Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 87 - 116, 30.04.2019


Paternalistic leadership, which is not Western
origin, that combines benevolence and authority, is prejudiced and associated
with traditionality by Western researchers. In the context of Hofstede's
cultural dimensions, the dominant view in the literature is that the
paternalistic leadership is more prevalent in feminine, collective, high power
distant, and high uncertanity avoidance organizations.  Based on literature, this study analyazes the
relationship between these dimensions of culture and paternalistic leadership
tendency of employee. For that purpose, research was carried out in Sakarya
University, where both traditional and Western administration approaches are assumed
to be integrated. As a result of the questionnaire applied to both academic and
administrative staff of the university, it was determined that
individualism-collectivism, power distance and masculinity-femininity
dimensions are effective on paternalist leadership tendency. Also, it was found
that there is a statistically significant relationship between the
participants’ gender and their paternalist leadership tendency.


  • Aktaş, M. (2010). İzleyicilerin Kültürel Değerleri ve Liderliğe Duydukları İhtiyaç. (Basılmamış doktora tezi). Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Aktaş, M. & Sargut, S. (2011). İzleyicilerin Kültürel Değerlerine Göre Liderliğe Duyulan Gereksinme Nasıl Farklılaşır?: Kuramsal Bir Çerçeve. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 44 (4), 145-163.
  • Ardıç, K. & Uslu, O. (2016). Do Individual Cultural Values Differentiate Paternalist Leadership Perception? Proceedings of the Fifth European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking. (EAR16Turkey Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-44-0 Istanbul-Turkey. 15-17 December. Paper ID: 1615
  • Aycan, Z. (2006). Paternalism: Towards Conceptual Refinement and Operationalization. K. S. Yang, K. K. Hwang, & U. Kim (Ed.). Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context içinde. New York, NY: Springer, 445-466.
  • Aycan, Z., B. Schyns, J. M. Sun, J. Felfe & N. Saher (2013). Convergence and Divergence of Paternalistic Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Prototypes. Journal of International Business Studies, 44, 962–969.
  • Berkman, Ü. & Özen, Ş. (2008). Culture and Management in Turkey: State Dependency and Paternalism in Transition. Gestion en Contexte Intercultural: Approaches, Problematiques, Pratiques et Plongees. Quebec: Presse de l’Universite Laval et TELUQ/UQAM, 1-25.
  • Can, A. (2013). SPSS ile Bilimsel Araştırma Süresince Nicel Veri Analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Chan, S. C. H. & Mak, W. M. (2012). Benevolent Leadership And Follower Performance: The Mediating Role Of Leader–Member Exchange (LMX). Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 29.2, 285-301.
  • Chemers, M. M. (2001). Leadership Effectiveness: An Integrative Review. M. A. Hogg ve S. Tindale (Ed.). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Group Processes içinde. Oxford: Blackwell, 376- 399.
  • Chen, X. P., Eberly, M. B., Chiang, T. J., Farh, J. L. & Cheng, B. S. (2011). Affective Trust in Chinese Leaders: Linking Paternalistic Leadership to Employee Performance. Journal of Management. 20. 10, 1-24.
  • Cheng, B. S., Boer, D., Chou, L.F., Huang, M. P., Yoneyama, S., Shim, D., Sun, J. M., Lin, T. T., Chou, W. J. & Tsai, C. Y. (2013). Paternalistic Leadership in Four East Asian Societies Generalizability and Cultural Differences of the Triad Model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(1), 82-90.
  • Çalışkan, N. (2015). Ulusal Kültürün Örgüt Kültürü ve Paternalist Liderlik Algısı Üzerindeki Etkisi (Basılmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Nevşehir.
  • Erben, G. S. & Güneşer, A. B. (2007). The Relationship Between Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Investigating the Role of Climate Regarding Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(4), 955-968.
  • Farh, J. L. & Cheng, B. S. (2000). A Cultural Analysis of Paternalistic Leadership in Chinese Organizations. J. T. Li, A. S. Tsui & E. Walton (Ed.). Management and Organizations in Chinese Context içinde. London: Macmillan, 2000, 84-127.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations. 2.(ed.). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.
  • Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Contex. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1).
  • House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W. & Gupta, V. (2004). Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Kartarı, A. (2006). Farklılıklarla Yaşamak. Ankara: Ürün Yayınları.
  • Kurtuluş, K. (2010). Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Türkmen Kitabevi.
  • Migliore, L. A. (2011). Relation between big five personality traits and Hofstede's cultural dimensions: Samples from the USA and India. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 18(1), 38-54.
  • Moorman, R. H. & Blakely, G. (1995). Individualism-Collectivism As an Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 16(2), 127–142.
  • Mulla, Z. R. & Krishnan,V. (2012). Effects of Beliefs in Indian Philosophy: Paternalism and Citizenship Behaviors. Great Lakes Herald, 6(2), 26-35.
  • Öner, Z. H. (2012). Servant Leadership and Paternalistic Leadership Styles in the Turkish Business Context: A Comparative Empirical Study. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(3), 300 – 316.
  • Paşa, S. F., Kabasakal, H. & Bodur, M. (2001). Society, Organizations, and Leadership in Turkey. Applied Pschology: An International Review, 50(4), 559-589.
  • Pellegrini, E. K. & Scandura, T. A. (2006). Leader–Member Exchange (LMX), Paternalism, and Delegation in the Turkish Business Culture: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of International Business Studies, 37, 264- 279.
  • Pellegrini, E. K. & Scandura, T. A. (2008). Paternalistic Leadership: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Management. 34(3), 566-593.
  • Pellegrini, E. K., Scandura, T. A. & Jayaraman, V. (2010). Cross-Cultural Generalizability of Paternalistic Leadership: An Expansion of Leader-Member Exchange Theory. Group & Organization Management. 35(4), 391-420.
  • Sargut, S. (2010). Kültürler Arası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim. 3. (ed.). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Sinha, J. B. P. (2008). Culture and Organizational Behaviour. New Delhi: Sage.
  • Soares, A. M., Farhangmehr, M. & Shoham, A. (2007). Hofstede's Dimensions of Culture In International Marketing Studies, Journal of Business Research, 60(3), 277-284.
  • Şişman, M. (2002). Örgütler ve Kültürler. Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık
  • Wu, M. Y. A. (2006). Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions 30 Years Later: A Study of Taiwan and The United States. Intercultural Communication Studies, XV(1), 33-42.
  • Avrupa Mükemmellik Ödülü Sakarya Üniversitesi’ne, 2015. NTV.,aUdWjAiNg0y0rZRlRZrOEA Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.
  • Politikalar. (t.y.). Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.
  • Sakarya Üniversitesi Akademik Personel Sayısı. (t.y.), Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.
  • What About Turkey?. (t.y.). Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.


Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 87 - 116, 30.04.2019


kaynaklı olmayan, şefkat ve otoriteyi birleştiren paternalist liderlik Batılı
araştırmacılar tarafından ön yargı ile değerlendirilmekte ve geleneksellikle ilişkilendirilmektedir.
Hofstede’nin kültürel boyutları bağlamında ise alanda öne çıkan görüş, paternalist
liderliğin belirsizlikten sakınma ve güç aralığı yüksek, dişil ve kollektivist kültürel
boyutların baskın olduğu örgütlerde daha yaygın olabileceğidir. Dolayısıyla
araştırma paternalist liderliği, kültürün söz konusu boyutları bağlamında
sorgular. Araştırma, hem geleneksel hem de Batı yönetim anlayışlarının iç içe
geçtiği varsayılan Sakarya Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleşir. Üniversitenin akademik
ve idari personeline uygulanan anket formları neticesinde ise, çalışanın paternalist
liderlik eğilimi üzerinde bireycilik-kollektivizm, güç aralığı ve
erillik-dişillik boyutlarının etkili olduğu tespit edilir. Bununla birlikte
araştırma katılımcının cinsiyeti ile paternalist liderlik eğilimi arasında da istatistiksel
olarak anlamlı bir ilişkinin bulunduğunu saptar.


