış elemanı işle ilgili yönelimleri ve iş algıları üzerindeki etkisini ve bu faktörlerin de satış elemanı performansı üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Makalenin teorik bölümünde ortaya atılan hipotezler, Türkiye’ de faaliyet gösteren 129 ilaç firmasında görev alan 561 adet satış elemanından toplanan verilerle test edilmektedir. Son bölümde ise araştırmada elde edilen genel sonuçlar, satış yöneticileri ve gelecekte yapılacak çalışmalar için öneriler yer almaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda satış elemanlarından elde edilen verilerle, süreç bazlı kontrol sistemlerinin öğrenme yönelimi, performans yönelimi, yöneticiye güven, örgütsel bağlılık, iç motivasyon, iş gerilimi ve satış elemanı performansı üzerinde etkili olduğu, çıktı bazlı kontrol sistemlerinin ise sadece örgütsel bağlılık üzerinde etkili olduğu bulgusu elde edilmiştir. Bunların yanı sıra öğrenme yönelimi, performans yönelimi, yöneticiye güven ve örgütsel bağlılığın da satış elemanı performansı üzerinde etkili olduğu bulgusu elde edilmiştir.


  • AGARWAL, Sanjeev (1999), “Impact of Job Formalization and Administrative Controls on Attitudes of Industrial Salespersons”, Industrial Marketing Management, 28, 359-368.
  • ANDERSON, Erin, Richard L. Oliver (1987), “Perspectives on Behavior- Based Versus Outcome- Based Salesforce Control Systems”, Journal of Marketing, 51, 4 (October), 76- 88.
  • ATUAHENE–Gima, Kwaku and Haiyang Li (2002), “When Does Trust Matter? Antecedents and Contingent Effects of Supervisee Trust on Performance in Selling New Products in China and the United States”, Journal of Marketing, 66, 61-81.
  • BALDAUF, A., David W. Cravens, N. F. Piercy (2001), “Examining Business Strategy, Sales Management, and Salesperson Antecedents of Sales Organization Effectiveness”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, XXI (2), 109-122.
  • BALDAUF, A., David W. Cravens, Kegn Grant (2002), “Consequences of Sales Management Control in Field Sales Organizations: A Cross- National Perspective”, International Business Review, 11, 577- 609.
  • BARKER, A. Tansu (1999), “Benchmarks of Successful Salesforce Performance”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 16 (2), 95-104.
  • BEHRMAN, Douglas N. and William D. Perreault, Jr. (1982), “Measuring the Performance of Industrial Salespersons”, Journal of Business Research, 10 (September), 355- 370.
  • CHALLAGALLA, Goutam N., and Tasadduq A. Shervani (1996), “Dimensions and Types of Supervisory Control: Effects on Salesperson Performance and Satisfaction”, Journal of Marketing, 60 (January), 89-105.
  • CHURCHILL, Gilbert A., Jr., Neil M. Ford, Steven W. Hartley, and Orville C. Walker, Jr. (1985), “The Determinants of Salesperson Performance: A Meta- Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (May), 103-118.
  • COAD, Alan F. (1999), “Some Survey Evidence on The Learning and Performance Orientations of Management Accountants”, Management Accounting Research, 10, 109-135.
  • CHALLAGALLA, Goutam N., and Tasadduq A. Shervani (1996), “Dimensions and Types of Supervisory Control: Effects on Salesperson Performance and Satisfaction”, Journal of Marketing, 60 (January), 89- 105.
  • CHALLAGALLA, Goutam N. and Shervani, Tasadduq A. (1997), “A Measurement Model of The Dimensions and Types of Output and Behaviou Control: An Emprical Test in a Salesforce Context”, Journal of Business Research, 39, 159- 172.
  • CHOWDHURY, Jhinuk (1993), “The Motivational Impact of Sales Quotas on Effort”, Journal of Marketing Research, 30, 28- 41.
  • CHURCHILL, Gilbert A., Jr., Neil M. Ford, Steven W. Hartley, and Orville C. Walker, Jr. (1985), “The Determinants of Salesperson Performance: A Meta- Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (May), 103- 118.
  • CRAVENS, David W., Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge, Clifford E. Young (1993), “Behavior- Based and Outcome- Based Salesforce Control Systems”,
  • Journal of Marketing, 57 (October), 47- 59.
  • DUBINSKY, Alan J. and Skinner, S. J. (1994), “Impact of Job Characteristics on Retail Salespeople’s Reactions to Their Jobs”, Journal of Retailing, 60(2), 35-62.
