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Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2000, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 41 - 54, 01.06.2000


Bu çalışmanın amacını aşım sezonu süresince gerçekleşecek korunmuş yağ tüketiminin kan parametreleri üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi oluşturmuştur. Beş hafta süreyle gruplarda iki ayrı kesif yem karması (kesif yem karması FI: 142.6 g HP/kg KM, 12.4 MJ ME/kg KM, yağ içermeyen; FII: 143.9 g HP/kg KM, 12.4 MJ ME/kg KM, korunmuş yağ içeren) kullanılmıştır. Yemlemenin grup bazında ve günlük olarak yapıldığı çalışmada kontrol grubu (K) hayvanları FI karması ile 0.8 kg/baş, flushing 1 grubu (F1) hayvanları FI karması ile 1.6 kg/baş ve flushing 2 grubu (F2) hayvanları da FII karması ile 1.6 kg/baş düzeyinde yemlenmişlerdir. Kan örnekleri yemleme dönemi başlangıcı, koç katımı başlangıcı ve yemleme dönemi sonu olmak üzere üç dönemde Vena jugularisten vakumlu tüpler aracılığı ile alınmıştır. Serum örneklerinde glukoz, total protein (TP), albümin, üre, kreatinin, trigliserid (TG), total kolesterol (TC), HDL-C analizleri yapılmış, ayrıca LDL-C ve VLDL-C değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Gruplar arasında serum glukoz, TP, albümin ve kreatinin düzeyleri bakımında gözlenen farklılıklar önemsiz bulunmuştur. F2 grubunda serum üre düzeyinin K grubundan önemli düzeyde yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır (P0.05). Gruplar arasında serum TG (P0.05), TC (P0.01), HDL-C (P0.01), LDL-C (P0.05) ve VLDL-C (P0.01) düzeyleri bakımından önemli farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir.


