Research Article
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Year 2023, , 81 - 98, 29.12.2023


One of Kenya’s indigenous people, the Ogieks have a long history of struggle and resistance to preserve their land, means of subsistence, identity, and cultural distinctiveness. Ogieks were able to protect their land rights through the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights in 2017. In this regard, this article will examine the Ogiek’s case, providing a brief overview of its historical background, the judicial procedures, and a critical analysis utilizing a human security perspective based on global governance. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to respond to the question, ‘‘how does the application of a human security approach within global governance contribute to our understanding of the challenges faced by indigenous communities in the chosen case?’’. Taking into account that the Ogiek issue is not limited to a specific community, this study argues that the issues brought up by the Ogiek are more general concerns about land rights and general well-being that are relevant to many indigenous communities. As such, the Ogiek case aims to serve as a lens through which to examine the applicability of human security strategies in preserving the rights and general welfare of indigenous populations.


  • African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Report of the African Commission's Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations/Communities (2005), p. 86
  • African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations/Communities. (2005), Report of the African Commission's Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations/Communities: Submitted in Accordance with the" Resolution on the Rights of Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa". African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.
  • Amnesty International (2023, June 9), Why the African Court should matter to you. Retrieved from,which%20are%20binding%20on%20States (Accessed 18.12.2023).
  • ANDERSEN-RODGERS, David, & CRAWFORD, Kerry. F. (2022), Human security: Theory and action. Rowman & Littlefield
  • ANNAN, Kofi (2000), Secretary-General Salutes International Workshop on Human Security in Mongolia. Two-Day Session in Ulaanbaatar, May 8-10, 2000. Press Release SG/SM/7382.
  • AVANT, Deborah, FINNEMORE, Martha, & SELL, Susan (2010), Who Governs the Globe? New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • BAJPAI, Kanti (2003), The idea of human security. International Studies, 40(3), 195-228.
  • BLACKBURN, Roderic. H. (1982), In the land of milk and honey: Okiek adaptations to their forests and neighbors. Politics and history in band societies, 283-305.
  • BEEBE, Shannon. D., & KALDOR, Mary H. (2010), The ultimate weapon is no weapon: Human security and the new rules of war and peace. PublicAffairs.
  • BEKKER, Gina (2007), The African court on human and peoples' rights: Safeguarding the interests of African states. Journal of African Law, 51(1), 151-172.
  • CHEN, Lincoln., & NARASIMHAN, Vasant (2003), Human security and global health. Journal of Human Development, 4(2), 181-190.
  • CLARIDGE, Lucy (2017), Victory for Kenya’s Ogiek as African Court sets major precedent for indigenous peoples’ land rights. Briefing–Minority Rights Group International, 3.
  • DAVIS, Megan (2008), Indigenous struggles in standard-setting: the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 9(2), 439-471.
  • DINGWERTH, Klaus., & PATTBERG, Philipp (2006), Global Governance as a Perspective on World Politics. Global Governance, 12(2), 185-203.
  • FORCE, Mau Forest Task (2009), Report of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on the Conservation of the Mau Forest Complex. Nairobi, Kenya.
  • FRECHETTE, Louise (1999), Statement by the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General.
  • FUKUDA-PARR, Sakiko, and MESSINEO, Carol (2012). Human Security: A critical review of the literature. Centre for Research on Peace and Development (CRPD) Working Paper 11, 1-19.
  • GASPER, Des. (2010). Climate change and the language of human security. ISS working paper no. 505, The Hague, Netherlands.
  • JANG, Jinseop., MCSPARREN, Jason., & RASHCHUPKİNA, Yuliya (2016), Global Governance: Present and Future. Palgrave Communications, 2.
  • HORNSBY, Charles. (2013). Kenya: A history since independence. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (2022), Country Technical Notes on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues: Republic of Kenya.
  • KIMAIYO, J. Towett. (2004), Ogiek Land Cases and Historical Injustices. Ogiek Welfare Council: Nakuru, Kenya.
  • KING, Gary., & MURRAY, Christopher J. (2001), Rethinking human security. Political Science Quarterly, 585-610.
  • KLOPP, Jacqueline. M., & SANG, Job. K. (2011), Maps, power, and the destruction of the Mau Forest in Kenya. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 125-134.
  • KOECH, Betty. C., & SIMIYU, Ruth (2023), Challenges and Opportunities Resulting from Mau Forest Evictions of Ogiek Community, Kenya.
  • LEE, Joseph (2022, June 24), Indigenous Ogiek win ‘landmark’ reparations ruling from African Court. Grist. Retrieved from (Accessed 18.12.2023)
  • MACFARLANE, S. Neil., & KHONG, Yuen F. (2006), Human security and the UN: A critical history. Indiana University Press.
  • MAJEKOLAGBE, Adebayo., & AKINKUGBE, Olabisi (2019), The African court of human and Peoples’ Rights Decision in the Ogiek case: an appraisal.
  • NDAHINDA, Felix. M. (2011), Indigenousness in Africa: a contested legal framework for empowerment of marginalized communities. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • O’BRIEN, Karen, ASUNCION, Lera St. Clair, and KRISTOFFERSON, Berit eds. (2010), Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • OGATA, Sadako (1998), Inclusion or Exclusion: Social Development Challenges for Asia and Europe. Statement of Mrs. Sadako Ogata United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees at the Asian Development Bank Seminar, 27 April 1998. Retrieved from (Accessed 18.12.2022)
  • Open Society Justice Initiative. (2013, June), African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Retrieved from (Accessed at: 2023)
  • PARIS, Roland (2001), ‘Human Security: Paradigm Shift or Hot Air?’ International Security, 26.2, 87-102.
  • ROSENAU, James. N. (1992), Governance, Order, and Change in World Politics. In J. N. Rosenau & E.-O. Czempiel (Eds.), Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics (pp. 1-29). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • ROTHSCHILD, Emma (1995), ‘What is Security’, Daedalus, 124(3), 53-98.
  • TADJBAKHSH, Shahrbanou, & CHENOY, Anuradha (2007), Human security: Concepts and implications (Vol. 51). Routledge.
  • THAKUR, Ramesh (1997), ‘From National to Human Security’ Asia Pacific Security: The Economics- Politics Nexus. Eds. Stuart Harris, and Andrew Mack. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • THOMAS, Caroline (2000), Global Governance, Development and Human Security. London: Pluto Press.
  • UNDP (1994), Human Development Report 1994. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Year 2023, , 81 - 98, 29.12.2023