  • DUXBURY, Linda, Haines, George and Riding, Allan (1996), “A Personality Profile of Canadian Informal Investors”, Journal of Small Business Management, April, 34, 2, 44- 55.
  • HOCHWARTER, W., Ferris, G., Gavin, M., Perrewe, P., Hall, A., Frink, D. (2007), “Political Skill As Neutralizer of Felt Accountability- Job Tension Effects on Job Performance Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 102, 226- 239. Ratings: A Longitudinal Investigation”,
  • JAWORSKI, Bernard J. (1988),“Toward a Theory of Marketing Control: Environmental Context, Control Types, and Consequences”, Journal of Marketing, 52 (July), 23-39.
  • JAWORSKI, Bernard J. and Deborah J. MacInnis (1989), “Marketing Jobs and Management Controls: Toward a Framework”, Journal of Marketing Research, 26 (November), 406- 419.
  • KELLY, Patrick, J. and Hise, Richard, T. (1980), “Role Conflict, Role Clarity, Job Tension and Job Satisfaction in The Brand Manager Position”, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, Spring, Vol. 8, No.2, 120- 137.
  • KOHLI Ajak K, Shervani Tasadduq A., Challagalla Goutam (1998), “Learning and Performance Orientation of Salespeople: The Role of Supervisors”, Journal of Marketing Research, 35(May), 263- 274.
  • LAU, Chong, M. and Tan, Sharon L. C. (2006), “The Effect of Procedural Fairness and Interpersonal Trust on Job Tension in Budgeting”, Management Accounting Research, 17, 171- 186.
  • McALLISTER, Daniel J. (1995), “Affect –and Cognitive- Based Trust as Foundations for Interpersonal Cooperation in Organizations”, Academy of Management Journal, 38 (1), 24- 59.
  • McFARLAND, Richard, G. (2003), “Crisis of Conscience: The Use of Coercive Sales Tactics and Resultant Felt Stress in The Salesperson”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 23 (4), 311- 325.
  • MERCHANT, Kenneth A. (1988), “Progressing Toward a Theory of Marketing Control: A Comment”, Journal of Marketing, 52 (July), 40- 44.
  • MIAO, C. Fred, Kenneth R. Evans, and Shaoming Zou (2007), “The Role of Salesperson Motivation in Sales Control Systems – Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Revisited”, Journal of Business Research, 20, 1- 9.
  • MOWDAY, R. T, Steers, R. M., Porter L. W. (1979), “The Measurement of Organizational Commitment”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14, 224– 227.
  • NUNALLY, J. C. (1978), “Psychometric Theory”, New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • OLIVER, R., E. Anderson (1994), “An Empirical Test of The Consequences of Behavior-and Outcome- Based Sales Control Systems”, Journal of Marketing, 58, 53-67.
  • PIERCY, Nigel F., David W. Cravens, N. A. Morgan (1998), “Salesforce Performance and Behaviour- Based Management Processes in Business to Business Sales Organizations”, European Journal of Marketing, (32), 79- 100.
  • PIERCY, Nigel F, David W. Cravens and Neil A. Morgan (1999), “Relationship Between Sales Management Control, Territory Design, Salesforce Performance and Sales Organization Effectiveness”, British Journal of Marketing, Vol: 10, 95- 111.
  • POOL, W. Stewen (2000), “Organizational Culture and Its Relationship Between Job Tension in Measuring Outcomes Among Business Executives”, The Journal of
  • Management Development, 19, 1, 32- 48.
  • PORTER, Lyman, W., Richard, M. Steers, Richard T. Mowday and Paul V. Boulian (1974), “Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Among Psychiatric Technicians”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 59 (October), 603- 609.
  • STATHAKOPOULOS, Vlasis (1996), “Sales Force Control: A Synthesis of Three Theories”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol:16, No:2, 1-12.
  • SUJAN, Harish, Barton A. Weitz and Nirmalya Kumar (1994), “Learning Orientation, Working Smart and Effective Selling”, Journal of Marketing, 58, 39-52.
  • ZAHEER, A., McEvily, B., Perrone, V. (1998), “Does Trust Matter? Exploring The Effect of International and Interpersonal Trust on Performance”, Organizational Science, Issue: 9, 141- 159.

