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Association Between Food Addiction and Obesity

Year 2022, , 354 - 359, 01.09.2022



Although nutrition is a necessary action for the survival of individuals, it is an enjoyable situation that appeals to our various senses. However, the constant consumption of delicious foods that appeal to our senses can create addiction-like situations in some individuals. food addiction; It is a concept defined as a specific adaptation to one or more foods that an individual consumes regularly. Apart from various psychological and social problems, some hormonal imbalances, anomalies in brain structures and side effects caused by the use of various drugs can constitute the pathophysiology of food addiction. Clinical studies on food addiction are increasing, but there is no specific treatment method, as it is not yet officially defined as a type of addiction by international authorities. In addition to the treatment methods generally applied to obese individuals, the underlying pathological conditions of obesity are identified and appropriate multidisciplinary treatment strategies are developed. The most commonly used treatment strategies are; medical nutrition treatments, psychotherapies, pharmacological treatments and neuromodulation treatments. In this compilation study; The aim of this study is to examine and discuss the relationship between food addiction and obesity in the light of current literatüre.
Keywords: Food addiction, Nutrition, Dopamine, Obesity


  • 1. Visscher TL, Lakerveld J, Olsen N, Küpers L, Ramalho S, Keaver L, et al. Perceived Health Status: Is Obesity Perceived as a Risk Factor and Disease? Obesity Facts. 2017;10(1):52-60.
  • 2. Park A. Pathophysiology and aetiology and medical consequences of obesity. Medicine. 2019;47(3):169-74.
  • 3. Leigh SJ, Morris MJ. The role of reward circuitry and food addiction in the obesity epidemic: An update. Biological Psychology. 2018;131:31-42.
  • 4. Volkow ND, Wise RA, Baler R. The dopamine motive system: implications for drug and food addiction. Nature reviews Neuroscience. 2017;18(12):741-52.
  • 5. Randolph TG. The descriptive features of food addiction; addictive eating and drinking. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 1956;17(2):198-224.
  • 6. Davis C, Curtis C, Levitan R, Carter J, Kaplan A, Kennedy J. Evidence that 'food addiction' is a valid phenotype of obesity. Appetite. 2011;57:711-7.
  • 7. Gearhardt AN, Yokum S, Orr PT, Stice E, Corbin WR, Brownell KD. Neural correlates of food addiction. Archives of General Psychiatry. 2011;68(8):808-16.
  • 8. Leigh SJ, Lee F, Morris MJ. Hyperpalatability and the Generation of Obesity: Roles of Environment, Stress Exposure and Individual Difference. Current Obesity Reports. 2018;7(1):6-18.
  • 9. Hebebrand J, Albayrak Ö, Adan R, Antel J, Dieguez C, de Jong J, et al. "Eating addiction", rather than "food addiction", better captures addictive-like eating behavior. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 2014;47:295-306.
  • 10. Munn-Chernoff MA, Baker JH. A Primer on the Genetics of Comorbid Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2016;24(2):91-100.
  • 11. Meule A, Gearhardt AN. Food addiction in the light of DSM-5. Nutrients. 2014;6(9):3653-71.
  • 12. Tang DW, Fellows LK, Small DM, Dagher A. Food and drug cues activate similar brain regions: a meta-analysis of functional MRI studies. Physiology & Behavior. 2012;106(3):317-24.
  • 13. Berthoud H-R. Metabolic and hedonic drives in the neural control of appetite: who is the boss? Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2011;21(6):888-96.
  • 14. Gold MS, Frost-Pineda K, Jacobs WS. Overeating, Binge Eating, and Eating Disorders as Addictions. Psychiatric Annals. 2003;33(2):117-22.
  • 15. Avena NM, Rada P, Hoebel BG. Sugar and fat bingeing have notable differences in addictive-like behavior. J Nutr. 2009;139(3):623-8.
  • 16. Farooqi IS, Bullmore E, Keogh J, Gillard J, O'Rahilly S, Fletcher PC. Leptin regulates striatal regions and human eating behavior. Science (New York, NY). 2007;317(5843):1355.
  • 17. Volkow N, Wang G-J, Fowler J, Logan J, Jayne M, Franceschi D, et al. "Nonhedonic" food motivation in humans involves dopamine in the dorsal striatum and methylphenidate amplifies this effect. Synapse (New York, NY). 2002;44:175-80.
  • 18. D'Addario C, Micioni Di Bonaventura MV, Pucci M, Romano A, Gaetani S, Ciccocioppo R, et al. Endocannabinoid signaling and food addiction. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 2014;47:203-24.
  • 19. Gearhardt AN, Corbin WR, Brownell KD. Preliminary validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Appetite. 2009;52(2):430-6.
  • 20. Lent MR, Eichen DM, Goldbacher E, Wadden TA, Foster GD. Relationship of food addiction to weight loss and attrition during obesity treatment. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md). 2014;22(1):52-5.
