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65 Yaş ve Üzeri Tek Odak Glioblastome Multiforme Hastalarında Gross Total Rezeksiyon Uygulanan ve Uygulanmayan Hastalarda Genel Sağ Kalım ve Kemoradyoterapiye Yanıt Farklılıkları

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 324 - 329, 01.01.2019


Amaç: Çalışmada, 65 yaş ve üzeri, tek odak glioblastome multiforme tanılı kemoradyoterapi almış hastalarda primer tümörün gross total rezeksiyonu uygulanan ve uygulanmayan gruplarda kemoradyoterapiye yanıtların ve sağ kalımların karşılaştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 65 yaş ve üzeri, histolojik olarak kanıtlanmış glioblastome multiforme tanısı olan hastaların tek merkez verileri retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Gross total rezeksiyon uygulanmış ve uygulanmamış hastaların radyoterapi eş zamanlı temozolamid tedavilerini tamamlamış olanlar tedavi yanıtları, progresyonsuz sağkalım, rekürrensiz sağkalım ve genel sağ kalım açısından analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 55 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Genel yanıt oranı her iki grupta benzer izlendi %23,5 vs %23,8, p=0,984 . Her iki grupta medyan genel sağkalım 13 ay iken p=0,645 ; gross total rezeksiyon uygulanan kolda medyan rekürrenssiz sağ kalım 8 ay; gross total rezeksiyon uygulanmayan grupta medyan progresyonsuz sağ kalım 6 aydı. Median tümör çapı her iki grupta da 4 cm idi p=0,875 . Rekürrens veya progresyon sonrası kurtarma tedavisi alabilen hasta oranı benzerdi. Univariate analizde, cinsiyet HR 1,061 [%95CI 0,589-1,912]; p=0,844 , yaş HR 0,992 [%95CI 0,538-1,831]; p=0,980 , tümör çapı HR 0,740 [%95CI 0,411-1,333]; p=0,316 , primerin gross total rezeksiyonu HR 0,869 [%95CI 0,470-1,607]; p=0,653 genel sağ kalım üzerine etkili izlenmezken, sol beyin tümörlerinde HR 2,183 [%95CI 1,204-3,957]; p=0,010 genel sağ kalım daha uzun izlendi.Sonuç: Altmış beş yaş ve üstü tek odak glioblastoma multiforme hastalarında gross total rezeksiyon uygulanan ve uygulanmayan gruplar arasında kemoradyoterapi tedavi yanıt farkı ve genel sağ kalım farkı izlenmemiştir


