Research Article
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Year 2022, , 45 - 56, 31.12.2022


Türkiye son yirmi yıldır Afrika'yla birlikte olmayı hedef belirlemiştir. Aslında, 2002 yılında AKP'nin (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) iktidara gelmesiyle birlikte Ankara, kıtadaki, özellikle de Sahra-altı bölgesindeki konumunu güçlendirmeye ve varlığını artırmaya katkıda bulunan üçlü siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyal planlar üzerinde oldukça ihtiraslı ve aktif bir dış politika yürütmüştür. Bunun sonucunda Türkiye'nin kıtadaki giderek artan etkinliği, Afri-ka-Türkiye ilişkilerindeki bu son gelişmeleri izah etmek ve anlamlandırabilmek noktasında Türk akademik ca-miasında da bir tür öykünme yaratmıştır. Öte yandan, yapılan çalışmaların çoğu, kültürel boyutu bir kenara bı-rakarak iş birliğinin siyasi ve ekonomik yönlerini analiz etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin Sahra Altı Afri-ka'daki kültürel yayılımını ortaya çıkarmaya yönelik bir girişimdir. Amaç, Ankara'nın karşılıklı anlayışları teşvik etmek ve dünyanın bu bölgesiyle iş birliğini geliştirmek için kültürel araçları nasıl kullandığını açıklamaktır. Bu nedenle, realist teorilerin de vurguladığı gibi, Türk yetkililerin nüfuzlarını maksimize etmek için yeni bir yakla-şım geliştirdiğini ve konstrüktivist perspektiflerle iyi açıklanan kültürel araçların seferber edildiğini varsayıyo-ruz. Bu durum, yerel nüfusun dâhil olduğu kişiler arası ve toplumlar arası ilişkilerin teşvik edilmesinin, ülkenin kıtadaki görünürlüğünü arttırmak için büyük değer taşıdığı gerçeğiyle anlaşılabilir.


  • - Abdinor Hassan Dahir (2019), « Reconsidering Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Sub-Sahran Afria : Rationale and Mechanisms », Report, TRTWorld Research Centre.
  • - Ali Bilgic and Daniela Nascimento (2014), « Turkey’s New focus on Africa : Causes and Challenges », Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre, Policy Brief, pp. 3.
  • - Birol Akgün and Mehmet Özkan (2020), « Turkey’s Entrance to International Education : The Case of Turkish Maarif Foundation », Turkish Maarif Foundeation.
  • - Buğra Süsler (2019), Turkey : An Emerging Middle Power in a Changing World ?, LSE IDEAS Strategic Update.
  • - Ahmet Davutoğlu (2013) « Turkey’s humanitarian diplomacy: objectives, challenges and Prospects », Nationalities Papers 41 (6): 865-70.
  • - Carolyn M. Warner, and Stephen G. Walker (2011), « Thinking about the Role of Religion in Foreign Policy : A Framework for Analysis », Foreign Polcicy Analysis, 7, 113 – 135.
  • - Diane Crane (2014), « Cutural globalization and the dominance of the American Film Industry : Cultural Policies, National Film Industries, and Transnational Film », Internatioanal Journal of Cultural Policy, pp 18.
  • - Elem Eyrice Tepeciklioğlu (2014), « Economic Relations Between Turkey and Africa: Challenges And Prospects », ResearchGate, pp. 33.
  • - Erik Pajtinka (2014), « Cultural Diplomacy in Theory and Practice of Contemporary International Relations », Politické vedy, Roč. 17,č. 4, pp. 95-108.
  • - Federico Donelli (2018), « The Ankara consensus: the significance of Turkey's engagement in sub-Saharan Africa », Global Change, Peace & Security, pp. 20.
  • - Gökhan Bacik and Isa Afacan (2013), « Turkey Discovers Sub-Saharan Africa : The Critical Role of Agents in the Construction of Turkish Foreign-Policy Discourse », Turkish Studies.
  • - Hasan Kösebalaban (2011), « Turkish Foreign Policy : Islam, Nationalism, and Globalization », Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, pp 250.
  • - Habiyaremye, and T. Oğuzlu, (2014) « Engagement with Africa: Making Sense of Turkey’s Approach in the Context of Growing East-West Rivalry », Uluslararası İlişkiler 11 (41): 65-85.
  • - Ien Ang, Yudhishthir Raj Isar & Phillip Mar (2015) Cultural diplomacy: beyond the national interest?, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21:4, 365-381.
  • - Irina Herrschner (2016), « Cinematic diplomacy : the Representation and Perceptions of Culture through Cinema Author », Conference Paper, University of Melbourne, Australia, ResearchGate.
  • - Kateřina Rudincova (2014), « New player on the scene: Turkish engagement in Africa », Bulletin of Geography. Socio–economic Series No. 25 197–213.
  • - Kemal Yurtnaç (2012), « Turkey’s New Horizon : Turks Abroad and Related Communities », SAM, Center for Strategic Research, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  • - Kieran E. Uchehara, « Continuity and Change in Turkish Foreign Policy toward Africa », Akademik Bakis, 43, Cilt 2, S. 3, pp. 43- 64.
  • - Mehmet Özkan and Birol Akgün (2010), « Turkey’s Opening to Africa », The Journal of Modern African Studies / Volume 48 / Issue 04, pp 525 – 546.
  • - Mehement Özkan (2010), « Turkey’s Rising Role in Africa », Turkish Policy, Vol 9, N° 4, pp. 93-105.
  • - Mehemet Özkan (2013) « Turkey’s Religious and Socio-Political Depth in Africa », in Kitchen, N. (ed.), Emerging Powers in Africa, London: LSE IDEAS, pp. 45-51.
  • - Mehemet Özkan (2013) « Does “rising power” mean “rising donor”? Turkey’s development aid in Africa », Africa Review 5 (2): 139-47.
  • - Muharrem Eksi (2017), « Turkey’s Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power Policy towards the Balkans », Karadeniz Arastirmalari, pp, 189- 208.
  • - Stephen M. Croucher et al. (2017), « Religion, Culture, and Communication », Online publication.
  • - Savaş Genç, Oğuzhan Tekin (2014), «Turkey’s Increased Engagement in Africa: The Potential, Limits and Future Perspective of Relations », European Journal of Economic and Political Studies 7, pp 87-115.
  • - Gokhan Kavak (2018), « Turkish Institute brings Turkey, South Africa Closer, Turkey’s Yunus Emre Institue in South Africa promotes Turkish Culture », . -
Year 2022, , 45 - 56, 31.12.2022



