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Year 2023, , 47 - 63, 29.12.2023


Fransa, 18. ve 20. yüzyıllar arasında Afrika'da büyük bir sömürge imparatorluğu kurmuştur. Fransa'nın bir devlet olarak birçok tarihsel gelişme geçirmesi ve dolayısıyla sömürge yöntemlerini etkilemesi nedeniyle Fransız Sömürgeciliği kendine özgü bir zihniyete sahipti. Böylece, çalışma, Kuzey Afrika'yı örnek olay olarak ele alarak Fransız sömürge politikasını, yöntemlerinin genel belirleyicilerini belirleyerek özet olarak incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, Fransız sömürgeciliğinin tarihine ve Fransız sömürgeciliğinin felsefesine kısa bir bakışla başlamaktadır. Daha sonra çalışma, bu sömürge tarzlarının pratik bir örneği olarak Kuzey Afrika'yı bir çalışma vakası olarak kısaca gözden geçirmektedir. Makale boyunca, çalışma, Fransız sömürgeciliğinin İngilizlere kıyasla daha doğrudan ve şiddet içeren olduğu sonucuna ulaşmak için, çalışmanın tüm kapsamını genelleştirmek amacıyla tarihsel yaklaşımı ve özelden genele ve çalışma örneğinden çıkarımları kullanmaktadır. Ancak Fransız sömürgeciliği bazı bölgelerde hâlâ İngiliz yöntemlerinden etkileniyordu ve Kuzey Afrika da bunlardan biri. Üstelik Fransız sömürgeciliği, özellikle Fransız Devrimi'nden sonra, daha çok bu kolonilerin Fransa'nın anavatanının bir parçası haline getirilmesi fikrine dayanıyordu.


  • "Coursehero". (n.d.). France in Africa. Retrieved from Boundless World History (The Scramble for Africa):
  • "Nigerian Scholars". (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2023, from West-African Colonial Administration » Summary of West-African Colonial Administration (Comparison of British and French Colonial Administrations):
  • Abbas, A. (2015). الاستعمار الفرنسي في موريتانيا French colonization in Mauritania 1903-1960. Master Thesis. Biskra,
  • Biskra, Algeria: Muhammad Kheidar University. Retrieved from
  • Abish, S. (2017, September). أهداف وخصائص السياسة التعليمية الفرنسية في الجزائر Objectives and characteristics of French educational policy in Algeria. Journal of Social Studies and Research, pp. 128-135.
  • Armaoğlu, F. (1997). 19. Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarih (The 19. Century Political History). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Ashwaq, B., & Aisha, K. (2014). التوسع الإستعماري الفرنسي والبريطاني في غرب إفريقيا خلال القرن التاسع عشر ميلادي French and British colonial expansion in West Africa during the nineteenth century. Master`s Thesis. Algeria: African University Ahmed Draya - Adrar.
  • Baroudi, A. (2018, June 14). قانون الأهالي.. حين 'عاقب' الاستعمار الجزائريين بلا محاكمة The Native Law... when colonialism 'punished' Algerians without trial. Retrieved from
  • Bin Aida, A. (2005). الخطاب النهضوي في الجزائر (١٩٢٥ - ١٩٥٤ ) Renaissance discourse in Algeria (1925 - 1954). Doctorate Thesis. Algiers, Algeria: Algeria University, Department of History.
  • Buchanan, K. (2011, January 13). Slavery in the French Colonies: Le Code Noir (the Black Code) of 1685. Retrieved from Library of Congress :'s%20sixty%20articles%20regulated,on%20Sundays%20and%20religious%20holidays.
  • Burrows, M. (1986). ‘Mission Civilisatrice’: French Cultural Policy in the Middle East, 1860–1914. The Historical Journal, 29(1), 109 - 135. doi:
  • Dinar, A. (no date). French in West Africa. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania - African Studies Center. Retrieved from
