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Çocuklarda Abdominal Bölge Travmatik Yaralanmaların Bibliyometrik Çerçeveden Görünümü

Year 2025, , 17 - 25, 24.01.2025


Amaç: Çocukluk çağı abdominal bölge travmatik yaralanmaları hayati tehlike oluşturabilen ve aynı zamanda adli tıbbi öneme sahip ciddi yaralanmalardır. Dünya genelinde her gün 2000'den fazla çocuğun bu yaralanmalar sonucu hayatını kaybettiği belirtilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Web of Science veritabanı kullanılarak yapılan çocukluk çağı abdominal bölge travmatik yaralanmalarına ilişkin çalışmalara bibliometrik çerçeveden bakılması amaçlanmaktadır.

Yöntemler: Web of Science veritabanında "Child", "Children", "Pediatric", "Abdominal Trauma", "Abdominal Traumas", "Abdominal Injury" ve "Abdominal Injuries" anahtar sözcükleri kullanılarak bu sözcüklerin çalışma başlığında yer aldığı makaleler tespit edilmiş, bu makalelerin yazım dili, yayın yılı, yayınlandığı dergi, yazarları, yazar kurumları, çalışmaların yapıldığı ülke ve makalelere yapılan atıf sayısı gibi özellikleri incelenmiştir.

Bulgular: Çalışma kapsamına alınan 285 makalenin 260’ının (%91,3) İngilizce dilinde yazıldığı, çalışmaların en sık Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Türkiye ve Kanada’da yapıldığı, WoS kategorisine göre Cerrahi, Pediatri ve Acil Tıp kategorilerinin ön plana çıktığı belirlenmiştir.

Sonuç: Bu çalışmada elde edilen veriler sayesinde ülkemizde ve diğer ülkelerde çocukluk çağı abdominal travmatik yaralanmaları ile ilgili yayınlanan makalelerin bibliyometrik değerlendirmesi ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmamız bu alandaki araştırma verimliliğini ortaya koyan ilk çalışma niteliğindedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma Bakırçay Üniversitesi klinik araştırmalar etik kurulu tarafından onaylanmıştır. Tarih: 15.02.2023, sayı: 871.

Supporting Institution

Yazarlar tarafından destekleyen kuruluş beyan edilmemiştir.


Yazarlar tarafından teşekkür beyan edilmemiştir.