Satış Yönetimi Kontrol Sistemlerinin Satış Elemanı Özelliklerine ve Performansına Etkileri Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması

Year 2008, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 163 - 188, 13.08.2014


The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of sales management control systems on salesperson job related orientations and job related perceptions and the effects of these factors on salesperson performance. The hypotheses proposed in this study are tested using data collected from 561 salespersons in 129 drug firms operating in Turkey. General findings of the study and suggestions for future studies are discussed in the final section. Findings indicate that pocess control systems have positive effects on learning orientation, performance orientation, supervisee trust, organizational commitment, intrinsic motivation, job tension and salesperson performance. Findings also suggest that output control systems have positive effects only on organizational commitment. Findings also indicate that learning orientation, performance orientatin, supervisee trust and organizational commitment have positive effect on salesperson performance.


  • AGARWAL, Sanjeev (1999), “Impact of Job Formalization and Administrative Controls on Attitudes of Industrial Salespersons”, Industrial Marketing Management, 28, 359-368.
  • ANDERSON, Erin, Richard L. Oliver (1987), “Perspectives on Behavior- Based Versus Outcome- Based Salesforce Control Systems”, Journal of Marketing, 51, 4 (October), 76- 88.
  • ATUAHENE–Gima, Kwaku and Haiyang Li (2002), “When Does Trust Matter? Antecedents and Contingent Effects of Supervisee Trust on Performance in Selling New Products in China and the United States”, Journal of Marketing, 66, 61-81.
  • BALDAUF, A., David W. Cravens, N. F. Piercy (2001), “Examining Business Strategy, Sales Management, and Salesperson Antecedents of Sales Organization Effectiveness”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, XXI (2), 109-122.
  • BALDAUF, A., David W. Cravens, Kegn Grant (2002), “Consequences of Sales Management Control in Field Sales Organizations: A Cross- National Perspective”, International Business Review, 11, 577- 609.
  • BARKER, A. Tansu (1999), “Benchmarks of Successful Salesforce Performance”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 16 (2), 95-104.
  • BEHRMAN, Douglas N. and William D. Perreault, Jr. (1982), “Measuring the Performance of Industrial Salespersons”, Journal of Business Research, 10 (September), 355- 370.
  • CHALLAGALLA, Goutam N., and Tasadduq A. Shervani (1996), “Dimensions and Types of Supervisory Control: Effects on Salesperson Performance and Satisfaction”, Journal of Marketing, 60 (January), 89-105.
  • CHURCHILL, Gilbert A., Jr., Neil M. Ford, Steven W. Hartley, and Orville C. Walker, Jr. (1985), “The Determinants of Salesperson Performance: A Meta- Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (May), 103-118.
  • COAD, Alan F. (1999), “Some Survey Evidence on The Learning and Performance Orientations of Management Accountants”, Management Accounting Research, 10, 109-135.
  • CHALLAGALLA, Goutam N., and Tasadduq A. Shervani (1996), “Dimensions and Types of Supervisory Control: Effects on Salesperson Performance and Satisfaction”, Journal of Marketing, 60 (January), 89- 105.
  • CHALLAGALLA, Goutam N. and Shervani, Tasadduq A. (1997), “A Measurement Model of The Dimensions and Types of Output and Behaviou Control: An Emprical Test in a Salesforce Context”, Journal of Business Research, 39, 159- 172.
  • CHOWDHURY, Jhinuk (1993), “The Motivational Impact of Sales Quotas on Effort”, Journal of Marketing Research, 30, 28- 41.
  • CHURCHILL, Gilbert A., Jr., Neil M. Ford, Steven W. Hartley, and Orville C. Walker, Jr. (1985), “The Determinants of Salesperson Performance: A Meta- Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (May), 103- 118.
  • CRAVENS, David W., Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge, Clifford E. Young (1993), “Behavior- Based and Outcome- Based Salesforce Control Systems”,
  • Journal of Marketing, 57 (October), 47- 59.
  • DUBINSKY, Alan J. and Skinner, S. J. (1994), “Impact of Job Characteristics on Retail Salespeople’s Reactions to Their Jobs”, Journal of Retailing, 60(2), 35-62.
