Güneydoğu Terör Olaylarının Ekonomik Sonuçları
Year 2008,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 13.08.2014
Şennur Sezgin
Necmi Gündüz
Selami Sezgin
Bu çalışma silahlı çatışmanın ekonomik sonuçlarını Güney Doğu Anadolu bölgesini Türkiye’nin diğer bölgeleri ile karşılaştırarak analiz etmektedir. Silahlı çatışma ve terörist faaliyetler ülkenin makro ekonomik gelişmesini güçlü bir şekilde etkilemektedir. Türkiye 1984 yılından itibaren Güney Doğu Anadolu bölgesinde silahlı çatışmayı yaşamış ve yaşamakta olan bir ülkedir ve savunma bütçesinin büyük bir bölümünü bunun için harcamaktadır. Bu harcamalar nedeniyle Türkiye’nin ekonomik kalkınmasının geciktiği iddia edilmektedir. Bu söylem ülkenin bütünü açısından doğru olmakla beraber, bölgesel düzeyde sonuçlarının ne olduğu belli değildir. Bu çalışma söz konusu harcamaların bölgeyi ve bölgenin kalkınmasını nasıl etkilediğini Türkiye’nin diğer bölgeleri ile karşılaştırarak incelemektedir. GSYİH’nın sektörel dağılımındaki gelişmeler (tarım, ticaret, endüstri, kamu hizmetleri) çatışma olan bölgeler ile olmayan bölgeler açısından karşılaştırılmaktadır. Bu karşılaştırmaya göre, ekonomik büyüme Güney Doğu Anadolu bölgesinde diğer bölgelere göre daha yavaş olmakta ve bölgeler arasında ıraksamaya neden olmaktadır.
- ADDİSON T. ve Murshed S.M.(2003), “Debt Relief and Civil War”, Journal of Peace Research, 40 (2), 159-176.
- ATHANASSİOU E., Kollias C., Nikolaidou Eve Zografakis S. (2002) “Greece: Military Expenditure, Economic Growth and the Opprtunity Cost of Defense”, Arming the South, Palgrave publishers , Newyork, edited by Jurgen Brauer and J.P.Dunne,.291-317.
- ARUNATİLAKE N., Jayasıriya S. and Kelegama S.(2001), “The Economic Cost of the War in Sri Lanka”, World Development, 29 (9), 1483-1500.
- AZAM J.P. ve Mesnard A. (2003), “Civil War and the Social Contract” Public Choice 115, 455–475.
- CHAKRAVARTY S.R. ve D’Ambrosio C.(2002), “The Measurement of Social Exclusion”, unpublished manuscript, Istituto di Economia Politica, Università Bocconi,
- CLEMENTS K.P. (2001), “Terror and Terrorism”, Talk for the Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding Network Overseas Development Institute, London, Friday 29th .
- COLLİER P. ve Hoeffler A. (1998), “On Economic Causes of Civil War”, Oxford Economic Papers 50, Revised January 1998 , 563-73.
- COLLİER P.(1999), “Doing Well out of War”, Conference on Economic Agendas in Civil Wars, London, 1-15.
- COLLİER P.(2000), “Economic Causes Of Civil Conflict And Their Implications for Policy”, Development Research Group World Bank, 1-23.
- CONCEPCİON S., Digal L., Guiam R., De la Rosa R. ve Stankovitch M.(2003) “Breaking the Links between Economics and Conflict in Mindanao”, Presented at the ‘Waging Peace’ Conference, Manila..
- CRAMER C.(2002), “Homo Economicus Goes to War: Methodological Individualism, Rational Choice and the Political Economy of War”, World Development, 30 (11), 1845–1864.
- HEİNTZ J.(2002), “Political conflict and the social structure of Accumulation: The case of South African Apartheid”, Review of Radical Political Economics, 34, 319–326.
- PAGANO, U. (1999). “Is Power an Economic Good? Notes on Social Scarcity and the Economics of Positional Goods” In S. Bowles et al. (Eds.), The Politics and Economics of Power, London: Routledge.
- SEZGİN S. ve Yıldırım J.(2002) “The Demand for Turkish Defence Expenditure”, Defence and Peace Economics,.13 (2), 121-128.
Güneydoğu Terör Olaylarının Ekonomik Sonuçları
Year 2008,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 13.08.2014
Şennur Sezgin
Necmi Gündüz
Selami Sezgin
This paper analyses the economic consequences of armed conflict in South Eastern Turkey comparative to other regions in Turkey. Armed conflict and terrorist activities can strongly influence macroeconomic development of the country. Between 1984-2000, Turkey has experienced armed conflict in the South Eastern region of Turkey and has spent an important proportion of its budget to defence. It is claim that Turkey’s development has retarded because of these spending. This might be true for whole country but in the regional context what are the consequences. In this paper, we investigate how these spending have affected the region and its development with comparative to other regions of Turkey. Components of GDP (agriculture, trade, industry, government services) in conflict- region and non-conflict region compared. The results showed that economic growth in the south eastern region much more slower than rest of the country and causes divergence between the regions.
- ADDİSON T. ve Murshed S.M.(2003), “Debt Relief and Civil War”, Journal of Peace Research, 40 (2), 159-176.
- ATHANASSİOU E., Kollias C., Nikolaidou Eve Zografakis S. (2002) “Greece: Military Expenditure, Economic Growth and the Opprtunity Cost of Defense”, Arming the South, Palgrave publishers , Newyork, edited by Jurgen Brauer and J.P.Dunne,.291-317.
- ARUNATİLAKE N., Jayasıriya S. and Kelegama S.(2001), “The Economic Cost of the War in Sri Lanka”, World Development, 29 (9), 1483-1500.
- AZAM J.P. ve Mesnard A. (2003), “Civil War and the Social Contract” Public Choice 115, 455–475.
- CHAKRAVARTY S.R. ve D’Ambrosio C.(2002), “The Measurement of Social Exclusion”, unpublished manuscript, Istituto di Economia Politica, Università Bocconi,
- CLEMENTS K.P. (2001), “Terror and Terrorism”, Talk for the Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding Network Overseas Development Institute, London, Friday 29th .
- COLLİER P. ve Hoeffler A. (1998), “On Economic Causes of Civil War”, Oxford Economic Papers 50, Revised January 1998 , 563-73.
- COLLİER P.(1999), “Doing Well out of War”, Conference on Economic Agendas in Civil Wars, London, 1-15.
- COLLİER P.(2000), “Economic Causes Of Civil Conflict And Their Implications for Policy”, Development Research Group World Bank, 1-23.
- CONCEPCİON S., Digal L., Guiam R., De la Rosa R. ve Stankovitch M.(2003) “Breaking the Links between Economics and Conflict in Mindanao”, Presented at the ‘Waging Peace’ Conference, Manila..
- CRAMER C.(2002), “Homo Economicus Goes to War: Methodological Individualism, Rational Choice and the Political Economy of War”, World Development, 30 (11), 1845–1864.
- HEİNTZ J.(2002), “Political conflict and the social structure of Accumulation: The case of South African Apartheid”, Review of Radical Political Economics, 34, 319–326.
- PAGANO, U. (1999). “Is Power an Economic Good? Notes on Social Scarcity and the Economics of Positional Goods” In S. Bowles et al. (Eds.), The Politics and Economics of Power, London: Routledge.
- SEZGİN S. ve Yıldırım J.(2002) “The Demand for Turkish Defence Expenditure”, Defence and Peace Economics,.13 (2), 121-128.