  • 1. Duman L. Çocuklarda abdominal travma. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 2007; 60(4):180-3.
  • 2. Akay MA, Gürbüz N, Yayla D, Eleman L, Ekingen GY, Esen H, Yıldız T, İlçe Z. Acil servise başvuran pediyatrik travma olgularının değerlendirilmesi. Kocaeli Tıp Derg 2013; 2(3):1-5.
  • 3. Nimanya SA, Sekabira J, Kakembo N, Kisa P, Massenga A, Naluyimbazi R, Oyania F, Okello I. Pediatric abdominal trauma in a National Referral Hospital. African Health Sciences 2022; 22(2):108-13.
  • 4. Sharma G, Chatterjee N, Kaushik A, Saxena S. Clinicoradiological predictors of severity of traumatic intra-abdominal injury in pediatric patients: A retrospective study. Curesu 2021; 13(9):e17936.
  • 5. Mehl SC, Cunningham ME, Streck CJ, Pettit R, Huang EY, Santore MT, Tsao K, Falcone RA, Dassinger MS, Haynes JH, Russell RT, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Peter SD, Mooney D, Upperman J, Blakely ML, Vogel AM. Characteristics and predictors of intensive care unit admission in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. Pediatr Surg Int 2022; 38(4):589-97.
  • 6. Aldinç H, Gün C. Analysis of pediatric traumas: Characteristics and the role of scoring systems. Bosphorus Med J 2020; 7(1):11-5.
  • 7. Nadikuditi S, Uthraraj NS, Krishnamurthy V, Kumar K, Prakash MH, Sriraam LM, Ramasamy GKS, Venkatachalam KUC.Penetrating abdominal trauma: descriptive analysis of a case series from an Indian metropolitan city. Cureus 2022; 14(12):e32429.
  • 8. Pimentel SK, Sawczyn GV, Mazepa M, Gonçalves Da Rosa FG, Nars A, Collaço IA. Risk factors for mortality in blunt abdominal trauma with surgical approach. Rev Col Bras Cir 2015; 42(4):259-64.
  • 9. Misso K, Robert B, Magoma J, Joylene T, Msuya D. Chylous ascites and pancreatic pseudocyst on a child following blunt abdominal trauma; a case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2022; 97:107406.
  • 10. Butler EK, Groner JI, Vavilala MS, Bulger EM, Rivara FP. Surgeon choice in management of pediatric abdominal trauma. J Pediatr Surg 2021; 56(1):146-2.
  • 11. Wen R, Zhang M, Xu R, Gao Y, Liu L, Chen H, Wang X, Zhu W, Lin H, Liu C, Zeng X. Covid‑19 imaging, where do we go from here? Bibliometric analysis of medical imaging in Covid‑19. Eur Radiol 2023; 9:1-11.
  • 12. Meral O, Kaya A, Aktaş EÖ. A Bibliometric study on covid-19 and autopsy. Hippocrates Med J 2022; 2(3):35-42.
  • 13. Holmes JF, Lillis K, Monroe D, Borgialli D, Kerrey BT, Mahajan P, Adelgais K, Ellison AM, Yen K, Atabaki S, Menaker J, Bonsu B, Quayle KS, Garcia M, Rogers A, Blumberg S, Lee L, Tunik M, Kooistra J, Kwok M, Cook LJ, Dean JM, Sokolove PE, Wisner DH, Ehrlich P, Cooper A, Dayan PS, Wootton-Gorges S, Kuppermann N. Identifying children at very low risk of clinically important blunt abdominal injuries. Ann Emerg Med 2013 ;62(2):107-16.e2.
  • 14. Holmes JF, Sokolove PE, Brant WE, Palchak MJ, Vance CW, Owings JT, Kuppermann N. Identification of children with intra-abdominal injuries after blunt trauma. Ann Emerg Med 2002; 39(5):500-9.
  • 15. Coley BD, Mutabagani KH, Martin LC, Zumberge N, Cooney DR, Caniano DA, Besner GE, Groner JI, Shiels WE. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (fast) in children with blunt abdominal trauma. J Trauma 2000; 48(5):902-6.
  • 16. Kaufman RA, Towbin R, Babcock DS, Gelfand MJ, Guice KS, Oldham KT, Noseworthy J. Upper abdominal-trauma in children - imaging evaluation, AJR Am J Roentgenol 1984; 142(3):449-60.
  • 17. Jobst MA, Canty Sr TG, Lynch FP. Management of pancreatic injury in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. J Pediatr Surg 1999; 34(5):818-23.
  • 18. Karp MP, Cooney DR, Berger PE, Kuhn JP, Jewett Jr TC. The role of computed-tomography in the evaluation of blunt abdominal-trauma in children. J Pediatr Surg 1981; 16(3):316-23.
  • 19. Valentino M, Serra C, Pavlica P, Labate AMM, Lima M, Baroncini S, Barozzi L. Blunt abdominal trauma: diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced us in children - initial experience. Radiology 2008; 246(3):903-9.
  • 20. Cooper A, Floyd T, Barlow B, Niemirska M, Ludwig S, Seidl T, O'Neill J, Templeton J, Ziegler M, Ross A. Major blunt abdominal-trauma due to child-abuse. J Trauma 1988; 28(10):1483-7.
  • 21. Taylor GA, Fallat ME, Potter BM, Eichelberger MR. The role of computed-tomography in blunt abdominal-trauma in children. J Trauma 1988; 28(12):1660-4.
  • 22. Bond SJ, Gotschall CS, Eichelberger MR. Predictors of abdominal injury in children with pelvic fracture. J Trauma 1991; 31(8):1169-73.
  • 23. Dönmez H, Çalışkan C, Arberk OK, Ünlü H, Küçük Biçer B, Özcebe H. An Evaluation of Injuries in Children Aged 7-14 Years in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 2018; 4:236-42.
  • 24. World Health Organization (WHO), Injuries And Violence The Facts 2014, Erişim Linki, Erişim Tarihi: 14.03.2023
  • 25. World Health Organization (WHO), Preventable Injuries Kill 2000 Children Every Day, Erişim Linki: Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2023
  • 26. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), İstatistiklerle Çocuk, 2020, Erişim Linki:, Erişim Tarihi: 25.03.2023.
  • 27. TÜBİTAK - Ulakbim bilimsel yayın göstergeleri. Erişim Linki:,%C3%87in%20(118.681)%20olarak%20g%C3%B6r%C3%BClmektedir. Erişim Tarihi: 25.03.2023.
  • 28. Türk Ceza Kanunu’nda tanımlanan yaralama suçlarının Adli Tıp açısından değerlendirilmesi rehberi. Haziran 2019. Erişim Linki: Erişim Tarihi: 25.03.2023.

