Research Article
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The Effect of Birth Types on Postpartum Comfort Level in Pregnant Women

Year 2023, , 232 - 240, 01.09.2023


Objective: It is known that the birth type has important effects on women's postpartum comfort level. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of birth types on postpartum comfort levels, and to determine whether any of these birth types is superior to the others.
Methods: The data for this descriptive study were obtained through a public hospital and a social media platform for 150 women (50 with vaginal birth, 50 with cesarean section, and 50 with vaginal birth after cesarean) between November 2017 and February 2018. The data were collected using a Personal Information Form and the Postpartum Comfort Scale. The data were analyzed via frequency, mean, standard deviation, chi square, Cronbach Alpha analysis, multivariate linear regression, and t test.
Results: The women with vaginal birth after cesarean had significantly higher mean scores of Postpartum Comfort Scale total and subscale compared to women with vaginal birth or cesarean section (p = 0.000). This study indicated that women with vaginal birth after cesarean had the highest postpartum comfort levels compared to vaginal birth or cesarean section.
Conclusion: It is thought that vaginal birth after cesarean should be supported by health care professionals because postpartum comfort is at the highest level for women who have had a vaginal delivery after cesarean section.

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We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ziya Fırat, an expert statistician, for his contribution to data analysis. Also, we would like to thank to all of the women involved in this study for sharing their private and valuable experiences, as they have made important contributions to nursing science.


