Review Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 25 - 48, 31.12.2021


Ortadoğu ve Meksika Körfezi gibi küresel ölçekte bilinen ve işletilen zengin petrol ve doğal gaz rezerv alanları dışında çok dikkat çekmese de birçok alan geleceğin potansiyel fosil yakıt üretim bölgeleri olarak düşünülmektedir. Bunlardan en önemlisi ise Afrika kıtasıdır. Kıta, dünyada en fazla petrol üreten 30 ülkeden beşine (Nijerya, Angola, Cezayir, Libya, Mısır) ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Birçok Doğu Afrika ülkesinde petrol/doğal gaz aramaları yıllardır devam etse de ülkelerdeki siyasi istikrarsızlıklar ve yasal düzenlemelerin yeterli olmaması gibi nedenlerle sınırlı başarı elde edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, bazı uluslararası petrol ve gaz şirketlerinin (IOC’s) Doğu Afrika ülkelerinde bir dizi büyük keşif yapması sonrasında bölgeye ilgi artmıştır. Genel anlamda enerji sektörünün ekonomi ile yakın ilişkisi nedeniyle bazen bilimsel verilere dayanmayan ve ticari hedefli yanıltıcı haberler de görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada özellikle “Yeni Ortadoğu” olarak lanse edilen Sahra Altı Ülkelerin petrol ve gaz potansiyellerini bilimsel veriler ile ortaya konulması hedeflenmiştir.


  • 1. Africa Oil And Gas Rewiev (2019),'s%20Africa%20oil%20and%20gas,major%20and%20emerging%20African%20markets.&text=Globally%2C%20natural%20gas%20will%20continue,the%20world's%20second%2Dleading%20fuel.
  • 2. Afroil (2020), "Privately owned Nigerian company expands modular oil refinery," Issue 185, January 15, 2020. The Ogbele Refinery, Niger Delta Petroleum Resources, Ltd., (Erişim 2.10.2020).
  • 3. AGLIONBY, John (2017), Uganda’s Oil Reserves Bring Promise of Work and Infrastructure. Financial Times. ( Erişim 6.12.2017)
  • 4. AKWIRI, Joseph (2019), “Kenya's first crude oil export sparks demands over revenue sharing”., Erişim 17.03.2021
  • 5. ALB. “Gabon: Oil and Gas Regulation”. (2017), regulation-2017/gabon/q-and-a. Erişim 19.12.2017)
  • 6. ALDEN, Chris (2005), “China in Africa”. Survival 47, (2005), 147–164.
  • 7. Al-Jazeera (2017), (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 8. AMOAKO-Tuffour vd. (2015),“Local Content and Value Addition in Ghana’s Mineral, Oil and Gas Sectors: Is Ghana Getting It Right?” ( Erişim 10.12.2016)
  • 9. ANDREWS, Nathan (2013), “Community expectations from Ghana’s new oil find: conceptualizing corporate social responsibility as a grassroots-oriented process”. Afr. Today 60, (2013),54–75.
  • 10. AREZKI, Rabah - Olivier Blanchard (2014), “Seven questions about the recent oil price slump”. IMF direct, December 22nd. (2014).
  • 11. BASEDAU, Matthias (2005), “Resource Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa” (Vol. 14), GIGA-Hamburg.
  • 12. BBC News (2013a), “Kenya Profile”,
  • 13. BBC News (2013b), “Angola: Ten years of peace but at what price?”, 4 April 2012,, Erişim 13.04.2013).
  • 14. BBC News (2012), “Lamu port project launched for South Sudan and Ethiopia”, 2.03.2012.
  • 15. BBC News (2012), By Louise Redvers, Angola: Promises temper election victory, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 16. BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2014),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 17. BP 2017b, Statistical Review of World Energy (June 2017)
  • 18. BP, 2018, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 | 67th edition
  • 19. BP, 2019, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 | 68th edition
  • 20. BRADSTOCK, Felicity (2021), “Eni’s Latest Oil Discovery Could Be Big For Angola”, (,oil%20discovery%20in%20the%20area. Erişim04.05.2021)
  • 21. BREW-HAMMOND, Abeeku (2010), “Energy access in Africa: Challenges ahead”. Energy Policy 38/5, p. 2292.