  • 21. Meule A. How Prevalent is “Food Addiction”? 2011;2(61).
  • 22. Eichen DM, Lent MR, Goldbacher E, Foster GD. Exploration of "food addiction" in overweight and obese treatment-seeking adults. Appetite. 2013;67:22-4.
  • 23. Mills JG, Thomas SJ, Larkin TA, Deng C. Overeating and food addiction in Major Depressive Disorder: Links to peripheral dopamine. Appetite. 2020;148:104586.
  • 24. Romer AL, Su Kang M, Nikolova YS, Gearhardt AN, Hariri AR. Dopamine genetic risk is related to food addiction and body mass through reduced reward-related ventral striatum activity. Appetite. 2019;133:24-31.
  • 25. Avena NM. The study of food addiction using animal models of binge eating. Appetite. 2010;55(3):734-7.
  • 26. Schulte EM, Avena NM, Gearhardt AN. Which Foods May Be Addictive? The Roles of Processing, Fat Content, and Glycemic Load. PLOS ONE. 2015;10(2):e0117959.
  • 27. Ochoa M, Lallès J-P, Malbert C-H, Val-Laillet D. Dietary sugars: their detection by the gut-brain axis and their peripheral and central effects in health and diseases. Eur J Nutr. 2015;54(1):1-24.
  • 28. Levin BE. Glucosensing neurons do more than just sense glucose. International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 2001;25 (Suppl 5):68-72.
  • 29. Adams WK, Sussman JL, Kaur S, D'Souza A M, Kieffer TJ, Winstanley CA. Long-term, calorie-restricted intake of a high-fat diet in rats reduces impulse control and ventral striatal D2 receptor signalling - two markers of addiction vulnerability. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 2015;42(12):3095-104.
  • 30. van de Giessen E, la Fleur SE, de Bruin K, van den Brink W, Booij J. Free-choice and no-choice high-fat diets affect striatal dopamine D2/3 receptor availability, caloric intake, and adiposity. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md). 2012;20(8):1738-40.
  • 31. Volkow ND, Fowler JS, Wang GJ, Swanson JM, Telang F. Dopamine in drug abuse and addiction: results of imaging studies and treatment implications. Archives of Neurology. 2007;64(11):1575-9.
  • 32. Iozzo P, Guiducci L, Guzzardi MA, Pagotto U. Brain PET imaging in obesity and food addiction: current evidence and hypothesis. Obesity Facts. 2012;5(2):155-64.
  • 33. Volkow ND, Wise RA. How can drug addiction help us understand obesity? Nature Neuroscience. 2005;8(5):555-60.
  • 34. Wang GJ, Volkow ND, Logan J, Pappas NR, Wong CT, Zhu W, et al. Brain dopamine and obesity. Lancet (London, England). 2001;357(9253):354-7.
  • 35. Finger BC, Dinan TG, Cryan JF. Diet-induced obesity blunts the behavioural effects of ghrelin: studies in a mouse-progressive ratio task. Psychopharmacology. 2012;220(1):173-81.
  • 36. Pursey KM, Stanwell P, Gearhardt AN, Collins CE, Burrows TL. The prevalence of food addiction as assessed by the Yale Food Addiction Scale: a systematic review. Nutrients. 2014;6(10):4552-90.
  • 37. García-García I, Horstmann A, Jurado MA, Garolera M, Chaudhry SJ, Margulies DS, et al. Reward processing in obesity, substance addiction and non-substance addiction. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 2014;15(11):853-69.
  • 38. Blum K, Braverman ER, Wood RC, Gill J, Li C, Chen TJ, et al. Increased prevalence of the Taq I A1 allele of the dopamine receptor gene (DRD2) in obesity with comorbid substance use disorder: a preliminary report. Pharmacogenetics. 1996;6(4):297-305.
  • 39. Bacon L, Aphramor L. Weight Science: Evaluating the Evidence for a Paradigm Shift. Nutrition Journal. 2011;10(1):9.
  • 40. Walther K, Birdsill AC, Glisky EL, Ryan L. Structural brain differences and cognitive functioning related to body mass index in older females. Human Brain Mapping. 2010;31(7):1052-64.
  • 41. Safer DL, Robinson AH, Jo B. Outcome from a randomized controlled trial of group therapy for binge eating disorder: comparing dialectical behavior therapy adapted for binge eating to an active comparison group therapy. Behavior Therapy. 2010;41(1):106-20.
  • 42. Linardon J. Rates of abstinence following psychological or behavioral treatments for binge-eating disorder: Meta-analysis. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2018;51(8):785-97.
  • 43. Reas DL, Grilo CM. Review and meta-analysis of pharmacotherapy for binge-eating disorder. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md). 2008;16(9):2024-38.
  • 44. Matsumoto H, Ugawa Y. Adverse events of tDCS and tACS: A review. Clinical Neurophysiology Practice. 2017;2:19-25.
  • 45. Taylor R, Galvez V, Loo C. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) safety: a practical guide for psychiatrists. Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. 2018;26(2):189-92.
  • 46. Lowe CJ, Vincent C, Hall PA. Effects of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation on Food Cravings and Consumption: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2017;79(1):2-13.