  • Aktaş, M. (2010). İzleyicilerin Kültürel Değerleri ve Liderliğe Duydukları İhtiyaç. (Basılmamış doktora tezi). Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Aktaş, M. & Sargut, S. (2011). İzleyicilerin Kültürel Değerlerine Göre Liderliğe Duyulan Gereksinme Nasıl Farklılaşır?: Kuramsal Bir Çerçeve. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 44 (4), 145-163.
  • Ardıç, K. & Uslu, O. (2016). Do Individual Cultural Values Differentiate Paternalist Leadership Perception? Proceedings of the Fifth European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking. (EAR16Turkey Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-44-0 Istanbul-Turkey. 15-17 December. Paper ID: 1615
  • Aycan, Z. (2006). Paternalism: Towards Conceptual Refinement and Operationalization. K. S. Yang, K. K. Hwang, & U. Kim (Ed.). Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context içinde. New York, NY: Springer, 445-466.
  • Aycan, Z., B. Schyns, J. M. Sun, J. Felfe & N. Saher (2013). Convergence and Divergence of Paternalistic Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Prototypes. Journal of International Business Studies, 44, 962–969.
  • Berkman, Ü. & Özen, Ş. (2008). Culture and Management in Turkey: State Dependency and Paternalism in Transition. Gestion en Contexte Intercultural: Approaches, Problematiques, Pratiques et Plongees. Quebec: Presse de l’Universite Laval et TELUQ/UQAM, 1-25.
  • Can, A. (2013). SPSS ile Bilimsel Araştırma Süresince Nicel Veri Analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Chan, S. C. H. & Mak, W. M. (2012). Benevolent Leadership And Follower Performance: The Mediating Role Of Leader–Member Exchange (LMX). Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 29.2, 285-301.
  • Chemers, M. M. (2001). Leadership Effectiveness: An Integrative Review. M. A. Hogg ve S. Tindale (Ed.). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Group Processes içinde. Oxford: Blackwell, 376- 399.
  • Chen, X. P., Eberly, M. B., Chiang, T. J., Farh, J. L. & Cheng, B. S. (2011). Affective Trust in Chinese Leaders: Linking Paternalistic Leadership to Employee Performance. Journal of Management. 20. 10, 1-24.
  • Cheng, B. S., Boer, D., Chou, L.F., Huang, M. P., Yoneyama, S., Shim, D., Sun, J. M., Lin, T. T., Chou, W. J. & Tsai, C. Y. (2013). Paternalistic Leadership in Four East Asian Societies Generalizability and Cultural Differences of the Triad Model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(1), 82-90.
  • Çalışkan, N. (2015). Ulusal Kültürün Örgüt Kültürü ve Paternalist Liderlik Algısı Üzerindeki Etkisi (Basılmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Nevşehir.
  • Erben, G. S. & Güneşer, A. B. (2007). The Relationship Between Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Investigating the Role of Climate Regarding Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(4), 955-968.
  • Farh, J. L. & Cheng, B. S. (2000). A Cultural Analysis of Paternalistic Leadership in Chinese Organizations. J. T. Li, A. S. Tsui & E. Walton (Ed.). Management and Organizations in Chinese Context içinde. London: Macmillan, 2000, 84-127.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations. 2.(ed.). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.
  • Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Contex. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1).
  • House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W. & Gupta, V. (2004). Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Kartarı, A. (2006). Farklılıklarla Yaşamak. Ankara: Ürün Yayınları.
  • Kurtuluş, K. (2010). Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Türkmen Kitabevi.
  • Migliore, L. A. (2011). Relation between big five personality traits and Hofstede's cultural dimensions: Samples from the USA and India. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 18(1), 38-54.
  • Moorman, R. H. & Blakely, G. (1995). Individualism-Collectivism As an Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 16(2), 127–142.
  • Mulla, Z. R. & Krishnan,V. (2012). Effects of Beliefs in Indian Philosophy: Paternalism and Citizenship Behaviors. Great Lakes Herald, 6(2), 26-35.
  • Öner, Z. H. (2012). Servant Leadership and Paternalistic Leadership Styles in the Turkish Business Context: A Comparative Empirical Study. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(3), 300 – 316.
  • Paşa, S. F., Kabasakal, H. & Bodur, M. (2001). Society, Organizations, and Leadership in Turkey. Applied Pschology: An International Review, 50(4), 559-589.
  • Pellegrini, E. K. & Scandura, T. A. (2006). Leader–Member Exchange (LMX), Paternalism, and Delegation in the Turkish Business Culture: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of International Business Studies, 37, 264- 279.
  • Pellegrini, E. K. & Scandura, T. A. (2008). Paternalistic Leadership: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Management. 34(3), 566-593.
  • Pellegrini, E. K., Scandura, T. A. & Jayaraman, V. (2010). Cross-Cultural Generalizability of Paternalistic Leadership: An Expansion of Leader-Member Exchange Theory. Group & Organization Management. 35(4), 391-420.
  • Sargut, S. (2010). Kültürler Arası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim. 3. (ed.). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Sinha, J. B. P. (2008). Culture and Organizational Behaviour. New Delhi: Sage.
  • Soares, A. M., Farhangmehr, M. & Shoham, A. (2007). Hofstede's Dimensions of Culture In International Marketing Studies, Journal of Business Research, 60(3), 277-284.
  • Şişman, M. (2002). Örgütler ve Kültürler. Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık
  • Wu, M. Y. A. (2006). Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions 30 Years Later: A Study of Taiwan and The United States. Intercultural Communication Studies, XV(1), 33-42.
  • Avrupa Mükemmellik Ödülü Sakarya Üniversitesi’ne, 2015. NTV.,aUdWjAiNg0y0rZRlRZrOEA Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.
  • Politikalar. (t.y.). Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.
  • Sakarya Üniversitesi Akademik Personel Sayısı. (t.y.), Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.
  • What About Turkey?. (t.y.). Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2015.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Damla Karşu Cesur

Alev Erkilet

Hasan Hüseyin Taylan

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Submission Date June 11, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Karşu Cesur, D., Erkilet, A., & Taylan, H. H. (2019). PATERNALİST LİDERLİK VE ÖRGÜT KÜLTÜRÜ İLİŞKİSİ: SAKARYA ÜNIVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 14(1), 87-116.

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