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Effect of Laser Treatments on Bond Strength of Resin Cement to Hybrid Ceramic

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 412 - 417, 01.01.2020


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of various Erbium, Chromium: Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet Er,Cr:YSGG laser intensities on the shear bond strength of a hybrid ceramic.Material and Methods: Hybrid block specimens were prepared and separated into six groups for each surface treatment method n=10 as a control group with no treatment applied and the groups irradiated with the Er;Cr:YSGG Laser 1W to 5W . Surface roughness measurements were taken after the surface treatments by using profilometry. Resin cement was applied on every surface treated with the help of a teflon mold and then polymerized. Shear bond strength was measured using a universal test machine. One sample of each group was evaluated under the scanning electronic microscope SEM . All values were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and the Duncan test at a significance level of p= 0.05.Results: Bond strength values were enhanced by all surface treatment methods when compared to the control group. The difference between the 2W group and the control group was statistically significant p


  • Caprak YO, Turkoglu P, Akgungor G. Does the translucency of novel monolithic CAD/CAM materials affect resin cement polymerization with different curing modes? J Prosthodont 2019; 28:572-9.
  • Ruse ND, Sadoun MJ. Resin-composite blocks for dental CAD/CAM applications. Journal of Dental Research 2014; 93:1232-4.
  • Coldea A, Swain MV, Thiel N. Mechanical properties of polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network materials. Dent Mater 2013; 29:419-26.
  • Kesrak P, Leevailoj C. Surface hardness of resin cement polymerized under different ceramic materials. JDR Clin Trans Res 2012; 2:317-509.
  • Lopes Cde C, Rodrigues RB, Silva AL, Simamoto Junior PC, Soares CJ, Novais VR. Degree of conversion and mechanical properties of resin cements cured through different all-ceramic systems. Braz Dent J 2015; 26:484-9.
  • Sorensen JA, Kang SK, Avera SP. Porcelain-composite interface microleakage with various porcelain surface treatments. Dent Mater 1991; 7:118-23.
  • Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: A review of the literature. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89:268-74.
  • Keski-Nikkola MS, Alander PM, Lassila LV, Vallittu PK. Bond strength of gradia veneering composite to fibre- reinforced composite. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31:1178-83.
  • Piascik JR, Wolter SD, Stoner BR. Development of a novel surface modification for improved bonding to zirconia. Dent Mater 2011; 27:99-105.
  • Soares CJ, Soares PV, Pereira JC, Fonseca RB. Surface treatment protocols in the cementation process of ceramic and laboratory-processed composite restorations: A literature review. J Esthet Restor Dent 2005; 17:224-35.
  • Uludamar A, Akalın B, Ozkan YK. Zirkonyum esaslı tam seramik restorasyonlarda simantasyon öncesi yüzey hazırlıklar. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2011; 14:140-53.
  • Barutcigil C, Barutcigil K, Yasa B, Arslan H., Akcay M. Build-up of a resin composite core in a fiber-reinforced post by a 2.78 mu m-pulsed laser treatment. J Laser Micro Nanoeng 2015; 10:166-70.
  • Burnett Jr LH, Shinkai RS, Eduardo Cde P. Tensile bond strength of a one-bottle adhesive system to indirect composites treated with Er: YAG laser, air abrasion, or fluoridric acid. Photomed Laser Surg 2004; 22:351-6.
  • Kursoglu P, Motro PF, Yurdaguven H. Shear bond strength of resin cement to an acid etched and a laser irradiated ceramic surface. J Adv Prosthodont 2013; 5:98- 103.
  • Shiu P, De Souza-Zaroni WC, Eduardo Cde P, Youssef MN. Effect of feldspathic ceramic surface treatments on bond strength to resin cement. Photomed Laser Surg 2007; 2:291-6.
  • Ustun O, Akar T, Kirmali O. A Comparative study of laser irradiation versus sandblasting in improving the bond strength of titanium abutments. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg 2019; 37:465-72.
  • Hossain M, Nakamura Y, Yamada Y, Suzuki N, Murakami Y, Matsumoto K. Analysis of surface roughness of enamel and dentin after Er,Cr: YSGG laser irradiation. J Clin Laser Med Surg 2001; 19:297-303.
  • Barutcigil K, Barutcigil Ç, Kul E, Özarslan MM, Buyukkaplan US. Effect of different surface treatments on bond strength of resin cement to a CAD/CAM restorative material. J Prosthodont 2019; 28:71-8.
  • Sari F, Ustun O, Kirmali O. Efficacy of various pretreatments on the bond strength of denture teeth to denture base resins. Photomed Laser Surg 2018; 36:214- 20.
  • Kimyai S, Mohammadi N, Navimipour EJ, Rikhtegaran S. Comparison of the effect of three mechanical surface treatments on the repair bond strength of a laboratory composite. Photomed Laser Surg 2010; 28:25-30.
  • Vohra F, Labban N, Al-Hussaini A, Al-Jarboua M, Zawawi R, Alrahlah A, Naseem M. Influence of Er;Cr: YSGG laser on shear bond strength and color stability of lithium disilicate ceramics: An in vitro study. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg 2019; 37:483-8.
  • Mirzaei M, Yasini E, Tavakoli A, Chiniforush N. Effect of different powers of Er,Cr: YSGG laser treatment on surface morphology of microhybride composite resin: scanning electron microscope (SEM) Evaluation. J Lasers Med Sci 2015; 6:62-6.
  • Ozevcimen AN, Kirmali O. Shear bond strength between zirconia and veneer ceramic: Effect of thermocycling and laser treatment. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg 2019; 37:434-41.
  • Fuentes MV, Ceballos L, Gonzalez-Lopez S. Bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to different treated indirect composites. Clin Oral Investig 2013; 17:717-24.