Besin Bağımlılığı ve Obezite İlişkisi

Year 2022, , 354 - 359, 01.09.2022


Beslenme bireylerin hayatta kalması için gerekli bir eylem olmakla birlikte, çeşitli duyu organlarımıza hitap eden keyif verici bir durumdur. Ancak duyularımıza hitap eden lezzetli besinlerin sürekli tüketimi bazı bireylerde bağımlılık benzeri durumlar oluşturabilmektedir. Besin bağımlılığı; bireyin düzenli olarak tükettiği bir veya daha fazla besine duyduğu spesifik bir adaptasyon olarak tanımlanan bir kavramdır. Çeşitli psikolojik, sosyal problemlerin dışında bazı hormonal dengesizlikler, beyin yapılarındaki anomaliler ve çeşitli ilaçların kullanımından kaynaklanan yan etkiler besin bağımlılığının patofizyolojisinin oluşturabilmektedir. Besin bağımlılığı üzerine yapılan klinik çalışmalar artmakta, ancak henüz uluslararası otoriteler tarafından resmi olarak bağımlılık türü olarak tanımlanmaması nedeniyle belirli bir tedavi metodu bulunmamaktadır. Genel olarak obez bireylerde uygulanan tedavi metotlarına ek olarak obezitenin altında yatan patolojik durumlar tespit edilmekte ve buna uygun multidisipliner tedavi stratejileri geliştirilmektedir. En sık kullanılan tedavi stratejileri; tıbbi beslenme tedavileri, psikoterapiler, farmakolojik tedaviler ve nöromodülasyon tedavileridir. Bu derleme çalışmada; besin bağımlılığı ve obezite arasındaki ilişkinin güncel literatür eşliğinde incelenerek tartışılması amaçlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Besin bağımlılığı, Beslenme, Dopamin, Obezite