Kenya'nın yerli halklarından biri olan Ogiekler, topraklarını, geçim kaynaklarını, kimliklerini ve kültürel farklılıklarını korumak için uzun bir süredir mücadele ve direniş geçmişine sahiptir. Ogiekler, 2017 yılında Afrika İnsan ve Halkların Hakları Mahkemesi aracılığıyla toprak haklarını korumayı başarmıştır. Bu bağlamda, bu makale, Ogiekler’in davasını, tarihsel geçmişlerini ve yargı süreçlerini genel bir şekilde inceleyerek küresel yönetişime dayalı insani güvenlik perspektifi kapsamında eleştirel bir analiz sunacaktır. Sonu olarak bu çalışmanın amacı, ‘‘Küresel yönetişimde insan güvenliği yaklaşımının uygulanması, seçilen örnekte yerli toplulukların karşılaştığı zorlukları anlamamıza nasıl katkıda bulunur?" sorusuna yanıt vermektir. Ogiek meselesinin belirli bir toplulukla sınırlı olmadığı göz önüne alındığında bu çalışma, Ogiekler’in gündeme getirdiği sorunların, birçok yerli topluluğu ilgilendiren toprak hakları ve genel refahla ilgili daha genel kaygılar olduğunu ileri sürmektedir. Bu nedenle Ogiek örneği, yerli halkların haklarının ve genel refahının korunmasında insani güvenlik stratejilerinin uygulanabilirliğini incelemek için bir mercek görevi görmeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Report of the African Commission's Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations/Communities (2005), p. 86
  • African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations/Communities. (2005), Report of the African Commission's Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations/Communities: Submitted in Accordance with the" Resolution on the Rights of Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa". African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.
  • Amnesty International (2023, June 9), Why the African Court should matter to you. Retrieved from,which%20are%20binding%20on%20States (Accessed 18.12.2023).
  • ANDERSEN-RODGERS, David, & CRAWFORD, Kerry. F. (2022), Human security: Theory and action. Rowman & Littlefield
  • ANNAN, Kofi (2000), Secretary-General Salutes International Workshop on Human Security in Mongolia. Two-Day Session in Ulaanbaatar, May 8-10, 2000. Press Release SG/SM/7382.
  • AVANT, Deborah, FINNEMORE, Martha, & SELL, Susan (2010), Who Governs the Globe? New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • BAJPAI, Kanti (2003), The idea of human security. International Studies, 40(3), 195-228.
  • BLACKBURN, Roderic. H. (1982), In the land of milk and honey: Okiek adaptations to their forests and neighbors. Politics and history in band societies, 283-305.
  • BEEBE, Shannon. D., & KALDOR, Mary H. (2010), The ultimate weapon is no weapon: Human security and the new rules of war and peace. PublicAffairs.
  • BEKKER, Gina (2007), The African court on human and peoples' rights: Safeguarding the interests of African states. Journal of African Law, 51(1), 151-172.
  • CHEN, Lincoln., & NARASIMHAN, Vasant (2003), Human security and global health. Journal of Human Development, 4(2), 181-190.
  • CLARIDGE, Lucy (2017), Victory for Kenya’s Ogiek as African Court sets major precedent for indigenous peoples’ land rights. Briefing–Minority Rights Group International, 3.
  • DAVIS, Megan (2008), Indigenous struggles in standard-setting: the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 9(2), 439-471.
  • DINGWERTH, Klaus., & PATTBERG, Philipp (2006), Global Governance as a Perspective on World Politics. Global Governance, 12(2), 185-203.
  • FORCE, Mau Forest Task (2009), Report of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on the Conservation of the Mau Forest Complex. Nairobi, Kenya.
  • FRECHETTE, Louise (1999), Statement by the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General.
