Research Article
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Populist Dichotomy in Homogenous Societies: Internal and External Others in South Korean Politics

Year 2024, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 332 - 344


This study aims to analyze populism in the scope of South Korean politics. It addresses the contexts in which political actors adopt dichotomous populist discourses and the implications of populist mentality on the social fabric of country. Populism can be defined in three different dimensions as an exclusionary, divisive and marginalizing ideology, discourse politics and a mobilization strategy. It is typically built on others that take on various forms. In this framework, the recent reflections of populism in the case of South Korea are discussed through the dichotomies and constructed perceptions of the other. It seeks to shed light on how political actors in South Korea which is assumed to have a homogenous social structure, point out the internal and external others that constitute the essence of populist politics. While populism’s understanding of the other is relatively uniform in different contexts, in South Korea the reflections of populism are differentiated and concretely understood through a range of internal and external others. South Korea, which is considered as one of the successful democracies in East Asia, is also affected by populist wave. The reflections of populism in South Korea are not severe and can generally be expressed as soft populism. Moreover, it is predominantly effective on discourse politics and is not observed in the form of concrete policies.


  • Arditi, B. (2005). Populism as an Internal Periphery of Democratic Politics. In F. Panizza (Eds.), Populism and the Mirror of Democracy (pp. 72-98). London Verso.
  • Benhabib, S. (2019, February 10). Brief Reflections on Populism (Left or Right).
  • Burton, J. (2022, September 5). Korean Populism. The Korea Times.
  • Chan T. & Choi, S. H. (2021, September 21). Anti-China Sentiment and South Korea’s Presidential Race. The Diplomat.
  • Cho, Y. H., Kim, M. S. & Kim, Y. C. (2019). Cultural foundations of contentious democracy in South Korea: What type of democracy do Korean citizens prefer?. Asian Survey, 59(2), 272-294.
  • Collot, G. (2017, 29 May). Understanding far right populism: Interview with Caterina Froio. The New European.
  • Cox, M. (2018, 12 February). Understanding The Global Rise of Populism. LSE Ideas.
  • Diamond, L. & Kim B. K. (2000). Introduction: Consolidating democracy in South Korea. In L. Diamond & B. K. Kim (Eds.), Consolidating Democracy in South Korea (pp. 1-21). Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Diamond, L. (2017, 13 October). Is There a Crisis of Liberal Democracy?. The American Interest.
  • East Asia Forum. (2022, 7 March). South Korea’s Populist Turn.
  • Eurasia Review. (2019, 1 November). Political populism: Eroding Asia’s complex interdependence?-Analysis.
  • Finchelstein, F. (2017). From Fascism to Populism in History. University of California Press.
  • Gaonkar, D. (nd.) They, the People.
  • Gidron, N. & Bonikowski, B. (2014, 26 March). Varieties of Populism: Literature Review and Research Agenda. Weatherhead Working Paper Series. No13-0000. Accessed 10 December 2023.
  • Hur, A. (2021, 29 June). South Korea’s Demographic Crisis is Challenging its National Story. Carnegie Endownment for International Peace.
  • Kazin, M. (1995). The Populist Persuasion: An American History. Cornell University Press.
  • Kim, J. (2022, 4 March). South Korea’s Presidential Hopefuls Let Chaebol off the Hook. Nikkei Asia.
  • KOSIS-Korean Statistical Information Service. (2023). Vital Statistics of Korea.
  • Laclau, E. (2005). On Populist Reason. Verso.
  • Lee, J. (2024, 12 April). The Role of Populism, Nationalism, and Xenophobia in South Korea’s 22nd General Election in 2024. European Center for Populism Studies.
  • Lee, J. & Leon, J. (2024, 26 March). S.Korea consumer sentiment dips as food inflation emerges as top election issue. Reuters.
  • Levitsky, S. & Kenneth, M. R. (2011). The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. John Hopkins University Press.
  • Mackenzie, J. (2024, 11 April). Yoon Suk Yeol: Was South Korea’s president thwarted by a spring onion?. BBC.
  • Moffitt, B. (2017). Liberal illiberalism? The reshaping of the contemporary populist radical right in Northern Europe. Politics and Governance. 5(4), 112-122.
  • Mouffe, C. (2005). On the Political. Routledge.
  • Mueller, J. W. (2019, 21 February). What is Left of the Left Populism. Project Syndicate.
  • Mudde, C. (2004). The Populist Zeitgeist. Government and Opposition. 39(4), 542-563.
  • Mudde, C. (2015, 17 February). The Problem with Populism. The Guardian.
  • Mudde, C. & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2017). Populism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Müller, J. W. (2016). What is Populism?. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Naím, M. (2017, 21 April). How to be a Populist. The Atlantic.
  • Palmer J. & Park, G. Y. (2018, 16 July). South Koreans Learn to Love the Other. Foreign Policy.
  • Pappas, T. S. (2016, 3 March). Modern Populism: Research Advances, Conceptual and Methodological Pitfalls, and the Minimal Definition. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.;jsessionid=E412311ED506B42B7298C3615BCB0B50.
  • Park, H. S. (2022, 6 February). China’s ‘Cultural Appropriation' Continues with Hanbok Featured at Beijing Winter Olympics. The Korea Times.
  • Park, J. (2021, 14 October). Have South Korean Conservatives Made a Full Comeback?. The Diplomat.
  • Rose, G. (2019). Autocracy Now. Foreign Affairs, 98(5).
  • Shin, G. W. (2020, 1 April). Korean Democracy is Sinking under the Guise of the Rule of Law. Stanford University Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies,
  • Shin, G. W. (2022, 3 May). In Troubled Waters: South Korea’s Democracy in Crisis. Stanford University Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
  • Taggart, P. (2000). Populism. Open University Press.
  • The Economist. (2023a). Democracy Index 2022: Frontline democracy and the battle for Ukraine.
  • The Economist. (2023b). South Korean Politics is One Big Row About History.
  • Urbinati, N. (1998). Democracy and Populism, Constellations, 5(1), 110-124.
  • Urbinati N. (2019). Me the People: How Populism Transforms Democracy. Harvard University Press.
  • Weyland, K. (2001). Clarifying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics. Comparative Politics, 34(1), 1-22.
  • World Population Review. (2023).
  • Yang M. J. (2022, 5 March). How South Korea’s Conservatives Hope to Divide and Conquer on the way to the Presidency, East Asia Forum.
  • Zakaria, F. (1997). The Rise of Illiberal Democracy. Foreign Affairs. 76(6), 22-43.
  • Zakaria, F. (2003). The Future of the Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.