  • 1. Visscher TL, Lakerveld J, Olsen N, Küpers L, Ramalho S, Keaver L, et al. Perceived Health Status: Is Obesity Perceived as a Risk Factor and Disease? Obesity Facts. 2017;10(1):52-60.
  • 2. Park A. Pathophysiology and aetiology and medical consequences of obesity. Medicine. 2019;47(3):169-74.
  • 3. Leigh SJ, Morris MJ. The role of reward circuitry and food addiction in the obesity epidemic: An update. Biological Psychology. 2018;131:31-42.
  • 4. Volkow ND, Wise RA, Baler R. The dopamine motive system: implications for drug and food addiction. Nature reviews Neuroscience. 2017;18(12):741-52.
  • 5. Randolph TG. The descriptive features of food addiction; addictive eating and drinking. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 1956;17(2):198-224.
  • 6. Davis C, Curtis C, Levitan R, Carter J, Kaplan A, Kennedy J. Evidence that 'food addiction' is a valid phenotype of obesity. Appetite. 2011;57:711-7.
  • 7. Gearhardt AN, Yokum S, Orr PT, Stice E, Corbin WR, Brownell KD. Neural correlates of food addiction. Archives of General Psychiatry. 2011;68(8):808-16.
  • 8. Leigh SJ, Lee F, Morris MJ. Hyperpalatability and the Generation of Obesity: Roles of Environment, Stress Exposure and Individual Difference. Current Obesity Reports. 2018;7(1):6-18.
  • 9. Hebebrand J, Albayrak Ö, Adan R, Antel J, Dieguez C, de Jong J, et al. "Eating addiction", rather than "food addiction", better captures addictive-like eating behavior. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 2014;47:295-306.
  • 10. Munn-Chernoff MA, Baker JH. A Primer on the Genetics of Comorbid Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2016;24(2):91-100.
  • 11. Meule A, Gearhardt AN. Food addiction in the light of DSM-5. Nutrients. 2014;6(9):3653-71.
  • 12. Tang DW, Fellows LK, Small DM, Dagher A. Food and drug cues activate similar brain regions: a meta-analysis of functional MRI studies. Physiology & Behavior. 2012;106(3):317-24.
  • 13. Berthoud H-R. Metabolic and hedonic drives in the neural control of appetite: who is the boss? Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2011;21(6):888-96.
  • 14. Gold MS, Frost-Pineda K, Jacobs WS. Overeating, Binge Eating, and Eating Disorders as Addictions. Psychiatric Annals. 2003;33(2):117-22.
  • 15. Avena NM, Rada P, Hoebel BG. Sugar and fat bingeing have notable differences in addictive-like behavior. J Nutr. 2009;139(3):623-8.
  • 16. Farooqi IS, Bullmore E, Keogh J, Gillard J, O'Rahilly S, Fletcher PC. Leptin regulates striatal regions and human eating behavior. Science (New York, NY). 2007;317(5843):1355.
  • 17. Volkow N, Wang G-J, Fowler J, Logan J, Jayne M, Franceschi D, et al. "Nonhedonic" food motivation in humans involves dopamine in the dorsal striatum and methylphenidate amplifies this effect. Synapse (New York, NY). 2002;44:175-80.
  • 18. D'Addario C, Micioni Di Bonaventura MV, Pucci M, Romano A, Gaetani S, Ciccocioppo R, et al. Endocannabinoid signaling and food addiction. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 2014;47:203-24.
  • 19. Gearhardt AN, Corbin WR, Brownell KD. Preliminary validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Appetite. 2009;52(2):430-6.
  • 20. Lent MR, Eichen DM, Goldbacher E, Wadden TA, Foster GD. Relationship of food addiction to weight loss and attrition during obesity treatment. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md). 2014;22(1):52-5.
  • 21. Meule A. How Prevalent is “Food Addiction”? 2011;2(61).
  • 22. Eichen DM, Lent MR, Goldbacher E, Foster GD. Exploration of "food addiction" in overweight and obese treatment-seeking adults. Appetite. 2013;67:22-4.
  • 23. Mills JG, Thomas SJ, Larkin TA, Deng C. Overeating and food addiction in Major Depressive Disorder: Links to peripheral dopamine. Appetite. 2020;148:104586.
  • 24. Romer AL, Su Kang M, Nikolova YS, Gearhardt AN, Hariri AR. Dopamine genetic risk is related to food addiction and body mass through reduced reward-related ventral striatum activity. Appetite. 2019;133:24-31.
  • 25. Avena NM. The study of food addiction using animal models of binge eating. Appetite. 2010;55(3):734-7.
  • 26. Schulte EM, Avena NM, Gearhardt AN. Which Foods May Be Addictive? The Roles of Processing, Fat Content, and Glycemic Load. PLOS ONE. 2015;10(2):e0117959.
