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Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kan ve Kan Ürünleriyle Temas ve İğne Batması ile Karşılaşma Sıklıkları

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 32 - 40, 01.01.2019


Amaç: Çalışmada tıp eğitiminin son yılında bulunan ve kan temasına yol açacak girişimleri yoğun olarak uygulamaya başlayan dönem 6 öğrencilerinde kan ve kan ürünleri ile temas ve iğne batması sıklığı yanında kan teması risk faktörlerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırma bir üniversite hastanesinde gerçekleştirilen kesitsel tipte bir araştırmadır ve bir yıl arayla iki kez veri toplanarak 2013 ve 2015’de yapılmıştır. Toplam 315 Dönem 6 öğrencisi katılmıştır. Katılımcılara kendi kendilerinin yanıtlaması yöntemi ile anket uygulanmış ve son yıl içinde yaşanan kan teması sorgulanmıştır.Bulgular: Dönem 6 öğrencilerinin tamamına yakınının invaziv işlem uyguladıkları, en çok yapılan uygulamanın kan alma %95 olduğu görülmüştür. 2013 ve 2015 yıllarında kontamine enjektörle iğne batması yaşayanların sıklığı sırasıyla %55,2 ve %56,7 olmuştur. Sağlam deriye kan teması invaziv işlemleri daha sık uygulayan dönem 6 öğrencilerinde 1,85 kat OR=1,85; %95 CI=1,31-3,03 daha fazla görülmüştür. Koruyucu önlemleri daha az kullanan dönem 6 öğrencilerinde mukokütan kan teması 2,24 kat OR=2,24; %95 CI=1,12-4,48 , perkütan temas yaşama sıklığı ise 2,33 kat OR=2,33; %95 CI=1,02-5,30 daha fazla bulunmuştur.Sonuç: Tıp öğrencileri sağlık çalışanları listesinde yeni bir mesleki risk grubu olarak tanımlanmalıdır. Kan temasından korunmak için aldıkları önlemler istenen düzeyde değildir