  • Akyıldız, A.R., 1968. Yemler Bilgisi Laboratuvar Kılavuzu. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No: 358, Ankara, 214 s.
  • Allen, R.S., 1977a. Carbohydrate Metabolism. In: M.J. Swenson (Editor), Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp. 327-335.
  • Allen, R.S., 1977b. Protein Metabolism. In: M.J. Swenson (Editor), Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp. 346-356.
  • Anonim, 1985. Nutrient Requiremets of Sheep. Sixth Revised Edition. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 99 p.
  • Anonim, 1991. The Merck Veterinary Manual. Seventh Edition. Merck & Co., Inc., USA, 1832 p.
  • Anonim, 1992. SAS User’s Guide. Vers. 6.07. SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
  • Burtis, C.A. and Ashwood, R.E., 1994. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Second Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, U.S.A., 2326 p.
  • Byers, F.M. and Schelling, G.T., 1993. Lipids in Ruminant Nutrition. In: D.C. Church (Editor), The Ruminant Animal (Digestive Physiology and Nutrition). Waveland Press. Illinois, pp. 298-312.
  • Carr, D.L., Spitzer, J.C., Jenkins, T.C., Fanning, M.D., Burns, P.D. and Plyler, B.B., 1991. Effects of Lipid Supplementation on Postpartum Reproductive Performance and Blood Concentration of Progesteron in Suckled Beef Cows. Journal of Animal Science Abstracts. Volume 69, Supplement 1:43.
  • Castillo, C., Hernandez, J., Lopez-Alonso, M., Miranda, M. and Benedito, J.L., 1999. Effect of Physiological Stage and Nutritional Management on Some Serum Metabolite Concentration in Assaf Ovine Breed. Archiv fur Tierzucht. 42 (4): 377-386.
  • El-Ekhnawy, K.E., Otteifa, A.M., Ezzo, O.H. and Hegazy, M.A., 1999. Post-weaning Reproductive Activity of Barki Ewes Lambing in Spring Fed Nigella Sativa Oil Seed Meal. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal. 40 (80): 292-309.
  • Ermin, A. ve Yurtman, İ.Y., 1999. Flushing Rasyonlarında Megapro Kullanımının Etkileri. A.Ü.Z.F. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 5 (1): 89-94.
  • Espinoza, J.L., Ramirez-Godinez, J.A., Simental, S.S., Jimenez, J., Ramirez, R., Palacios, A. and De Lun, R., 1997. Effects of Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids on Serum Hormone and Lipid Metabolites in Pelipuey Ewes. Small Ruminant Research. 26 (1-2): 61-68.
  • Espinoza, J.L., Lopez-Molina, O., Ramirez-Godinez, J.A., , Jimenez, J., Flores, A., Molina, O.L. and Godinez, J.A.R., 1998. Milk composition, Postpartum Reproductive Activity and Growth of Lambs in Pelibuey Ewes Fed Calcium Soaps of Long Chain Fatty Acids. Small Ruminant Research. 27 (2): 119-124.
  • Fırat, A. and Özpınar, A., 1996. The Study of Changes in Some Blood Parameters (Glucose, Urea, Bilirubin, AST) During and After Pregnancy in Association with Nutritional Conditions and Litter Size in Ewes. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science. 20: 387-393.
  • Friedewald, W.T., Levy, D.S. and Fredrickson, D.S., 1972. Estimation of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Plasma without Use of Preparative Ultracentrifuge. Clinical Chemistry. 18: 499.
  • Fujihara, T., Maeda, S., Matsui, T. and Naruse, H., 1996. The Effect of Treated (spray-dried) Beef Tallow Suplementation on Feed Digestion, Ruminal Fermantation and Fat Nutrition in Sheep. Animal Science and Technology. 67 (1): 14-23.
  • Hawkins, D.E., Niswender, K.D., Oss, G.M., Moeller, C.L., Odde, K.G., Sawyer, H.R. and Niswender G.D., 1995. An Increase in Serum Lipids Increases Luteal Lipid Content and Alter The Disappearance Rate of Progesterone in Cows. Journal of Animal Science. 73: 541-545.
  • Howland, B.E., Kirkpatrick, R.L., Pope, A.L. and Casida, L.E., 1966. Pituitary and Ovarian Function in Ewes Fed on Two Nutritional Levels. Journal of Animal Science. 25: 716-721.
  • Magdus, M., Szegleti, C., Husveth, F. and Fekete, S., 1992. Feeding Animal Fats to Sheep. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica. 40 (1-2): 3-15.
  • Mamo, J.C.L., Snoswell, A.M. and Topping, D.L., 1983. Plasma Triacylglycerol Secretion in Sheep. Paradoxial Effects of Fasting and Alloxan Diabetes. Biochemica et Biophsica Acta. 753 (2): 273-278.
  • Owens, F.N. and Goetsch, A.L., 1993. Ruminal Fermantation. In: D.C. Church (Editor), The Ruminant Animal (Digestive Physiology and Nutrition). Waveland Press. Illinois, pp. 145-172.
  • Özpınar, H. ve Özpınar, A., 1989. İneklerde Serum Kolesterol Düzeyi ve Lipoprotein Fraksiyonları Dağılımının İncelenmesi. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 15 (2): 9-19.
  • Özpınar, A., Fırat, A. ve Akın, G., 1995. The Plasma Cholesterol Levels of Ewes During Prepartal and Postnatal Periods. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi. 5 (1-2): 32-34.
  • Palmquist, D.L., 1976. A Kinetic Concept of Lipid Transport in Ruminants. A review. Journal of Dairy Science. 59: 355-363.
  • Payne, E. and Cope, B.C., 1991. The Effects of Hormones, Other Pharmacological Agents and Nutrition on Plasma Triglicerides and Carcass Composition in Lambs and Steers. Animal Production. 53: 51-60.
  • Peters, C.W., Corah, L.R. and Cochran, R.C., 1991. Effect of Level of Rumen Escape Lipid 0n Interval to First Ovulation and Luteal Function in Postpartum Crossbred Beef Heifers. Journal of Animal Science Abstracts. 69 (1): 422.
  • Rabiee, A.R., Lean, I.J., Gooden, J.M. and Miller, B.G., 1997. Short-Term Studies of Ovarian Metabolism in The Ewe. Animal Reproduction Science. 47 (1-2): 43-58.
  • Rhind, S.M., 1992. Nutrition: Its Effects on Reproductive Performance and Its Hormonal Control in Female Sheep and Goats. In: A.W. Speedy (Editor), Progress in Sheep and Goat Research. Redwood Press Ltd., Melksham. UK, pp. 25-53.
  • Ryan, D.P., Bao, B., Griffith, M.K. and Williams, G.L., 1995. Metabolic and Luteal Sequale to Heightened Dietary Fat Intake in Undernourished, Anestrous Beef Cows Induced to Ovulate. Journal of Animal Science. 73: 2086-2093.
  • Sklan, D., 1992. A Note on Production Response of Lactating Ewes to Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids. Animal Production. 55 (2): 73-82.
  • Smith, J.F., 1985. Protein, Energy and Ovulation Rate. In: R.B. Land and O.W. Robinson (Editors), Genetics of Reproduction in Sheep. pp. 349-359.
  • Soysal, M.İ., 1998. Biyometrinin Prensipleri (İstatistik 1 ve 2 Ders Notları). T.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No: 95, Ders Notu No: 64, Tekirdağ, 331 s.
  • Storry, J.E., 1988. The Effect of Dietary Fat on Milk Composition. In: W. Haresign and D.J.A. Cole (Editors), Recent Development in Ruminant Nutrition 2. pp. 111-142.
  • Swenson, M.J. 1977. Physiological Properties and Cellular and Chemical Constituents of Blood. In: M.J. Swenson (Editor), Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp. 14-35.
  • Takarkhede, R.C., Gondane, V.S., Kolte, A.Y. and Rekhate, D.H., 1999. Biochemical Profile During Different Phases of Reproduction in Ewes in Comparasion to Rams. Indian Veterinary Journal. 76 (3): 205-207.
  • Talavera, F., Park, C.S. and Williams, G.L., 1985. Relationships Among Dietary Lipid Intake, Serum Cholesterol and Ovarian Function in Holstein Heifers. Journal of Animal Science. 60 (4): 1045-1051.
  • Thomas, M.G., Bao, B. and Williams, G.L., 1997. Dietary Fats Varying in Their Fatty Acid Composition Differentially Influence Follicular Growth in Cows Isoenergitic Diets. Journal of Animal Science. 75: 2512-2519.
  • Yurtman, İ.Y., Özdüven, M.L. ve Karaağaç, F., 1999. Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 1. Canlı Ağırlık, Kondüsyon Puanı ve Döl Verimi Üzerindeki Etkileri. A.Ü.Z.F. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 5 (3): 87-92.

