Paraneoplastic syndrome PNS is characterised by a clinical manifestation due to humoral factors such as hormones or cytokines secreted by tumor cells or by an immune response against the tumor. This clinical condition usually disappears by treatment of primary disease or recurs with disease progression. Development of polycythemia as a PNS is rare in the literature and is particularly reported to occur in renal cell carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and gynecological cancers. However, there is only a small number of paraneoplastic polycythemia cases associated with germ cell tumors GCT . Herein, we report an uncommon case of paraneoplastic polycythemia due to testicular cancer
Okutur K, Demir G. Paraneoplazi kavramı. Türkderm 2013;47:59-64.
Kaito K, Otsubo H, Usui N, Kobayashi M. Secondary polycythemia as a paraneoplastic syndrome of testicular seminoma. Ann Hematol 2004;83:55-7.
Odell WD: Paraneoplastic syndromes. In: Bast RC, Holland I F, Frei E, eds. Cancer medicine. 5th ed. Hamilton (ON): BC Decker, 2000;777-89.
Sakamoto S, Igarashi T, Osumi N, Imamoto T, Tobe T, Kamiya M, Ito H. Erythropoietin-producing renal cell carcinoma in chronic hemodialysis patients: A report of two cases. Int J Urol 2003;10:49-51.
Matsuyama M, Yamazaki O, Horii K, Higaki I, Kawai S, Mikami S, Higashino M, Oka H, Nakai T, Inoue T. Erythrocytosis caused by an erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular carcinoma. J Surg Oncol 2000;75:197- 202.
Clark CL, Wilson TO, Witzig TE. Giant uterine fi bromyoma producing secondary polycythemia. Obstet Gynecol 1994;84:722-4.
Ascensao JL, Gaylis F, Bronson D, Fraley EE, Zanjani ED. Erythropoietin production by a human testicular germ cell line. Blood 1983;62:1132-4.
Reman O, Reznik Y, Casadevall N, Lacombe C, Troussard X, Mandard JC, Leporrier M, Mahoudeau J. Polycythemia and steroid overproduction in a gonadotropin-secreting seminoma of the testis. Cancer 1991;68:2224-9.
Viallard JF, Marit G, Mercié P, Leng B, Reiffers J, Pellegrin JL. Polycythaemia as a complication of transdermal testosterone therapy. Br J Haematol 2000;110:237-8.
Sachot JL, Ratajczak A, Kerbrat P, Leblay R, Boffa GA. Secondary paraneoplastic polycythemia of testicular cancer. Ann Urol (Paris) 1989;23:153-5.
Bernini G, Sgrò M, Bartolommei A, Arganini M, Miccoli P, Petrini M, Franchi F. Retroperitoneal seminoma secondary to ‘burned out’ testicular tumor in an acromegalic patient. Eur J Surg Oncol 1992;18:191-4.
Cardillo MR, Petrangeli E, Ravenna L, Salvatori L, Di Silverio F. Transforming growth factor-beta expression in human testicular neoplasms. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 1998;20:461-9.
Mikst Germ Hücreli Testis Tümörüne İkincil Gelişen Paraneoplastik Polisitemi
Year 2018,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 60 - 62, 01.01.2018
Paraneoplastik sendrom PNS tümör tarafından salınan hormonal ya da tümöre yanıt olarak immün sistem tarafından salınan sitokinlerce oluşan klinik bir durumdur. Bu klinik durum çoğunlukla altta yatan primer tümörün tedavisi ile ortadan kalkmakta ya da tümörün ilerlemesi ile tekrar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Literatürde paraneoplastik polisitemi olguları çok nadirdir ve genellikle altta yatan renal hücreli kanser, hepatoselüler kanser ve jinekolojik kanserlere bağlı olgular olarak bildirilmiştir. Literatürde çok az sayıda germ hücreli tümör ve paraneoplastik polisitemi birlikteliği bildirilmiştir. Bu nedenle biz bu nadir birlikteliğe dikkat çekmek için testis kanserli hastada saptanan paranoplastik polisitemi olgusunu sunduk
Okutur K, Demir G. Paraneoplazi kavramı. Türkderm 2013;47:59-64.
Kaito K, Otsubo H, Usui N, Kobayashi M. Secondary polycythemia as a paraneoplastic syndrome of testicular seminoma. Ann Hematol 2004;83:55-7.
Odell WD: Paraneoplastic syndromes. In: Bast RC, Holland I F, Frei E, eds. Cancer medicine. 5th ed. Hamilton (ON): BC Decker, 2000;777-89.
Sakamoto S, Igarashi T, Osumi N, Imamoto T, Tobe T, Kamiya M, Ito H. Erythropoietin-producing renal cell carcinoma in chronic hemodialysis patients: A report of two cases. Int J Urol 2003;10:49-51.
Matsuyama M, Yamazaki O, Horii K, Higaki I, Kawai S, Mikami S, Higashino M, Oka H, Nakai T, Inoue T. Erythrocytosis caused by an erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular carcinoma. J Surg Oncol 2000;75:197- 202.
Clark CL, Wilson TO, Witzig TE. Giant uterine fi bromyoma producing secondary polycythemia. Obstet Gynecol 1994;84:722-4.
Ascensao JL, Gaylis F, Bronson D, Fraley EE, Zanjani ED. Erythropoietin production by a human testicular germ cell line. Blood 1983;62:1132-4.
Reman O, Reznik Y, Casadevall N, Lacombe C, Troussard X, Mandard JC, Leporrier M, Mahoudeau J. Polycythemia and steroid overproduction in a gonadotropin-secreting seminoma of the testis. Cancer 1991;68:2224-9.
Viallard JF, Marit G, Mercié P, Leng B, Reiffers J, Pellegrin JL. Polycythaemia as a complication of transdermal testosterone therapy. Br J Haematol 2000;110:237-8.
Sachot JL, Ratajczak A, Kerbrat P, Leblay R, Boffa GA. Secondary paraneoplastic polycythemia of testicular cancer. Ann Urol (Paris) 1989;23:153-5.
Bernini G, Sgrò M, Bartolommei A, Arganini M, Miccoli P, Petrini M, Franchi F. Retroperitoneal seminoma secondary to ‘burned out’ testicular tumor in an acromegalic patient. Eur J Surg Oncol 1992;18:191-4.
Cardillo MR, Petrangeli E, Ravenna L, Salvatori L, Di Silverio F. Transforming growth factor-beta expression in human testicular neoplasms. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 1998;20:461-9.