  • FUKUDA-PARR, Sakiko, and MESSINEO, Carol (2012). Human Security: A critical review of the literature. Centre for Research on Peace and Development (CRPD) Working Paper 11, 1-19.
  • GASPER, Des. (2010). Climate change and the language of human security. ISS working paper no. 505, The Hague, Netherlands.
  • JANG, Jinseop., MCSPARREN, Jason., & RASHCHUPKİNA, Yuliya (2016), Global Governance: Present and Future. Palgrave Communications, 2.
  • HORNSBY, Charles. (2013). Kenya: A history since independence. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (2022), Country Technical Notes on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues: Republic of Kenya.
  • KIMAIYO, J. Towett. (2004), Ogiek Land Cases and Historical Injustices. Ogiek Welfare Council: Nakuru, Kenya.
  • KING, Gary., & MURRAY, Christopher J. (2001), Rethinking human security. Political Science Quarterly, 585-610.
  • KLOPP, Jacqueline. M., & SANG, Job. K. (2011), Maps, power, and the destruction of the Mau Forest in Kenya. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 125-134.
  • KOECH, Betty. C., & SIMIYU, Ruth (2023), Challenges and Opportunities Resulting from Mau Forest Evictions of Ogiek Community, Kenya.
  • LEE, Joseph (2022, June 24), Indigenous Ogiek win ‘landmark’ reparations ruling from African Court. Grist. Retrieved from (Accessed 18.12.2023)
  • MACFARLANE, S. Neil., & KHONG, Yuen F. (2006), Human security and the UN: A critical history. Indiana University Press.
  • MAJEKOLAGBE, Adebayo., & AKINKUGBE, Olabisi (2019), The African court of human and Peoples’ Rights Decision in the Ogiek case: an appraisal.
  • NDAHINDA, Felix. M. (2011), Indigenousness in Africa: a contested legal framework for empowerment of marginalized communities. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • O’BRIEN, Karen, ASUNCION, Lera St. Clair, and KRISTOFFERSON, Berit eds. (2010), Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • OGATA, Sadako (1998), Inclusion or Exclusion: Social Development Challenges for Asia and Europe. Statement of Mrs. Sadako Ogata United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees at the Asian Development Bank Seminar, 27 April 1998. Retrieved from (Accessed 18.12.2022)
  • Open Society Justice Initiative. (2013, June), African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Retrieved from (Accessed at: 2023)
  • PARIS, Roland (2001), ‘Human Security: Paradigm Shift or Hot Air?’ International Security, 26.2, 87-102.
  • ROSENAU, James. N. (1992), Governance, Order, and Change in World Politics. In J. N. Rosenau & E.-O. Czempiel (Eds.), Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics (pp. 1-29). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • ROTHSCHILD, Emma (1995), ‘What is Security’, Daedalus, 124(3), 53-98.
  • TADJBAKHSH, Shahrbanou, & CHENOY, Anuradha (2007), Human security: Concepts and implications (Vol. 51). Routledge.
  • THAKUR, Ramesh (1997), ‘From National to Human Security’ Asia Pacific Security: The Economics- Politics Nexus. Eds. Stuart Harris, and Andrew Mack. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • THOMAS, Caroline (2000), Global Governance, Development and Human Security. London: Pluto Press.
  • UNDP (1994), Human Development Report 1994. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects African Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Buket Altınçelep 0000-0001-9539-2809

Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date November 30, 2023
Acceptance Date December 22, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Altınçelep, B. (2023). INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AND HUMAN SECURITY: THE CASE OF OGIEK COMMUNITY IN KENYA. Akdeniz Havzası Ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, 5(2), 81-98.

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