  • 22. BURKHARDT, Paul (2021), “Total expected to proceed with $5.1 billion Uganda oil Project”, 4/9/2021 (, Erişim 04.05.2021)
  • 23. CAMPOS, Indira - Alex Vines, A. (2008), “Angola and China: A Pragmatic Relationship”, Chatham House, London: Center for Strategic International Studies, p. 8.
  • 24. CNN (2017), “Is Mozambique the Next Oil and Gas Hub? Available from. CNN (Erişim 6.12.2017).
  • 25. COHEN, Roberta (2004), “Calling on China: The China-Darfur Connection”, The Washington Post via The Brookings Institute.
  • 26. CORBEAU, Anne-Sophie (2016), “LNG for Africa”, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC), p.36, 2016.
  • 27. De MORAIS - Rafael Marques (2010), “The new imperialism: China in Angola”. World Affs., 173: 67.
  • 28. EASTWOOD, Victoria - David Mckenzıe (2021), “The billion-dollar question: Where is Angola’s oil money?”, BBC News, 29.11.2012.
  • 29. EBERHARD, Anton - Maria Shkaratan (2012), “Powering Africa: Meeting the financing and reform challenges”. Energy Policy 42, p. 9.
  • 30. EBOHON, Sylvanus I. (2012), “Nigeria: State, Oil and Malignant Underdevelopment”, The Western Journal of Black Studies, 36:3, p. 201.
  • 31. EIA (2013), International Energy Outlook, July 2013 ( pdf/0484(2013).pdf)
  • 32. EIA (2014a), Africa energy outlook—a focus on energy prospects in SubSaharan Africa (World Energy Outlook Special Report)
  • 33. IEA 2019, Country Profile: Nigeria Energy Outlook 2019, Africa Energy Outlook 2019, November 2019.
  • 34. EIA (2014b),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 35. EIA (2020), World Energy Outlook, 2020 (
  • 36. EIA (2021), Country Analysis Executive Summary: Angola, (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 37. Embassy Of The Unıted States (2013), US-Sudan Relations”, Embassy of the United States: Khartoum–Sudan,, Erişim 30.03.2013).
  • 38. ENI (2017b), Integrated Annual Report 2017, p.120.
  • 39. FERRIE, Jared (2012), “South Sudan, Kenyan Governments Sign Accord to Build Oil Pipline Via Lamu”, Bloomberg, Erişim 25.01.2012).
  • 40. FRYNAS, Jędrzej George vd. (2017),“The resource curse without natural resources: Expectations of resource booms and their impact”. African Affairs, 116.463: 233-260.
  • 41. Further Africa (2019),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 42. GAO. “Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends in US & Chinese Economic Engagement, Report for Congressional Requestors”, February 2013, p.3.
  • 43. Gardaworld (2018), (Erişim 13.04.2021)
  • 44. GERVET, Bruno (2007), “Gas flaring emission contributes to global warming”. Renewable Energy Research Group, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden.
  • 45. GRAHAM, Emmanuel - Ovadia, Jesse Salah (2019), “Oil exploration and production in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990-present: Trends and developments”. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6.2, 593-609.
  • 46. HAFNER, Manfred vd. (2018),“Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities”. Springer Nature.
  • 47. IHS (2015), International energy oil & gas industry solutions. [2015- 12-30].
  • 48. IMF Country Report (2017), No. 17/73, March 1, 2017, pg. 6, Erişim 1/10/2018)
  • 49. IMF Annual Report (2019),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 50. ISMAIL, Olawale Saheed - Ezaina Umukoro (2012), “Global Impact of Gas Flaring”. Energy and Power Engineering.
  • 51. JINXING, Dai vd. (2019),“The significance of coal-derived gas in major gas producing countries”. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 46(3), 435-450.
  • 52. KAPLINSKY, Raphael vd. (2007),“Working Paper 291: The Impact of China on Sub-Saharan Africa”, (Brighton: Institute of Development Studies), p. 42.
  • 53. KARL, Terry.L. (2004),“Oil-led development: social, political, and economic consequences”. Encyclopedia of Energy. Elsevier, pp. 661–672.
  • 54. KIMEMIA, David - Annegarn, Harold (2016), “Domestic LPG interventions in South Africa: Challenges and lessons”. Energy Policy, 93: 150-156.
  • 55. MODELEVSKY MS - Modelevsky MM (2016), “Assessment of the discovered and undiscovered oil and gas of Africa”. Russ Geol Geophys 57, 1342–1348.
