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Stapler Hemoroidopeksi?de Anokutanöz Hattın 4 Kadrandan Traksiyonu Avantaj Sağlıyor mu?

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 290 - 295, 01.01.2019


Amaç: Çalışmada, 3. ve 4. derece hemoroidlerde stapler hemoroidopeksi Longo Ameliyatı yapılan hastalarda ano-kutanöz hattın 4 kadrandan traksiyon yapılmasının hasta sonuçlarına olan etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntemler: 2011 ve 2017 yılları arasında 6 yıllık sürede semptomatik 3. ve 4. derece hemoroidi olan toplam 68 hastaya stapler hemoroidopeksi SH uygulandı. Retrospektif olarak incelendiğinde bu hastaların 28’ine standart stapler hemoroidopeksi S-SH ameliyatı, 40 hastaya da anokütanöz hattan 4 kadrandan askı sütürleri konulduktan sonra traksiyon yapılarak stapler hemoroidopeksi T-SH işlemi uygulandı. Hastaların demografik verileri, anestezi tipi, operasyon ve hastanede kalış süreleri, erken ve geç dönem komplikasyonları, stapler anastomoz hattının dentad line’a olan mesafeleri, analjezik ihtiyaçları retrospektif olarak incelendi ve bu iki hasta grubu arasında karşılaştırma yapıldı. Bulgular: 68 hastanın 50’si erkekti. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 36,4 ve 49’una %72 spinal anestezi uygulandı. Hastaların ortalama takip süresi 34 ay idi. S-SH yapılan 28 hastanın 5’inde analjeziklere rağmen şiddetli ağrı, 3 hastada üriner retansiyon görüldü. Bu hastaların ortalama hastanede kalış süresi 4,1 gündü. Kanama nedeniyle 1 hastaya erken dönemde anastomoz hattına sütür atılarak hemostaz sağlandı. T-SH uygulanan hastalara bakıldığı zaman analjezi tramadol ihtiyaçlarının çok daha az olduğu, komplikasyon olarak 1 hastada şiddetli ağrı, 1 hastada müdahale gerektirmeyen kanama, 2 hastada üriner retansiyon. T-SH uygulanan hastaların ortalama hastanede kalış süresi 2,2 gündü.Sonuç: Stapler hemoroidopeksiʼde anokutanöz hattın 4 kadrandan traksiyon yapılması özellikle daha rahat anal eksplorasyon sağlayarak dentad line’ı korunmasına ve böylece post operatif şiddetli ağrının ve analjezik ihtiyacının azalmasına ve hastanede kalış süresinin kısalmasına olanak sağladığı düşüncesindeyiz


  • Longo A. Treatment of hemorrhoid disease by reduction of mucosa and hemorrhoid prolapse with a circular- suturing device: A new procedure. Proc 6th World Cong Endosc Surg 1998; 7:777-84.
  • Senagore AJ, Singer M, Abcarian H, Fleshman J, Corman M, Wexner S, Nivatvongs S. Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH) multicenter study group. A prospective, randomized, controlled multicenter trial comparing stapled hemorrhoidopexy and Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy: Perioperative and one-year results. Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47:1824-36.
  • Laughlan K, Jayne DG, Jackson D, Rupprecht F, Ribaric G. Stapled haemorrhoidopexy compared to Milligan- Morgan and Ferguson haemorrhoidectomy: A systematic review. Int J Colorectal Dis 2009; 24:335-44.
  • Jongen J, Eberstein A, Bock J-U, Peleikis H-G, Kahlke V. Complications, recurrences, early and late reoperations after stapled haemorrhoidopexy: Lessons learned from 1,233 cases. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2010; 395:1049-54.
  • Nisar PJ, Acheson AG, Neal KR. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy compared with conventional hemorrhoidectomy: systemic review of randomized, controlled trials. Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47:1837-45.
  • Jayaraman S, Colquhoun PH, Malthaner RA. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is associated with a higher long-term recurrence rate of internal hemorrhoids compared with conventional excisional hemorrhoid surgery. Dis Colon Rectum 2007; 50(9):1297-305.
  • Faucheron JL, Voirin D, Abba J. Rectal perforation with life-threatening peritonitis following stapled haemorrhoidopexy. Br J Surg 2012; 99:746-53.
  • Pescatori M, Gagliardi G. Postoperative complications after procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids (PPH) and stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) procedures. Tech Coloproctol 2008; 12:7-19.
  • Ng KH, Ho KS, Ooi BS, Tang CL, Eu KW. Experience of 3711 stapled haemorrhoidectomy operations. Br J Surg 2006; 93:226-30.
  • Correa-Rovelo JM, Tellez O, Obrego´n L, Duque-López X, Miranda-Gómez A, Pichardo-Bahena R, Mendez M, Moran S. Prospective study of factors affecting postoperative pain and symptom persistence after stapled rectal mucosectomy for hemorrhoids: A need for preservation of squamous epithelium. Dis Colon Rectum 2003; 6:955-62.
  • Plocek MD, Kondylis LA, Duhan-Floyd N, Reilly JC, Geisler DP, Kondylis PD. Hemorrhoidopexy staple line height predicts return to work. Dis Colon Rectum 2006; 49:1905-9.
  • Williams R, Kondylis L, Geisler D, Kondylis P. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy height as outcome indicator. Am J Surg 2007; 193:336-9.