Lazer Uygulamalarının Hibrit Seramik ile Rezin Siman Arasındaki Bağlantı Gücüne Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 412 - 417, 01.01.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı güçlerde uygulanan Erbiyum, Krom: İtriyum Skandiyum Galyum Garnet Er;Cr:YSGG lazerin hibrit seramik ile rezin siman arasındaki bağlantı gücüne etkisinin incelenmesidir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Hibrit seramik bloklardan elde edilen 60 adet örnek rastgele 6 gruba ayrıldı n=10 . Yüzey işlemi uygulanmamış grubunun kontrol grubu , Er,Cr:YSGG lazer uygulanmış gruplarının 1 ile 5W yüzeylerinin pürüzlülükleri profilometre kullanılarak ölçüldü. Daha sonra örnek yüzeylerine teflon kalıp kullanılarak rezin siman uygulandı ve polimerize edildi. Rezin simanın bağlantı gücü universal test cihazı kullanılarak ölçüldü. Her gruptan bir örnek taramalı elektron mikroskobunda SEM incelendi. Veriler tek yönlü ANOVA ve Duncan çoklu karşılaştırma testleri ile p = 0.05 anlamlılık düzeyinde analiz edildi.Bulgular: Yüzey işlemi uygulanan gruplarda bağlantı gücü değerleri yüzey işlemi uygulanmayan kontrol grubuna göre artmış olasına rağmen, bu artışın sadece 2W grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görüldü p