  • 1. Ertem M, Dalar Y, Cevik U, Sahin H. Injury or body fluid splash incidence rate during three months period in elective surgery procedures, at Dicle University Hospital, Diyarbakır, Turkey. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2008; 14(1):40-5.
  • 2. Azap A, Ergönül O, Memikoğlu KO, Yeşilkaya A, Altunsoy A, Bozkurt GY, Tekeli E. Occupational exposure to blood and body fluids among health care workers in Ankara, Turkey. Am J Infect Control 2005; 33(1):48-52.
  • 3. Hosoglu S, Akalin S, Sunbul M, Otkun M, Ozturk R; Occupational Infections Study Group. Predictive factors for occupational bloodborne exposure in Turkish hospitals. Am J Infect Control 2009; 37(1):65-9.
  • 4. Smith DR, Wei N, Wang RS. Needlesticks and sharps injuries among chinese hospital nurses. Advances in Exposure Prevention 2004; 7(1):11-2.
  • 5. Wu HC, Ho JJ, Lin MH, Chen CJ, Guo YL, Shiao JS. Incidence of percutaneous injury in Taiwan healthcare workers. Epidemiol Infect 2015; 143(15):3308-15.
  • 6. Mueller A, Stoetter L, Kalluvya S, Stich A, Majinge C, Weissbrich B, Kasang C. Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection among health care workers in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania. BMC Infect Dis 2015; 15:386
  • 7. Prüss-Üstün A, Rapiti E, Hutin Y. Estimation of the global burden of disease attributable to contaminated sharps injuries among health-care workers. Am J Ind Med 2005; 48(6):482-90.
  • 8. Ghasemzadeh I, Kazerooni M, Davoodian P, Hamedi Y, Sadeghi P. Sharp injuries among medical students. Glob J Health Sci 2015; 7(5):320-5.
  • 9. Ream PS, Tipple AF, Barros DX, Souza AC, Pereira MS. Biological risk among hospital housekeepers. Arch Environ Occup Health 2014; 19:1-7.
  • 10. Dönmez L, Kaplan D, Yılmaz FB. Tıp Fakültesi Dönem 5 ve Dönem 6 Öğrencilerinin Kan ve Kan Ürünleri ile Temas Durumları. 15.Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi, 2012, Bursa. Kongre Kitabı, 186-7, Sözel Sunum No: 339.
  • 11. Zhang M, Wang H, Miao J, Du X, Li T, Wu Z. Occupational exposure to blood and body fluids among health care workers in a general hospital, China. Am J Ind Med 2009; 52(2):89-98.
  • 12. Sabermoghaddam M, Sarbaz M, Lashkardoost H, Kaviani A, Eslami S, Rezazadeh J. Incidence of occupational exposure to blood and body fluids and measures taken by health care workers before and after exposure in regional hospitals of a developing country: A multicenter study. Am J Infect Control 2015; 43(10):1137-8.
  • 13. Kermode M, Jolley D, Langkham B, Thomas MS, Crofts N. Occupational exposure to blood and risk of bloodborne virus infection among health care workers in rural North Indian health care settings. Am J Infect Control 2005; 33(1):34-41.
  • 14. Erol S, Özkurt Z, Ertek M, Kadanalı A, Taşyaran MA. Sağlık çalışanlarında kan ve vücut sıvılarıyla olan mesleki temaslar. Hastane İnfeksiyonları Dergisi 2005; 9:101-6.
  • 15. Kuruüzüm Z, Elmalı Z, Günay S, Gündüz S, Yapan Z. Occupational exposures to blood and body fluids among Health care workers: A questionary survey. Mikrobiyol Bul 2008; 42(1):61-9.
  • 16. Smith DR, Mihashi M, Adachi Y, Nakashima Y, Ishitake T. Epidemiology of needlestick and sharps injuries among nurses in a Japanese teaching hospital. J Hosp Infect 2006; 64(1):44-9.
  • 17. Talaat M, Kandeel A, El-Shoubary W, Bodenschatz C, Khairy I, Oun S, Mahoney FJ. Occupational exposure to needlestick injuries and hepatitis B vaccination coverage among health care workers in Egypt. Am J Infect Control 2003; 31(8):469-74.
  • 18. Wu Q, Xue XF, Shah D, Zhao J, Hwang LY, Zhuang G. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Regarding Occupational HIV exposure and protection among health care workers in China: Census survey in a rural Area. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2014 Nov 25. pii: 2325957414558300. [Epub ahead of print]. Published online before print November 25, 2014.
  • 19. Çelik Y, Akduman D, Kıran S. Sağlık çalışanları ve öğrencilerin kan ve vücut sıvılarıyla bulaşan enfeksiyonlar, enfeksiyon kontrol önlemleri hakkındaki bilgi düzeyleri, temas sıklıkları, serolojik durumları ve hepatit b aşılanma durumlarının değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2010; 30(4):1246-55.
  • 20. Stein AD, Makarawo TP, Ahmad MF. A survey of doctors’ and nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and compliance with infection control guidelines in Birmingham teaching hospitals. J Hosp Infect 2003; 54(1):68-73.
  • 21. World Health Organization 2015. WHO guideline on the use of safety-engineered syringes for intramuscular, intradermal and subcutaneous injections in health-care settings. WHO/HIS/SDS/2015.5
  • 22. Au E, Gossage JA, Bailey SR. The reporting of needlestick injuries sustained in theatre by surgeons: Are we underreporting? J Hosp Infect 2008; 70(1):66-70.
  • 23. Tarantola A, Golliot F, Astagneau P, Fleury L, Brücker G, Bouvet E; CCLIN Paris-Nord Blood and Body Fluids (BBF) Exposure Surveillance Taskforce. Occupational blood and body fluids exposures in health care workers: Four-year surveillance from the Northern France network. Am J Infect Control 2003; 31(6):357-63.
  • 24. Alamgir H, Cvitkovich Y, Astrakianakis G, Yu S, Yassi A. Needlestick and other potential blood and body fluid exposures among health care workers in British Columbia, Canada. Am J Infect Control 2008; 36(1):12-21