Usage of the Protected Fats in Flushing Rations: 2. Effects on Some Blood Parameters

Year 2000, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 41 - 54, 01.06.2000


The goals of this study were to investigate the effects of protected fat intake on blood parameters during the mating season. Two concentrates (FI: 142.6 g CP/kg DM, 12.4 MJ ME/kg DM, no fat; FII: 143.9 g CP/kg DM, 12.4 MJ ME/kg DM, with protected fat) were used in the trial during a five weeks feeding period. Animals were fed daily as a group base at the levels of 0.8 kg/head/day for the control group (K), 1.6 kg for the flushing 1 (F1) and flushing 2 (F2) groups, respectively. K and F1 groups were fed with concentrate FI while the F2 group was fed with concentrate FII. Blood samples were taken by jugular puncture using vacutainer tubes at the beginning of the feeding period, at the beginning of the mating and also at the end of the feeding period, respectively. Serum samples were analyzed for glucose, total protein (TP), albumin, urea, creatinine, trigliceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, and LDL-C and VLDL-C values were also calculated. There were no significant differences among the groups in terms of serum glucose, TP, albumin and creatinine concentrations. Serum urea concentration of the F2 group was significantly higher than the group of K (P0.05). Significant differences among the groups in terms of serum TG (P0.05), TC (P0.01), HDL-C (P0.01), LDL-C (P0.05), VLDL-C (P0.01) concentrations were detected.