  • 56. NNPC (2013), Annual Statistical Bulletin (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 57. Oil And Gas Journal (2020), Nigeria, (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 58. OMONDI, George (2018), “Total to built Kenya’s crude pipeline to Lamu. In: East Africa” Erişim 7.03.2018
  • 59. ONI, Samuel. I., - Mark. A. Oyewo (2011), “Gas flaring, transportation and sustainable energy development in the Niger-Delta, Nigeria”. Journal Of Human Ecology, 33(1), 21-28.
  • 60. ORUONYE, Emeka.D. (2012), “Multinational oil corporation in Sub-Sahara Africa: an assessment of the impact of globalization”. Int. J. Humanit. Soc. Sci. 2, 10.
  • 61. OTHIENO, Herick - Joseph Awange (2016), “Energy resources in Africa. distribution, opportunities and challenges”. Springer, Berlin,.
  • 62. OVADIA, J.Salah (2012), “The dual nature of local content in Angola’s oil and gas industry: development vs. elite accumulation”. J. Contemp. Afr. Stud. 30, 395–417.
  • 63. PANFORD, Kwamina (2017). “Africa’s Natural Resources and Underdevelopment”. Palgrave Macmillan US, New York.
  • 64. Petroleum Africa (2018), Shell enters Mauritanian Offshore. Available from, (Erişim 16.11.2018).
  • 65. PwC (2017), Africa’s oil & gas sector continues to show growth. In: PwC South Africa. Erişim 1.03. 2018)
  • 66. PwC, (2018), More change expected in a struggling global natural gas market.
  • 67. RADNEDGE, Stuart (2015), “Is Mozambique the new Qatar?”, (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 68. Reuters (2017), African LNG exports to get boost from offshore projects. In: Reuters. https://www.
  • 69. Reuters News Agency (March 20, 2019), Sudan says Egyptian Red Sea oil and gas blocks are on its territory,, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 70. RIAK, Ater Y. (2021), “Challenges of Oil and Gas Industry in South Sudan”.:// tabid/124/ctl/ArticleView/mid/519/articleId/20890/Challenges-Of-Oil-and-GasIndustry-In-South-Sudan.aspx.
  • 71. RORNES, Orvica - Haakon Vennemo (2012), “The cost of providing electricity to Africa”. Energy Economics 34, p. 1318.
  • 72. ROTIMI, Mathew - Harold Ngalawa (2017), “Oil Price Shocks and Economic Performance in Africa’s Oil Exporting Countries” 13. pp. 21.
  • 73. SACHS, Jeffrey D. - Andrew M. Warner (2001), “The curse of natural resources”. European economic review 45, 4-6: 827-838.
  • 74. Save Lamu, “About Laum, Save Lamu [website] (2013),, Erişim 25.04. 2013.
  • 75. SINGH, Sushant.K. (2007), “India and West Africa: A Burgeoning Relationship”. Chatham House, London, UK (Erişim 18.01.2018).
  • 76. SKATEN, Monica (2018), “Ghana’s oil industry: steady growth in a challenging environment”.
  • 77. SPARKS, Donald.L. (2012), “Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: The New Scramble?”, International Business & Economics Research Journal 11/6, p. 687.
  • 78. SY, Amadou (2014),“Four instruments to strengthen financial integration in Sub-Saharan Africa." Reply form: 75, (2014).
  • 79. The Reporter Ethiopia (2017) Gov. cancels planned Ethio-Djibouti oil pipeline project. Erişim 7.03.2018)
  • 80. The World Bank Group, Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, Erişim 1/21/2020.
  • 81. The World Bank Group (2020), Annual Report 2020, (
  • 82. VINES, Alex (2021), “Africa's oil and gas potential: Boom or hype?” (2014). Erişim 04.05.2021)
  • 83. WALKER, Andrew (2009), “The day oil was discovered in Nigeria”, BBC News, 17 March 2009.
  • 84. WHALLEY, John (2011), “China’s Integration into the World Economy, Singapore” World Scientific Publishing Co., p. 243.
  • 85. World Bank, (2013); Sub Saharan Africa’, The World Bank, (>, Erişim 20.03.2013).
  • 86. World Bank, The 2018, Chad—Overview: Washington, DC, The World Bank, May 17. (Erişim 13.06.2019, at chad/overview.)
  • 87. ZAFAR, Ali (2007), “The Growing Relationship Between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment, and Aid Links”. World Bank Research Observer 22/1, p. 118.