  • Pereira TR, De Souza FG, Beleza AC. Implications of pain in functional activities in immediate postpartum period according to the mode of delivery and parity: An observational study. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 2017;21(1):37-43.
  • Kılıç M, Ozorhan EY, Apay SE, Çapık A, Ağapınar S, Özkan H. Comparison of fatigue levels of postratum women according to the birth method. International Journal of Caring Sciencies 2015;8(1):124-31.
  • Cooklin A, Amir L, Nguyen C, Buck M, Cullinane M, Fisher J, Donath S, Team CS. Physical health, breastfeeding problems and maternal mood in the early postpartum: A prospective cohort study. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2018;21(3):365-74.
  • Ngonzi J, Bebell LM, Fajardo Y, Boatin AA, Siedner MJ, Bassett IV, Jacquemyn Y, Kabakyenga J, Wylie BJ, Bangsberg DR. Incidence of postpartum infection, outcomes and associated risk factors at Mbarara regional referral hospital in Uganda. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018;18(1):270-80.
  • Waqiah N, Lotisna D, Abdullah N. Risk factors for stress urinary incontinence following vaginal and caesarean delivery. Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology 2019;7(1):49-52.
  • Yenigül NN, Aydoğan Mathyk B, Aslan-Cetin B, Yazıcı-Yılmaz F, Ayhan I. Efficacy of chewing gum for improving bowel function after cesarean sections: A randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2020;33(11):1840-5.
  • Zhang Y, Jin Y, Vereijken C, Stahl B, Jiang H. Breastfeeding experience, challenges and service demands among Chinese mothers: A qualitative study in two cities. Appetite 2018;128:263-70.
  • Çapık A, Özkan H, Apay SE. Determination of affecting factors and postnatal comfort levels of postpartum women. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty 2014;7(3):186-92.
  • Özer HT. The effect of the way of giving birth to the first 24 hours postpartum comfort of mothers after delivery [Master’ dissertation]. İstanbul: İstanbul University; 2011.
  • Kolcaba K. Katherine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. In: Smith MC, Parker ME, editors. Nursing Theories & Nursing Practice. 4th ed. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company; 2015.
  • Lima J, Guedes M, Silva LdF, Freitas MCd, Fialho A. Usefulness of the comfort theory in the clinical nursing care of new mothers: critical analysis. Revista Gaucha de Enfermagem 2017;37(4):e65022-e.
  • Ma J, Martin R, Chan B, Gofeld M, Geary MP, Laffey JG, Abdallah F. Using activity trackers to quantify postpartum ambulation: A prospective observational study of ambulation after regional anesthesia and analgesia interventions. Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 2018;128(3):598-608.
  • Myles PS, Myles DB, Galagher W, Chew C, MacDonald N, Dennis A. Minimal clinically important difference for three quality of recovery scales. Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 2016;125(1):39-45.
  • Hung H-W, Yang P-Y, Yan Y-H, Jou H-J, Lu M-C, Wu S-C. Increased postpartum maternal complications after cesarean section compared with vaginal delivery in 225 304 Taiwanese women. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2016;29(10):1665-72.
  • Zanardo V, Giliberti L, Volpe F, Simbi A, Guerrini P, Parotto M, Straface G. Short hospitalization after caesarean delivery: Effects on maternal pain and stress at discharge. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2018;31(17):2332-7.
  • Qi X-Y, Xing Y-P, Wang X-Z, Yang F-Z. Examination of the association of physical activity during pregnancy after cesarean delivery and vaginal birth among Chinese women. Reproductive Health 2018;15(1):84-91.
  • Hobbs AJ, Mannion CA, McDonald SW, Brockway M, Tough SC. The impact of caesarean section on breastfeeding initiation, duration and difficulties in the first four months postpartum. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2016;16(1):90-9.
  • Lai Y-L, Hung C-H, Stocker J, Chan T-F, Liu Y. Postpartum fatigue, baby-care activities, and maternal–infant attachment of vaginal and cesarean births following rooming-in. Applied Nursing Research 2015;28(2):116-20.
  • Gülşen I, Çetişli NE, Başkaya VA. Postpartum pain, fatigue levels and breastfeeding self-efficacy according to type of birth. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty 2018;11(3):224-32.
  • Işık Y, Dağ ZO, Tulmac OB, Pek E. Early postpartum lactation effects of cesarean and vaginal birth. Ginekologia Polska 2016;87(6):426-30.
  • Aluş-Tokat M, Serçekuş P, Yenal K, Okumuş H. Early postpartum breastfeeding outcomes and breastfeeding self‐efficacy in Turkish mothers undergoing vaginal birth or cesarean birth with different types of anesthesia. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2015;26(2):73-9.
  • Karakaplan S, Yıldız H. A study on developing a postpartum comfort questionnaire. Maltepe University Journal of Nursing Science and Art 2010;3(1):55-65.
  • Gökdağ-Balcı E. Effects of anaesthesia approaches to the mother and new-born's comfort and adaptation period that can apply in the caesarean births [Master’ Dissertation]. İstanbul: İstanbul University; 2016.
  • Akgün Ö. Determination of mothers' postpartum comfort levels and affecting factors [Master’ Dissertation]. Sivas: Cumhuriyet University; 2016.
  • Erkaya R, Türk R, Sakar T. Determining comfort levels of postpartum women after vaginal and caesarean birth. Procedia-Social Behavioral Sciences 2017;237:1526-32.
  • Pınar G, Doğan N, Algier L, Kaya N, Çakmak F. Factors that affecting mothers' postnatal comfort. Dicle Medical Journal 2009;36(3):184-90.
  • Nilsson C, van Limbeek E, Vehvilainen-Julkunen K, Lundgren I. Vaginal birth after cesarean: Views of women from countries with high VBAC rates. Qualitative Health Research 2017a;27(3):325-40.
  • Keedle H, Schmied V, Burns E, Dahlen H. The journey from pain to power: A meta-ethnography on women's experiences of vaginal birth after caesarean. Women and Birth 2017;31(1):69-79.
  • Akgün M, Boz İ. Women's decision‐making processes and experiences of vaginal birth after caesarean birth: A phenomenological study. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2019;25(6):e12780.
  • Nilsson C, Lalor J, Begley C, Carroll M, Gross MM, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Lundgren I, Matterne A, Morano S, Nicoletti J. Vaginal birth after caesarean: Views of women from countries with low VBAC rates. Women and Birth 2017b;30(6):481-90.
  • Dekel S, Ein-Dor T, Berman Z, Barsoumian IS, Agarwal S, Pitman RK. Delivery mode is associated with maternal mental health following childbirth. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2019;22(6):817-24.
  • Reisz S, Jacobvitz D, George C. Birth and motherhood: Childbirth experience and mothers’ perceptions of themselves and their babies. Infant Mental Health Journal 2015;36(2):167-78.
  • Weeks F, Pantoja L, Ortiz J, Foster J, Cavada G, Binfa L. Labor and birth care satisfaction associated with medical interventions and accompaniment during labor among Chilean women. Journal of Midwifery Women's Health 2017;62(2):196-203.
  • Keramat A. The relationship between perceived social support from family and postpartum empowerment with maternal wellbeing in the postpartum period. Journal of Midwifery Reproductive Health 2016;4(4):779-87.
  • Üzel HG, Yanıkkerem E. Evidence-based practice during intrapartum period: Preferences of women giving birth. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty 2018;11(1):26-34.