  • Akyıldız, A.R., 1968. Yemler Bilgisi Laboratuvar Kılavuzu. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No: 358, Ankara, 214 s.
  • Allen, R.S., 1977a. Carbohydrate Metabolism. In: M.J. Swenson (Editor), Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp. 327-335.
  • Allen, R.S., 1977b. Protein Metabolism. In: M.J. Swenson (Editor), Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp. 346-356.
  • Anonim, 1985. Nutrient Requiremets of Sheep. Sixth Revised Edition. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 99 p.
  • Anonim, 1991. The Merck Veterinary Manual. Seventh Edition. Merck & Co., Inc., USA, 1832 p.
  • Anonim, 1992. SAS User’s Guide. Vers. 6.07. SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
  • Burtis, C.A. and Ashwood, R.E., 1994. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Second Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, U.S.A., 2326 p.
  • Byers, F.M. and Schelling, G.T., 1993. Lipids in Ruminant Nutrition. In: D.C. Church (Editor), The Ruminant Animal (Digestive Physiology and Nutrition). Waveland Press. Illinois, pp. 298-312.
  • Carr, D.L., Spitzer, J.C., Jenkins, T.C., Fanning, M.D., Burns, P.D. and Plyler, B.B., 1991. Effects of Lipid Supplementation on Postpartum Reproductive Performance and Blood Concentration of Progesteron in Suckled Beef Cows. Journal of Animal Science Abstracts. Volume 69, Supplement 1:43.
  • Castillo, C., Hernandez, J., Lopez-Alonso, M., Miranda, M. and Benedito, J.L., 1999. Effect of Physiological Stage and Nutritional Management on Some Serum Metabolite Concentration in Assaf Ovine Breed. Archiv fur Tierzucht. 42 (4): 377-386.
  • El-Ekhnawy, K.E., Otteifa, A.M., Ezzo, O.H. and Hegazy, M.A., 1999. Post-weaning Reproductive Activity of Barki Ewes Lambing in Spring Fed Nigella Sativa Oil Seed Meal. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal. 40 (80): 292-309.
  • Ermin, A. ve Yurtman, İ.Y., 1999. Flushing Rasyonlarında Megapro Kullanımının Etkileri. A.Ü.Z.F. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 5 (1): 89-94.
  • Espinoza, J.L., Ramirez-Godinez, J.A., Simental, S.S., Jimenez, J., Ramirez, R., Palacios, A. and De Lun, R., 1997. Effects of Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids on Serum Hormone and Lipid Metabolites in Pelipuey Ewes. Small Ruminant Research. 26 (1-2): 61-68.
  • Espinoza, J.L., Lopez-Molina, O., Ramirez-Godinez, J.A., , Jimenez, J., Flores, A., Molina, O.L. and Godinez, J.A.R., 1998. Milk composition, Postpartum Reproductive Activity and Growth of Lambs in Pelibuey Ewes Fed Calcium Soaps of Long Chain Fatty Acids. Small Ruminant Research. 27 (2): 119-124.
  • Fırat, A. and Özpınar, A., 1996. The Study of Changes in Some Blood Parameters (Glucose, Urea, Bilirubin, AST) During and After Pregnancy in Association with Nutritional Conditions and Litter Size in Ewes. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science. 20: 387-393.
  • Friedewald, W.T., Levy, D.S. and Fredrickson, D.S., 1972. Estimation of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Plasma without Use of Preparative Ultracentrifuge. Clinical Chemistry. 18: 499.
  • Fujihara, T., Maeda, S., Matsui, T. and Naruse, H., 1996. The Effect of Treated (spray-dried) Beef Tallow Suplementation on Feed Digestion, Ruminal Fermantation and Fat Nutrition in Sheep. Animal Science and Technology. 67 (1): 14-23.
  • Hawkins, D.E., Niswender, K.D., Oss, G.M., Moeller, C.L., Odde, K.G., Sawyer, H.R. and Niswender G.D., 1995. An Increase in Serum Lipids Increases Luteal Lipid Content and Alter The Disappearance Rate of Progesterone in Cows. Journal of Animal Science. 73: 541-545.
  • Howland, B.E., Kirkpatrick, R.L., Pope, A.L. and Casida, L.E., 1966. Pituitary and Ovarian Function in Ewes Fed on Two Nutritional Levels. Journal of Animal Science. 25: 716-721.
  • Magdus, M., Szegleti, C., Husveth, F. and Fekete, S., 1992. Feeding Animal Fats to Sheep. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica. 40 (1-2): 3-15.
  • Mamo, J.C.L., Snoswell, A.M. and Topping, D.L., 1983. Plasma Triacylglycerol Secretion in Sheep. Paradoxial Effects of Fasting and Alloxan Diabetes. Biochemica et Biophsica Acta. 753 (2): 273-278.
  • Owens, F.N. and Goetsch, A.L., 1993. Ruminal Fermantation. In: D.C. Church (Editor), The Ruminant Animal (Digestive Physiology and Nutrition). Waveland Press. Illinois, pp. 145-172.
  • Özpınar, H. ve Özpınar, A., 1989. İneklerde Serum Kolesterol Düzeyi ve Lipoprotein Fraksiyonları Dağılımının İncelenmesi. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 15 (2): 9-19.
  • Özpınar, A., Fırat, A. ve Akın, G., 1995. The Plasma Cholesterol Levels of Ewes During Prepartal and Postnatal Periods. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi. 5 (1-2): 32-34.
  • Palmquist, D.L., 1976. A Kinetic Concept of Lipid Transport in Ruminants. A review. Journal of Dairy Science. 59: 355-363.
  • Payne, E. and Cope, B.C., 1991. The Effects of Hormones, Other Pharmacological Agents and Nutrition on Plasma Triglicerides and Carcass Composition in Lambs and Steers. Animal Production. 53: 51-60.
  • Peters, C.W., Corah, L.R. and Cochran, R.C., 1991. Effect of Level of Rumen Escape Lipid 0n Interval to First Ovulation and Luteal Function in Postpartum Crossbred Beef Heifers. Journal of Animal Science Abstracts. 69 (1): 422.
  • Rabiee, A.R., Lean, I.J., Gooden, J.M. and Miller, B.G., 1997. Short-Term Studies of Ovarian Metabolism in The Ewe. Animal Reproduction Science. 47 (1-2): 43-58.
  • Rhind, S.M., 1992. Nutrition: Its Effects on Reproductive Performance and Its Hormonal Control in Female Sheep and Goats. In: A.W. Speedy (Editor), Progress in Sheep and Goat Research. Redwood Press Ltd., Melksham. UK, pp. 25-53.
  • Ryan, D.P., Bao, B., Griffith, M.K. and Williams, G.L., 1995. Metabolic and Luteal Sequale to Heightened Dietary Fat Intake in Undernourished, Anestrous Beef Cows Induced to Ovulate. Journal of Animal Science. 73: 2086-2093.
  • Sklan, D., 1992. A Note on Production Response of Lactating Ewes to Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids. Animal Production. 55 (2): 73-82.
  • Smith, J.F., 1985. Protein, Energy and Ovulation Rate. In: R.B. Land and O.W. Robinson (Editors), Genetics of Reproduction in Sheep. pp. 349-359.
  • Soysal, M.İ., 1998. Biyometrinin Prensipleri (İstatistik 1 ve 2 Ders Notları). T.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No: 95, Ders Notu No: 64, Tekirdağ, 331 s.
  • Storry, J.E., 1988. The Effect of Dietary Fat on Milk Composition. In: W. Haresign and D.J.A. Cole (Editors), Recent Development in Ruminant Nutrition 2. pp. 111-142.
  • Swenson, M.J. 1977. Physiological Properties and Cellular and Chemical Constituents of Blood. In: M.J. Swenson (Editor), Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp. 14-35.
  • Takarkhede, R.C., Gondane, V.S., Kolte, A.Y. and Rekhate, D.H., 1999. Biochemical Profile During Different Phases of Reproduction in Ewes in Comparasion to Rams. Indian Veterinary Journal. 76 (3): 205-207.
  • Talavera, F., Park, C.S. and Williams, G.L., 1985. Relationships Among Dietary Lipid Intake, Serum Cholesterol and Ovarian Function in Holstein Heifers. Journal of Animal Science. 60 (4): 1045-1051.
  • Thomas, M.G., Bao, B. and Williams, G.L., 1997. Dietary Fats Varying in Their Fatty Acid Composition Differentially Influence Follicular Growth in Cows Isoenergitic Diets. Journal of Animal Science. 75: 2512-2519.
  • Yurtman, İ.Y., Özdüven, M.L. ve Karaağaç, F., 1999. Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 1. Canlı Ağırlık, Kondüsyon Puanı ve Döl Verimi Üzerindeki Etkileri. A.Ü.Z.F. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 5 (3): 87-92.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