The Frequency of Contact with Blood and Blood Products and Needlestick Injuries in Last-year Medical Students of Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 32 - 40, 01.01.2019


Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the risk factors for blood contact, the frequency of needlestick injuries, and the frequency of contact with blood and blood products among medical students who had started to intensively use the associated procedures in their last year of medical training.Material and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed at a university hospital; the data was collected in 2013 and 2015. A total of 315 sixth-year medical students participated in the study. A self-rating questionnaire was administered to the participants anonymously and the blood contact experienced in their final year was recorded. Results: Nearly all of the students in the study performed invasive procedures. The most commonly performed procedure was drawing blood 95% . The frequency of experiencing contact with contaminated needles in 2013 and in 2015 was 55% and 57%, respectively. Blood contact with intact skin was observed at a rate that was 1.85 times higher 95%CI = 1.31 - 3.03 in students who conducted invasive procedures more frequently. Blood contact with the mucocutaneous zone was observed 2.24 times more frequently 95%CI = 1.12 - 4.48 , while percutaneous contact with blood was observed 2.33 times more frequently 95%CI = 1.02 - 5.30 in students who used protective material less often.Conclusion: Medical students should be defined as a new occupational risk group in the list of health care workers. Precautions for the avoidance of blood contact are not currently at the desired level


  • 1. Ertem M, Dalar Y, Cevik U, Sahin H. Injury or body fluid splash incidence rate during three months period in elective surgery procedures, at Dicle University Hospital, Diyarbakır, Turkey. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2008; 14(1):40-5.
  • 2. Azap A, Ergönül O, Memikoğlu KO, Yeşilkaya A, Altunsoy A, Bozkurt GY, Tekeli E. Occupational exposure to blood and body fluids among health care workers in Ankara, Turkey. Am J Infect Control 2005; 33(1):48-52.
  • 3. Hosoglu S, Akalin S, Sunbul M, Otkun M, Ozturk R; Occupational Infections Study Group. Predictive factors for occupational bloodborne exposure in Turkish hospitals. Am J Infect Control 2009; 37(1):65-9.
  • 4. Smith DR, Wei N, Wang RS. Needlesticks and sharps injuries among chinese hospital nurses. Advances in Exposure Prevention 2004; 7(1):11-2.
  • 5. Wu HC, Ho JJ, Lin MH, Chen CJ, Guo YL, Shiao JS. Incidence of percutaneous injury in Taiwan healthcare workers. Epidemiol Infect 2015; 143(15):3308-15.
  • 6. Mueller A, Stoetter L, Kalluvya S, Stich A, Majinge C, Weissbrich B, Kasang C. Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection among health care workers in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania. BMC Infect Dis 2015; 15:386
  • 7. Prüss-Üstün A, Rapiti E, Hutin Y. Estimation of the global burden of disease attributable to contaminated sharps injuries among health-care workers. Am J Ind Med 2005; 48(6):482-90.
  • 8. Ghasemzadeh I, Kazerooni M, Davoodian P, Hamedi Y, Sadeghi P. Sharp injuries among medical students. Glob J Health Sci 2015; 7(5):320-5.
  • 9. Ream PS, Tipple AF, Barros DX, Souza AC, Pereira MS. Biological risk among hospital housekeepers. Arch Environ Occup Health 2014; 19:1-7.
  • 10. Dönmez L, Kaplan D, Yılmaz FB. Tıp Fakültesi Dönem 5 ve Dönem 6 Öğrencilerinin Kan ve Kan Ürünleri ile Temas Durumları. 15.Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi, 2012, Bursa. Kongre Kitabı, 186-7, Sözel Sunum No: 339.