  • 27. Ochoa M, Lallès J-P, Malbert C-H, Val-Laillet D. Dietary sugars: their detection by the gut-brain axis and their peripheral and central effects in health and diseases. Eur J Nutr. 2015;54(1):1-24.
  • 28. Levin BE. Glucosensing neurons do more than just sense glucose. International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 2001;25 (Suppl 5):68-72.
  • 29. Adams WK, Sussman JL, Kaur S, D'Souza A M, Kieffer TJ, Winstanley CA. Long-term, calorie-restricted intake of a high-fat diet in rats reduces impulse control and ventral striatal D2 receptor signalling - two markers of addiction vulnerability. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 2015;42(12):3095-104.
  • 30. van de Giessen E, la Fleur SE, de Bruin K, van den Brink W, Booij J. Free-choice and no-choice high-fat diets affect striatal dopamine D2/3 receptor availability, caloric intake, and adiposity. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md). 2012;20(8):1738-40.
  • 31. Volkow ND, Fowler JS, Wang GJ, Swanson JM, Telang F. Dopamine in drug abuse and addiction: results of imaging studies and treatment implications. Archives of Neurology. 2007;64(11):1575-9.
  • 32. Iozzo P, Guiducci L, Guzzardi MA, Pagotto U. Brain PET imaging in obesity and food addiction: current evidence and hypothesis. Obesity Facts. 2012;5(2):155-64.
  • 33. Volkow ND, Wise RA. How can drug addiction help us understand obesity? Nature Neuroscience. 2005;8(5):555-60.
  • 34. Wang GJ, Volkow ND, Logan J, Pappas NR, Wong CT, Zhu W, et al. Brain dopamine and obesity. Lancet (London, England). 2001;357(9253):354-7.
  • 35. Finger BC, Dinan TG, Cryan JF. Diet-induced obesity blunts the behavioural effects of ghrelin: studies in a mouse-progressive ratio task. Psychopharmacology. 2012;220(1):173-81.
  • 36. Pursey KM, Stanwell P, Gearhardt AN, Collins CE, Burrows TL. The prevalence of food addiction as assessed by the Yale Food Addiction Scale: a systematic review. Nutrients. 2014;6(10):4552-90.
  • 37. García-García I, Horstmann A, Jurado MA, Garolera M, Chaudhry SJ, Margulies DS, et al. Reward processing in obesity, substance addiction and non-substance addiction. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 2014;15(11):853-69.
  • 38. Blum K, Braverman ER, Wood RC, Gill J, Li C, Chen TJ, et al. Increased prevalence of the Taq I A1 allele of the dopamine receptor gene (DRD2) in obesity with comorbid substance use disorder: a preliminary report. Pharmacogenetics. 1996;6(4):297-305.
  • 39. Bacon L, Aphramor L. Weight Science: Evaluating the Evidence for a Paradigm Shift. Nutrition Journal. 2011;10(1):9.
  • 40. Walther K, Birdsill AC, Glisky EL, Ryan L. Structural brain differences and cognitive functioning related to body mass index in older females. Human Brain Mapping. 2010;31(7):1052-64.
  • 41. Safer DL, Robinson AH, Jo B. Outcome from a randomized controlled trial of group therapy for binge eating disorder: comparing dialectical behavior therapy adapted for binge eating to an active comparison group therapy. Behavior Therapy. 2010;41(1):106-20.
  • 42. Linardon J. Rates of abstinence following psychological or behavioral treatments for binge-eating disorder: Meta-analysis. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2018;51(8):785-97.
  • 43. Reas DL, Grilo CM. Review and meta-analysis of pharmacotherapy for binge-eating disorder. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md). 2008;16(9):2024-38.
  • 44. Matsumoto H, Ugawa Y. Adverse events of tDCS and tACS: A review. Clinical Neurophysiology Practice. 2017;2:19-25.
  • 45. Taylor R, Galvez V, Loo C. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) safety: a practical guide for psychiatrists. Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. 2018;26(2):189-92.
  • 46. Lowe CJ, Vincent C, Hall PA. Effects of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation on Food Cravings and Consumption: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2017;79(1):2-13.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Collection

Büşra Demirer 0000-0003-1945-0485

Aylin Açıkgöz Pınar 0000-0002-8847-9305

Publication Date September 1, 2022
Submission Date April 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Demirer, B., & Açıkgöz Pınar, A. (2022). Besin Bağımlılığı ve Obezite İlişkisi. Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi, 8(3), 354-359.