  • 88. ZHAO, Hong (2007), “China’s Oil Venture in Africa”, East Asia, 24, p. 400.


Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 25 - 48, 31.12.2021


Many areas are considered to be potential fossil fuel production areas of the future, although they do not attract much attention except the rich oil and natural gas reserves that are globally known and operated such as the Middle East and the Gulf of Mexico. The most important of these is the African continent. The continent is home to five of the 30 countries that produce the most oil in the world (Nigeria, Angola, Algeria, Libya, Egypt). Although crude oil / natural gas exploration has continued for years in many East African countries, limited success has been achieved due to reasons such as political instability and insufficient legal regulations in the countries. However, interest in the region has increased after some international oil and gas companies (IOCs) made a series of major discoveries in East African countries. In general, due to the close relationship of the energy sector with the economy, misleading news that are not based on scientific data and with commercial targets are sometimes seen. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the oil and gas potentials of Sub-Saharan Countries, which are known as “New Middle East”, with scientific data.


  • 1. Africa Oil And Gas Rewiev (2019),'s%20Africa%20oil%20and%20gas,major%20and%20emerging%20African%20markets.&text=Globally%2C%20natural%20gas%20will%20continue,the%20world's%20second%2Dleading%20fuel.
  • 2. Afroil (2020), "Privately owned Nigerian company expands modular oil refinery," Issue 185, January 15, 2020. The Ogbele Refinery, Niger Delta Petroleum Resources, Ltd., (Erişim 2.10.2020).
  • 3. AGLIONBY, John (2017), Uganda’s Oil Reserves Bring Promise of Work and Infrastructure. Financial Times. ( Erişim 6.12.2017)
  • 4. AKWIRI, Joseph (2019), “Kenya's first crude oil export sparks demands over revenue sharing”., Erişim 17.03.2021
  • 5. ALB. “Gabon: Oil and Gas Regulation”. (2017), regulation-2017/gabon/q-and-a. Erişim 19.12.2017)
  • 6. ALDEN, Chris (2005), “China in Africa”. Survival 47, (2005), 147–164.
  • 7. Al-Jazeera (2017), (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 8. AMOAKO-Tuffour vd. (2015),“Local Content and Value Addition in Ghana’s Mineral, Oil and Gas Sectors: Is Ghana Getting It Right?” ( Erişim 10.12.2016)
  • 9. ANDREWS, Nathan (2013), “Community expectations from Ghana’s new oil find: conceptualizing corporate social responsibility as a grassroots-oriented process”. Afr. Today 60, (2013),54–75.
  • 10. AREZKI, Rabah - Olivier Blanchard (2014), “Seven questions about the recent oil price slump”. IMF direct, December 22nd. (2014).
  • 11. BASEDAU, Matthias (2005), “Resource Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa” (Vol. 14), GIGA-Hamburg.
  • 12. BBC News (2013a), “Kenya Profile”,
  • 13. BBC News (2013b), “Angola: Ten years of peace but at what price?”, 4 April 2012,, Erişim 13.04.2013).
  • 14. BBC News (2012), “Lamu port project launched for South Sudan and Ethiopia”, 2.03.2012.
  • 15. BBC News (2012), By Louise Redvers, Angola: Promises temper election victory, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 16. BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2014),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 17. BP 2017b, Statistical Review of World Energy (June 2017)
  • 18. BP, 2018, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 | 67th edition
  • 19. BP, 2019, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 | 68th edition
  • 20. BRADSTOCK, Felicity (2021), “Eni’s Latest Oil Discovery Could Be Big For Angola”, (,oil%20discovery%20in%20the%20area. Erişim04.05.2021)
  • 21. BREW-HAMMOND, Abeeku (2010), “Energy access in Africa: Challenges ahead”. Energy Policy 38/5, p. 2292.
  • 22. BURKHARDT, Paul (2021), “Total expected to proceed with $5.1 billion Uganda oil Project”, 4/9/2021 (, Erişim 04.05.2021)
  • 23. CAMPOS, Indira - Alex Vines, A. (2008), “Angola and China: A Pragmatic Relationship”, Chatham House, London: Center for Strategic International Studies, p. 8.
  • 24. CNN (2017), “Is Mozambique the Next Oil and Gas Hub? Available from. CNN (Erişim 6.12.2017).