View from Bibliometric Framework of Abdominal Region Traumatic Injury in Children

Year 2025, , 17 - 25, 24.01.2025


Objective: Childhood abdominal traumatic injuries are serious injuries that can be life-threatening and also have forensic medical importance. It is reported that more than 2000 children die every day worldwide as a result of these injuries. In this study, it is aimed to examine the studies on childhood abdominal traumatic injuries from a bibliometric framework using the Web of Science database.

Material and Methods: Using the keywords "Child", "Children", "Pediatric", "Abdominal Trauma", "Abdominal Trauma", "Abdominal Traumas", "Abdominal Injury" and "Abdominal Injuries" in the Web of Science database, articles with these words in the title of the study were identified, and the characteristics of these articles such as language of writing, year of publication, journal, authors, author institutions, country of study and number of citations were examined.

Results: It was determined that 260 (91.3%) of the 285 articles included in the study were written in English, the studies were most frequently conducted in the United States, Turkey and Canada, and the Surgery, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine categories were prominent according to the WoS category.

Conclusion: The bibliometric evaluation of articles published on childhood abdominal traumatic injuries in our country and other countries was revealed using to the data obtained in this study. Our study is the first of its kind to demonstrate research productivity in this field.


  • 1. Duman L. Çocuklarda abdominal travma. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 2007; 60(4):180-3.
  • 2. Akay MA, Gürbüz N, Yayla D, Eleman L, Ekingen GY, Esen H, Yıldız T, İlçe Z. Acil servise başvuran pediyatrik travma olgularının değerlendirilmesi. Kocaeli Tıp Derg 2013; 2(3):1-5.
  • 3. Nimanya SA, Sekabira J, Kakembo N, Kisa P, Massenga A, Naluyimbazi R, Oyania F, Okello I. Pediatric abdominal trauma in a National Referral Hospital. African Health Sciences 2022; 22(2):108-13.
  • 4. Sharma G, Chatterjee N, Kaushik A, Saxena S. Clinicoradiological predictors of severity of traumatic intra-abdominal injury in pediatric patients: A retrospective study. Curesu 2021; 13(9):e17936.
  • 5. Mehl SC, Cunningham ME, Streck CJ, Pettit R, Huang EY, Santore MT, Tsao K, Falcone RA, Dassinger MS, Haynes JH, Russell RT, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Peter SD, Mooney D, Upperman J, Blakely ML, Vogel AM. Characteristics and predictors of intensive care unit admission in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. Pediatr Surg Int 2022; 38(4):589-97.
  • 6. Aldinç H, Gün C. Analysis of pediatric traumas: Characteristics and the role of scoring systems. Bosphorus Med J 2020; 7(1):11-5.
  • 7. Nadikuditi S, Uthraraj NS, Krishnamurthy V, Kumar K, Prakash MH, Sriraam LM, Ramasamy GKS, Venkatachalam KUC.Penetrating abdominal trauma: descriptive analysis of a case series from an Indian metropolitan city. Cureus 2022; 14(12):e32429.
  • 8. Pimentel SK, Sawczyn GV, Mazepa M, Gonçalves Da Rosa FG, Nars A, Collaço IA. Risk factors for mortality in blunt abdominal trauma with surgical approach. Rev Col Bras Cir 2015; 42(4):259-64.
  • 9. Misso K, Robert B, Magoma J, Joylene T, Msuya D. Chylous ascites and pancreatic pseudocyst on a child following blunt abdominal trauma; a case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2022; 97:107406.
  • 10. Butler EK, Groner JI, Vavilala MS, Bulger EM, Rivara FP. Surgeon choice in management of pediatric abdominal trauma. J Pediatr Surg 2021; 56(1):146-2.
  • 11. Wen R, Zhang M, Xu R, Gao Y, Liu L, Chen H, Wang X, Zhu W, Lin H, Liu C, Zeng X. Covid‑19 imaging, where do we go from here? Bibliometric analysis of medical imaging in Covid‑19. Eur Radiol 2023; 9:1-11.