  • Dolecek TA, Propp JM, Stroup NE, Krucho C. CBTRUS statistical report: Primary brain and central nervous system tumors diagnosed in the United States in 2005- 2009. Neuro Oncol 2012;14:v1-v49.
  • Wrwncsch M, Yuriko M, Chew T, Bondy M, Berger MS. Epidemiology of primary brain tumors: Current concepts and review of the literature. Neuro Oncol 2002; 4:278-99.
  • Noorbakhsh A, Tang JA, Marcus LP, McCutcheon B, Gonda DD, Schallhorn CS, Talamini MA, Chang DC, Carter BS, Chen CC. Gross-total resection outcomes in an elderly population with glioblastoma: A SEER-based analysis. J Neurosurg 2014; 120:31-9.
  • Young JS, Chmura SJ, Wainwright DA, Yamini B, Peters KB, Lukas RV. Management of glioblastoma in elderly patients. J Neurol Scis 2017; 380:250-5.
  • Oszvald A, Güresir E, Setzer M, Vatter H, Senfit C, Seifert V, Franz K. Glioblastoma therapy in elderly and the importance of the extent of resection regardless of age. J Neurosurg 2012; 116:357-64.
  • Babu R, Komisarow JM, Agarwal VJ, Rahimpour S, Iyer A, Britt D, Karikari IO, Grossi PM, Thomas S, Friedman AH, Adamson C. Glioblastoma in elderly: The effect of aggressive and modern therapies on survival. J Neurosurg 2016; 124:998-1007.
  • Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Williams VL, Maldonado JL, Shahani D, Stockwell HG, Chamberlain M, Sloan AE. Patterns of care and outcomes among elderly individuals with primary malignant astrocytoma. J Neurosurg 2008; 108:642-8.
  • Iwamoto FM, Reiner AS, Panageas KS, Elkin EB, Abrey LE. Patterns of care in elderly glioblastoma patients. Ann Neurol 2008; 64(6):628-34.
  • Vuorinen V, Hinkka S, Färkkilä M, Jääskeläinen J. Debulking or biopsy of malignant glioma in elderly people - a randomised study. Acta Neurochir 2003; 145:5-10.
  • Lacroix M, Abi-Said D, Fourney DR, Gokaslan ZL, Shi W, DeMonte F, Lang FF, McCutcheon IE, Hassenbusch SJ, Holland E, Hess K, Michael C, Miller D, Sawaya R. A multivariate analysis of 416 patients with glioblastoma multiforme: Prognosis, extent of resection, and survival. J Neurosurg 2001; 95:190-8.
  • Babu R, Komisarow JM, Agarwal VJ, Rahimpour S, Iyer A, Britt D, Karikari IO, Grossi PM, Thomas S, Friedman AH, Adamson C. Glioblastoma in the elderly: The effect of aggressive and modern therapies on survival. J Neurosurg 2016; 124(4):998-1007.
  • Kuhnt D, Becker A, Ganslandt O, Bauer M, Buchfelder M, Nimsky C. Correlation of the extent of tumor volume resection and patient survival in surgery of glioblastoma multiforme with high-field intraoperative MRI guidance. Neuro Oncol 2011; 13:1339-48.
  • Filippini G, Falcone C, Boiardi A, Broggi G, Bruzzone MG, Caldiroli D, Farina R, Farinotti M, Fariselli L, Finocchiaro G, Giombini S, Pollo B, Savoiardo M, Solero CL, Valsecchi MG. Prognostic factors for survival in 676 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed primary glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol 2008; 10:79-87.
  • Mu L, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhang H, Shang D, Tan F, Li Y, Chen X. Tumor location and survival outcomes in adult patients with supratentorial glioblastoma by levels of toll-like receptor 9 expression. World Neurosurg 2017; 97:279-83.
  • Stark AM, van de Bergh J, Hedderich J, Mehdorn HM, Nabavi A. Glioblastoma: Clinical characteristics, prognostic factors and survival in 492 patients. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2012; 114:840-5.
  • Li SW, Qiu XG, Chen BS, Zhang W, Ren H, Wang ZC, Jiang T. Prognostic factors influencing clinical outcomes of glioblastoma multiforme. Chin Med J 2009; 122: 1245- 9.

Survival and Treatment Outcome Differences in Glioblastoma Multiforma Patients aged 65 years and over after Gross Total Resection Compared to Patients who did not undergo Gross Total Resection of a Single Lesion

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 324 - 329, 01.01.2019


Objective: In this study our aim was to compare treatment and survival outcomes of gross total resection among patients aged 65 years and over with single focus glioblastoma multiforme compared to patients who did not undergo gross total resection.Material and Methods: Data of patients aged 65 years or over with histologically proven glioblastome multiforme at a single center was retrospectively evaluated. Treatment response outcomes and survivals were analysed in patients who had completed radiotherapy concomitant with temozolomide according to the gross total resection profile. Results: A total of 55 patients were included in the study. Overall response rates were similar in both groups 23.5% vs 23.8, p=0.984 . Overall survival times were 13 months in both groups p=0.645 , median recurrence free survival was 8 months in gross total resected patients while median progression free survival was 6 months in the un-resected group. Median tumor size was 4 cm in both groups p=0.875 . The patient ratios who had salvage treatment after recurrence or progression were similar. Univariate analysis demonstrated that sex HR 1.061 [95%CI 0.589-1.912]; p = 0.844 , age HR 0.992 [95%CI 0.538-1.831]; p = 0.980 , tumor size HR 0.740 [95%CI 0.411-1.333]; p = 0.316 , gross total resection of tumor HR 0.869 [95%CI 0.470-1.607]; p = 0.653 had no advantage on overall survival, while left brain tumor location demonstrated improved survival, independently HR 2.183 [95%CI 1.204-3.957]; p = 0.010 .Conclusion: There is no difference in treatment outcomes in gross total resected and unresected groups. There were no differences in overall survivals in both gross total resected and un-resected patients