Gebe Kadınların Postpartum Konfor Düzeyi Üzerine Doğum Şekillerinin Etkisi

Year 2023, , 232 - 240, 01.09.2023


Amaç: Doğum şeklinin kadınların doğum sonu konfor düzeyi üzerinde önemli etkileri olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, doğum şekillerinin doğum sonu konfor düzeyi üzerine etkisini belirlemek ve bu doğum şekillerinin herhangi birinin etkisinin diğerine göre üstün olup olmadığını incelemektir.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu çalışmanın verileri Kasım 2017-Şubat 2018 tarihleri arasında bir devlet hastanesi ve bir sosyal medya platformu üzerinden Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Doğum Sonu Konfor Ölçeği kullanılarak 150 kadından (50 vajinal doğum, 50 sezaryen ve 50 sezaryen sonrası vajinal doğum) elde edilmiştir. Veriler frekans, ortalama, standart sapma, ki kare, Cronbach alpha analizi, çok değişkenli doğrusal regresyon ve t testi ile analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Sezaryen sonrası vajinal doğum yapan kadınların doğum sonu konfor ölçeği toplam ve alt ölçek puan ortalamaları vajinal doğum veya sezaryen olan kadınlara göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (p = 0.000). Bu çalışma, vajinal doğum veya sezaryen ile karşılaştırıldığında sezaryen sonrası vajinal doğum yapan kadınların en yüksek doğum sonrası konfor seviyelerine sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.
Sonuç: Sezaryen sonrası vajinal doğum yapan kadınların doğum sonu konforu en yüksek seviyede olduğu için sağlık bakım profesyonelleri tarafından sezaryen sonrası vajinal doğumun desteklenmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir.