  • Caprak YO, Turkoglu P, Akgungor G. Does the translucency of novel monolithic CAD/CAM materials affect resin cement polymerization with different curing modes? J Prosthodont 2019; 28:572-9.
  • Ruse ND, Sadoun MJ. Resin-composite blocks for dental CAD/CAM applications. Journal of Dental Research 2014; 93:1232-4.
  • Coldea A, Swain MV, Thiel N. Mechanical properties of polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network materials. Dent Mater 2013; 29:419-26.
  • Kesrak P, Leevailoj C. Surface hardness of resin cement polymerized under different ceramic materials. JDR Clin Trans Res 2012; 2:317-509.
  • Lopes Cde C, Rodrigues RB, Silva AL, Simamoto Junior PC, Soares CJ, Novais VR. Degree of conversion and mechanical properties of resin cements cured through different all-ceramic systems. Braz Dent J 2015; 26:484-9.
  • Sorensen JA, Kang SK, Avera SP. Porcelain-composite interface microleakage with various porcelain surface treatments. Dent Mater 1991; 7:118-23.
  • Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: A review of the literature. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89:268-74.
  • Keski-Nikkola MS, Alander PM, Lassila LV, Vallittu PK. Bond strength of gradia veneering composite to fibre- reinforced composite. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31:1178-83.
  • Piascik JR, Wolter SD, Stoner BR. Development of a novel surface modification for improved bonding to zirconia. Dent Mater 2011; 27:99-105.
  • Soares CJ, Soares PV, Pereira JC, Fonseca RB. Surface treatment protocols in the cementation process of ceramic and laboratory-processed composite restorations: A literature review. J Esthet Restor Dent 2005; 17:224-35.
  • Uludamar A, Akalın B, Ozkan YK. Zirkonyum esaslı tam seramik restorasyonlarda simantasyon öncesi yüzey hazırlıklar. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2011; 14:140-53.
  • Barutcigil C, Barutcigil K, Yasa B, Arslan H., Akcay M. Build-up of a resin composite core in a fiber-reinforced post by a 2.78 mu m-pulsed laser treatment. J Laser Micro Nanoeng 2015; 10:166-70.
  • Burnett Jr LH, Shinkai RS, Eduardo Cde P. Tensile bond strength of a one-bottle adhesive system to indirect composites treated with Er: YAG laser, air abrasion, or fluoridric acid. Photomed Laser Surg 2004; 22:351-6.
  • Kursoglu P, Motro PF, Yurdaguven H. Shear bond strength of resin cement to an acid etched and a laser irradiated ceramic surface. J Adv Prosthodont 2013; 5:98- 103.
  • Shiu P, De Souza-Zaroni WC, Eduardo Cde P, Youssef MN. Effect of feldspathic ceramic surface treatments on bond strength to resin cement. Photomed Laser Surg 2007; 2:291-6.
  • Ustun O, Akar T, Kirmali O. A Comparative study of laser irradiation versus sandblasting in improving the bond strength of titanium abutments. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg 2019; 37:465-72.
  • Hossain M, Nakamura Y, Yamada Y, Suzuki N, Murakami Y, Matsumoto K. Analysis of surface roughness of enamel and dentin after Er,Cr: YSGG laser irradiation. J Clin Laser Med Surg 2001; 19:297-303.
  • Barutcigil K, Barutcigil Ç, Kul E, Özarslan MM, Buyukkaplan US. Effect of different surface treatments on bond strength of resin cement to a CAD/CAM restorative material. J Prosthodont 2019; 28:71-8.
  • Sari F, Ustun O, Kirmali O. Efficacy of various pretreatments on the bond strength of denture teeth to denture base resins. Photomed Laser Surg 2018; 36:214- 20.
  • Kimyai S, Mohammadi N, Navimipour EJ, Rikhtegaran S. Comparison of the effect of three mechanical surface treatments on the repair bond strength of a laboratory composite. Photomed Laser Surg 2010; 28:25-30.
  • Vohra F, Labban N, Al-Hussaini A, Al-Jarboua M, Zawawi R, Alrahlah A, Naseem M. Influence of Er;Cr: YSGG laser on shear bond strength and color stability of lithium disilicate ceramics: An in vitro study. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg 2019; 37:483-8.
  • Mirzaei M, Yasini E, Tavakoli A, Chiniforush N. Effect of different powers of Er,Cr: YSGG laser treatment on surface morphology of microhybride composite resin: scanning electron microscope (SEM) Evaluation. J Lasers Med Sci 2015; 6:62-6.
  • Ozevcimen AN, Kirmali O. Shear bond strength between zirconia and veneer ceramic: Effect of thermocycling and laser treatment. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg 2019; 37:434-41.
  • Fuentes MV, Ceballos L, Gonzalez-Lopez S. Bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to different treated indirect composites. Clin Oral Investig 2013; 17:717-24.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Kubilay Barutcigil This is me

Esra Kul This is me

Çağatay Barutçugil This is me

Mehmet Mustafa Özarslan This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


Vancouver Barutcigil K, Kul E, Barutçugil Ç, Özarslan MM. Lazer Uygulamalarının Hibrit Seramik ile Rezin Siman Arasındaki Bağlantı Gücüne Etkisi. Akd Med J. 2020;6(3):412-7.