  • Dolecek TA, Propp JM, Stroup NE, Krucho C. CBTRUS statistical report: Primary brain and central nervous system tumors diagnosed in the United States in 2005- 2009. Neuro Oncol 2012;14:v1-v49.
  • Wrwncsch M, Yuriko M, Chew T, Bondy M, Berger MS. Epidemiology of primary brain tumors: Current concepts and review of the literature. Neuro Oncol 2002; 4:278-99.
  • Noorbakhsh A, Tang JA, Marcus LP, McCutcheon B, Gonda DD, Schallhorn CS, Talamini MA, Chang DC, Carter BS, Chen CC. Gross-total resection outcomes in an elderly population with glioblastoma: A SEER-based analysis. J Neurosurg 2014; 120:31-9.
  • Young JS, Chmura SJ, Wainwright DA, Yamini B, Peters KB, Lukas RV. Management of glioblastoma in elderly patients. J Neurol Scis 2017; 380:250-5.
  • Oszvald A, Güresir E, Setzer M, Vatter H, Senfit C, Seifert V, Franz K. Glioblastoma therapy in elderly and the importance of the extent of resection regardless of age. J Neurosurg 2012; 116:357-64.
  • Babu R, Komisarow JM, Agarwal VJ, Rahimpour S, Iyer A, Britt D, Karikari IO, Grossi PM, Thomas S, Friedman AH, Adamson C. Glioblastoma in elderly: The effect of aggressive and modern therapies on survival. J Neurosurg 2016; 124:998-1007.
  • Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Williams VL, Maldonado JL, Shahani D, Stockwell HG, Chamberlain M, Sloan AE. Patterns of care and outcomes among elderly individuals with primary malignant astrocytoma. J Neurosurg 2008; 108:642-8.
  • Iwamoto FM, Reiner AS, Panageas KS, Elkin EB, Abrey LE. Patterns of care in elderly glioblastoma patients. Ann Neurol 2008; 64(6):628-34.
  • Vuorinen V, Hinkka S, Färkkilä M, Jääskeläinen J. Debulking or biopsy of malignant glioma in elderly people - a randomised study. Acta Neurochir 2003; 145:5-10.
  • Lacroix M, Abi-Said D, Fourney DR, Gokaslan ZL, Shi W, DeMonte F, Lang FF, McCutcheon IE, Hassenbusch SJ, Holland E, Hess K, Michael C, Miller D, Sawaya R. A multivariate analysis of 416 patients with glioblastoma multiforme: Prognosis, extent of resection, and survival. J Neurosurg 2001; 95:190-8.
  • Babu R, Komisarow JM, Agarwal VJ, Rahimpour S, Iyer A, Britt D, Karikari IO, Grossi PM, Thomas S, Friedman AH, Adamson C. Glioblastoma in the elderly: The effect of aggressive and modern therapies on survival. J Neurosurg 2016; 124(4):998-1007.
  • Kuhnt D, Becker A, Ganslandt O, Bauer M, Buchfelder M, Nimsky C. Correlation of the extent of tumor volume resection and patient survival in surgery of glioblastoma multiforme with high-field intraoperative MRI guidance. Neuro Oncol 2011; 13:1339-48.
  • Filippini G, Falcone C, Boiardi A, Broggi G, Bruzzone MG, Caldiroli D, Farina R, Farinotti M, Fariselli L, Finocchiaro G, Giombini S, Pollo B, Savoiardo M, Solero CL, Valsecchi MG. Prognostic factors for survival in 676 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed primary glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol 2008; 10:79-87.
  • Mu L, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhang H, Shang D, Tan F, Li Y, Chen X. Tumor location and survival outcomes in adult patients with supratentorial glioblastoma by levels of toll-like receptor 9 expression. World Neurosurg 2017; 97:279-83.
  • Stark AM, van de Bergh J, Hedderich J, Mehdorn HM, Nabavi A. Glioblastoma: Clinical characteristics, prognostic factors and survival in 492 patients. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2012; 114:840-5.
  • Li SW, Qiu XG, Chen BS, Zhang W, Ren H, Wang ZC, Jiang T. Prognostic factors influencing clinical outcomes of glioblastoma multiforme. Chin Med J 2009; 122: 1245- 9.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Derya Kıvrak Salim This is me

Mustafa Yıldız This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Kıvrak Salim, D., & Yıldız, M. (2019). 65 Yaş ve Üzeri Tek Odak Glioblastome Multiforme Hastalarında Gross Total Rezeksiyon Uygulanan ve Uygulanmayan Hastalarda Genel Sağ Kalım ve Kemoradyoterapiye Yanıt Farklılıkları. Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi, 5(2), 324-329.