  • Dulucq, S. (2018, October). Writing African History in France during the Colonial. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, pp. 1-25. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.313
  • Efe, M. (2020). Afrika’da Fransa kâbusu – I: Tarihsel arkaplan (France's nightmare in Africa – I: Historical background). Ankara: Anadolu Ajansı. Retrieved from
  • G. Mills, W. (n.d.). French Colonial Policies (French Approaches in Colonial Policy). In W. G. Mills, History 317.2 Africa in the Twentieth Century (class notes). Saint Mary`s University. Retrieved from
  • Gabriel, H. (2021). 132 سنة استعمار.. هكذا نهبت فرنسا خيرات الجزائر 132 years of colonialism.. This is how France plundered Algeria’s resources. Istanbul: Anadolu Ajansı (AA).
  • Hargreaves, A. G. (2005). Memory, Empire, and Postcolonialism: Legacies of French Colonialism. Lanham, Mayland , USA: Lexington Books.
  • Lee, A., & A. Schultz, K. (2009). Comparing British and French Colonial Legacies:. Los Angeles: University of California. Retrieved from
  • Makhloufi, J. (2023). Fighting French Colonialism and Free Arab Education in the Chlef Basin Between 1956-1931. Academy for Social and Human Studies, 15(1), pp. 71-80.
  • Mansfield, P., & Pelham, N. (2010). A History of the Middle East (4th ed.). London, UK: Penguin Books.
  • Miller , S. (2013). A History of Modern Morocco. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mohamed, S. (2023, May 1). The Religious Dimension in American Foreign Policy. Retrieved from
  • Moradi , A., & Cogneau, D. (2014, May 7). British and French educational legacies in Africa. Retrieved from,the%20only%20language%20of%20instruction.
  • no author. (2004, October 3). الحكم العسكري الفرنسي في المغرب.. الاستعمار وآثاره French military rule in
  • Morocco...colonialism and its effects. Retrieved from
  • Ramzy, A. (1948). الاستعمار الفرنسي في شمال أفريقيا French colonization in North Africa. Caıro: Almatbaeat Alnamudhajia.
  • Rutabingwa, V. (2017, July 11). Macron Got A Lot Wrong About Africa ... But Made One Good Point. Retrieved from (Goats and Soda):,at%20the%20core%20of%20French
  • Shabika, F. (2019). السياسة الفرنسية في تونس وآثارها الاجتماعية (١٨٨٠ - ١٩٢٠ ) French policy in Tunisia and its social effects (1880 - 1920). Master"s Thesis. Al-Masila, Algeria: Mohamed Boudiaf University.
  • Şirin, B. (2020). Fransa’nın üç ayaklı sömürü sistemi; Dil, eğitim ve frank (France's three-legged system of exploitation; Language, education and the franc). Ankara: Milli Gazete. Retrieved from
  • Thomas, M. (2011). Introduction: Mapping the French Colonial Mind. In M. Thomas, The French Colonial Mind (Vol. 1, pp. 1-47). Nebraska: University of Lincoln. Retrieved from
  • Tignor , R. (2005). Preface to Colonialism: a theoretical overview. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Markus Weiner Publishers.
  • Turhan, Y. (2020, December ). Fransa'nın Afrika Politikası: Değişim ve Süreklilik (France's African Policy: Change and Continuity). Dünya Siyasetinde Afrika, 6, 51-80. Retrieved from'NIN_AFRIKA_POLITIKASI_DEGISIM_VEYA_SUREKLILIK
  • Uygur, F., & Uygur, E. (2014). Fransız Sömürgecilik Tarihi Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Research on the History of French Colonialism). Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 173(173), 273-286. Retrieved from