  • 25. COHEN, Roberta (2004), “Calling on China: The China-Darfur Connection”, The Washington Post via The Brookings Institute.
  • 26. CORBEAU, Anne-Sophie (2016), “LNG for Africa”, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC), p.36, 2016.
  • 27. De MORAIS - Rafael Marques (2010), “The new imperialism: China in Angola”. World Affs., 173: 67.
  • 28. EASTWOOD, Victoria - David Mckenzıe (2021), “The billion-dollar question: Where is Angola’s oil money?”, BBC News, 29.11.2012.
  • 29. EBERHARD, Anton - Maria Shkaratan (2012), “Powering Africa: Meeting the financing and reform challenges”. Energy Policy 42, p. 9.
  • 30. EBOHON, Sylvanus I. (2012), “Nigeria: State, Oil and Malignant Underdevelopment”, The Western Journal of Black Studies, 36:3, p. 201.
  • 31. EIA (2013), International Energy Outlook, July 2013 ( pdf/0484(2013).pdf)
  • 32. EIA (2014a), Africa energy outlook—a focus on energy prospects in SubSaharan Africa (World Energy Outlook Special Report)
  • 33. IEA 2019, Country Profile: Nigeria Energy Outlook 2019, Africa Energy Outlook 2019, November 2019.
  • 34. EIA (2014b),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 35. EIA (2020), World Energy Outlook, 2020 (
  • 36. EIA (2021), Country Analysis Executive Summary: Angola, (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 37. Embassy Of The Unıted States (2013), US-Sudan Relations”, Embassy of the United States: Khartoum–Sudan,, Erişim 30.03.2013).
  • 38. ENI (2017b), Integrated Annual Report 2017, p.120.
  • 39. FERRIE, Jared (2012), “South Sudan, Kenyan Governments Sign Accord to Build Oil Pipline Via Lamu”, Bloomberg, Erişim 25.01.2012).
  • 40. FRYNAS, Jędrzej George vd. (2017),“The resource curse without natural resources: Expectations of resource booms and their impact”. African Affairs, 116.463: 233-260.
  • 41. Further Africa (2019),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 42. GAO. “Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends in US & Chinese Economic Engagement, Report for Congressional Requestors”, February 2013, p.3.
  • 43. Gardaworld (2018), (Erişim 13.04.2021)
  • 44. GERVET, Bruno (2007), “Gas flaring emission contributes to global warming”. Renewable Energy Research Group, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden.
  • 45. GRAHAM, Emmanuel - Ovadia, Jesse Salah (2019), “Oil exploration and production in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990-present: Trends and developments”. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6.2, 593-609.
  • 46. HAFNER, Manfred vd. (2018),“Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities”. Springer Nature.
  • 47. IHS (2015), International energy oil & gas industry solutions. [2015- 12-30].
  • 48. IMF Country Report (2017), No. 17/73, March 1, 2017, pg. 6, Erişim 1/10/2018)
  • 49. IMF Annual Report (2019),, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 50. ISMAIL, Olawale Saheed - Ezaina Umukoro (2012), “Global Impact of Gas Flaring”. Energy and Power Engineering.
  • 51. JINXING, Dai vd. (2019),“The significance of coal-derived gas in major gas producing countries”. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 46(3), 435-450.
  • 52. KAPLINSKY, Raphael vd. (2007),“Working Paper 291: The Impact of China on Sub-Saharan Africa”, (Brighton: Institute of Development Studies), p. 42.
  • 53. KARL, Terry.L. (2004),“Oil-led development: social, political, and economic consequences”. Encyclopedia of Energy. Elsevier, pp. 661–672.
  • 54. KIMEMIA, David - Annegarn, Harold (2016), “Domestic LPG interventions in South Africa: Challenges and lessons”. Energy Policy, 93: 150-156.
  • 55. MODELEVSKY MS - Modelevsky MM (2016), “Assessment of the discovered and undiscovered oil and gas of Africa”. Russ Geol Geophys 57, 1342–1348.
  • 56. NNPC (2013), Annual Statistical Bulletin (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 57. Oil And Gas Journal (2020), Nigeria, (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 58. OMONDI, George (2018), “Total to built Kenya’s crude pipeline to Lamu. In: East Africa” Erişim 7.03.2018
  • 59. ONI, Samuel. I., - Mark. A. Oyewo (2011), “Gas flaring, transportation and sustainable energy development in the Niger-Delta, Nigeria”. Journal Of Human Ecology, 33(1), 21-28.