Is there any Advantage of 4 Quadrant Traction of the Anocutaneous Line in Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy?

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 290 - 295, 01.01.2019


Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of 4 quadrant traction in the anocutaneous line in patients who underwent stapler hemorrhoidopexy Longo operation in 3rd and 4th degree hemorrhoids.Material and Methods: Between 2011-2017 stapler hemorrhoidopexy SH was performed in a total of 68 patients with symptomatic 3rd and 4th degree hemorrhoids. Retrospectively, standard stapler hemorrhoidopexy S-SH procedures were performed on 28 patients and 40 patients with 4 quadrant traction in the ano-cutaneous line performed traction stapler hemorrhoidopexy TSH . Demographic data, type of anesthesia, duration of operation and hospital stay, early and late complications, distances to the dentad line of the anastomosis line, analgesic requirements were retrospectively analyzed and compared between these two groups of patients.Results: 50 of the 68 patients were male. The mean age of the patients was 36,4 years. Spinal anesthesia was performed in 49 72% patients. The mean follow-up period of the patients was 34 months. Severe pain was seen in 5 of the 28 S-SH patients despite analgesics, and 3 patients had urinary retention. The average hospital stay of these patients is 4.1 days. One patient was sutured


  • Longo A. Treatment of hemorrhoid disease by reduction of mucosa and hemorrhoid prolapse with a circular- suturing device: A new procedure. Proc 6th World Cong Endosc Surg 1998; 7:777-84.
  • Senagore AJ, Singer M, Abcarian H, Fleshman J, Corman M, Wexner S, Nivatvongs S. Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH) multicenter study group. A prospective, randomized, controlled multicenter trial comparing stapled hemorrhoidopexy and Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy: Perioperative and one-year results. Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47:1824-36.
  • Laughlan K, Jayne DG, Jackson D, Rupprecht F, Ribaric G. Stapled haemorrhoidopexy compared to Milligan- Morgan and Ferguson haemorrhoidectomy: A systematic review. Int J Colorectal Dis 2009; 24:335-44.
  • Jongen J, Eberstein A, Bock J-U, Peleikis H-G, Kahlke V. Complications, recurrences, early and late reoperations after stapled haemorrhoidopexy: Lessons learned from 1,233 cases. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2010; 395:1049-54.
  • Nisar PJ, Acheson AG, Neal KR. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy compared with conventional hemorrhoidectomy: systemic review of randomized, controlled trials. Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47:1837-45.
  • Jayaraman S, Colquhoun PH, Malthaner RA. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is associated with a higher long-term recurrence rate of internal hemorrhoids compared with conventional excisional hemorrhoid surgery. Dis Colon Rectum 2007; 50(9):1297-305.
  • Faucheron JL, Voirin D, Abba J. Rectal perforation with life-threatening peritonitis following stapled haemorrhoidopexy. Br J Surg 2012; 99:746-53.
  • Pescatori M, Gagliardi G. Postoperative complications after procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids (PPH) and stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) procedures. Tech Coloproctol 2008; 12:7-19.
  • Ng KH, Ho KS, Ooi BS, Tang CL, Eu KW. Experience of 3711 stapled haemorrhoidectomy operations. Br J Surg 2006; 93:226-30.
  • Correa-Rovelo JM, Tellez O, Obrego´n L, Duque-López X, Miranda-Gómez A, Pichardo-Bahena R, Mendez M, Moran S. Prospective study of factors affecting postoperative pain and symptom persistence after stapled rectal mucosectomy for hemorrhoids: A need for preservation of squamous epithelium. Dis Colon Rectum 2003; 6:955-62.
  • Plocek MD, Kondylis LA, Duhan-Floyd N, Reilly JC, Geisler DP, Kondylis PD. Hemorrhoidopexy staple line height predicts return to work. Dis Colon Rectum 2006; 49:1905-9.
  • Williams R, Kondylis L, Geisler D, Kondylis P. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy height as outcome indicator. Am J Surg 2007; 193:336-9.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Barış Özcan This is me

Okan Erdoğan This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


Vancouver Özcan B, Erdoğan O. Stapler Hemoroidopeksi?de Anokutanöz Hattın 4 Kadrandan Traksiyonu Avantaj Sağlıyor mu?. Akd Med J. 2019;5(2):290-5.