Year 2023, , 47 - 63, 29.12.2023


Between the 18th and the 20th century, France built a great colonial empire in Africa. The French Colonization had its authentic mentality since France as a state passed many historical developments, which consequently affected its colonial methods. The study aims to review summarily the French colonial policy by identifying general determinants for its methods by taking North Africa as a study case. The study starts with a brief look at the history of French colonialism and the philosophy of French colonialism. Then, the study reviews North Africa as a study case briefly as a practical example of those colonial styles. Throughout the essay, the study uses the historical approach and deduction from specific to general, and from the study case to generalize the whole scope of the study, in order to reach the result that the French colonization was more direct and violent compared to the British one. However, the French colonization was still influenced by the British methods in some areas, and North Africa is one of them. Moreover, the French colonization was based more on the idea of making those colonies part of the homeland of France, especially after the French Revolution.


  • "Coursehero". (n.d.). France in Africa. Retrieved from Boundless World History (The Scramble for Africa):
  • "Nigerian Scholars". (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2023, from West-African Colonial Administration » Summary of West-African Colonial Administration (Comparison of British and French Colonial Administrations):
  • Abbas, A. (2015). الاستعمار الفرنسي في موريتانيا French colonization in Mauritania 1903-1960. Master Thesis. Biskra,
  • Biskra, Algeria: Muhammad Kheidar University. Retrieved from
  • Abish, S. (2017, September). أهداف وخصائص السياسة التعليمية الفرنسية في الجزائر Objectives and characteristics of French educational policy in Algeria. Journal of Social Studies and Research, pp. 128-135.
  • Armaoğlu, F. (1997). 19. Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarih (The 19. Century Political History). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Ashwaq, B., & Aisha, K. (2014). التوسع الإستعماري الفرنسي والبريطاني في غرب إفريقيا خلال القرن التاسع عشر ميلادي French and British colonial expansion in West Africa during the nineteenth century. Master`s Thesis. Algeria: African University Ahmed Draya - Adrar.
  • Baroudi, A. (2018, June 14). قانون الأهالي.. حين 'عاقب' الاستعمار الجزائريين بلا محاكمة The Native Law... when colonialism 'punished' Algerians without trial. Retrieved from
  • Bin Aida, A. (2005). الخطاب النهضوي في الجزائر (١٩٢٥ - ١٩٥٤ ) Renaissance discourse in Algeria (1925 - 1954). Doctorate Thesis. Algiers, Algeria: Algeria University, Department of History.
  • Buchanan, K. (2011, January 13). Slavery in the French Colonies: Le Code Noir (the Black Code) of 1685. Retrieved from Library of Congress :'s%20sixty%20articles%20regulated,on%20Sundays%20and%20religious%20holidays.
  • Burrows, M. (1986). ‘Mission Civilisatrice’: French Cultural Policy in the Middle East, 1860–1914. The Historical Journal, 29(1), 109 - 135. doi:
  • Dinar, A. (no date). French in West Africa. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania - African Studies Center. Retrieved from
  • Dulucq, S. (2018, October). Writing African History in France during the Colonial. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, pp. 1-25. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.313
  • Efe, M. (2020). Afrika’da Fransa kâbusu – I: Tarihsel arkaplan (France's nightmare in Africa – I: Historical background). Ankara: Anadolu Ajansı. Retrieved from
  • G. Mills, W. (n.d.). French Colonial Policies (French Approaches in Colonial Policy). In W. G. Mills, History 317.2 Africa in the Twentieth Century (class notes). Saint Mary`s University. Retrieved from
  • Gabriel, H. (2021). 132 سنة استعمار.. هكذا نهبت فرنسا خيرات الجزائر 132 years of colonialism.. This is how France plundered Algeria’s resources. Istanbul: Anadolu Ajansı (AA).
  • Hargreaves, A. G. (2005). Memory, Empire, and Postcolonialism: Legacies of French Colonialism. Lanham, Mayland , USA: Lexington Books.
  • Lee, A., & A. Schultz, K. (2009). Comparing British and French Colonial Legacies:. Los Angeles: University of California. Retrieved from
  • Makhloufi, J. (2023). Fighting French Colonialism and Free Arab Education in the Chlef Basin Between 1956-1931. Academy for Social and Human Studies, 15(1), pp. 71-80.
  • Mansfield, P., & Pelham, N. (2010). A History of the Middle East (4th ed.). London, UK: Penguin Books.
  • Miller , S. (2013). A History of Modern Morocco. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mohamed, S. (2023, May 1). The Religious Dimension in American Foreign Policy. Retrieved from
  • Moradi , A., & Cogneau, D. (2014, May 7). British and French educational legacies in Africa. Retrieved from,the%20only%20language%20of%20instruction.
  • no author. (2004, October 3). الحكم العسكري الفرنسي في المغرب.. الاستعمار وآثاره French military rule in
  • Morocco...colonialism and its effects. Retrieved from
  • Ramzy, A. (1948). الاستعمار الفرنسي في شمال أفريقيا French colonization in North Africa. Caıro: Almatbaeat Alnamudhajia.
  • Rutabingwa, V. (2017, July 11). Macron Got A Lot Wrong About Africa ... But Made One Good Point. Retrieved from (Goats and Soda):,at%20the%20core%20of%20French
  • Shabika, F. (2019). السياسة الفرنسية في تونس وآثارها الاجتماعية (١٨٨٠ - ١٩٢٠ ) French policy in Tunisia and its social effects (1880 - 1920). Master"s Thesis. Al-Masila, Algeria: Mohamed Boudiaf University.
  • Şirin, B. (2020). Fransa’nın üç ayaklı sömürü sistemi; Dil, eğitim ve frank (France's three-legged system of exploitation; Language, education and the franc). Ankara: Milli Gazete. Retrieved from
  • Thomas, M. (2011). Introduction: Mapping the French Colonial Mind. In M. Thomas, The French Colonial Mind (Vol. 1, pp. 1-47). Nebraska: University of Lincoln. Retrieved from
  • Tignor , R. (2005). Preface to Colonialism: a theoretical overview. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Markus Weiner Publishers.
  • Turhan, Y. (2020, December ). Fransa'nın Afrika Politikası: Değişim ve Süreklilik (France's African Policy: Change and Continuity). Dünya Siyasetinde Afrika, 6, 51-80. Retrieved from'NIN_AFRIKA_POLITIKASI_DEGISIM_VEYA_SUREKLILIK
  • Uygur, F., & Uygur, E. (2014). Fransız Sömürgecilik Tarihi Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Research on the History of French Colonialism). Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 173(173), 273-286. Retrieved from
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects African Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Mohamed Abdelrhman Mohamed Ali 0000-0002-1550-6229

Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date November 19, 2023
Acceptance Date December 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Ali, M. A. M. (2023). FRANCE’S AFRICAN COLONIAL POLICIES IN THE EXAMPLE OF NORTH AFRICA. Akdeniz Havzası Ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, 5(2), 47-63.

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