  • 60. ORUONYE, Emeka.D. (2012), “Multinational oil corporation in Sub-Sahara Africa: an assessment of the impact of globalization”. Int. J. Humanit. Soc. Sci. 2, 10.
  • 61. OTHIENO, Herick - Joseph Awange (2016), “Energy resources in Africa. distribution, opportunities and challenges”. Springer, Berlin,.
  • 62. OVADIA, J.Salah (2012), “The dual nature of local content in Angola’s oil and gas industry: development vs. elite accumulation”. J. Contemp. Afr. Stud. 30, 395–417.
  • 63. PANFORD, Kwamina (2017). “Africa’s Natural Resources and Underdevelopment”. Palgrave Macmillan US, New York.
  • 64. Petroleum Africa (2018), Shell enters Mauritanian Offshore. Available from, (Erişim 16.11.2018).
  • 65. PwC (2017), Africa’s oil & gas sector continues to show growth. In: PwC South Africa. Erişim 1.03. 2018)
  • 66. PwC, (2018), More change expected in a struggling global natural gas market.
  • 67. RADNEDGE, Stuart (2015), “Is Mozambique the new Qatar?”, (, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 68. Reuters (2017), African LNG exports to get boost from offshore projects. In: Reuters. https://www.
  • 69. Reuters News Agency (March 20, 2019), Sudan says Egyptian Red Sea oil and gas blocks are on its territory,, Erişim 05.05.2021)
  • 70. RIAK, Ater Y. (2021), “Challenges of Oil and Gas Industry in South Sudan”.:// tabid/124/ctl/ArticleView/mid/519/articleId/20890/Challenges-Of-Oil-and-GasIndustry-In-South-Sudan.aspx.
  • 71. RORNES, Orvica - Haakon Vennemo (2012), “The cost of providing electricity to Africa”. Energy Economics 34, p. 1318.
  • 72. ROTIMI, Mathew - Harold Ngalawa (2017), “Oil Price Shocks and Economic Performance in Africa’s Oil Exporting Countries” 13. pp. 21.
  • 73. SACHS, Jeffrey D. - Andrew M. Warner (2001), “The curse of natural resources”. European economic review 45, 4-6: 827-838.
  • 74. Save Lamu, “About Laum, Save Lamu [website] (2013),, Erişim 25.04. 2013.
  • 75. SINGH, Sushant.K. (2007), “India and West Africa: A Burgeoning Relationship”. Chatham House, London, UK (Erişim 18.01.2018).
  • 76. SKATEN, Monica (2018), “Ghana’s oil industry: steady growth in a challenging environment”.
  • 77. SPARKS, Donald.L. (2012), “Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: The New Scramble?”, International Business & Economics Research Journal 11/6, p. 687.
  • 78. SY, Amadou (2014),“Four instruments to strengthen financial integration in Sub-Saharan Africa." Reply form: 75, (2014).
  • 79. The Reporter Ethiopia (2017) Gov. cancels planned Ethio-Djibouti oil pipeline project. Erişim 7.03.2018)
  • 80. The World Bank Group, Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, Erişim 1/21/2020.
  • 81. The World Bank Group (2020), Annual Report 2020, (
  • 82. VINES, Alex (2021), “Africa's oil and gas potential: Boom or hype?” (2014). Erişim 04.05.2021)
  • 83. WALKER, Andrew (2009), “The day oil was discovered in Nigeria”, BBC News, 17 March 2009.
  • 84. WHALLEY, John (2011), “China’s Integration into the World Economy, Singapore” World Scientific Publishing Co., p. 243.
  • 85. World Bank, (2013); Sub Saharan Africa’, The World Bank, (>, Erişim 20.03.2013).
  • 86. World Bank, The 2018, Chad—Overview: Washington, DC, The World Bank, May 17. (Erişim 13.06.2019, at chad/overview.)
  • 87. ZAFAR, Ali (2007), “The Growing Relationship Between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment, and Aid Links”. World Bank Research Observer 22/1, p. 118.
  • 88. ZHAO, Hong (2007), “China’s Oil Venture in Africa”, East Asia, 24, p. 400.
There are 88 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Nazan Yalcın Erik 0000-0001-7849-8660

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 3 Issue: 2



Article acceptance continues for the December 2024 issue.