  • - Abdinor Hassan Dahir (2019), « Reconsidering Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Sub-Sahran Afria : Rationale and Mechanisms », Report, TRTWorld Research Centre.
  • - Ali Bilgic and Daniela Nascimento (2014), « Turkey’s New focus on Africa : Causes and Challenges », Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre, Policy Brief, pp. 3.
  • - Birol Akgün and Mehmet Özkan (2020), « Turkey’s Entrance to International Education : The Case of Turkish Maarif Foundation », Turkish Maarif Foundeation.
  • - Buğra Süsler (2019), Turkey : An Emerging Middle Power in a Changing World ?, LSE IDEAS Strategic Update.
  • - Ahmet Davutoğlu (2013) « Turkey’s humanitarian diplomacy: objectives, challenges and Prospects », Nationalities Papers 41 (6): 865-70.
  • - Carolyn M. Warner, and Stephen G. Walker (2011), « Thinking about the Role of Religion in Foreign Policy : A Framework for Analysis », Foreign Polcicy Analysis, 7, 113 – 135.
  • - Diane Crane (2014), « Cutural globalization and the dominance of the American Film Industry : Cultural Policies, National Film Industries, and Transnational Film », Internatioanal Journal of Cultural Policy, pp 18.
  • - Elem Eyrice Tepeciklioğlu (2014), « Economic Relations Between Turkey and Africa: Challenges And Prospects », ResearchGate, pp. 33.
  • - Erik Pajtinka (2014), « Cultural Diplomacy in Theory and Practice of Contemporary International Relations », Politické vedy, Roč. 17,č. 4, pp. 95-108.
  • - Federico Donelli (2018), « The Ankara consensus: the significance of Turkey's engagement in sub-Saharan Africa », Global Change, Peace & Security, pp. 20.
  • - Gökhan Bacik and Isa Afacan (2013), « Turkey Discovers Sub-Saharan Africa : The Critical Role of Agents in the Construction of Turkish Foreign-Policy Discourse », Turkish Studies.
  • - Hasan Kösebalaban (2011), « Turkish Foreign Policy : Islam, Nationalism, and Globalization », Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, pp 250.
  • - Habiyaremye, and T. Oğuzlu, (2014) « Engagement with Africa: Making Sense of Turkey’s Approach in the Context of Growing East-West Rivalry », Uluslararası İlişkiler 11 (41): 65-85.
  • - Ien Ang, Yudhishthir Raj Isar & Phillip Mar (2015) Cultural diplomacy: beyond the national interest?, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21:4, 365-381.
  • - Irina Herrschner (2016), « Cinematic diplomacy : the Representation and Perceptions of Culture through Cinema Author », Conference Paper, University of Melbourne, Australia, ResearchGate.
  • - Kateřina Rudincova (2014), « New player on the scene: Turkish engagement in Africa », Bulletin of Geography. Socio–economic Series No. 25 197–213.
  • - Kemal Yurtnaç (2012), « Turkey’s New Horizon : Turks Abroad and Related Communities », SAM, Center for Strategic Research, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  • - Kieran E. Uchehara, « Continuity and Change in Turkish Foreign Policy toward Africa », Akademik Bakis, 43, Cilt 2, S. 3, pp. 43- 64.
  • - Mehmet Özkan and Birol Akgün (2010), « Turkey’s Opening to Africa », The Journal of Modern African Studies / Volume 48 / Issue 04, pp 525 – 546.
  • - Mehement Özkan (2010), « Turkey’s Rising Role in Africa », Turkish Policy, Vol 9, N° 4, pp. 93-105.
  • - Mehemet Özkan (2013) « Turkey’s Religious and Socio-Political Depth in Africa », in Kitchen, N. (ed.), Emerging Powers in Africa, London: LSE IDEAS, pp. 45-51.
  • - Mehemet Özkan (2013) « Does “rising power” mean “rising donor”? Turkey’s development aid in Africa », Africa Review 5 (2): 139-47.
  • - Muharrem Eksi (2017), « Turkey’s Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power Policy towards the Balkans », Karadeniz Arastirmalari, pp, 189- 208.
  • - Stephen M. Croucher et al. (2017), « Religion, Culture, and Communication », Online publication.
  • - Savaş Genç, Oğuzhan Tekin (2014), «Turkey’s Increased Engagement in Africa: The Potential, Limits and Future Perspective of Relations », European Journal of Economic and Political Studies 7, pp 87-115.
  • - Gokhan Kavak (2018), « Turkish Institute brings Turkey, South Africa Closer, Turkey’s Yunus Emre Institue in South Africa promotes Turkish Culture », . -
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Napoléon Vigny Epansang Mbee

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022



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