Homojen Toplumlarda Popülist Dikotomi: Güney Kore Siyasetinde İç ve Dış Ötekiler

Year 2024, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 332 - 344


Bu çalışma, Güney Kore siyaseti kapsamında popülizmi analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Siyasal aktörlerin dikotomik popülist söylemleri benimsedikleri bağlamları ve popülist zihniyetin ülkenin sosyal dokusu üzerindeki etkilerini ele almaktadır. Popülizm dışlayıcı, bölücü ve marjinalleştirici bir ideoloji, söylem siyaseti ve bir mobilizasyon stratejisi olarak üç farklı boyutta tanımlanabilmektedir. Genel olarak çeşitli formlarda somutlaşan ötekiler üzerine inşa edilmektedir. Bu çerçevede, Güney Kore örneğinde popülizmin son dönemdeki yansımaları, dikotomiler ve inşa edilen öteki algıları üzerinden tartışılmaktadır. Homojen bir toplumsal yapıya sahip olduğu varsayılan Güney Kore’de siyasal aktörlerin popülist siyasetin özünü oluşturan iç ve dış ötekilere nasıl işaret ettiklerine ışık tutulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Popülizmin öteki anlayışı farklı bağlamlarda görece tekdüze iken, Güney Kore’de popülizmin yansımaları bir dizi iç ve dış ötekiler üzerinden somut olarak farklılaşmaktadır. Doğu Asya’nın başarılı demokrasilerinden biri olarak kabul edilen Güney Kore’nin de popülist dalgadan etkilendiği görülmektedir. Ancak Güney Kore bağlamında popülizmin yansımalarının şiddetli olmadığı ve genel olarak yumuşak popülizm olarak ifade edilebileceği anlaşılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte popülizmin ağırlıklı olarak söylem siyaseti üzerinde etkili olduğu ve somut politikalar şeklinde gözlemlenmediği ifade edilebilmektedir.