  • 12. Meral O, Kaya A, Aktaş EÖ. A Bibliometric study on covid-19 and autopsy. Hippocrates Med J 2022; 2(3):35-42.
  • 13. Holmes JF, Lillis K, Monroe D, Borgialli D, Kerrey BT, Mahajan P, Adelgais K, Ellison AM, Yen K, Atabaki S, Menaker J, Bonsu B, Quayle KS, Garcia M, Rogers A, Blumberg S, Lee L, Tunik M, Kooistra J, Kwok M, Cook LJ, Dean JM, Sokolove PE, Wisner DH, Ehrlich P, Cooper A, Dayan PS, Wootton-Gorges S, Kuppermann N. Identifying children at very low risk of clinically important blunt abdominal injuries. Ann Emerg Med 2013 ;62(2):107-16.e2.
  • 14. Holmes JF, Sokolove PE, Brant WE, Palchak MJ, Vance CW, Owings JT, Kuppermann N. Identification of children with intra-abdominal injuries after blunt trauma. Ann Emerg Med 2002; 39(5):500-9.
  • 15. Coley BD, Mutabagani KH, Martin LC, Zumberge N, Cooney DR, Caniano DA, Besner GE, Groner JI, Shiels WE. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (fast) in children with blunt abdominal trauma. J Trauma 2000; 48(5):902-6.
  • 16. Kaufman RA, Towbin R, Babcock DS, Gelfand MJ, Guice KS, Oldham KT, Noseworthy J. Upper abdominal-trauma in children - imaging evaluation, AJR Am J Roentgenol 1984; 142(3):449-60.
  • 17. Jobst MA, Canty Sr TG, Lynch FP. Management of pancreatic injury in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. J Pediatr Surg 1999; 34(5):818-23.
  • 18. Karp MP, Cooney DR, Berger PE, Kuhn JP, Jewett Jr TC. The role of computed-tomography in the evaluation of blunt abdominal-trauma in children. J Pediatr Surg 1981; 16(3):316-23.
  • 19. Valentino M, Serra C, Pavlica P, Labate AMM, Lima M, Baroncini S, Barozzi L. Blunt abdominal trauma: diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced us in children - initial experience. Radiology 2008; 246(3):903-9.
  • 20. Cooper A, Floyd T, Barlow B, Niemirska M, Ludwig S, Seidl T, O'Neill J, Templeton J, Ziegler M, Ross A. Major blunt abdominal-trauma due to child-abuse. J Trauma 1988; 28(10):1483-7.
  • 21. Taylor GA, Fallat ME, Potter BM, Eichelberger MR. The role of computed-tomography in blunt abdominal-trauma in children. J Trauma 1988; 28(12):1660-4.
  • 22. Bond SJ, Gotschall CS, Eichelberger MR. Predictors of abdominal injury in children with pelvic fracture. J Trauma 1991; 31(8):1169-73.
  • 23. Dönmez H, Çalışkan C, Arberk OK, Ünlü H, Küçük Biçer B, Özcebe H. An Evaluation of Injuries in Children Aged 7-14 Years in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 2018; 4:236-42.
  • 24. World Health Organization (WHO), Injuries And Violence The Facts 2014, Erişim Linki, Erişim Tarihi: 14.03.2023
  • 25. World Health Organization (WHO), Preventable Injuries Kill 2000 Children Every Day, Erişim Linki: Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2023
  • 26. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), İstatistiklerle Çocuk, 2020, Erişim Linki:, Erişim Tarihi: 25.03.2023.
  • 27. TÜBİTAK - Ulakbim bilimsel yayın göstergeleri. Erişim Linki:,%C3%87in%20(118.681)%20olarak%20g%C3%B6r%C3%BClmektedir. Erişim Tarihi: 25.03.2023.
  • 28. Türk Ceza Kanunu’nda tanımlanan yaralama suçlarının Adli Tıp açısından değerlendirilmesi rehberi. Haziran 2019. Erişim Linki: Erişim Tarihi: 25.03.2023.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Surgery (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Cemal Bilir 0000-0001-5034-2074

Orhan Meral 0000-0002-7159-1595

Early Pub Date January 20, 2025
Publication Date January 24, 2025
Submission Date October 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2025


Vancouver Bilir C, Meral O. Çocuklarda Abdominal Bölge Travmatik Yaralanmaların Bibliyometrik Çerçeveden Görünümü. Akd Tıp D. 2025;11(1):17-25.