  • 11. Zhang M, Wang H, Miao J, Du X, Li T, Wu Z. Occupational exposure to blood and body fluids among health care workers in a general hospital, China. Am J Ind Med 2009; 52(2):89-98.
  • 12. Sabermoghaddam M, Sarbaz M, Lashkardoost H, Kaviani A, Eslami S, Rezazadeh J. Incidence of occupational exposure to blood and body fluids and measures taken by health care workers before and after exposure in regional hospitals of a developing country: A multicenter study. Am J Infect Control 2015; 43(10):1137-8.
  • 13. Kermode M, Jolley D, Langkham B, Thomas MS, Crofts N. Occupational exposure to blood and risk of bloodborne virus infection among health care workers in rural North Indian health care settings. Am J Infect Control 2005; 33(1):34-41.
  • 14. Erol S, Özkurt Z, Ertek M, Kadanalı A, Taşyaran MA. Sağlık çalışanlarında kan ve vücut sıvılarıyla olan mesleki temaslar. Hastane İnfeksiyonları Dergisi 2005; 9:101-6.
  • 15. Kuruüzüm Z, Elmalı Z, Günay S, Gündüz S, Yapan Z. Occupational exposures to blood and body fluids among Health care workers: A questionary survey. Mikrobiyol Bul 2008; 42(1):61-9.
  • 16. Smith DR, Mihashi M, Adachi Y, Nakashima Y, Ishitake T. Epidemiology of needlestick and sharps injuries among nurses in a Japanese teaching hospital. J Hosp Infect 2006; 64(1):44-9.
  • 17. Talaat M, Kandeel A, El-Shoubary W, Bodenschatz C, Khairy I, Oun S, Mahoney FJ. Occupational exposure to needlestick injuries and hepatitis B vaccination coverage among health care workers in Egypt. Am J Infect Control 2003; 31(8):469-74.
  • 18. Wu Q, Xue XF, Shah D, Zhao J, Hwang LY, Zhuang G. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Regarding Occupational HIV exposure and protection among health care workers in China: Census survey in a rural Area. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2014 Nov 25. pii: 2325957414558300. [Epub ahead of print]. Published online before print November 25, 2014.
  • 19. Çelik Y, Akduman D, Kıran S. Sağlık çalışanları ve öğrencilerin kan ve vücut sıvılarıyla bulaşan enfeksiyonlar, enfeksiyon kontrol önlemleri hakkındaki bilgi düzeyleri, temas sıklıkları, serolojik durumları ve hepatit b aşılanma durumlarının değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2010; 30(4):1246-55.
  • 20. Stein AD, Makarawo TP, Ahmad MF. A survey of doctors’ and nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and compliance with infection control guidelines in Birmingham teaching hospitals. J Hosp Infect 2003; 54(1):68-73.
  • 21. World Health Organization 2015. WHO guideline on the use of safety-engineered syringes for intramuscular, intradermal and subcutaneous injections in health-care settings. WHO/HIS/SDS/2015.5
  • 22. Au E, Gossage JA, Bailey SR. The reporting of needlestick injuries sustained in theatre by surgeons: Are we underreporting? J Hosp Infect 2008; 70(1):66-70.
  • 23. Tarantola A, Golliot F, Astagneau P, Fleury L, Brücker G, Bouvet E; CCLIN Paris-Nord Blood and Body Fluids (BBF) Exposure Surveillance Taskforce. Occupational blood and body fluids exposures in health care workers: Four-year surveillance from the Northern France network. Am J Infect Control 2003; 31(6):357-63.
  • 24. Alamgir H, Cvitkovich Y, Astrakianakis G, Yu S, Yassi A. Needlestick and other potential blood and body fluid exposures among health care workers in British Columbia, Canada. Am J Infect Control 2008; 36(1):12-21
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Meltem Akdemir This is me

Hakan Erengin This is me

Levent Dönmez This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


Vancouver Akdemir M, Erengin H, Dönmez L. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kan ve Kan Ürünleriyle Temas ve İğne Batması ile Karşılaşma Sıklıkları. Akd Med J. 2019;5(1):32-40.