İ. Yaman Yurtman This is me

M. Levent Özdüven This is me

Fevzi Karaağaç This is me

Mustafa Gültepe This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Yurtman, İ. Y., Özdüven, M. L., Karaağaç, F., Gültepe, M. (2000). Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 13(1), 41-54.
AMA Yurtman İY, Özdüven ML, Karaağaç F, Gültepe M. Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. June 2000;13(1):41-54.
Chicago Yurtman, İ. Yaman, M. Levent Özdüven, Fevzi Karaağaç, and Mustafa Gültepe. “Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 13, no. 1 (June 2000): 41-54.
EndNote Yurtman İY, Özdüven ML, Karaağaç F, Gültepe M (June 1, 2000) Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 13 1 41–54.
IEEE İ. Y. Yurtman, M. L. Özdüven, F. Karaağaç, and M. Gültepe, “Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 41–54, 2000.
ISNAD Yurtman, İ. Yaman et al. “Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 13/1 (June 2000), 41-54.
JAMA Yurtman İY, Özdüven ML, Karaağaç F, Gültepe M. Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2000;13:41–54.
MLA Yurtman, İ. Yaman et al. “Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 13, no. 1, 2000, pp. 41-54.
Vancouver Yurtman İY, Özdüven ML, Karaağaç F, Gültepe M. Flushing Rasyonlarında Korunmuş Yağ Kullanımı: 2. Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2000;13(1):41-54.