Project Number



  • Pereira TR, De Souza FG, Beleza AC. Implications of pain in functional activities in immediate postpartum period according to the mode of delivery and parity: An observational study. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 2017;21(1):37-43.
  • Kılıç M, Ozorhan EY, Apay SE, Çapık A, Ağapınar S, Özkan H. Comparison of fatigue levels of postratum women according to the birth method. International Journal of Caring Sciencies 2015;8(1):124-31.
  • Cooklin A, Amir L, Nguyen C, Buck M, Cullinane M, Fisher J, Donath S, Team CS. Physical health, breastfeeding problems and maternal mood in the early postpartum: A prospective cohort study. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2018;21(3):365-74.
  • Ngonzi J, Bebell LM, Fajardo Y, Boatin AA, Siedner MJ, Bassett IV, Jacquemyn Y, Kabakyenga J, Wylie BJ, Bangsberg DR. Incidence of postpartum infection, outcomes and associated risk factors at Mbarara regional referral hospital in Uganda. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018;18(1):270-80.
  • Waqiah N, Lotisna D, Abdullah N. Risk factors for stress urinary incontinence following vaginal and caesarean delivery. Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology 2019;7(1):49-52.
  • Yenigül NN, Aydoğan Mathyk B, Aslan-Cetin B, Yazıcı-Yılmaz F, Ayhan I. Efficacy of chewing gum for improving bowel function after cesarean sections: A randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2020;33(11):1840-5.
  • Zhang Y, Jin Y, Vereijken C, Stahl B, Jiang H. Breastfeeding experience, challenges and service demands among Chinese mothers: A qualitative study in two cities. Appetite 2018;128:263-70.
  • Çapık A, Özkan H, Apay SE. Determination of affecting factors and postnatal comfort levels of postpartum women. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty 2014;7(3):186-92.
  • Özer HT. The effect of the way of giving birth to the first 24 hours postpartum comfort of mothers after delivery [Master’ dissertation]. İstanbul: İstanbul University; 2011.
  • Kolcaba K. Katherine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. In: Smith MC, Parker ME, editors. Nursing Theories & Nursing Practice. 4th ed. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company; 2015.
  • Lima J, Guedes M, Silva LdF, Freitas MCd, Fialho A. Usefulness of the comfort theory in the clinical nursing care of new mothers: critical analysis. Revista Gaucha de Enfermagem 2017;37(4):e65022-e.
  • Ma J, Martin R, Chan B, Gofeld M, Geary MP, Laffey JG, Abdallah F. Using activity trackers to quantify postpartum ambulation: A prospective observational study of ambulation after regional anesthesia and analgesia interventions. Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 2018;128(3):598-608.
  • Myles PS, Myles DB, Galagher W, Chew C, MacDonald N, Dennis A. Minimal clinically important difference for three quality of recovery scales. Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 2016;125(1):39-45.
  • Hung H-W, Yang P-Y, Yan Y-H, Jou H-J, Lu M-C, Wu S-C. Increased postpartum maternal complications after cesarean section compared with vaginal delivery in 225 304 Taiwanese women. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2016;29(10):1665-72.
  • Zanardo V, Giliberti L, Volpe F, Simbi A, Guerrini P, Parotto M, Straface G. Short hospitalization after caesarean delivery: Effects on maternal pain and stress at discharge. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2018;31(17):2332-7.
  • Qi X-Y, Xing Y-P, Wang X-Z, Yang F-Z. Examination of the association of physical activity during pregnancy after cesarean delivery and vaginal birth among Chinese women. Reproductive Health 2018;15(1):84-91.
  • Hobbs AJ, Mannion CA, McDonald SW, Brockway M, Tough SC. The impact of caesarean section on breastfeeding initiation, duration and difficulties in the first four months postpartum. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2016;16(1):90-9.
  • Lai Y-L, Hung C-H, Stocker J, Chan T-F, Liu Y. Postpartum fatigue, baby-care activities, and maternal–infant attachment of vaginal and cesarean births following rooming-in. Applied Nursing Research 2015;28(2):116-20.
  • Gülşen I, Çetişli NE, Başkaya VA. Postpartum pain, fatigue levels and breastfeeding self-efficacy according to type of birth. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty 2018;11(3):224-32.
  • Işık Y, Dağ ZO, Tulmac OB, Pek E. Early postpartum lactation effects of cesarean and vaginal birth. Ginekologia Polska 2016;87(6):426-30.
  • Aluş-Tokat M, Serçekuş P, Yenal K, Okumuş H. Early postpartum breastfeeding outcomes and breastfeeding self‐efficacy in Turkish mothers undergoing vaginal birth or cesarean birth with different types of anesthesia. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2015;26(2):73-9.
  • Karakaplan S, Yıldız H. A study on developing a postpartum comfort questionnaire. Maltepe University Journal of Nursing Science and Art 2010;3(1):55-65.
  • Gökdağ-Balcı E. Effects of anaesthesia approaches to the mother and new-born's comfort and adaptation period that can apply in the caesarean births [Master’ Dissertation]. İstanbul: İstanbul University; 2016.
  • Akgün Ö. Determination of mothers' postpartum comfort levels and affecting factors [Master’ Dissertation]. Sivas: Cumhuriyet University; 2016.
  • Erkaya R, Türk R, Sakar T. Determining comfort levels of postpartum women after vaginal and caesarean birth. Procedia-Social Behavioral Sciences 2017;237:1526-32.
  • Pınar G, Doğan N, Algier L, Kaya N, Çakmak F. Factors that affecting mothers' postnatal comfort. Dicle Medical Journal 2009;36(3):184-90.
  • Nilsson C, van Limbeek E, Vehvilainen-Julkunen K, Lundgren I. Vaginal birth after cesarean: Views of women from countries with high VBAC rates. Qualitative Health Research 2017a;27(3):325-40.
  • Keedle H, Schmied V, Burns E, Dahlen H. The journey from pain to power: A meta-ethnography on women's experiences of vaginal birth after caesarean. Women and Birth 2017;31(1):69-79.
  • Akgün M, Boz İ. Women's decision‐making processes and experiences of vaginal birth after caesarean birth: A phenomenological study. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2019;25(6):e12780.
  • Nilsson C, Lalor J, Begley C, Carroll M, Gross MM, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Lundgren I, Matterne A, Morano S, Nicoletti J. Vaginal birth after caesarean: Views of women from countries with low VBAC rates. Women and Birth 2017b;30(6):481-90.
  • Dekel S, Ein-Dor T, Berman Z, Barsoumian IS, Agarwal S, Pitman RK. Delivery mode is associated with maternal mental health following childbirth. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2019;22(6):817-24.
  • Reisz S, Jacobvitz D, George C. Birth and motherhood: Childbirth experience and mothers’ perceptions of themselves and their babies. Infant Mental Health Journal 2015;36(2):167-78.
  • Weeks F, Pantoja L, Ortiz J, Foster J, Cavada G, Binfa L. Labor and birth care satisfaction associated with medical interventions and accompaniment during labor among Chilean women. Journal of Midwifery Women's Health 2017;62(2):196-203.
  • Keramat A. The relationship between perceived social support from family and postpartum empowerment with maternal wellbeing in the postpartum period. Journal of Midwifery Reproductive Health 2016;4(4):779-87.
  • Üzel HG, Yanıkkerem E. Evidence-based practice during intrapartum period: Preferences of women giving birth. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty 2018;11(1):26-34.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Mehtap Akgün 0000-0002-2723-7708

Arzu Akpınar 0000-0002-8620-5327

Hatice Balcı Yangın 0000-0002-2827-1481

İlkay Boz 0000-0002-3529-9351

Project Number Bulunmamaktadır.
Early Pub Date August 30, 2023
Publication Date September 1, 2023
Submission Date November 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Akgün M, Akpınar A, Balcı Yangın H, Boz İ. The Effect of Birth Types on Postpartum Comfort Level in Pregnant Women. Akd Tıp D. 2023;9(3):232-40.