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Özofagus Kanseri Nedeni ile Uygulanan Ivor-Lewis Operasyonu Sonucu Gelişen Katastrofik Komplikasyonlar: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 74 - 78, 01.01.2018


Özofagus kanserinin tedavisi amacıyla yapılan özofajektomiler sonrası birçok medikal veya cerrahi komplikasyon gelişebilmektedir. Bunların bir kısmı minör olarak nitelendirilen tedavisi kolay olan komplikasyonlar iken, majör komplikasyonlar olarak sınıfl andırdığımız diğer kısmın tedavisi oldukça zor olup morbidite ve mortaliteye sebep olurlar. Özofajektomi sonrası eşzamanlı olarak bronkomediastinal ve özofagomediastinal fi stül gelişmesi oldukça nadirdir. Özofagus kanseri tedavisi için neoadjuan kemoradyoterapi verildikten sonra laparoskopik ve torakoskopik Ivor-Lewis özofajektomi yapılan ve postoperatif erken dönemde bu iki ciddi komplikasyonun da geliştiği bir erkek hastayı sunuyoruz


  • Cassivi SD. Leaks, strictures, and necrosis: A review of anastomotic complications following esophagectomy. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;16(2):124-32.
  • Griffi n SM, Shaw IH, Dresner SM. Early with two-fi eld lymphadenectomy: Risk factors and management. J Am Coll Surg 2002;194(3):285-97.
  • Lerut T, Coosemans W, Decker G, De Leyn P, Nafteux P, van Raemdonck D. Anastomotic complications after esophagectomy. Dig Surg 2002;19:92-8.
  • Salahi H, Tahamtan M, Ziaian B, Masjedi M, Saadati Z, Hoseini N, Torabi E. Gastrotracheal fi stula as a result of transhiatal esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: An unusual complication. Case Rep Surg 2015.
  • Nardella JE, Van Raemdonck D, Piessevaux H, Deprez P, Droissart R, Staudt JP, Heuker D, van Vyve E. Gastro- tracheal fi stula-unusual and life threatening complication after esophagectomy for cancer: A case report. J Cardiothorac Surg 2009;4:69.
  • Law S, Wong KH, Kwok KF, Chu KM, Wong J. Predictive factors for postoperative pulmonary complications and mortality after esophagectomy for cancer. Ann Surg 2004;240(5):791-800.
  • Hagendoorn J, Schipper ME, Cloin A, Ramjankhan FZ, Siersema PD, van Hillegersberg R. A patient with tracheoesophageal fi stula and esophageal cancer after radiotherapy. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010;7(12):702-6.
  • Anderson JR, Spence RA, Parks TG, Bond EB, Burrows BD. Rectovaginal fi stulae following radiation treatment for cervical carcinoma. Ulster Med J 1984;53(1):84-7.
  • Levenback C, Gershenson DM, McGehee R, Eifel PJ, Morris M, Burke TW. Enterovesical fi stula following radiotherapy for gynecologic cancer. Gynecol Oncol 1994; 52(3):296-300.
  • Boudaya MS, Smadhi H, Zribi H, Mohamed J, Ammar J, Mestiri T, Kilani T. Conservative management of postoperative bronchopleural fi stulas. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013; 146(3):575-9.
  • Gogia P, Gupta S, Goyal R. Bronchoscopic management of bronchopleural fi stula. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2010;52(3):161-3.
  • Zhou N, Chen WX, Li YM, Xiang Z, Gao P, Fang Y. Successful tubes treatment of esophageal fi stula. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2007;8(10):709-14.
  • Hünerbein M, Stroszczynski C, Moesta KT, Schlag PM. Treatment of thoracic anastomotic leaks after esophagectomy with self-expanding plastic stents. Ann Surg 2004;240(5):801-7.
  • Chauhan SS, Long JD. Management of Tracheoesopha- geal Fistulas in adults. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 2004;7(1):31-40.
  • Park JS, Eom JS, Choi SH, Kim YH, Kim EK. Use of a serratus anterior musculocutaneous fl ap for surgical obliteration of a bronchopleural fi stula. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2015;20(5):569-74.