  • DUXBURY, Linda, Haines, George and Riding, Allan (1996), “A Personality Profile of Canadian Informal Investors”, Journal of Small Business Management, April, 34, 2, 44- 55.
  • HOCHWARTER, W., Ferris, G., Gavin, M., Perrewe, P., Hall, A., Frink, D. (2007), “Political Skill As Neutralizer of Felt Accountability- Job Tension Effects on Job Performance Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 102, 226- 239. Ratings: A Longitudinal Investigation”,
  • JAWORSKI, Bernard J. (1988),“Toward a Theory of Marketing Control: Environmental Context, Control Types, and Consequences”, Journal of Marketing, 52 (July), 23-39.
  • JAWORSKI, Bernard J. and Deborah J. MacInnis (1989), “Marketing Jobs and Management Controls: Toward a Framework”, Journal of Marketing Research, 26 (November), 406- 419.
  • KELLY, Patrick, J. and Hise, Richard, T. (1980), “Role Conflict, Role Clarity, Job Tension and Job Satisfaction in The Brand Manager Position”, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, Spring, Vol. 8, No.2, 120- 137.
  • KOHLI Ajak K, Shervani Tasadduq A., Challagalla Goutam (1998), “Learning and Performance Orientation of Salespeople: The Role of Supervisors”, Journal of Marketing Research, 35(May), 263- 274.
  • LAU, Chong, M. and Tan, Sharon L. C. (2006), “The Effect of Procedural Fairness and Interpersonal Trust on Job Tension in Budgeting”, Management Accounting Research, 17, 171- 186.
  • McALLISTER, Daniel J. (1995), “Affect –and Cognitive- Based Trust as Foundations for Interpersonal Cooperation in Organizations”, Academy of Management Journal, 38 (1), 24- 59.
  • McFARLAND, Richard, G. (2003), “Crisis of Conscience: The Use of Coercive Sales Tactics and Resultant Felt Stress in The Salesperson”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 23 (4), 311- 325.
  • MERCHANT, Kenneth A. (1988), “Progressing Toward a Theory of Marketing Control: A Comment”, Journal of Marketing, 52 (July), 40- 44.
  • MIAO, C. Fred, Kenneth R. Evans, and Shaoming Zou (2007), “The Role of Salesperson Motivation in Sales Control Systems – Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Revisited”, Journal of Business Research, 20, 1- 9.
  • MOWDAY, R. T, Steers, R. M., Porter L. W. (1979), “The Measurement of Organizational Commitment”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14, 224– 227.
  • NUNALLY, J. C. (1978), “Psychometric Theory”, New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • OLIVER, R., E. Anderson (1994), “An Empirical Test of The Consequences of Behavior-and Outcome- Based Sales Control Systems”, Journal of Marketing, 58, 53-67.
  • PIERCY, Nigel F., David W. Cravens, N. A. Morgan (1998), “Salesforce Performance and Behaviour- Based Management Processes in Business to Business Sales Organizations”, European Journal of Marketing, (32), 79- 100.
  • PIERCY, Nigel F, David W. Cravens and Neil A. Morgan (1999), “Relationship Between Sales Management Control, Territory Design, Salesforce Performance and Sales Organization Effectiveness”, British Journal of Marketing, Vol: 10, 95- 111.
  • POOL, W. Stewen (2000), “Organizational Culture and Its Relationship Between Job Tension in Measuring Outcomes Among Business Executives”, The Journal of
  • Management Development, 19, 1, 32- 48.
  • PORTER, Lyman, W., Richard, M. Steers, Richard T. Mowday and Paul V. Boulian (1974), “Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Among Psychiatric Technicians”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 59 (October), 603- 609.
  • STATHAKOPOULOS, Vlasis (1996), “Sales Force Control: A Synthesis of Three Theories”, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol:16, No:2, 1-12.
  • SUJAN, Harish, Barton A. Weitz and Nirmalya Kumar (1994), “Learning Orientation, Working Smart and Effective Selling”, Journal of Marketing, 58, 39-52.
  • ZAHEER, A., McEvily, B., Perrone, V. (1998), “Does Trust Matter? Exploring The Effect of International and Interpersonal Trust on Performance”, Organizational Science, Issue: 9, 141- 159.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Selim Said Eren

Publication Date August 13, 2014
Submission Date August 13, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Eren, S. S. (2014). Satış Yönetimi Kontrol Sistemlerinin Satış Elemanı Özelliklerine ve Performansına Etkileri Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 3(2), 163-188.

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