  • Arditi, B. (2005). Populism as an Internal Periphery of Democratic Politics. In F. Panizza (Eds.), Populism and the Mirror of Democracy (pp. 72-98). London Verso.
  • Benhabib, S. (2019, February 10). Brief Reflections on Populism (Left or Right).
  • Burton, J. (2022, September 5). Korean Populism. The Korea Times.
  • Chan T. & Choi, S. H. (2021, September 21). Anti-China Sentiment and South Korea’s Presidential Race. The Diplomat.
  • Cho, Y. H., Kim, M. S. & Kim, Y. C. (2019). Cultural foundations of contentious democracy in South Korea: What type of democracy do Korean citizens prefer?. Asian Survey, 59(2), 272-294.
  • Collot, G. (2017, 29 May). Understanding far right populism: Interview with Caterina Froio. The New European.
  • Cox, M. (2018, 12 February). Understanding The Global Rise of Populism. LSE Ideas.
  • Diamond, L. & Kim B. K. (2000). Introduction: Consolidating democracy in South Korea. In L. Diamond & B. K. Kim (Eds.), Consolidating Democracy in South Korea (pp. 1-21). Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Diamond, L. (2017, 13 October). Is There a Crisis of Liberal Democracy?. The American Interest.
  • East Asia Forum. (2022, 7 March). South Korea’s Populist Turn.
  • Eurasia Review. (2019, 1 November). Political populism: Eroding Asia’s complex interdependence?-Analysis.
  • Finchelstein, F. (2017). From Fascism to Populism in History. University of California Press.
  • Gaonkar, D. (nd.) They, the People.
  • Gidron, N. & Bonikowski, B. (2014, 26 March). Varieties of Populism: Literature Review and Research Agenda. Weatherhead Working Paper Series. No13-0000. Accessed 10 December 2023.
  • Hur, A. (2021, 29 June). South Korea’s Demographic Crisis is Challenging its National Story. Carnegie Endownment for International Peace.
  • Kazin, M. (1995). The Populist Persuasion: An American History. Cornell University Press.
  • Kim, J. (2022, 4 March). South Korea’s Presidential Hopefuls Let Chaebol off the Hook. Nikkei Asia.
  • KOSIS-Korean Statistical Information Service. (2023). Vital Statistics of Korea.
  • Laclau, E. (2005). On Populist Reason. Verso.
  • Lee, J. (2024, 12 April). The Role of Populism, Nationalism, and Xenophobia in South Korea’s 22nd General Election in 2024. European Center for Populism Studies.
  • Lee, J. & Leon, J. (2024, 26 March). S.Korea consumer sentiment dips as food inflation emerges as top election issue. Reuters.
  • Levitsky, S. & Kenneth, M. R. (2011). The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. John Hopkins University Press.
  • Mackenzie, J. (2024, 11 April). Yoon Suk Yeol: Was South Korea’s president thwarted by a spring onion?. BBC.
  • Moffitt, B. (2017). Liberal illiberalism? The reshaping of the contemporary populist radical right in Northern Europe. Politics and Governance. 5(4), 112-122.
  • Mouffe, C. (2005). On the Political. Routledge.
  • Mueller, J. W. (2019, 21 February). What is Left of the Left Populism. Project Syndicate.
  • Mudde, C. (2004). The Populist Zeitgeist. Government and Opposition. 39(4), 542-563.
  • Mudde, C. (2015, 17 February). The Problem with Populism. The Guardian.
  • Mudde, C. & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2017). Populism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Müller, J. W. (2016). What is Populism?. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Naím, M. (2017, 21 April). How to be a Populist. The Atlantic.
  • Palmer J. & Park, G. Y. (2018, 16 July). South Koreans Learn to Love the Other. Foreign Policy.
  • Pappas, T. S. (2016, 3 March). Modern Populism: Research Advances, Conceptual and Methodological Pitfalls, and the Minimal Definition. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.;jsessionid=E412311ED506B42B7298C3615BCB0B50.
  • Park, H. S. (2022, 6 February). China’s ‘Cultural Appropriation' Continues with Hanbok Featured at Beijing Winter Olympics. The Korea Times.
  • Park, J. (2021, 14 October). Have South Korean Conservatives Made a Full Comeback?. The Diplomat.
  • Rose, G. (2019). Autocracy Now. Foreign Affairs, 98(5).
  • Shin, G. W. (2020, 1 April). Korean Democracy is Sinking under the Guise of the Rule of Law. Stanford University Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies,
  • Shin, G. W. (2022, 3 May). In Troubled Waters: South Korea’s Democracy in Crisis. Stanford University Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
  • Taggart, P. (2000). Populism. Open University Press.
  • The Economist. (2023a). Democracy Index 2022: Frontline democracy and the battle for Ukraine.
  • The Economist. (2023b). South Korean Politics is One Big Row About History.
  • Urbinati, N. (1998). Democracy and Populism, Constellations, 5(1), 110-124.
  • Urbinati N. (2019). Me the People: How Populism Transforms Democracy. Harvard University Press.
  • Weyland, K. (2001). Clarifying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics. Comparative Politics, 34(1), 1-22.
  • World Population Review. (2023).
  • Yang M. J. (2022, 5 March). How South Korea’s Conservatives Hope to Divide and Conquer on the way to the Presidency, East Asia Forum.
  • Zakaria, F. (1997). The Rise of Illiberal Democracy. Foreign Affairs. 76(6), 22-43.
  • Zakaria, F. (2003). The Future of the Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science (Other)
Journal Section Reserch Articles

Nurcan Ceyhan 0000-0002-9087-6780

Early Pub Date July 9, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date January 22, 2024
Acceptance Date May 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 19 Issue: 2


APA Ceyhan, N. (2024). Populist Dichotomy in Homogenous Societies: Internal and External Others in South Korean Politics. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 19(2), 332-344.

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