Catastrophic Complications After Ivor-Lewis Procedure Due To Esophagus Cancer: A Case Report

Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 74 - 78, 01.01.2018


Medical and surgical complications can occur after esophagectomy due to esophageal cancer. Minor complications can be treated easily but major complications can only be treated with diffi culty and can lead to mortality and morbidity. Bronchomediastinal and esophagomediastinal fi stula in the same patient is a rare condition. We present a male patient who had bronchomediastinal and esophageal mediastinal fi stula as an early complication of radiotherapy and an Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy procedure for the treatment of esophageal cancer


  • Cassivi SD. Leaks, strictures, and necrosis: A review of anastomotic complications following esophagectomy. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;16(2):124-32.
  • Griffi n SM, Shaw IH, Dresner SM. Early with two-fi eld lymphadenectomy: Risk factors and management. J Am Coll Surg 2002;194(3):285-97.
  • Lerut T, Coosemans W, Decker G, De Leyn P, Nafteux P, van Raemdonck D. Anastomotic complications after esophagectomy. Dig Surg 2002;19:92-8.
  • Salahi H, Tahamtan M, Ziaian B, Masjedi M, Saadati Z, Hoseini N, Torabi E. Gastrotracheal fi stula as a result of transhiatal esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: An unusual complication. Case Rep Surg 2015.
  • Nardella JE, Van Raemdonck D, Piessevaux H, Deprez P, Droissart R, Staudt JP, Heuker D, van Vyve E. Gastro- tracheal fi stula-unusual and life threatening complication after esophagectomy for cancer: A case report. J Cardiothorac Surg 2009;4:69.
  • Law S, Wong KH, Kwok KF, Chu KM, Wong J. Predictive factors for postoperative pulmonary complications and mortality after esophagectomy for cancer. Ann Surg 2004;240(5):791-800.
  • Hagendoorn J, Schipper ME, Cloin A, Ramjankhan FZ, Siersema PD, van Hillegersberg R. A patient with tracheoesophageal fi stula and esophageal cancer after radiotherapy. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010;7(12):702-6.
  • Anderson JR, Spence RA, Parks TG, Bond EB, Burrows BD. Rectovaginal fi stulae following radiation treatment for cervical carcinoma. Ulster Med J 1984;53(1):84-7.
  • Levenback C, Gershenson DM, McGehee R, Eifel PJ, Morris M, Burke TW. Enterovesical fi stula following radiotherapy for gynecologic cancer. Gynecol Oncol 1994; 52(3):296-300.
  • Boudaya MS, Smadhi H, Zribi H, Mohamed J, Ammar J, Mestiri T, Kilani T. Conservative management of postoperative bronchopleural fi stulas. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013; 146(3):575-9.
  • Gogia P, Gupta S, Goyal R. Bronchoscopic management of bronchopleural fi stula. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2010;52(3):161-3.
  • Zhou N, Chen WX, Li YM, Xiang Z, Gao P, Fang Y. Successful tubes treatment of esophageal fi stula. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2007;8(10):709-14.
  • Hünerbein M, Stroszczynski C, Moesta KT, Schlag PM. Treatment of thoracic anastomotic leaks after esophagectomy with self-expanding plastic stents. Ann Surg 2004;240(5):801-7.
  • Chauhan SS, Long JD. Management of Tracheoesopha- geal Fistulas in adults. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 2004;7(1):31-40.
  • Park JS, Eom JS, Choi SH, Kim YH, Kim EK. Use of a serratus anterior musculocutaneous fl ap for surgical obliteration of a bronchopleural fi stula. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2015;20(5):569-74.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Arif Emre This is me

Selami Ilgaz Kayılıoğlu This is me

Tolga Dinç This is me

Nursel Yurttutan This is me

Taner İlhami Kale This is me

Mehmet Sertkaya This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


Vancouver Emre A, Kayılıoğlu SI, Dinç T, Yurttutan N, Kale Tİ, Sertkaya M. Özofagus Kanseri Nedeni ile Uygulanan Ivor-Lewis Operasyonu Sonucu Gelişen Katastrofik Komplikasyonlar: Olgu Sunumu. Akd Med J. 2018;4(1):74-8.